

“Proust’s Famous Cork-Lined Room: Retrospect”


I might cover one of my walls…

Today in utterly #plebian annotations to the great #Proust—this one being 14 pages and as many hours

Today in utterly #plebian annotations to the great #Proust—this one being 14 pages and as many hours since my last—I give you this word of the day (and yes, @ticigoso, I DO plan to best¹ you in our next game of Scrabble)—"anfractuosity.“ Christ on an exhausted panda bear.
¹ Or at least try really hard, while accepting I have *possibly* improved my odds by some marginal degree, such that our wits might, for once, be more evenly matched. (MAYBE. Or maybe not! ) #anfractuosity #wordoftheday #amreading #circuitous #HALP

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After years of famously false starts, I am finally on page 447 of Swann’s Way, the first of si

After years of famously false starts, I am finally on page 447 of Swann’s Way, the first of six English-language volumes in Marcel Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time” (Modern Library). The narrator is JUST threatening to get into “the second part of this story.” (When I read this passage to Ma earlier, driving around Honolulu, we howled.) I LIKE THIS GUY. Wait, no. I LOVE him… like the half-gay, chronically ill literary granddaddy I never had, but obviously should have. #proust #amreading #losttimereporting

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In my #Proust readings to date, “lyrics for the Laverne and Shirley theme song” definite

In my #Proust readings to date, “lyrics for the Laverne and Shirley theme song” definitely takes 1st place in the “most unexpected thing I’ve had to Google” category. (Also, today I learned many alternate spellings for the term underlined here: schlemihl, schlemihl, shlemiel, etc.) #TheMoreYouKnow
#LaverneAndShirley #Proust #losttimereporting #amreading #WithinABuddingGrove #books #vintagetelevision #schlemihl, #schlemihl #shlemiel #Yiddish

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83% of what I read in Proust (now ⅓ of way through second of six volumes) is extraordinary, luminous

83% of what I read in Proust (now ⅓ of way through second of six volumes) is extraordinary, luminous, brilliant beyond belief. The other 17% makes me want to scream. (Related: God help anyone who tries to read these after me. Unless they’re down with either slogging through or trying to ignore almost an entire book’s worth of marginalia—variously snarky and amazed—on top of the original six.) I mean, yeah. A product of his times and all—and as well, obliquely reflecting the role, real enough, of #classprivilege in early women’s writing—but still. EFFF YOU TOO, BUDDY. #proust #marcelproust #writers #writing “#hobbies” #womenwriters #feminism #literarycriticism #litcrit #amreading #readersofinstagram

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Amount of time I could wait after finishing Swann’s Way before plowing into this, the second v

Amount of time I could wait after finishing Swann’s Way before plowing into this, the second volume of Proust’s In Search of Lost Time: exactly no minutes. (OMG, this confoundingly gorgeous writing.) #amreading #proust #losttimereporting

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Découverte gourmande à Trouville grâce à @parhasardoupas Merci Chantal ! Madeleine goûtée et approuv

Découverte gourmande à Trouville grâce à @parhasardoupas Merci Chantal ! Madeleine goûtée et approuvée par Monsieur. #normandie #trouville #madeleine #proust #madeleinedeproust #larmoiredecamille #sweetlifeinnormandy #gourmandise #parhasardoupas #lamadeleinedeproust (à Trouville-sur-Mer)

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Guy Bourdin 1968Et bientôt, machinalement, accablé par la morne journée et la perspective d’un trist

Guy Bourdin 1968

Et bientôt, machinalement, accablé par la morne journée et la perspective d’un triste lendemain, je portai à mes lèvres une cuillerée du thé où j’avais laissé s’amollir un morceau de madeleine. Mais à l’instant même où la gorgée mêlée des miettes du gâteau toucha mon palais, je tressaillis, attentif à ce qui se passait d’extraordinaire en moi. Un plaisir délicieux m’avait envahi, isolé, sans la notion de sa cause.

Proust - Du coté de chez Swann - A la recherche du temps perdu - Marcel Proust

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My two main uni projects over christmas

The self portrait is (as always) based on Holbein - specifically his painting of Margaret Wyatt, because we Margarets have to stick together

I had to illustrate the proust madeleine scene for uni and I don’t know how I feel about this yet…

I haven’t read the book so I was taking a lot of creative liberty with appearances

It’s meant to represent the sort of intense, immersive childhood memories that get triggered by taste and smell

What do you think?

Sentivo che le cose stavano per mettersi male, e ripresi precipitosamente a parlare di vestiti.

(cit. Proust, Alla ricerca del tempo perduto)

Rimpiangevo di non aver avuto il tempo e l’ispirazione di offenderla, di farle male, e di costringer

Rimpiangevo di non aver avuto il tempo e l’ispirazione di offenderla, di farle male, e di costringerla a ricordarsi di me. La trovavo così bella che avrei voluto poter tornare sui miei passi a gridarle, alzando le spalle: “Come vi trovo brutta, grottesca, come mi ripugnate!”. E invece mi allontanavo, portando per sempre con me, come archetipo di una felicità inaccessibile ai ragazzi della mia specie in base a leggi naturali impossibili a trasgredirsi, l’immagine di una ragazzina rossa con la pelle cosparsa di efelidi rosa, che reggeva una vanga e lasciava scorrere su di me, ridendo, lunghi sguardi sornioni e inespressivi.

Marcel Proust,  Du côté de chez Swann

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I recently resumed In Search of Lost Time: Vol. III The Guermantes Way, and find myself once again enthralled by the range, pattern, pace, and sweep of Proust’s sentences. Hardly a page goes by that I don’t feverishly copy one down in my journal–which, as I’m sure you can imagine, slows down the pace of my reading.

Here are two sentences that range in style and achievement. The first is a wonderful example of Proust’s great ability to illustrate ideas through rather abstract similes. 

“The immobility of that thin face, like that of a sheet of paper subjected to the colossal pressure of two atmospheres, seemed to me to be held in equilibrium by two infinites which converged on her without meeting, for she held them apart. Indeed, looking at her, Robert and I, the two of us did not see her from the same side of the mystery.”

The following passage from a few pages later shows Proust continuing a  description of the characters’ inner thoughts, while recognizing a perfunctory need to advance simple plot action:

“But what would be the use of plying Rachel with questions when he already knew that her answer would be merely silence, or a lie, or something extremely painful for him to hear, which would yet explain nothing. The porters were shutting the doors; we hurriedly climbed into a first-class carriage; Rachel’s magnificent pearls reminded Robert that she was a woman of great price; he caressed her, restored her to her place in his heart where he could contemplate her, interiorised, as he had always done hitherto–save during this brief instant in which he had seen her in the Place Pigalle of an Impressionist painter–and the train moved off.”

I love how the pace quickens as we move from the exterior world of the train station, to the interior world of Robert’s thoughts, and ultimately the narrator’s speculation and judgement of Robert’s predicament. The materiality of Rachel’s pearls serves as another entry point for the interior world of Robert’s thoughts. The real world and all of its abrupt movements punctuate the inner dream and illusion, grounding or returning Robert and the narrator to the real. You get a sense or premonition here that Robert will experience great difficulty in passage across this  boundary between his desire-fueled image of Rachel, and the forces of the real world, the “Rachel when from the Lord” of the streets. This is exactly the boundary illustrated in the simile above, the “two infinites which converged on her without meeting.”

Du côté de chez Swann, by Proust / Clouds

Un petit coup au carreau, comme si quelque chose l'avait heurté, suivi d'une ample chute légère comme de grains de sable qu'on eût laissé tombé d'une fenêtre au-dessus, puis, la chute s'étendant, se réglant, adoptant un rythme, devenant fluide, sonore, musicale, innombrable, universelle : c'était la pluie.


Quand par les soirs d'été le ciel harmonieux gronde comme une bête fauve et que chacun boude l'orage, c'est au côté de Méséglise que je dois de rester seul en extase à respirer, à travers le bruit de la pluie qui tombe, l'odeur d'invisibles et persistants lilas.

Aries: “Desire makes everything blossom; possession makes everything wither and fade.” 
Taurus: “Love is a striking example of how little reality means to us.“
Gemini: “The bonds between ourselves and another person exists only in our minds. Memory as it grows fainter loosens them, and notwithstanding the illusion by which we want to be duped and which, out of love, friendship, politeness, deference, duty, we dupe other people, we exist alone. Man is the creature who cannot escape from himself, who knows other people only in himself, and when he asserts the contrary, he is lying.” 
Cancer: “Love is space and time measured by the heart.” 
Leo: “Our desires interweave with one another; and in the confusion of existence, it is seldom that a joy is promptly paired with the desire that longed for it.” 
Virgo: It comes so soon, the moment when there is nothing left to wait for.”
Libra: “The inertia of the mind urges it to slide down the easy slope of imagination, rather than to climb the steep slope of introspection.”
Scorpio: The true paradises are the paradises that we have lost.”
Sagittarius:“Mystery is not about traveling to new places but about looking with new eyes.” 
Capricorn: “We must never be afraid to go too far, for truth lies beyond.” 
Aquarius:“But sometimes the future is latent in us without our knowing it, and our supposedly lying words foreshadow an imminent reality.” 
Pisces:“If a little dreaming is dangerous, the cure for it is not to dream less, but to dream more, to dream all the time.”
