#rachel gardener


Danny: My mission in life is just to give Rachel nice things

Rachel: buy me amiibo cards

Rachel: good morning God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everybody’s problem

Rachel: Cishet is when you are cisgender and heterosexual

Rachel: Which is exactly what you are

Eddie: Oh but I don’t like the term cishet :/

Rachel: okay Default Settings

Gray meeting Rachel: Hey, hey, hey, I’m a priest and this is a church! You’re in my house now, motherfucker.

Rachel: We’ve been tricked!




Rachel: That’s not even a word and I agree with you!

Rachel: My brother, who is a grown man, just whispered, “Oh, this is going to be so fucking efficient,” before spraying Febreze directly into the ceiling fan and proceeding to cough his guts out when it blew back in his face.

*Zack kicking the air*

Rachel: Zack stop, you’re gonna get in trouble! Zack stop!

*Zack getting arrested*

Zack, on B1: Hey how y'all-

Dog: -Angry dog noises-

Zack, while screaming:GET YOUR FUCKING DOG, BITCH

Rachel: It don’t bite


Rachel, hypnotized by the ‘sweet scent’: WELCOME TO BIBLE STUDY WE’RE ALL CHILDREN OF JESUS

Rachel, zooming in on a passed out Zack: KUMBAYA MY LORD

I finally get to post my old as sin zine piece for the @angelsofzine!

I finally get to post my old as sin zine piece for the @angelsofzine!

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