#peak trans


I never thought I’d see a day when I’d actually have to argue that there is a biological difference between females and males. Or be told that pregnant women, mothers, and breastfeeding must be erased and replaced with pregnant people, parent, and chestfeeding. Or see the word “lesbian” used as umbrella term that includes males who are sexually attracted to females. Or hear lesbians who don’t want to suck dick called bigots by men in dresses who themselves wouldn’t dream of sucking dick. This is not progressive, this is misogyny.

Being female is not a feeling. Being male is not a feeling. And no woman can “identify” her way out of patriarchal oppression or rape. 

The trans activist agenda is not about human rights, it’s about trampling over the rights of women. But the emperor has no clothes and more people each day are seeing it. Stop drinking the Kool Aid and notice how often the rhetoric erases and gas lights women for the comfort of gender dysphoric males. 



ive made this post before but i feel like ideally “peaking” should make you question more than just postmodern queer theory/gender ideology. the core of the issue was that you werent thinking for yourself. you let ppl on social media brainwash you with big words. you bowed down to peer pressure. simply moving on without trying to work on that tendency is not enough because then you might just end up running to others to tell you what to think. thats why so many ppl get anons like “can i be a radfem and paint my nails?” idk, what do YOU think? do you personally think its compatible with radical feminism, after YOU researched it for yourself? do you even want it to be compatible? do you NEED to be a radfem? do you need an ideology to follow? if yes, it shouldnt be tumblrinas deciding what that entails, it should be you based on your readings and experiences and coming to your own conclusions.






No words. This is beyond disgusting.

He is literally wearing nothing. But hey, let paedophiles do their own thing am I right? This children’s event is a safe space, but only for paedophillic men, the children’s safety cannot be guaranteed because we won’t protect them from potential predators!

Another perfect example of transwomen not being treated as women at all, but as the hyper-privileged men that they are.

Exhibit 881

Would *anyone* feel safe in a bathroom or locker room next to this man? Would any parent feel their child would be safe talking to this man on social media or in real world LGBT spaces?

Can we please stop pretending like there aren’t any people who are legitimately mentally ill and potentially dangerous in the trans movement? It’s there and it is not uncommon and there really are many dangerous people who identify as transwomen.

This last one is after three clips of a woman dressed up as Wendy Torrance from The Shining saying “Hello, I’m Shelley Duvall.” His response: “Heeeere’s Johnny!”

When people show you who they are, listen.

This guy says Dylan Mulvaney’s daily “girlhood” TikToks are making him feel like maybe these things are things he could do too.

Here’s a lesson for you guys: women don’t want to talk to strangers in bathrooms or locker rooms or changing rooms, and especially not men, because we get sexually assaulted or raped in spaces where we’re vulnerable.

Being mostly alone, in a public space, and partially or totally naked is NOT a time we want to be talking to strange men to validate them.

Please take note. This is not the great idea you think it is. If you think you’re facing backlash now, just make it a thing to strike up conversations about how your “girlhood” is going with us in our spaces and see how fast public opinion tanks.


Lady shared one article that barely even criticized using gender neutral language and now this is the reaction.

Happy peaking

god these people have lost their minds


“ but this never happens!!!!!!”

Well ..it happened, it happens more frequently than you think and women are always right .

“a woman is anyone who says they’re one !”

So by your twisted definition , this crossdresser should be allowed again in women’s public bathrooms because he says he’s a woman

You TRAs know that we’re right and are not exaggerating about the danger of Self ID but since according to you men’s feelings are way more important than women’s safety you choose to frame us as paranoid bigots who are making up assumptions out of thin air.


When I say I RESPECT EVERYONE I’m not talking about sick men.

I’m so disgusted by men, their fetish make me sick and their misogyny scare me. They hate us with a passion

 “how does people being trans affect you?! let them live their lives!!!”

yeah, not like women are out here loosing their jobs because they refuse to believe in gender identity.

it’s not like we’re literally being told that someone is going to throw themself off a bridge if we call a man a man.

it’s not like transgender activists are vandalizing women’s shelters and rape crisis centres and trying to shut them down.

it’s not like we’re being told to suck “girl dicks” whenever we talk about sex based oppression.

it’s not like word “woman” is being banned in the name of inclusion and diversity.

it’s not like i was told to kill myself because “terfs deserve death”.

it’s not like transgender activists are comparing us to nazis.
