#reader problems


and then I finally read it and it’s even better than I expected, and I wish I’d read it sooner.




How does reading about the same two fuckers falling in love over and over again make a person sogoddamn happy.

#WILL THEY KISS? #of course they’re going to kiss #YEAH BUT WILL THEY KISS?????????

Omg. Every. Fucking. Time.

9 PM : I’m just gonna read 1 chapter before I sleep.

10 PM : I just want to find out what happens next then I’m gonna sleep.

12AM : Just one more chapter and I swear I’m sleeping.

2AM : It wouldn’t be right to sleep after a cliffhanger.

5AM : What the fuck is sleep?

Anyone else feel a little irritated when you’re on your lunch break & trying to read & someone has to call you? Yeah, me too.

Nothing makes me more viscerally angry than when a book is adapted to a tv series/movie and either a “sticker” is printed on to the cover that can’t be removed or the cover is changed to a bad promo picture of the cast

Sometimes, I still think about that person who read all of a Keram Adaar and Rylen story thinking that it was KREM amd Rylen, before leaving me a snippy comment about “calling Krem a woman” and then deleting it before I could respond to explain she was my INQUISITOR, an ADAAR, and that I would NEVER.

Hope you’re doing well out there, my man. I bookmarked your comment in my email so I could keep it forever.

This is an unkind thing so I will never ever admit what fic I’m talking about, but I really need a way to mark a fic as “you have read this thing at least twice, and not in a good way” it’s just so unmemorable that every time I read it my memory of doing so dissolves. And then I see it again in a search and I think it looks interesting bc the summary is exactly my jam so I open it and it’s not til I’m like ¾ of the way through that I suddenly pause, realize that I have absolutely read it but at the same time




Fanfiction is awesome because you can watch your otp fall in love a thousands times , in a thousand different ways

Unless your otp is a rare pair, in which case you can watch them fall in love six times, in six different ways.

And you wrote four of them.



writers envy but evil

do you ever see a banger concept executed a way you dont like and cup its face in your hands and tell it ‘i can fix you’


“June weather. Still, bright, fresh. But my mind is very bare to words—English words—at the moment; they hit me, hard, I watch them bounce and spring. I detest my own volubility. Why be always spouting words? I can write nothing. Also I have almost lost the power of reading.”

Virginia Woolf, from a diary entry c. April 1927 featured in Selected Diaries

Men are so fucking unimaginative. I’m reading NOS4A2 (Hill) and I swear I have to keep from rolling my eyes right out of my fucking head every time the characters call some woman a bitch or whore.

Same thing when I was reading The Snowman (Nesbø). Only it was even more cringy because the audiobook was done by a guy with an accent that made “whore” sound like …not that. And dude. It’s not even scary. It’s not intimidating. Just like… weak.

If you can’t think of anything scarier than some lame ass lackey chanting “that bitch” and “you’re such a whore in your short shorts” just give up.

I’m just tired. Women having sex is really your kryptonite, your bane, but also your white fucking whale?

