

The Collapse of The American Dream. Explained by animation. Everyone needs to see this.

{ MASTERPOST } Everything You Need to Know about Investing for Beginners

Investing for beginners

Fundamentals of investing:

Investing Deathmatch series:

Now that we’ve covered the basics, are you ready to invest but don’t know where to begin? We recommend starting small with micro-investing through our partner Acorns. They’ll round up your purchases to the nearest dollar and invest the change in a nicely diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and ETFs. Easy as eating pancakes: Start small with Acorns

Alternative investments:

Understanding the stock market:

Retirement plans:

Got a retirement plan already? How about three or four? Have you been leaving a trail of abandoned 401(k)s behind you at every employer you quit? Did we just become best friends? Because that was literally my story until recently. Our partner Capitalize will help you quickly and painlessly get through a 401(k) rollover: Roll over your retirement fund with Capitalize


Ten years after the Great Recession of 2007-2009, U.S. real GDP, productivity, and other aggregate economic indicators remain well below their historical trend levels…

For nearly 250 years, the United States has recovered from enormous economic and political shocks, including the Civil War, two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the high inflation and oil crises of the 1970s. Following each of these events, the U.S. economy returned to its previous economic trend.

In sharp contrast to this historical record of recovery, ten years after the Great Recession of 2007-2009, the U.S. economy shows no sign of recovering as it did following previous downturns — an unprecedented failure.

Learn more…

I’m not sure how accurate this is, and the terms are more than a little vague, but here it is.

I’m not sure how accurate this is, and the terms are more than a little vague, but here it is.

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Some food for thought


At the very least I’d say it’s a strong indicator of discretionary spending amongst lower to upper middle class men. Probably in line with things like steakhouse profits on work nights.

We’re absolutely in a recession. 

It’s just that the people who are in charge of handling money and reporting on money are doing the same shit they always do and refuse to give a genuine public estimation of the economy so that they can move their money out of the stock market/housing market/etc. prior to any potential crash.

Here’s the currently available proof: 


-Housing market is fucked and the Dallas Federal Bank admits it 

-I know Reddit is the worst website (tied with Twitter), but there is literally a whole subreddit dedicated to real estate professionals talking about how fucked we are

Global Economics

-The OECD released their preliminary report earlier this week, stating that inflation is currently expected to rise to nearly 9% this year.

This equates to the loss of just about over one month of wages in purchasing power. 

This decrease in financial stability/purchasing power is expected to last well into 2023– Assuming things don’t get even more fucked before then, which is a real possibility. 

Job Market

-The tech sector is rescinding job offers and removing job listings in a constant stream of panic over the cost of hiring any new workers. 

This is important because it’s a great indicator that the classic “we’re fucked” cycle is beginning: 

1) Businesses panic and do as much as possible to avoid having to pay people / do everything they can to minimise expenses, resulting in more unemployment due to lack of job opportunities in key sectors as well as a lot of people getting fired.

2) This results in even less money for people to spend on necessities (let alone anything else), resulting in even less money re-entering the economy on several levels. 

3) This results in more recession/price fuckery and immediate crisis, including increases in homelessness as rent becomes unpayable and houses are impossible to afford, increased food poverty and increased inability to pay for any medication(s) etc. impacting on already shitty public health, and so on. 

4) Nobody can buy anything, which means nothing is being bought, which means general strife for both actual people and also increasingly more and more pressure is put on businesses/services/etc., who can no longer afford to continue operating due to loss of sales etc., which results in even more severe fuckery.

Critical services such as healthcare providers (primarily clinics / hospitals) and educational centres are not immune to this effect, especially not in hyper-capitalist shit-show economies like the USA. 

So whatever shitty services you have in your area, will straight up just not be there anymore at all if it gets to a certain level of fucked. Quality of services will continue to decline and become even more limited as shit gets fucked, as part of the lead-up to a total collapse and shut down. 

This cycle tends to go two directions after a certain point, largely depending on the underlying political context: 

A) Combination 2008/Great Depression sequel: Stock market shits the bed, line go down but cannot be dragged back up by suit wearing shitheads anymore, the average population suffers in just about every way. 


B) Money Printer Gets Fucked (the Fed in the USA sure as hell has been printing money they can’t afford to print for a while now). You can refer to the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic for a good picture of what this looks like. 

Stock Market / The Federal Bank

-Speaking of the stock market and Fed fuckery, the USA Federal Bank now has over $2 TRILLION in reverse repo, which means the money printer is also shitting the bed, but in a roundabout bullshit low key way– But it is still shitting the bed. 

I could keep going, but I mean, I think it’s clear that we’re fucked. 

I didn’t even factor in supply chain issues, the multiple public health crises we are currently dealing with/which are currently developing, or anything else. 

It’s pretty clear that we’re fucked, and nobody with the power to actually announce this or give any kind of fair warning to the general public will do so, because as we have seen over and over again, they are doing everything possible to avoid mentioning what is actually happening so that they can move their own money around as fast as possible in an effort to avoid getting fucked themselves. 

Meanwhile, we will all be fucked. 



Some food for thought


At the very least I’d say it’s a strong indicator of discretionary spending amongst lower to upper middle class men. Probably in line with things like steakhouse profits on work nights.

I’m trying to be better about posting in general but have been wrapped up all summer with a multitudI’m trying to be better about posting in general but have been wrapped up all summer with a multitudI’m trying to be better about posting in general but have been wrapped up all summer with a multitudI’m trying to be better about posting in general but have been wrapped up all summer with a multitud

I’m trying to be better about posting in general but have been wrapped up all summer with a multitude of projects, including diving into programming in React and CSS. I also started a CS certificate to help with all this, and the first project was to create a little game in Scratch. 

So I made this unemployment quarantine simulator some months ago at the start of the economic downturn to properly capture the job market.

See if you can get a job before your bank account runs out!

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thegoddamazon:nonplussedbyreligion:Libraries are really that important. ~ KimI’m seeing the ef



Libraries are really that important. ~ Kim

I’m seeing the effects in my local libraries too. Less books, cutting hours, opening late, closing early. Understaffed, overworked.

It’s really saddening, because the library is a safe haven to me. It’s a place where I could learn in peace without any fear, and I always found what I wanted or needed.

I really hope they rethink this decision to cut funding for libraries and education.

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I’ve been teaching these classes for over a decade and they constantly evolve to meet the need

I’ve been teaching these classes for over a decade and they constantly evolve to meet the needs of ny students. I am seeing a lot of fear about high prices and the threat of scarcity and a recession. I’ve lived through several. I will teach you how you can replace fear with confidence as you learn the ways of us older folks to do the same. My Foundations in Southern Rootwork will be taught with this focus in mind. If you want to learn, I will teach you. Don’t fall into the fear trap, knowledge is power. You can do this. Sign up now at creolemoon.com. #classes #rootwork #triplethreatherbs #rootwork #healingherbs #magicallife #conjurecourse #neworleansvoodoo #boomerhoodoo #hoodoo #conjure #witchcraft #recession #knowledgeispower (at Saint Johns, Arizona)

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