
Thats all.

Thats all.

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“At the same time, from the very beginning in 1994, I said to the gay community: I do not favo

“At the same time, from the very beginning in 1994, I said to the gay community: I do not favor same-sex marriage. I oppose same-sex marriage, and that has been my – my view. But – but if people are looking for someone who – who will discriminate against gays or will in any way try and suggest that people – that have different sexual orientation don’t have full rights in this country, they won’t find that in me.” -Mitt Romney at the Meet the Press / Facebook Debate in New Hampshire, January 2012.

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“What I can promise you is this — when you get out of college, if I’m president you’ll have a

“What I can promise you is this — when you get out of college, if I’m president you’ll have a job. If President Obama is reelected, you will not be able to get a job.” -Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, December 2011.

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“I believe in analysis of new sources of energy. I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to

“I believe in analysis of new sources of energy. I believe in laboratories, looking at ways to conduct electricity with — with cold fusion, if we can come up with it. It was the University of Utah that solved that.”  -From an interview of Mitt Romney by the Washington Examiner, December 2011.

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“Medicaid. You wonder what Medicaid is; those who aren’t into all this government stuff. You k

“Medicaid. You wonder what Medicaid is; those who aren’t into all this government stuff. You know, I have to admit, I didn’t know the differences between all these things until I got into government.” -Mitt Romney, Sioux City, Iowa, December 2011

While working at Bain, Romney led a $311 million buyout of American Healthcare Management, which gets about half of its income from Medicare and Medicaid (citation).

(Videohere. Scroll through to 2:34.)

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“He [Romney’s Mississippian bodyguard Garrett Jackson] is now turning me into an, I don&

“He [Romney’s Mississippian bodyguard Garrett Jackson] is now turning me into an, I don’t know, unofficial Southerner. And I’m learning to say ‘y'all,’ and I like grits. Strange things are happening to me.” -Mitt Romney campaigning in Mississippi, March 8, 2012.

See the original versionhere.

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“It’s unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon…. Syria is their key ally. It’s th

“It’s unacceptable for Iran to have a nuclear weapon…. Syria is their key ally. It’s their only ally in the Arab world. It is also their route to the sea.” -Mitt Romney at the Arizona Republican debate, February 2012.

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“I was born and raised here. I love the state. It seems right here. Trees are the right height

“I was born and raised here. I love the state. It seems right here. Trees are the right height. I like – I like seeing the lakes. I love the lakes. Something very special here. The Great Lakes but also all the little inland lakes that dot the parts of Michigan. I love cars. I don’t know – I mean, I grew up totally in love with cars…. I love cars. I love American cars.” -Mitt Romney in Michigan, February 2012.

But watch the video. The transcript doesn’t do it justice.

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“I lived in France in an apartment with no toilet.” -Mitt Romney in a meeting with the D

“I lived in France in an apartment with no toilet.” -Mitt Romney in a meeting with the Detroit Free Press editorial board, February 16, 2012.

“A number of the apartments I lived in when I lived [in France] didn’t have toilets. We had instead the little pads on the ground, OK? You know how that works, all right. There was a chain behind you with a bucket — it was a bucket affair. I had not experienced one of those in the United States.” -Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, December 2011.

Information about Romney’s mansion in Paris can be found here.

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“The tax payers shouldn’t have to have money taken out of their pay checks to pay people in governme

“The tax payers shouldn’t have to have money taken out of their pay checks to pay people in government who are our servants who are making a lot more money than we are.” -Mitt Romney, November 2011. (Video.)

Mean annual earnings of full-time private sector American workers in 2010.

Mean annual earnings of full-time federal, state, and local government employees in 2010.

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney earned $21.6 million in 2010 and paid 13.9 percent of that amount in income taxes.”-Bloomberg Businessweek, Jan. 24, 2012.

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“Lemme tell ya something. America is a great nation, because we’re a united nation and those w

“Lemme tell ya something. America is a great nation, because we’re a united nation and those who are trying to divide the nation as you’re trying to do here and as the president is doing are hurting this country, seriously. The right course for America is not to divide America, and try and divide us between one and another, it’s for us to come together as a nation. And if you’ve got a better model, if you think China is better, or Russia is better, or Cuba’s better, or North Korea’s better, I’m glad to hear all about it. But you know what? America’s right, and you’re wrong!” -Mitt Romney in Charleston, South Carolina on January 19, 2012 after being asked “What would you do to support the 99 percent, seeing as you are part of the 1 percent?” (Video at the bottom of this page.)

If you can’t read the text, please click the pic to enlarge.

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The Collapse of The American Dream. Explained by animation. Everyone needs to see this.

Voting for Mitt Romney? check this out.

#mitt romney    #election    #election 2012    #republican    #virginia    #barack obama    #willard mitt romney    #starbucks    #iphone 5    #applel    #youtube    #tax cuts    #occupy wall street    #washington dc    #white house    #capitalism    #communism    #lil wayne    #muhammed ali    #rock the vote    #romney    #hussien    #nicki minaj    

“Why Obama NOW"  if you don’t know, now you know. a must watchhh.

I just hope my children never have it as bad as Romney did growing up. 

Protesting FOR the Vietnam draft, then using a religious exemption to proselytize Mormonism in a mansion in Paris for 2 years. Having to barely make ends meet by selling stocks that his parents gave him while in college. 

Of course he thinks that everyone underneath him is lazy and entitled. As someone who’s never had to worry about eating or ignoring an injury because a trip to the hospital would result in another bill collector that couldn’t be paid, I’m sure he’s earned that benefit. 

Romney’s economic plan only guarantees one thing: Lower taxes for *his* tax bracket. The rest of it is ‘to be determined’. His medical system plan only guarantees that people with pre-existing conditions will no longer have insurance (So people with insurance will pay for them). His 'plan for prosperity’ is entirely conjecture. He lies, regularly, at any chance that seems like it will benefit his campaign. He used the not yet cold bodies of Americans as a tool to attack Obama. He promises to extend the war in Afghanistan (for what?), yet another group of dead Americans to be used as a political tool. He trashes the poor to his rich friends, jokes about how he’d like to be latino to help him win the election. He routinely looks like a giant tool in the Global media. 

And people will still vote for him. Why? Because he (says) he’ll overturn gay marriage (which is counter to his 1994 position, btw)? Because his opinion on abortion is from the 1930’s?

Look, I see “OBAMA’s BAD FER MERICU!” quite a bit on facebook. But when pressed, no one who holds that position can substantiate it. Mostly because Obama is indeed a moderate and has been pretty damn good for business owners (take a look at the stock market). There’s of course plenty of legitamite complaints that can be levied at Obama. Perfect? Far From it. 

Romney is a hack, a liar, an asshole, ungrateful, and an all around generally terrible human being. He should feel bad for almost everything he says and if you are going to vote for him - you should feel bad too. 

(And yes, anyone who straps their dog to the roof of their car for longer than an emergency ride to the vet is an asshole. Doubly so if it’s a trip longer than 10 hours, and triply so if the dog vomits and shits all over itself in fear. )

 I’m often asked “Rob, you are so big on posting facts when arguing on the internets, how come you don’t post them in your big rants?”

Simple - the people who agree with my rants have already seen the evidence, and the people who don’t agree with them wont look at the evidence and wouldn’t be dissuaded by evidence even if I did. If they cared about evidence or the truthfulness of their positions, they wouldn’t be voting for Romney. 

Regardless, here you go:

Romney protested FOR the draft -http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/government-elections-politics/choice-2012/artifact-two-mitt-romney-protesting-the-protesters/

Parisian Mansion -http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/us-election/8959440/US-election-2012-Mitt-Romneys-life-as-a-poor-Mormon-missionary-in-France-questioned.html

Paid for Colleged with sold Stocks -http://www.slate.com/blogs/moneybox/2012/04/16/romney_sold_stock_to_pay_for_college.html

Romney’s Tax cuts only help the Rich -http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/UploadedPDF/1001628-Base-Broadening-Tax-Reform.pdf

Recent Study that Tax Cuts don’t help the economy -http://graphics8.nytimes.com/news/business/0915taxesandeconomy.pdf

Romney’s Health Care 'Plan'http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/09/fact-check-mitt-romney-on-obamacare-and-pre-existing-conditions/

Romney’s a giant liar -http://www.patheos.com/blogs/slacktivist/2012/08/29/mitt-romney-tells-533-lies-in-30-weeks-steve-benen-documents-them/

Romney’s a giant liar -http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2012-08-31/mitt-romney-fact-check-republican-convention/57467252/1

Romney’s a giant liar -http://www.nytimes.com/2012/09/01/us/politics/fact-checkers-howl-but-both-sides-cling-to-false-ads.html 

Romney used dead Libyans as a tool -http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/13/opinion/avlon-romney-libya-attack/index.html

Romney may extend war in Afghanistan - http://2012.republican-candidates.org/Romney/Afghanistan.phporhttp://swampland.time.com/2012/04/18/romneys-radical-position-on-afghanistan/

Romney looks like a tool overseas -http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2012-09-14/news/bal-another-episode-in-romneys-foreign-policy-follies-20120913_1_foreign-policy-mitt-romney-governor-romney

Romney’s position on homosexuality changed -http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2006/12/romney_spoke_of.html

Asshole straps dog to the roof of his car -http://www.washingtonpost.com/mitt-romneys-dog-on-the-car-roof-story-still-proves-to-be-his-critics-best-friend/2012/03/14/gIQAp2LxCS_story.html

And the people who are going to (try) to let Romney further erode the middle class because he says he cares more about fetuses than Obama? You should feel bad too. Romney used to call himself pro choice, and he didn’t do a damn thing to try to restrict abortions in Mass. He even supports evolution!!! 

Of course, the only thing that makes him barely tolerable of a candidate (He’s lying through his teeth on the abortion position, and actually doesn’t give a shit - see his ties to Stericycle -http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/romney-bain-abortion-stericycle-sec) is the only reason that social conservatives will vote for him. 

My position that being anti-choice doesn’t make you any more pro-life than someone who’s pro-choice not withstanding (http://robertmoorejr.tumblr.com/post/30595198926/the-end-to-the-moral-superiority-of-the-pro-life) it’s still not a good reason to vote for him, since the evidence shows he’s lying and *saying* he’s pro-life even though he doesn’t care enough to *do* anything. (Protests FOR the Draft, doesn’t protest abortion clinics. How’s that for Pro-Life?)

Unless of course you think gay marriage should be constitutionally banned - in which case you can fuck right off. I don’t have the energy to deal with you at the moment. Needless to say the thought of your worldview sours my mouth and makes me think poorly of you as a human being. 

So yes, if you want to put an objectively inferior candidate into office because you don’t want dem fags to have equal rights, or you don’t want women to have a choice in what happens to their body when they are pregnant, I guess have fun with your candidate.  

Alright, it’s been too long since I had a huge post (maybe 20 hours) so I thought I’d lay one out again. I’d like to talk about Health Care, and why I’m voting for Obama because of it. 

Let me start by surprising everyone who hasn’t talked to me with the following:

I hate Obamacare - I think it violates our rights by forcing us to buy a product from private companies, and probably should be repealed. 

“But why are you voting for Obama then Rob? Surely Romney’s repeated calls to end Obamacare appeal to you!” - GOP Supporter

Lets start by looking at our health care system before the Affordable Care Act went into effect. 

  • First - Every person could go to an ER, and that ER would be forced to give them basic life saving care, even if they didn’t have insurance. People still died of cancer and all sorts of nastiness, but hospitals were generally not allowed to turn people away. 
  • Second - Not everyone had health insurance. Some people had preexisting conditions and were denied coverage. Some were unemployed and couldn’t afford it. Some were students older than 24. Some had jobs that didn’t provide it. However, those people still sometimes went to the hospital. 
  • Third - Sometimes health insurance wouldn’t cover a procedure that a doctor recommended. Health insurance companies dictate medicine, not medical doctors. 

Anyone with a job most likely has seen their health care costs rising slowly since they’ve ever worked ever. A little raise in their premiums there, an increased deductible there. A new service not covered. 

Why you ask? Was this profiteering by insurance companies? Sure, maybe. Profiteering by doctors and hospitals? Maybe. Largely though, the problem was that you received treatment first and were billed second. If your insurance wouldn’t pay and you were stuck with the bill? You could simply declare bankruptcy or just not pay. Of course the hospital still incurred the cost of your surgery. You used medical supplies, Doctor’s time. Anesthesia and band aids. Electricity. All that stuff still had to get paid for. 

Lets say you make minimum wage working at Walmart, 30 hours a week. You may have a child. You make too much to be on medicaid, but still can’t afford insurance. Then, you get a large kidney stone, require surgery, and get stuck with a $40,000 bill for surgery. Or you get shot in the face watching batman and incur a 2 million dollar hospital bill. What if you are unable to pay? 

The hospitals - some public and some private - do the only thing they can do, which is passing those costs onto the paying customers. And the only ‘paying’ customers were people with insurance. Thus, the bill for any given procedure is largely automatically inflated, because it’s costs if paid must go towards costs of procedures that aren’t paid. That’s one of the reasons Americans spend almost 3x more on healthcare than countries that don’t have our 'system’. 

The poorest Americans, the oldest Americans, were covered under Medicare and Medicaid. But there’s a group of people - lower middle class, upper lower class - that may slip through the cracks. 

**Ok, so what did Obama care do for us?**

First, it made more people pay into the health care industry. The more people who are paying into the system, the more the health insurance industry can spread those costs across everyone. That means less people who are going to the hospital without health insurance. 

Second, it capped the profits of the health insurance industry. It is forcing the insurance industry to pay for medical procedures with your insurance premiums, not advertising. 

Third, it forces insurance companies to allow people with preexisting conditions onto health care plans. 

This alleviates a lot of problems that our health care industry was facing. However, socialism is a government owned industry. Since the government isn’t owning anything, this definitely isn’t socialist. 

So why is this not a point in the cards for Romney? Because Obamacare is demonstrably better than pre-Obamacare.  And Romney’s only plan is to repeal Obamacare. He needs to have SOME plan to replace Obamacare - because going back to the way it was is untenable. 

“So what are our options besides Obamacare? ” - GOP Supporter

Great question friend! There’s three things we can do (At least, that I can think of. Feel free to update me with your own).

  1. Alleviate the problem by forcing people to pay for health care before they receive it. That way, costs will come down because everyone who gets health care will be insured. Hospitals will know that they can charge the actual costs of the procedures because they’ve already been paid.  Everyone will be forced to buy insurance, because without it they’ll simply die. (This is assuming we could convince hospitals not to treat people for free anyways) This is the system of health care that places like Somolia, Uganda, Ethiopia, and other heavily impoverished nations with terrible quality of life have. If you have money, you live long, if you don’t, you die young. In my opinion, this is completely fucking unacceptable for the United States. 

  2. Socialized Medicine. *gasp*. This makes sure every single person pays into the system what they can, through taxes. And since every person is paying, every person can get health care. *THIS* is what we need, since every other country that is using it has a vastly better health care system. But that’s a different story. Read about the different types of socialized health care here.
  3.  Continue with the pre-Obamacare status quo. I’m not an economist and I don’t have any formal training in health care administration, so this is entirely conjecture: Prices will continue to rise which will force more people out of the insurance pool. This will cause health care prices to go up faster. Employer prices will continue to rise, either forcing an increase in the costs of goods, or forcing down salaries to compensate. It’s an all around fuck fest. 

  • Quick Aside: I’ve been told that if we completely deregulate the health care industry and let the free market fairy sprinkle its magic all these problems will go away. Frankly this argument is full of shit. First, the problem of everyone being covered but not everyone paying still exists without another insurance mandate. Second - the free market decided that people with pre-existing conditions wouldn't be covered because it’s not profitable to cover them. That’s a whole group of people who don’t get health care - which in my opinion is equally untenable. 

Of course, this is a simplistic view of the situation, and ignores a lot of important facts: Regular checkups and a relationship with the same physician is extremely beneficial for the health of the population, treating patients in a doctors office is cheaper than in the ER, access to vaccinations and health care earlier will result in healthier children, etc. Honestly I’m very lazy and want to go to bed, so I made this as simple as possible. 

But it remains you *shouldn’t* vote for Romney while he advocates path 3 for our country. Obama really screwed the GOP hard by enacting Obamacare. By *compromising* and implementing the only possible solution that the right could come up with (a federal insurance mandate), he stole their only solution for health care. Once repealed, the only option the right has is to Re-implement Obamacare, 

If you are a GOP supporter? Demand from your party a plan of action. Because without Obamacare, the health care industry is largely up shits creek. Moral arguments aside, it isn’t fiscally responsible to vote for Romney because of his lack of medical plan. As always I’m open to questions. 


Sorry Romney. I call bullshit. You do NOT get to get doey eyed talking about the accomplishments of the Federal Government Apollo missions (and by extension, Mercury and Gemini space programs) supported by the tax payers while at the same time calling for smaller government, reducing spending on space exploration, and calling for lower taxes. 

Bullshit. Don’t shove an American flag up science’s a

ss, shit all over government spending, dance around like you did something worth while, and then turn around and call for vast huge spending cuts. 

We, as a nation, through taxes and government coordination did that. WE ALL built that. And we didn’t do it for capitalism, we didn’t do it to make money. We didn’t do it for share holders, or for a return on investment. We did it for national pride (and to scare the Russians) and we did it to learn. 

And waiving Neil Armstrong around like a fucking political puppet? I’m seething. I’m SEETHING. 

If the likes of Romney were in office in 1960 - not a Democrat - we would not have gone to the Moon. There wouldn’t have been money for it. Neil Armstrong would not have walked on the moon. 

I want to smash my fist into someone’s groin. 

Adam Walker and his family, 1801, George Romney

Adam Walker and his family, 1801,George Romney

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Margaret Messenger (b.1737), Mrs Walter Strickland, 1760, George Romney

Margaret Messenger (b.1737), Mrs Walter Strickland, 1760,George Romney

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Mrs Stratford Canning, née Mehetebel Patrick (1777–1831), with Her Daughter Elizabeth, George Romney

Mrs Stratford Canning, née Mehetebel Patrick (1777–1831), with Her Daughter Elizabeth,George Romney

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Vice-Admiral Sir Hyde Parker (1714–1782), George Romney

Vice-Admiral Sir Hyde Parker (1714–1782),George Romney

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The Death of General Wolfe at Quebec, 1759, 1763, George Romney

The Death of General Wolfe at Quebec, 1759, 1763,George Romney

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Sir Henry Bayly (1744–1812), 3rd Bt, 9th Baron Paget, Later 1st Earl of Uxbridge of the Second Creat

Sir Henry Bayly (1744–1812), 3rd Bt, 9th Baron Paget, Later 1st Earl of Uxbridge of the Second Creation, Holding Copper Ore from the Mona Mine, 1785,George Romney

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Frances Bankes (1756–1847), Lady Brownlow, with Her Son, The Honourable John Cust (1779–1853), Later

Frances Bankes (1756–1847), Lady Brownlow, with Her Son, The Honourable John Cust (1779–1853), Later 1st Earl Brownlow, GCH, FRS, MP, 1783,George Romney


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Charles Agar (1736–1809), Earl of Normanton, 1787, George Romney

Charles Agar (1736–1809), Earl of Normanton, 1787,George Romney

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Sarah Rodbard (c.1765–1795), 1784, George Romney

Sarah Rodbard (c.1765–1795), 1784,George Romney

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Euseby Cleaver (1746–1819), Archbishop of Dublin, 1796, George Romney

Euseby Cleaver (1746–1819), Archbishop of Dublin, 1796,George Romney

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Abraham Rawlinson (1709–1780), 1772, George Romney

Abraham Rawlinson (1709–1780), 1772,George Romney

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General Sir Archibald Campbell (1739–1791), Soldier, George Romney

General Sir Archibald Campbell (1739–1791), Soldier,George Romney

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Emma Hart (c.1765–1815), Lady Hamilton, as Calypso, 1792, George Romney

Emma Hart (c.1765–1815), Lady Hamilton, as Calypso, 1792,George Romney

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