

There it is.

The cover of the fourth mirrorworld book!!!

Isn’t it the most beautiful thing ever?!

Look at fox! And the gold!

The title is “On silver track” btw.

Will as a child: Jake I can’t sleep. I’m afraid of Frankenstein.

Jacob: I think you mean Frankensteins monster. Frankenstein was the doctor.

Jacob: Although, admittedly I am more afraid of Frankenstein than his monster. I personally find unethical and irresponsible medical practice far more terrifying than any physical being and so should you.


Friendly reminder that Fox and Jacob haven’t said “I love you” to each other jet.

And we all know that it will take a horrible situation for them to say it.

Will: [screaming in the background]

Clara: What happened?

Jacob: I don’t know, I think he saw himself in the mirror.

Will, in the distance: JACOB! THERE’S ANOTHER ME ON THE WALL!

Jacob: It’s okay, Will! Just introduce yourself, I’m sure they’re nice.




Contemplating starting on the reckless series because I’m so curious like what’s in there

That’s what I’m doing right now! I really only started for research purposes since Cornelia keeps connecting the Inkworld to the Mirrorworld more and more, but the first book was actually really enjoyable. (I read the revised version since I tried and failed to get into the original like a dozen times lol).

At this point I don’t particularly like Jacob Reckless or his fucked up brother but Fuchs (Fox?) is cool and all the fairytale stuff is fun. My favorite was the Sleeping Beauty scene.

Also the dwarf. I forgot his name but godspeed to him.

That’s really interesting! She revised one of the books? I guess she is all for quality at least. And yeah- that was my thought too, if she keeps connecting the worlds I want to be able to understand what’s going on:p

I’ve taken pains to keep myself from idleness,
moved cross-country twice to prevent satiating the desire to find a warm face and settle.

Yet, all my life I’ve valued the ability others have to stay,
bring commonality into their lives,
fill their bellies with routine.

It seems like the obvious to state I can’t shake longing when it pulls,
have no patience when bottling my restless,
speak unabashedly of the reckless it’s caused,
the wake of unanswered intentions.

I will undoubtedly leave you,
this city, this feeling.
This is my one steadfast.
It is not a prize I cherish,
but it’s the only on display,
for now.
