#rika kim


Rika: I just don’t see why everyone’s always picking on Marie Antoinette. I can so relate to her. She worked really hard to look that good and people just don’t appreciate that kind of effort.

Saeran: Your ancestors would find you incomprehensible and your descendants will despise your grave.

Rika: This is by far the best compliment I’ve ever received.

V, to Rika: Just wanted to let you know that I always win at ‘whose ex is crazier’ because of you.

Rika: I’ve killed more guys than I can count.

Rika: Because I’ve killed a lot of guys.

Rika: Not because I can’t count very high.

Mystictober 2021 | Day 31: Halloween / Free

Happy Halloween, what do you mean it’s November 26th?

Sorry this is so late, I caught a terrible cold for nearly the entirety of the first half of this month and couldn’t function and then the approaching exam week got my ass but both of those are in the past now so I finally got the time to finish this

it’s loving rika hours sorry i don’t make the rules
