#robert singer


Based on pic above ^^^

So, imagine Dean Winchester on snapchat.

Just bashing the ghostfacers

Trying to look okay so Sammy doesn’t worry

Messing around with Cas

Omfg just imagine all the things he’ll do XDDDDDD

crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml crushcrucify: euclase:Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).Oml



Some winged!Castiel by request (and because my followers are awesome).

Oml …

Ok thank u I srsly needed this in my life

Post link

Fill in the blank XD

“Idjits”. “Family don’t end with blood boy”

Bobby Singer the father figure…

*People makes terrible mistakes in the fear of being fired. It’s better to be fired than to compromise in something that is going to destroy what you had in the first place… “

Supernatural writers should only learn from this queen!

It all started when a friend recommended the show to me. I didn’t understand what the big fuss was about. If I’m being completely honest It actually took me a while to get into it. But when I did, it was magic. And it came right at the perfect time. 
I was going through a very rough time in my life. I was severely depressed. My marriage was over and my health was terrible. I loved my two children more than anything but they were really the only thing that I cared about. And then I got so into this show, the characters, the actors, the community. And it really changed a lot for me. It brought me hope. All of it as a whole showed me that I could really fight harder and become stronger. And when I was sad at night after putting the kids to bed I could put Supernatural on and it made me feel better. It made me stop thinking about all my problems and just enjoy all that goes into television. It was like an escape, a break that I needed. It’s even made me want to study what goes into making a television show because I’m so intrigued by it. 
Misha and Jensen’s you’re not alone campaign. The upcoming crisis support network.. Jared’s always keep fighting campaign. How much of their lives they devout into these charities to help people… It’s just amazing. 
Rob Benedict’s strength after having a stroke. His amazing recovery and how he just got right back into his SPN schedule..
All of them.. The entire community is so beautiful. And life everyone says.. there is only one word for it. Family.
I was very fortunate that I had a friend take me to a convention in March. It was a really special experience and it’s only made me more fond of everyone. 

I just wanted to take a minute and applaud this community. It really is extraordinary.  
