#romance positive


Relationship Growth:

(I don’t know why my posts have been on the more serious side lately, I swear I’ll get back to additional fun things soon, but there’s something ✨sappy✨ I wanted to note.)

Love is a finicky thing. It takes a lot of guts to put your heart out there, and to bear the ups and downs of a relationship.

It’s a strange thing, when you truly feel so deeply for somebody, to realise that you’d risk that kind of loss for them.

They make you happy, smiling until your cheeks are sore. They make your chest all warm, sweet actions leaving butterflies in your stomach. They light up your day, just the fact that they’re around. And god, that could all be taken away. You’re all too aware that, because you let yourself care so much, it would hurt like hell to lose. It’s terrifying.

But everything is good right now. Genuinely, it is! That isn’t some excuse. You think you’ve learned love again. And that? Oh, that’s fucking glorious.

It’s still scary, of course, to go all in when you know how much you have to lose. But all those moments… they just go to show that sometimes, it’s worth a shot.


Something I don’t think I’ve seen mentioned about Lilith’s letter and aspec-ness is how she’s not just. Closed off from romance entirely. She was EXCITED to hear about Lumity, she SAW IT COMING, she’s not clueless to the crushes going on around her. Most of the time if there’s any kind of aro rep, it goes along the lines of aro always meaning romance-repulsed, and they HATE love, or just being completely naive and unaware of what crushes and whatnot look like. Of course, some aspecs are romance or sex repulsed, some do hate any mention of romance, and it’s nice to have rep for them. But not Lilith. Lilith noticed how Amity and Luz felt about each other. She was secretly rooting for them to get together. Her heart was full that they started dating! She might not feel the attraction herself, but she’s not unaware of others, and she doesn’t hate romance completely– she thinks it’s very cute on others, just not herself. And I just think that’s neat.
