#junes post ⭐


I’m demiromantic which means I’m attracted to no one and can’t see myself in a romantic situation at all, EXCEPT if it’s with this one person I’m really close to. I trust them with my life, they know me inside out and would absolutely let my romantic desires become true with them . Yes, I’m still part of the aromantic spectrums! To anyone else who has ever felt like they don’t belong or been told that they don’t belong in the aro spec bc they experience romantic feelings and desire: you are part of the aromantic community too . That’s literally why there’s a spectrum! You’re welcome ️‍

I love teenage vampire lesbians and monster hunter lesbians. Give me supernatural queers and wlw! Absolutely here for it <33


happy pride month reminder to tip aroaces 50 bucks.

i’m aroaces. i have venmo <3


romantic gestures and scenarios are uncomfortable to picture in my head with a person I don’t know anything about like celebrities or a cute person from my school, nope. crushes aren’t something I experience .

you can say I’m mostly romance indifferent. but being demiromantic means that when I do form that emotional bond with someone and the romantic feelings arise, then those romantic scenarios in my head make more sense to imagine with them, the person that I’m falling for… I guess that’s why now I feel more romance favorable, bc the romantic feelings are here. Maybe not as intense as an alloromantic person experiences it… but yeah. Shoutout to fellow romance favorable aros

Shoutout to romance favorable aros!

you know what’s better than being told you’re pretty and beautiful? someone telling you they love your brain and admire your intellect. you’ve bought me. I’m all yours now


but how could i not love you when you turned my whole life around, make me feel alive and spark something inside of me i have never felt before?

this but make it ✨ demiromantic ✨ for me

this pride, respect and support the aro and ace spectrums. give your local aro, ace, demi, grey, frey, lith & more, 1000 dollars

long conversations when you’re getting to know someone >>>>> . It’s all about that emotional connection, ya know?


tbh as an aro I feel like the best kind of ships are the ones that you can look at from a platonic angle. As in if these characters were strictly friends with nothing romantic going on between them, would their dynamic still hold up and be enjoyable? if the answers yes then that’s probably why the ship works and is fun but if the answers no like whats the point.


“i can fix him” i can make her question her gender


honestly some of y’all want a significant other so badly and can’t understand why you can’t find one, but have no sense of boundaries or healthy expectations of what a relationship is like. in a committed long-term partnership you get left on read, you wait for texts back, and you can forget about each other when you’re busy. sometimes you fall asleep without saying goodnight and sometimes you’re too caught up to text each other before 6pm. that’s how it is. thinking that you can’t be deeply, beautifully in love and still wait more than “1.75 hours” for a text back is such an unhealthy and unreasonable expectation of what love is, and you shouldn’t be in a relationship if you can’t allow the other person to exist on their own apart from you. if you’re projecting your anxieties and insecurities onto a partner who doesn’t even exist yet, then you aren’t ready for one.

YES! omg someone finally put it into words. I was literally talking about this with my friend yesterday and we agreed that the over-romantization of romance has made people have a very poor and toxic idea of what a romantic relationship actually is. glad to know more people agrees


i think being in love w your friends is such a overlooked aspect of true friendship like wow i would actually lay my life down for you. i feel no romantic feelings for you but i would actually hold you forever and i would die with you if i needed to. anyway


happy pride month to baby gays, GSA kids, “cringey” queer people who are loud and proud, neurodivergent queer people, lgbtq people with less known identities, people who wear pins and name tags with pronouns and pride flags, queer kids with dyed hair and trans teens who wear oversized hoodies, people with pride flag lock screens/wallpapers, people who show their pride in subtle ways, closeted kids who join online queer communities, lgbtq people who are in therapy and/or support groups, disabled and mentally ill queer people, black, indigenous, and other lgbtq POC, queer people who don’t fit conventional beauty standards, and queer people who don’t think they’re “queer enough.” you are all incredibly valuable to our community, and you help us defy cishetero- and amatonormativity and make the world a more diverse and accepting place. happy pride.️‍


a question for my fellow demiromantics and demisexuals!

when you’ve developed an emotional bond with someone and the famous ✨attractions✨ are experienced: which comes first for you? romantic or sexual? both at the same time? Or has it happened that you only feel one and not the other with different people? Tell me all about your demirose experiences!!

Alloros and alloces can also reply too! As a demiromantic, do you experience sexual attraction first? And as a demisexual do you experience romantic attraction first? Tell me about it too!

I’m a demirose (both demiromantic and demisexual). The couple of times I’ve experienced romantic and/or sexual attraction it has happened like this:

friendship -> emotional bond -> romantic attraction -> physical/sensual attraction -> sexual attraction.

If you don’t want such technical terms , in conclusion: after developing that emotional bond towards someone, I experience romantic feelings for them first and sexual ones later on. They’re not immediate tho… sexual feelings take longer to develop (probs the whole sex-indifferent thing I’ve got going on too ).

a question for my fellow demiromantics and demisexuals!

when you’ve developed an emotional bond with someone and the famous ✨attractions✨ are experienced: which comes first for you? romantic or sexual? both at the same time? Or has it happened that you only feel one and not the other with different people? Tell me all about your demirose experiences!!

Alloros and alloces can also reply too! As a demiromantic, do you experience sexual attraction first? And as a demisexual do you experience romantic attraction first? Tell me about it too!


if a character does not have a romantic arc they are simply aroace to me i’m sorry. headcanoning everyone as aroace unless otherwise specified it’s how i cope with getting no rep anywhere

talking to a friend today I realized that the reason I haven’t dated anyone yet (despite enjoying romance) is literally bc I haven’t liked anyone that way. And I’m not one for blind dates or dating apps or any other express way to find a partner . The only time I have liked someone that way, in the past, it wasn’t reciprocated and I haven’t experienced those kind of romantic feelings in years. So yeah… the demiromantic struggle ✨


Let me clear something up that some people don’t understand:

  • Aspec - Anyone on the aromantic or asexualspectrum.
  • Arospec - Anyone on the aromanticspectrum.
  • Acespec - Anyone on the asexualspectrum.
  • Aphobia - Bigotry directed towards anyone who is aspec.
  • Arophobia - Bigotry directed towards aromantic people specifically.
  • Acephobia - Bigotry directed towards asexual people specifically.

Don’t say “aspec” if you just mean asexuals!
Don’t say “aspec and arospec”!
Don’t say “aphobia and arophobia”!

Don’t exclude aromantic people from our own community!
