#rune divination

 This is my latest work on the runic illustration series. This is my interpretation of Isa I associa

This is my latest work on the runic illustration series. This is my interpretation of Isa I associate her with the goddess Skadi. I see her inside big ice block ,or maybe in frozen river waiting to be awake . Or maybe waiting stand still hunting.

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i’ve been having a lot of fun reading for members of discord servers, and irl friends, so why not read for strangers too? 

i’ve been reading runes for over a year and i’m fairly confident in my skills (though i do misread things sometimes so if your reading doesn’t resonate i’m truly sorry), so if you want a reading here’s how you get one:

1. head over to https://uraniaswrld.tumblr.com/ask 
2. fill out the following:
first name/ nickname/ title (anything that you identify with is fine)
question/ theme of the reading (or if you just want a general reading say that)
discord username, if you don’t use discord then send me a message on tumblr, and i can get it to you there. you need to send ME a message first though, since this is my secondary blog.

the only thing i won’t really read for is if you are asking me to do a reading about another person who hasn’t consented. i’ve done a lot of readings regarding ancestors, and general advice readings, but i’m down for anything; my technique is basically the same for most readings.

let me know if any of this didn’t make any sense, i feel like i may have been confusing, but otherwise i can’t wait to read for you!
