#rune casting



Astragalomancy or Astragyromancy is a procedure of divination cast by throwing five dice, teeth, or bones engraved with celestial symbols, numbers, or letters. The placement and symbolism of each particular thrown item matters. In prehistoric times, mammal knuckles were primarily used in Astragyromancy.


A structure of divination used by monitoring and examining the passage, performance, and landing of arrows during and after being shot off by a Bow. Different structures of arrows and materials should also be taken into account. This is not to be mistaken for or confused with Rhabdomancy’s use of arrows.


The use of playing cards, tarot, or oracle decks to gain insight into current, past, or future personal affairs. Crucial in personal development and individual progress from a spiritual standpoint. Each suit in playing cards represents a suit in tarot, with different elements and senses of their own.


A form of divination in which one is to cast a lot based off of random chance or divine will. “Casting a lot” is often gently tossing objects with their each individual significant meanings to analyze the pattern in which they land. There are so very numerous unique varieties and procedures to this.

Cowrie Shells:

Cowrie shells have been used for numerous purposes throughout different cultures across all time, created in Arica ranging from West Africa, Santeria, and Candomblé. There are effectively several different procedures to use these stunning shells for divination as well.


This technique of Cleromancy involves casting a lot employing beans. The origins of Favomancy come from the Ubykh of Russia. However, most archaic methods were lost through the passing of time and are now open to interpretation. I must admit I wish I knew more about this fascinating concept.


The use of bone casting for divinatory purposes or perspective. Each distinct bone has covers a specific aspect of your life, and are thrown in order to determine your current position. Certain bones have specific values but the arrangement of the bones also should be considered.


Rhabdomancy is a kind of Cleromancy including the use of casting rods, wands, branches, or something similar. There are various ways to do this, but is most frequently used to cast lots for answering questions or insight. The items could range from arrows to dowels which I find incredible from a possibility prospect.


Rune casting is a process of divination in which a practitioner uses small items such as stones, crystal tumbles, or chips in order to determine ones current circumstances and upcoming opportunities. Runes are also extraordinarily commonly used as words of power and sigils but are predominantly established for this.


A technique of divination developed by just about polishing off your cup of loose tea, and then flipping the tea leaves onto a plate for evaluation. Representation plays key to reading tea leaves, and all figures, characters, and placements account for something. Can also be preformed with coffee grounds or wine fragments.


Divination involving animals through either observing their movements, reactions, or demeanor’s shifts. Wildlife themselves have intuition and abilities that are easier for them to stay connected with. Almost all of these are also forms of Augury.

Other Links:

Divination: Casting Runes
Divination: Psychic Abilities

lunariagold:ᛟ Othala2018 is drawing to an end and so am I. Finishing up a set of runes featuring s



2018 is drawing to an end and so am I. Finishing up a set of runes featuring stones and plants for the new year. Othala: Homestead, acquisition, legacy, maturing. Grape and spinel.

Post link

Virgo new moon spread

The Hermit

  1. The Empress (reversed)
  2. The Chariot
  3. The Son of Cups (reversed)
  4. The V of Pentacles (reversed)

Starting out in witchcraft

I’ve been asked a lot of questions by people who are interested in witchcraft but don’t know where to start, and I gotta say, it is super difficult to figure where the best place to start is, and so I figured I would make a post specifically for those baby witches who aren’t sure where to start


The most important part of being a baby witch is research, but theses such a huge amount of information out there that it can be difficult to know where to start. The easiest way to do it, and the way I did it, is by just starting with what drew you to witchcraft. I was drawn to runes initially so started researching runestones and divination, which is how I got into tarot and everything else came in turn. Even if what drew you to the craft is something as superficial as fashion, you can still research where those fashions came from. Question everything. You see lavender is used in a spell? Research why. You see that a certain colour of candle works better in a spell? Research why. You see a sigil? Find out the origin. Someone gives you a tip on the internet? Do background research into what they said. Never just blindly follow what someone says especially if you’re going to use it in your craft. Make sure you know exactly what everything is, means, and where it came from before using it in any capacity. The better informed you are, the more likely good things will come from your craft.

Book of Shadows and Grimiors

Keeping a book of shadows or a grimior (or both) is a great way to record your research. Its important not to get caught up in the way your book shadows looks. Of course if you want to make a beautiful book of shadows then that’s fantastic, but if a page takes you so long to write that it’s hindering your research, then I would consider keeping both a book of shadows and a grimior. A grimior is purely for information, facts, spells, etc… a grimior is worth taking time over. A book of shadows functions more as a journal. For writing personal experience, notes, etc… I keep a very messy book of shadows in a plain notebook that I just write whatever in. It has no kind of order to it all, and I suspect no one can read it but me. I also keep a grimior in a beautiful leather bound notebook that I bought in italy and I write in it in neat and specifically stylised writing that is easy to read. Infact, I also have a separate tarot journal. Having both, I find, puts less pressure on academics.

Start simple

Don’t expect too much too soon. I wouldn’t recommend diving right into complex spellwork. If you’ve just started, there are probably things you don’t know about casting spells that are important to keep you safe, and you haven’t had the time find your energy and how to focus it to the best of your abilities. Give yourself time to figure out what you want in your practice rather than diving into one specific path. And absolutely don’t work with the fae straight off the bat. Bad idea. Bad. Don’t do it. Do your research. I also would recommend getting a feel for the practice and for what you want from it before committing yourself to a deity/deities. Again, give yourself time to figure out what path to take. It’s totally ok to change your path along the way. If you initially decide to be a green witch but change your mind and opt for cottage witchcraft, that is totally ok. Changing you path even when you were absolutely certain, is absolutely fine, even if you’ve been on your initial path for years (even decades). I haven’t decided a specific path at all yet, so I’m currently an eclectic witch, but that may, and is likely, to change

It’s important to remember that every witch’s path is different. Gatekeeping is a big problem in the community but don’t allow people to tell you that you have to be born into a family of witches to be a witch. It’s a practice, not an inherited gift or race.

Tbh this post isnt complete and I’ll continue to add to it very time as I think of things

Year spread

The year spreads I usually do just month by month spread but this time i did a spread based on aspects of the year and i thought I’d share it (I found the spread on tumblr btw but I can’t remember who’s it is)

(Please excuse my handwriting, I don’t usually post stuff with my own writing but I didn’t want to type it out again)
