#running up that hill

Maybe I draw a lot of musicians I like?this my girl Kate Bush, in a hella weird colour scheme

Maybe I draw a lot of musicians I like?

this my girl Kate Bush, in a hella weird colour scheme

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Stranger Things S4 + Text Posts

honestly watching the stranger things girlies walking down the school hallways sad and crying while “running up that hill (a deal with god)” plays made me remember why i love the the cinematic arts. it’s the only reason rotten tomatoes needs to give s4 a fresh rating



fuck it, Toshiro Mifune fancam set to Kate Bush

hey op, what’s it like being a goddamned genius?

Love how Stranger Things never fails to get random 80s songs stuck in my head. Thanks Duffers

outtake shots of kate bush for the hounds of love album cover (1985) — photographed by john carder bush



I think about her everyday


Meg Myers - Running Up That Hill [Official Video]

Since everyone is remembering this song slaps (or is hearing it for the first time, lucky you!), I’m reblogging my favourite cover again.


running up that hill

I had a god damn panic attack watching this scene.

My shuffle watching me listen to Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush on an endless loop as I imagine I’m Max Mayfield running out of the Upside Down while lying on my bed covered in cookie crumbs

TheWarehouse 13 fandom welcomes the Stranger Things fandom with open arms over the shared trauma of “Running Up That Hill.”

therapy is typically an hour long and is Expensive

on an unrelated note, you can listen to Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush (1985) twelve times in an hour for free


Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush
