#same sex relationships



“Scientists have seen same-sex sex in a wide range of species, from bonobos, sheep, and dolphins, to garter snakes, guppies, and flour beetles. Also, in more than 130 species of birds, among them, greylag geese, pukekos, cattle egrets, ruffs, and several types of gulls, including silver, California, and ring-billed. In some wild populations of western gulls, up to 15 percent of females form long-lasting same-sex bonds, performing courtship rituals, synchronized dances, and gift-giving ceremonies of bits of food, and nesting together. Researchers studying a colony of Laysan’s albatrosses in Hawaii reported that fully a third of all pairs consisted of pair-bonded females that courted and coupled, groomed each other, and shared egg incubating and other parenting responsibilities.”

Jennifer Ackerman,fromThe Bird Way: A New Look at How Birds Talk, Work, Play, Parent, and Think (Penguin Press, 2020)

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screen capture of Jeff Goldblum as Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park has been edited from, “Life, uh… finds a way,” to read, “Life, uh… is gay.”
