#sarah cameron x john b


A Playdate in the Rain- Sarah Cameron

Request: Hi!! I was wondering if u could do prompts 12, 14, 22, 25, 28, and 53 with Sarah? Thank u

Summary: You and Sarah decide to run in the rain in her backyard like you did in the past, opening up about how you really feel. 

Word count: 1,048


12. “Dance with me.”

14. “Who cares about what they think?”

22. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”

25. “The power went out. It’s not the end of the world.”

28. “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”

53. “I mean friends can just make out with each other, right?“

Laying on your best friend’s bed, you had your head in Sarah Cameron’s lap, looking out the window as the dark grey clouds rolled in. Her hand was intertwined in your hair, gently fixing any tangles you had. Music played in the background, deafening the sound of the raindrops falling on the roof.

She jumped underneath you as a loud clap of thunder echoed in the sky. You giggled as she clamped her hand over her heart. Jokingly, she shoved you off of her and off of the bed. She covered her mouth with her hands, peering over the edge of the bed to see you on the ground. 

You were too busy laughing on the floor, giggling at the thumping sound you made when your body hit the floor. "Y/N I am so fucking sorry!” She said through her laughter. You rolled your eyes, sticking your hand up for her to grab, you easily pulled her down to the ground you.

She groaned in pain, slapping your arm hard. She let out a shriek of horror as the power went out. You sat up with her, watching the rain pour outside of the window. “The power went out, it’s not the end of the world.” You chuckled, getting up and fixing your shorts. “Leave me alone, we’re home alone. When the power goes out and I’m home alone I automatically think it’s a serial killer.”

You leaned against the windowsill, noticing just how hard the rain was hitting. An idea popped in your head. “Let’s go run around in the rain.” You said, looking back at Sarah. She furrowed her eyebrows at you, standing up off the ground.

We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” Sarah asked, joining your side. You faced her, “what? I mean why not? And since Rafe didn’t get the generators you guys needed it’ll be a bit before the power comes back on. Let’s do it, like we did when we were kids.” You grinned, grabbing her hands in yours. She looked up from your hands to your face, a light pink color on her cheeks.

“Fine.” She agreed. You both had changed into large t-shirts and shorts, towels in your hands and ready to use. The two of you stood in front of the backyard doors, watching the rain droplets fall and hit the ground. Making the first move, you opened the door and laid your towel on the patio undercover. Sarah stood inside, watching as you jumped in puddles and splashed in the cool water.

Dance with me!” You yelled towards her, twirling around with your arms out. She walked outside, throwing the towel aside before joining you. Her smile never left her face as she pranced around in the backyard with you. You laid on your back letting the water hit your exposed skin. Sarah couldn’t help but watch you with a small smile on her face.

For the last few months, you and Sarah had been closer than normal. Sometimes being more touchy with each other, more compliments, things that people in a relationship would do. You couldn’t lie, you did start to develop feelings for your best friend of 7 years. 

Sarah joined your side, smiling at the feeling of you intertwining your hands together. She bit on her bottom lip, deciding if she should bring up a certain topic. She came to a conclusion after you turned to look at her, watching as the droplets of rain trail down her facial features. 

Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.” Sarah broke the silence, watching your expression to try to figure out what you were thinking. A grin broke out on your face, blush immediately covering your cheeks. 

"I- uh I didn’t- know that you- you liked girls.” You stuttered sitting up in the grass, hoping that she didn’t see the obvious pink tinted to your cheeks. She sat up with you, shrugging her shoulders. “I mean, I haven’t really told anybody that I’m bi, only Wheezie.” She admitted, her fingers picking the grass to pieces. You shook your head as an understanding, remembering the time you came out to your parents.

“How did you do it? If you don’t mind me asking.” She quietly asked. You tucked your legs underneath you as you spoke, “it wasn’t easy. I told my sister first of course, and I ended up waiting like 3 months after that to tell my parents. Before I could even start talking I started to cry. I just told them that I was bi and it got really quiet afterwards. But then they told me that it was a new change that it would take some getting used to, but they were okay with it.” You mumbled, reaching over and grabbing onto her hand

“Love is love, Sarah. Love whoever the fuck you want. Who cares what they think? If your parents don’t like that, then you can easily move in with me. My parents love you, they’ll accept you. You shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself.” You lightly squeezed her hand, a sign of reassurance. Sarah scooted towards you, wrapping her arms around your neck.

You held her tight to you, your arms comfortably around her waist. “Thank you for understanding me Y/N.” She mumbled into the crook of your neck before placing a delicate to your skin. Your body shivered as you pulled back from her.

“ I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to-” you silenced her by connecting your lips together. She grinned into the kiss, her heartbeat accelerating. She leaned into your touch, her thumb skimming over your cheek bone. Her whole body immediately felt hot as your breath fanned over her skin. She gave you that beautiful smile before giving you another kiss, your hand cupping the side of her face.

She pulled away from you, allowing you both to catch your breath. “We can’t let our friends know that this happened, they can’t win a bet.” She laughed, brushing the water droplets away from your face. Nodding your head you grinned. “I mean friends can just make out with each other, right?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.

“Oh absolutely." 


Prompt list #1

Prompt list #2

JJ Maybank

Heather:Based on Heather by Conan Gray Part 2

Safe:After a long day JJ seeks comfort in you once he realizes he can’t sleep by himself.

Good Old Days:You and JJ meet once again after a harsh break up.

Just A Joke:JJ plays a trick on you, resulting in some positive outcomes.

Breakfast With the Moon:Based on by the song Breakfast With the Moon by Powfu.

Home Alone:You tell JJ the truth of what happened after you had a visit by the square groupers.

Johnny Boy: You don’t make it out after the shooting at the Cameron’s runway, leaving your death on the shoulders of your friends.

The Blip:Your best friend disappears after ‘the blip’ only to return 5 years later. Pt 2

Heights:JJ always has to bring up your height in every chance he gets.

Taken:You’ve been taken by the square groupers and JJ is anxious to get you back.

Bruises:JJ reveals the extent of his abuse by his father by accident, with you right by his side to help him get through the pain.

Sunshine:JJ finds you having a panic attack and is right by your side to help you calm down.

Rafe Cameron

Home Away From Home :Rafe comes to your house (even though you’re a Pogue) after he’s been kicked out of his house.

Need You Now:After a smoking session, Rafe admits to you what he thinks about you.

On My Own: You raised your child by yourself for the last 3 years, Rafe comes to his senses to finally become the dad he never was.

The Book of You & I: Based on The Book of You & I by Alec Benjamin

Kiss Me:Based on Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

The Truth:You finally tell Rafe the truth as to why you don’t want to go to parties anymore. 

Lost Privilege:You confront Rafe after hearing a certain story.

Easy Day:After a stressful week you and Rafe are finally able to relax together.

Positive:You and Rafe start your own family :)

Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head):Based on Death Bed (Coffee for Your Head) by Powfu and Beabadoobe

Kiara Carrera

Lost Sweater: Alternative Universe where when one person loses something, their soulmate receives it. 

Safe Haven:Kie arrives at your house, shaken up and wounded. You take care of her, letting her know she’s gonna be okay.

Three Bodyguards: Kiara deals with a serious issue, not wanting to bother her Pogues she distance herself from them until they get the truth out of her.

My Hero:Kie takes you out of the house after you’ve been studying, making sure this is a night to ease your mind.

John B Routledge

Hazel Brown:AU where your world is in black and white until you meet your soulmate, then everything turns into color.

Stress Release:Friends with benefits; Two friends who trust each other enough to engage in sexual activity without fear of hurting the other’s feelings.

Where Were You in the Morning?:Based on 'Where Were you in the Morning’ by Shawn Mendes


If The World Was Ending: Inspired by If The World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michael’s + Laying On My Porch While We Watch The World End by Powfu.

Sarah Cameron

Playdate in the Rain:You and Sarah decide to run in the rain in her backyard like you did in the past, opening up about how you really feel. 

Overnight stay:Instead of the boys leaving Kie with Sarah on a boat overnight, they to let you two get rid of your grievances first. 

Topper Thornton

Lazy Day:You and Topper decide to spend some more time together after a lazy day. 

Positive- Rafe Cameron

Summary: You and Rafe start your own family :)

Word count: 1,053

Warnings: mentions of vomit but aside from that just pure fluff!

You woke up next to your handsome husband. Husband. You never thought of the day you would be able to say Rafe Cameron was your husband. You peacefully rested your right hand on the side of his face, taking in every little detail of his sleeping face. 

How his mouth slightly parted open, his lips a little chapped. Sometimes he would twitch a little in his sleep depending on what kind of dream he was having. At times he unknowingly smiles when you would snuggle into his chest. He would always have an arm around you, afraid to let go. Your legs would be intertwined so if one of you had to get up, the other would immediately feel cold.

You suddenly felt the dinner from last night quickly rise up in your throat. You threw the bed sheet off of your body and ran into the bathroom. Rafe immediately sat up at the sound of his wife throwing up into the toilet. He ran into the bathroom and held your hair back, sitting on his knees. 

He rubbed a gentle hand on your back as you finished your business. You leaned your head against your arm, waiting to see if there was anything else coming up. “You okay, love?” Rafe asked as he grabbed some toilet paper to wipe around your mouth. This was the 4th time in a week where you had woken up vomiting. You also took notice that your period was a week late.

Rafe noticed the symptoms you were having and quickly figured it out. While you were at work, Rafe went out to the pharmacy and bought you three pregnancy tests. Three just in case one says positive and one says negative. He opened the cabinet door underneath the sink and pulled out the boxes. He gave you the box, your face read nothing but fear.

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be right outside the door.” He pressed a soft kiss to your temple as you nodded. You read the directions and proceed to do the steps you needed to take. You used all three tests at once just to see how that would work. You waited 5 minutes for the results, as you stared painfully at the sticks, time felt like hours.

After you looked at the clock, you picked up the test. Positive. You looked at the next two tests, they said the exact same thing, positive. You took a deep breath as a grin found its way to your face. You grabbed the tests and walked out of the bathroom. Rafe’s head snapped up at the sound of the bathroom door opening. 

“All the same. Positive.” You said, Rafe gasped as a reaction. His face broke out into a smile as he jumped up off the bed. He embraced you in his arms, picking you up and spinning you both around. He placed you down before holding your hands in his. “I’m gonna be a dad? Oh my God! I’m gonna be a dad!"  He yelled, kissing all around your face.


9 months later

You laid in a hospital bed, your stomach the size of a full blown watermelon. The upcoming parents had found out your baby was going to be a boy. You two spent nights trying to come up with a name and what you would do to be good parents.

Rafe sat in an uncomfortable chair next to his wife, holding your hand as you attempted to push as hard as you could. The doctor had your legs propped up, your body already felt weak at the amount of changes it went through.

You screamed out in pain as you squeezed Rafe’s hand tightly. You were in labour for 11 hours, the baby finally coming out. It started with the head as your face contorted back and forth from pain to relief with every inch of the baby that came out.

"It’s okay, beautiful. You got this you’re almost there. He’s almost here.” Rafe encouraged you as he pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “One more push!” The doctor said. You gave one final strong push as the sound of cries made the new parents smile. You exhaled loudly, resting your head against Rafe’s hand. The doctor handed the Camerons a pair of scissors. Each of you looped a finger into the tool and cut the umbilical cord.

“Alright let’s clean this guy up.” The doctor said to the nurse as Rafe ran his fingers through his wife’s hair, grabbing a paper towel to blot the sweat off of your face and chest. “You fucking did it hun. We’re parents.” Rafe breathed out.

“And here is your healthy baby boy.” A nurse said with your baby wrapped in a baby blanket. You held the baby in your arms as you broke down crying. “Oh my god.” You sobbed looking down at the tiny human in your arms. You moved over a bit so Rafe could sit next to you. You rested your head on his chest as he laid his cheek on your head.

Your baby boy looked up at you as if he was confused. Rafe rubbed the top of your baby’s head, the fuzz tickling his hand. “We made this.” Rafe exhaled in disbelief, he began to play with the baby’s hand, his tiny fingers wrapping around Rafe’s index finger. Tears began to stroll down his face, he had never been so happy in his life. 

“Have you decided on a name for him yet?” The parents looked at each other. “Luke Cameron.” You two stayed in the hospital bed, holding your newborn son. “You were just welcomed to the world and I already love you with all my heart.” Rafe mumbled as Luke continued to hold onto Rafe’s finger while gazing up at you. 

“We did this. Oh my god, I’m a mom.” You sniffled, pressing a gentle kiss to Lukes head. “I’m proud of us. And we’re gonna raise him to be the best kind of person. I’m gonna teach him about sports of course, and we can make little bedtime stories about our adventures and I can’t wait to buy him little footie pajamas and little baby hats and beanies.” Rafe rambled as he kissed the baby’s fingers.

“Here’s to our new adventure.”
