#rafe fluff



Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: Rafe x Reader, Kelce, Topper, John B, Pope, JJ 

Warnings: Drinking, Mild Language

w/c: 1200

Summary:The reader helps Rafe get home when he’s had a little a lot too much to drink on the golf course.

a/n: this was a request from an anon,, but it was too long to include it here,, thank you for the request ! <3

pretty please don’t steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))


You drove slowly around the golf course, looking along the way for any golfers who looked like they were in need of refreshments. Your stomach dropped when you saw the three familiar boys a few yards ahead of you, you hated it when you saw people you knew at work.

“Yo! Y/N!” Topper waved, trying to get your attention from his place on the gold course.

You sighed, but sped up on your golf cart at the sound of Topper calling you over, “Yeah what’s up? Do you guys need more drinks or…” you went quiet when you caught sight of Rafe doubled over, his face pale, “Oh god… Is he okay?”

“He’s fine… I think,” Topper ran his hand through his hair, “He’s just had too much to drink,”

“I haven’t seen him this bad before,” Kelce


“Guys I’m fine,” Rafe stood up, swaying slightly, “I just need a minute,”

“We should probably get him somewhere before he-” You were cut off as Rafe lurched forward and threw up all over the uniformly cut grass. “Well, too late for that,” You sighed, looking between Topper and Kelce, “Can you guys just put him in the golf cart? I’ll just take him back to his place,”

“Y/N, no, you don’t have to do that,” Topper shook his head, “We can take him home,”

“It’s fine,” you said with a shrug, “I was about to take my lunch break anyways, and I’m not really hungry anymore.” You said, holding back a gag when you caught a glimpse of what Rafe had spewed out onto the grass.

“You sure?”

You nodded in agreement and the boys grabbed Rafe by the shoulders, guiding him over to the open seat next to you. Rafe plopped down beside you, his face still ghost-white from nausea. 

“Hey Y/N,” he muttered sheepishly, rubbing his hand down his face. 

“Hey Rafe,” you reached into the back of the golf cart and into your cooler, pulling out a cold water bottle, “Drink this. It’ll help,” you assured him as you handed him the bottle. 

“Thank you so much for this Y/N,” Kelce said.

“Yeah, we definitely owe you one,” Topper agreed. 

“No problem guys,” You started up the engine and gave the boys a small wave as you drove off with Rafe. 

“I’m sorry you’re seeing me like this Y/N,” Rafe said, breaking the silence between the two of you.

“Rafe don’t apologize,” You stifled a laugh, “Trust me I’ve been where you are before, it’s not fun,”

“Yeah that’s for sure,” he muttered, wincing at the dull headache that was starting to form, “Uh, Y/N?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

“I think I’m gonna-” Rafe didn’t finish his sentence before he was, once again, blowing chunks out the side of the golf cart. 

“Oh God,” you swallowed thickly, trying to shove down your own urge to throw up.

“Sorry,” he groaned, sitting up a little straighter once he was sure nothing else was going to come up. “I try to make it a point not to vomit when I’m around pretty girls, today’s not going too well for me,”

You smiled at his joke, “It’s fine. We’re almost to the front desk,” you told him, “Then I can clock out and get you home,”

“You really don’t have to do that for me, I can get home on my own,”

You raised a brow at him, “Yeah right. I bet you can’t even walk straight,”

Rafe didn’t argue, knowing you were probably right. He unscrewed the cap from the bottle you had given him and gingerly took a few sips. 

You pulled up to the desk that was attached to the outdoor bar at the front of the golf course, “Hey Pope!” you called out to your friend.

Pope walked out from behind the bar at the sound of his name, JJ and John B not far behind him. The boys had been short of cash and had practically begged you to get them jobs at the golf course that you had been a bev-cart girl at for the past few summers.

You rolled your eyes, “Seriously guys? I get you all jobs and you’re all just sitting back here hanging out the whole time? You’re gonna get me fired.”

“Is that Rafe?” JJ asked, ignoring your question. He craned his neck to look at the boy who looked half-dead in the seat of your golf cart.

“Yeah,” you sighed, “He’s hungover- it’s pretty bad. Anyways, I’m gonna take my lunch break and take him back to his place, so if anyone asks where I am can you just let them know I’m on my break?”

John B scrunched his nose in disgust, “You’re doing Rafe a favor? The hell has he ever done for any of us? He’s just an asshole,”

“He’s nice to me,” you said, crossing your arms, “Plus, I already promised Topper and Kelce I would get him home-”

The sound of Rafe vomiting for the third time filled the air and you dropped your shoulders in defeat, “Not again…”

The three boys broke into laughter as they watched Rafe double over. 

“You guys are jerks,” you walked back to the golf cart with a shake of your head, “I’ll be back in thirty minutes or so,”

“Bye Y/N!” JJ called out with a dramatic wave, “Take good care of your boyfriend,” He blew you and Rafe a kiss, earning a few laughs from John B and Pope behind him.

You ignored the blush forming on your cheeks and forced a smile at the boys as you drove off, giving them a good view of your middle finger as you passed. “Have fun cleaning up the throw-up!” You said with a smirk, pointing at the mess Rafe had left as you drove away. You silently relished in the fact that the boys would be the ones to have to clean it up.

You drove the golf cart away from the course and towards the Cameron’s home, knowing that it was only about a mile or so away.

“Hey Rafe,” you said, turning to look at the boy for a moment. “I know you don’t really have that much control, but I would really appreciate it if you wouldn’t throw up anymore- I’m not sure I can handle it anymore without throwing up myself.”

“I don’t think I have anything left to throw up,” he mumbled.

“Thank God,”

Rafe slumped over, laying his head down on the space between where you both were sitting. “Thank you, Y/N,” he whispered tiredly, “You’re not like those other pogues… I like you,” he moved closer to you, lying his head on your lap before passing out.

You smiled a little at his words, pulling into his massive driveway.

Ward saw you from the front window, coming out quickly to see what was happening, “Y/N is that you?”

“Hey Mr. Cameron,” You greeted with a small wave, “Uh, Rafe’s not feeling too well, so I just decided to bring him home,”

“Not again,” Ward cursed under his breath as he approached the cart to see his son, clearly hungover, and passed out on your lap. He looked up at you with an embarrassed smile, “Thanks so much for bringing him home Y/N,”

“Yeah no problem,” you helped Rafe sit up and Ward wrapped his arm around his son’s shoulders, guiding him inside. 

“Bye Y/N!” Rafe called tiredly, raising one hand wildly in an attempt to wave.

You chuckled to yourself, “Bye Rafe,” you waved back before driving back to the golf course, wondering if Rafe would even remember this tomorrow.



OBX Taglist

@tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar @http-cherries@ad-infinitums @thefangirl05 @obxmxybxnk@jaazzzzz@littlecxtiee@colie-babi @g000d–vib33zzz @coloradogirl07 @thebendslikebendover @danicarosaline @meaganjm @shy-1234 @mendesmaybank@starkeybabie @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch @xtarkid @jeyramarie @talksoprettyjjx @asapkyndall @lovelymaybankk @outcrbcnks@obx-pogues-4-life@phantompogues@jorja-cameron@mardema



Outer Banks Masterlist

updated: AUGUST 26 2021

*send a request*


The Other Side: JJ and Y/N clearly feel something for each other, though Pogues and Kooks are never supposed to be together. (JJ X Reader and Rafe x Reader)

Part One,Part Two,Part Three, Part Four (still a work in progress)


As Long As I’ve Got You:Y/N is not happy after JJ threatens Topper with the gun he found.

I’m Right Here: Y/N comforts JJ when he has a panic attack.

Rule Breakers: Y/N and JJ enjoy the sunset together.

Just A Cold: JJ takes care of Y/N when she gets sick. 

Trust Me:JJ sees how Y/N doesn’t really like her Kook friends and decided to do something about it.

Tension:The Pogues play Truth or Dare.

Friday Night:JJ refuses to let Y/N spend her Friday night studying.

Suprise:Y/N comes back from boarding school to suprise JJ

Starry Night:Y/N and JJ finally admit their feelings to each other.

Good Intentions:The truth about how JJ has been feeing finally comes out.

New Girl:Y/N has just moved to the Outer Banks and finds a new friend that makes her think that maybe being the new girl won’t be so bad.

Car Troubles:JJ saves the day and helps Y/N out when she has some car troubles.

My Protector:Unsurprisingly, Rafe and JJ get into it during a party.

Little Sister:No pogue-on-pogue max king has always been a rule for the friend group. Fortunately, JJ and Y/N have never been ones to follow the rules.

Smooth Move:JJ comes over to stay the night with Y/N after a rough night at home.


First Kiss:Rafe finds out who your first kiss was and isn’t too thrilled about it.

John B

The Golden Rule: Y/N and John B break the Golden Rule of pouge life.

Life As a Pogue

Girl’s Night:Y/N and Kie take a break from the boys and have a girls night.


First Kiss

Based On: Outer Banks

Characters: Rafe x Reader

Warnings: Mild Language


Summary:Rafe can’t help but be a little jealous when he finds out who your first kiss was. 

pretty please don’t steal my work it’s literally not cool- also i would LOVE if you left some feedback ! thank u and hope u guys enjoy :))

You let out a soft sigh as you looked around the party in boredom. Rafe’s arm was wrapped around your shoulder and he was laughing at something the group around you had said. You were zoned out, having much rather stayed at home with Rafe tonight than going to this boring party- but Rafe had insisted the two of you needed to go. God, you hated kook parties. they were always filled with people who thought it was better to put on a fake smile and flaunt their wealth than have a real conversation.


You snapped out of your thoughts at the sound of Rafe’s voice.“It’s your turn.”

“Truth or dare?” Kelce asked you from across the room.

“Uh, truth,” you answered, not really into the game.

“Who was your first kiss?”

You scrunched your brows at his chosen question, knowing Rafe had an awful habit of getting jealous- and knowing that he would be even more so when he heard who your first kiss had been. Finally, you sighed, “JJ. JJ Maybank.” you admitted.

The group burst out laughing at you, most likely at the fact that your first kiss was from a pogue. While they all made jokes and poked fun at you, you didn’t miss the glare that was coming from the boy next to you.

You and Rafe stayed for a few more rounds before he excused the two of you from the party and led the way back to the car.

When you were finally nearing the car and out of earshot from anyone else you looked up at your boyfriend, “Next week can we please just stay home and hang? No more kook parties, I-”

Suddenly he let go of your hand, interrupting you, “Was Maybank really your first kiss?”

You paused for a moment, a little taken aback at the abruptness of his question, 

“Uhh, yeah. Why?”

“Your first kiss was a pogue? And of everyone on the island, it had to be JJ?" 

His voice was low and he was glaring at you as he spoke.

You raised your brows as you looked up at him, "Are you really mad at me right now for my first kiss? We weren’t together or anything,”

Rafe broke eye contact with you. Clearly, this newfound information really getting under his skin, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Rafe- do you hear yourself? Why would I tell you about my first kiss- it literally happened in seventh grade. It doesn’t mean anything,”

He still didn’t look at you, rubbing the back of his neck, “Was it any good?” He finally asked, his voice quiet as he spoke.

It took everything in you not to laugh out loud at his question, “Was 13-year-old JJ Maybank a good kisser?” you repeated his question, still trying to hold back your laughter, “Rafe, are you jealous right now?”

“No,” he said defensively, “Of course not- the hell would I be jealous of a pogue?”

You rolled your eyes, reaching up and pulling Rafe down and into a kiss, “Rafe, I’m yours, okay?” You said breathlessly as you broke the kiss for a moment, “You don’t ever need to be jealous,” You assured, pulling him in for another kiss.

When the two of you pulled back, he looked down at you, biting his lip, “But I am a better kisser than him right?”

“Oh my god,” You groaned, “Yes Rafe, you are a better kisser than JJ. Happy now?”

Rafe grinned, pressing his lips to yours again, with a muffled “Mhm,” He worked his way down the side of your jaw, placing kisses along the way, “He might have been your first kiss,” he whispered, his hand sliding down to your ass, “But I was thefirst,” He winked at you and swatted his hand away.

“Rafe- not here,” You blushed and hurried to the car, Rafe only a few steps behind, a grin plastered across his face.

letters to you: fifteen - rafe cameron

summary: whoever said you can’t make homes out of human beings clearly never met rafe cameron

warnings: cigarette smoking, swearing, sexual discussions and innuendos, smut at the very end

wc: 7k

a/n: hello i am crying but i hope you enjoy this and as always please let me know what you think <3 thank you all for reading i am emotional

series masterlist

     You wake before Rafe in the morning. The words you think you heard have been on repeat in your brain for exactly seven hours; so much so that you’re not even sure you actually ever drifted off. His arm is draped loosely around your body and his snores are soft, leading you to reach down and guide your hand on top of his from where it rests around you. 

In a way, you consider how perfect it would be. You wouldn’t have to live in a house with two strangers – to you and each other – for the summer until you head off to grad school, and you could be with him all the time. The way you’ve been dying to be since you first met him. 

Another part of you worries. Worries that Rafe might get sick of you, worries that he might regret offering to share his space with you. What if he’d just been too caught up in his post-sex high to even properly remember what he’d said? 

You bite down on your bottom lip and decide not to say a word to him about it, given you don’t want to make him feel obligated to do or say anything. 

You feel him stir after a few minutes; his grip tightening around you and pulling your back into his chest. His lips ghost over your cheek, and he peaks his eyes open just enough to see that yours already are. 

“Honey?” he questions softly, his voice raspy and hesitant. 

You turn in his arms and give him a soft smile, urging the doubt and the uncertainty away. He relaxes a bit when he sees your sweet smile, but his eyebrows remain furrowed 

“Hi,” you murmur. 

“Hi,” he pulls you closer, eyes beading into yours, “You okay?”

Your smile is wider this time, “I’m great.”

Visibly, Rafe’s tenseness falls and he kisses your forehead. His hair is messy and his eyes seem extra blue somehow, a fact you study for far too long. 

“Good. I was afraid you were regretful.”

What?” you question, scooting closer to him without even realizing it. 

He shrugs shyly, as if his suggestion seems ridiculous to him now. You reach up and press your palm against his cheek, stroking the skin there with the base of your thumb. 

He hums under your movement, giving you a little smile as you do so. 

“Rafe,” you say quietly, “I – no, I’m not regretful.”

You want to say more; to tell him how much you love him and reassure him of everything he could possibly be thinking right now. Instead, you just smile and keep stroking his skin, watching those motions reassure him in ways words never could. 

“I’m glad,” he practically whispers, “Because last night meant a lot to me.”

“Me too.”

He grins, “Go brush.”

You bite your bottom lip to hide your growing smile, then turn and hurry from his bed and into his bathroom. Just as before, Rafe leisurely enters the bathroom after you, pressing himself a little too close and smiling a little too wide when you hand him his toothbrush. 

You giggle, not even caring that you have a mouthful of toothpaste, unable to believe that you’re allowed to be this happy. Never in a million years would you have guessed you’d end up brushing your teeth and showering with Rafe Cameron, but something about it feels like a home that you’ve never had before. It’s easy, comforting, real, and raw. It’s honest; not some place you have to put a mask on and smile or pretend you don’t notice how your parents won’t look at each other. 

Rafe pulls you back to bed after you both finish brushing, sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling you into his lap. 

“You don’t want to lay back down?” you ask him with a teasing smirk. 

“Y/N,” he shakes his head, “If we lay back down, I’m going to end up inside you again, and I know you’re probably sore.”

You giggle, “You really think highly of yourself, huh?”

His eyebrows shoot up, as if daring you to continue, but a smile teases the ends of his lips. His hands innocently roam your body before stopping just above your hips, lightly pinching your side and grinning when you squeal.

“What was that?” Rafe asks.

“Nothing, nothing,” you backpedal, laugh on your lips, “Teasing you.”

“Mhm,” he hums, “Better be. You’re beautiful when you laugh.”

“Thank you,” you whisper, leaning down to kiss him. 

He accepts your kiss with no hesitation; instead reaching up and guiding you down to him. He’s in no rush and he lets it show; letting his lips move slowly against yours and taking his time memorizing how you taste. 

“Can I feed you now?” he asks against your lips, a part of you knowing he doesn’t want to get up from this position. 

His hands remain on your body, tucking themselves under the tee shirt you’re wearing and feeling your skin on his own.

“If you must,” you smile. 

His lips move down to your neck, starting a pursuit from the top down to your collar bones, nipping lightly at your skin. 

“Don’t want you to go,” he mumbles, “Want you in my bed tonight.”

You squirm on his lap before you can help it, his words shooting straight to your lower stomach and causing you to bite down on your lower lip. Just the thought of being with him again is enough to have you drooling. 

Before you can respond verbally, Rafe continues speaking, still against the skin on the opposite side of your neck. 

Every night,” he corrects, “Every single one.”

He pulls back then, his blue eyes staring into yours and giving you a small smile. You decide then, with him looking at you the way he is, to forget everything you’d told yourself this morning. 

“Even after graduation?” you test it out, your voice high pitched and squeaky. 

Rafe’s eyes widen for half a second before a bit of pink rises to his cheeks. You purse your lips to hide a smile at that, watching as he scrambles for something to say. 

Um,” he stops and clears his throat, “You heard that?”

“Mhm,” you nod, “But if you just said it because–”

“Because I meant it,” he stops you, “Honey, I’d love for you to stay with me after you graduate.”

You bite down on your bottom lip, still unsure even with his convincing nature. He reaches up and brushes a strand of hair from your face, his eyes never leaving yours as he does so. 

“Are you sure?” you ask, “I’m messy, and I hate doing the dishes, and I can’t cook, I can bake, I guess, but I can’t fold shirts very well, you know, like how they do at department stores?”

Rafe laughs and shakes his head, stopping you from babbling on about everything you lack in. As if it’s possible, he pulls you closer , holding your gaze with intent. 

“Well, lucky for you, I lovedoing the dishes, I can cook most foods, but I can’t bake, and I do my own laundry, anyway. We sound like the perfect fit.”

You grin then, unable to help yourself. The idea of this being your life everyday for longer than a weekend fills your mind, and no part of you doubts that you’ll dislike it. 

“We do, don’t we?” you ask him quietly. 

He nods, “Yeah. Let’s give it a try. Please?”

You suck in a deep breath and squirm on his lap before you can help it, watching as he swallows. Slowly, you nod, stroking the hair on the back of his neck with your nails. 

“You promise you’ll tell me if I get on your nerves?”

He laughs, “I really don’t think that’s possible.”


“Okay,” he chuckles, “Yes, I promise.”

“Thank you.”

You give him a happy smile, one which he returns, then give him a quick kiss and lay your head on his shoulder. His hands stroke up and down your back, calming and comforting you more than he’s aware. 

“Hungry?” he whispers in your ear, laughing when you nod. 

“Pancakes?” you ask, as you rise from his lap. 

He grins and takes your hand, letting you pull him off the bed. He taps your ass lightly with his other hand, letting you lead him out of his bedroom. 

“Yes. I’ll put chocolate chips in yours if you make coffee.”


     Saying goodbye to Rafe seems harder this time than the others. You’d come here to fix things, and done just that, but the thought of sleeping alone, of reading alone in bed or watching TV by yourself only makes you sad. 

You can tell he feels the same with the way he squeezes your hand once you stop on the dock, staring out at the ferry as if it might kill you upon approach. 

“Maybe we could have that dinner with your dad next weekend,” Rafe volunteers, “Only if you don’t have any studying to do.”

You smile and look up at him, willing to agree to suffer through a dinner with your father if it means coming back to see him. 

“Yes,” you reply. 

“Okay,” Rafe grins, pulling you closer, “You could bring some of your stuff, if you want.”

You giggle before you can help it, “It’s March, Rafe.”


You collapse into his chest, your hands clawing their way up his shirt to feel his bare skin. He shivers under your touch; your hands slightly cold against his warm skin. 

“The semester doesn’t end until May.”

“I don’t care,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss into your hair, “Leave it anyway. It will reassure me that you have to come back every time you leave.”

Your eyes flutter closed, replaying those words over and over in your head. As usual, neither of you are in a hurry to separate, not caring about ferry schedules or the people around you. 

When he squeezes, you know he’s about to tell you it’s time. Silently, you nuzzle deeper into his chest, your way of protesting. 

“Honey,” he urges softly, “I’m sorry. You have to go.”

You swallow and suck in a deep breath, then pull back from his hug. His lips meet yours before either of you know it, moving sweetly and softly, showing you his love without saying a word. 

“I love you,” you remind him when you pull back, your breath fanning his lips as you speak. 

“I love you, too,” he promises. 

Slowly, he removes your duffle bag from his shoulder and places it on your own, giving you one last kiss before he releases you completely. 

You take a few steps away from him before you turn around, finding a cigarette already between his fingers and his eyes on you. 

“My turn to write?” you ask.

He nods, “Yes. Soon, please.”

You grin and nod, telling him that you’ll do it. He waits for you to turn around again before he lights his cigarette, waiting there as he always does until the ferry is out of sight. 

     “Moving in?”

You purse your lips, not sure of what else to say. Emma stares back at you, her glasses resting on the tip of her nose as she gawks. 

You’d made it into the apartment, having had to take an Uber home from the dock, and about twelve feet into the living room before you blurted out that Rafe asked you to stay with him after graduation. Her jaw had dropped instantly, and no words came out for a solid sixty seconds. 

“Y/N, shit,” she mutters, “That’s big. I mean, you guys have only known each other for, like, what? Three months? Maybe?Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

You shrug innocently, “I mean, it’s only for the summer. He knows I don’t want to stay with my parents.”

“Oh, your parents,” Emma tosses her arms up in the air, “Who will probably go batshit crazy when they find out you’re bunking with the biggest party animal in the graduating class of–”

Hey,” you snap, “He’s different now.”

“So are you,” she replies, “The Y/N I know would chain me to the couch if I tried to move in with Ethan after two months.”

Your jaw clenches a bit, defensiveness rising. You take a deep breath and try to see it from her point of view, which is the only reason why you see where she’s coming from. Before Rafe, these decisions would’ve been insane to you. Now that you’ve been in love, it just seems to be what’s right. 

“You don’t love him,” you point out, “And,you’re not dating him. Officially.”

Emma shakes her head, “Not the point.”

“That’s exactly the point, Em. I feel at home with him. The only other person I’ve felt that with is—”

You stop when you feel the emotions swell in your chest, crossing your arms and unwilling to admit it when the two of you are on the verge of fighting. Her eyes widen when she realizes, taking a few steps closer. 

Me?” she asks. 

You nod, “Yes, you. And I can’t live with you, so–”

“Oh, Y/N,” she groans, throwing her arms around you, “You know I just had to be the mom for a minute. Since you’ve always been the mom for me.”

You laugh and wrap your arms around her squeezing her closer. A few more months, and your best friend is going back to Virginia with her family, off to her next adventure. Without you. The fear of the friendship fading into social media updates and sporadic ‘It’s been too longI!’ text messages makes your heart ache, even as you cling to her. 

“Does that mean I can move in with him?” you teasingly ask. 

She laughs, “Yes. On one condition.”

“Which is?”

Emma pulls back, giving you a genuine smile. 

“You have to call me everyday.”

You laugh and nod your head, pulling her in for one final hug before the two of you separate. 

“I can and I will,” you agree. 

“Good. Wanna watch Golden Girls?”

     The week drags longer than any other week before it. Your classes get longer, your professors drone on more and more, and the hours pass by at a slower pace. You mailed Rafe a letter on Monday, reading:


I told Emma about moving in with you after we graduate. She was hesitant at first, but we have her blessing. Just thought you’d want to know that. 

I’m in a class right now. I know I should be paying attention, but all I can think about is you. Can I send you a dirty letter? I’m afraid the guy who delivers your mail will read it. 

Actually, I don’t care if he does. 

All I can think about is the way you feel when you pull me close. The way your hands feel when they move down my back and slip under my shirt. The way your mouth felt on my chest that first night. The way you cover every inch of my body when you’re on top of me, touching me everywhere. I love the way your skin feels on mine. It’s one of my favorite things, actually. I can’t wait to feel you again. Every part of you. We’ll take our time this time. No anxiety, no rushing. I just want to memorize every piece of you.

Now, I’m thinking about hugging you and kissing you, and how much I want to do it for hours on end. To just feel safe with you and loved by you is the most incredible feeling in the world. I can’t stop thinking about how amazing it’s going to feel when I get to see you every single day. 

Thank you for letting me stay with you. Honestly, I think I’d have gotten my own place if you hadn’t come up with the idea. I just can’t stand to live with my parents for another second. Not when I could be coming home to you every day. 

Anyway, sorry my letter seems to be all over the place. That’s kind of been me the past few days, though. My mind is only calm when I’m with you. 

I hope your week is going well. Call if you want to talk, otherwise write to me soon. 

I love you.



When Tuesday evening rolls around, and you’re knee deep in homework, trying to knock it all out before you go back home, Rafe calls. You grin and slam your laptop shut, sitting back on your bed as you answer.


He’s silent for a moment, but you can hear him exhale. You bite down on your bottom lip, waiting to hear his voice. 

“You sent me a dirty letter?”

His voice is low, raspy, telling you just how much your words have gotten to him. You squirm on your bed, containing your laughter. 

“Kinda,” you tease, “Did you like it?”

Y/N,” he groans, “Yeah, honey, I fucking liked it. I had to take a shower after I read it.”

“Oh,” you laugh, then purse your lips when you realize what he means, “Oh.”

“You’re killing me,” he mumbles.


“It’s worth it. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too,” you say without missing a beat, “So, I get out of class at two on Thursday, and the last ferry leaves at–”

“Take it,” he tells you, “I’ll come get you when you get in.”

“Are you sure? It’s gonna be a bit late–”

“Don’t care, honey. I’ll come get you at three in the morning if it means I get one more night with you.”

You smile; feeling that familiar heat bloom all over your body. It pools in your stomach – evidence of your need for him. 

“Thank you, Rafe,” you whisper. 

You can practically feel his smirk through the phone, but you wait for his words anyway. 

“Yeah, well, we’re going to need the extra night to give you even more to write about in your next dirty letter,” he teases. 

You laugh, “I guess we will, huh?”

“Hmm,” he hums, “Make sure you check your mailbox tomorrow. I don’t want your mailman reading my letter, either.”

“You wrote me a dirty letter back?” you gasp. 

He chuckles. You shift on your bed, laying on your side instead of your back, sitting up with intrigue. 

“I did, honey. All of my excitement for Thursday is in there.”

“I can’t wait to see you,” you tell him, “I’m doing all my homework now so I don’t have to worry about it when I’m there.”

“Good idea. I’ll let you get back to it, okay?”

You frown, but you know that’s probably for the best. 


“I love you,” he says quietly, “All mine.”

“All yours. I love you, too.”

“Bye, honey.”

“Bye, Rafe.”


First, I’m glad Emma approves of you living with me over the summer. Don’t forget about my extra bedroom, Emma can always come and stay with us if she wants to visit. Ethan can come too, if they’re still a thing by then. He’s a cool guy, so I wouldn’t mind. 

Now, let’s talk about how riled up you got me with just a few words. I mean, really? You of all people want to talk about how good skin to skin contact feels? Do you even understand how much I love feeling you? Because I do. 

That first night you let me see you, I was putty in your hands, honey. I would’ve given you absolutely anything, right then and there. Touching you, feeling you, it was everything. And when you let me put my mouth on you? I thought I was going to cum in my pants like a fucking fourteen year-old. You taste amazing, and it strokes my ego a lot knowing I’m the only person who knows that. I can’t wait until you’re here. I’m gonna lay you down and memorize every goddamn inch of you. I’m gonna take my time, just like you said, and make you feel good over and over again. I’m counting down the seconds until I can get you back in my bed. Can’t wait until summer, when I can just keep you there. I might have to quit my job just so I can stay home and love on you all day. I’ll put some thought into it. 

So soon, beautiful. See you so soon. 

I love you so much. 



After numerous hugs from Emma and promising her over and over that you will, in fact, come back on Sunday, you’re on the ferry. Rafe’s latest letter sits in your hands, the promise of reading it once more making you giddy. You relax in your seat and open it, careful of any lingering eyes before you dive in. 

You watch the sunset just before the ferry docks, taking a few pictures to show Rafe and send to Emma. Just like it had a week ago, your duffle bag strap meets your shoulder and you hurry off the ferry, desperate to lay eyes on him once again. 

It’s like a breath of fresh air, seeing him in front of you. His hair is a bit messy, and you can tell he’d come straight from work with his outfit. His tie is pulled out from his neck, hanging loose. His blue button down has you practically drooling, his letter now heavy in your bag as you think of all the things you want him to do to you. 

He tosses his half-consumed cigarette on the ground and crushes it before he starts down the dock, easy smile gracing his features. 

“There she is,” he says through his grin, throwing his arms around you once you’re close enough. 

“You look handsome,” you tell him, unable to contain that thought any longer. 

He chuckles in your ear, “Thank you, honey.”

His face nuzzles into your neck, his lips pressing quick, wet kisses there. You scratch up and down his back through his button down, listening to him hum contently into your skin. After a minute, his hands rise and cup your cheeks, pulling you back so he can get a good look at your face. 

“Hi,” he whispers through a smile. 

“Sorry, I forgot to say hi,” you giggle sheepishly, “Hi.”

He laughs easily, “The compliment was appreciated just as much. I missed you.”

“I missed you,” you tell him, pulling him closer by his collar, “I was reading your letter on the trip.”

Rafe smirks proudly, removing your duffle from your shoulder and placing it on his own before he takes your hand. He tugs you into him, then starts walking – rather quickly, you think – toward the parking lot. 

“You’re gonna sleep well tonight, honey,” he murmurs, leading you right up to his truck. 

     Every single word in Rafe’s letter comes true that evening. You’re sure it’s well into the two a.m. hour when he finally collapses beside you, his lips swollen and pink, every inch of your body burning up under the feeling of his mouth trailing over the skin. He’d coaxed a solid three orgasms from you before coming undone himself, disposing of the condom before he climbs back into bed and pulls you into his chest. 

Every part of you feels content, happy, loved. If it weren’t for the sleep clawing at your eyes, you’re sure you would turn around and kiss him for a few more hours. 

Instead, you feel Rafe press a kiss to your flaming cheek, both of you remaining naked, giving you as much access to his skin as possible. 

“Rafe?” you mumble. 


You keep your eyes closed as you ask your question, hoping your body doesn’t burn any hotter than it already is. 

“Can I take care of you tomorrow night?”

He swallows audibly, “Honey–”

“Please,” you whine, “You take such good care of me and I want to do the same with you. I might not be any good, but–”

“Stop,” he demands, “You’ll be great. I’ll guide you through it.”

You smile to yourself, “So, that’s a yes?”

“Fuck. Yes. It’s a yes.”

You grin victoriously, leaning your head to the side to kiss his forearm where it rests around you.He squeezes you tighter in response, letting you drift off to sleep without a thought in your head. 

     You wake up in Rafe’s bed alone, tangled in his sheets and his scent, but not him.You can tell it’s early based on the minimal sunlight coming through his blinds, so you pull the blanket over your chest and sit up. 

Right then, he steps back into his bedroom, fully dressed for work with his tie hanging around his neck. He’d showered, you can tell by his hair, and you wonder how he did all of this without waking you. 

“Goodmorning, honey. Sorry if I woke you,” he says quietly, stepping over to the bed to give you a quick kiss. 

You oblige, pecking his lips before you pull back to rub the sleep from your eyes. Your heart sinks at the thought of him having to leave, but the last thing you want to do is make a fuss when he’s being kind enough to let you stay.

“You didn’t,” you inform him, “But I’m afraid you were going to leave without saying goodbye.”

He shakes his head, leaning down for another kiss. 

“I was going to leave a letter.”

You smile at that, which has him giving you one right back. He steps over to his dresser and pulls out one of his tee shirts, walking over to the bed and gesturing for you to raise your arms. You do, letting him pull his shirt over your head. 

Once it’s on, he leans down and kisses the top of your head, then reaches for your hand and tugs on it. 

“Let me show you something,” he requests. 

You nod and stand up, letting him guide you back over to his dresser. He pulls out each drawer one by one, letting you observe the fact that each one is only half-full, clothes all folded and pressed to the right side of the drawer.

“Why are you showing me this?” you ask him. 

He smiles, “I made room for your stuff. So, your shirts can go with mine, and your pants can go with mine, and your underwear–”

“Rafe,” you stop him with a giggle, “That’s so sweet of you. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” he replies, beaming, “Maybe while I’m gone, you can put some stuff away.”

“I will,” you promise him. 

“Good. Now, I have to go. I made you some coffee and left it in the pot. If you need anything, call me.”

“Okay,” you nod weakly, not wanting him to go. 

He squeezes your hand, showing you he feels the same way. He leans down then, his forehead pressed against yours. 

“Give me a kiss,” he demands softly. 

You do just that; grabbing ahold of the back of his neck and pulling him closer while you kiss him. His arm wraps around your back, causing him to groan when he realizes you’re kissing him in onlyhis shirt, and he’s still supposed to leave you. 

“Have a good day,” you tell him when you pull back. 

“Mmm,” he hums, “I’ll just be thinking of you. Here. In my shirt. In my bed. In my shower–”

“You’re going to be late,” you laugh. 

“All right, I’m going,” he promises, “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

“Okay,” you nod, loving the way those words sound from him. 

“Love you, honey,” he whispers, kissing your forehead. 

“Love you, too.”

You follow him out to the living room, where he picks up his stuff, then strides right back over and presses one last kiss to your lips. 

“Bye,” he murmurs. 

“Bye, Rafe,” you smile. 

He escapes out the front door with one last smile and wave, locking it behind him. You collapse on his couch the second he’s gone, a daze washing over you at the thought of this being your life for the entire summer. 

You’d get to kiss him goodbye every morning, eat dinner with him, show him how much you love him every night, and weekends would be your own, as they are now. It just wouldn’t feel so rushed, so vital to soak up every second of him. 

You pour out a cup of coffee and lounge in the living room for a while before deciding to take a shower. Afterward, you dress and put the items you brought to leave here – just to please Rafe – away in his dresser. You’d brought a few shirts, a pair of shorts and a pair of leggings, and just to tease him, a few pairs of your favorite underwear. The idea of him seeing them every day when he dresses gets you a little too excited, especially paired with the fact that you love the way your clothes look tucked next to his. 

Once your clothes are away, and the boredom starts to set in, you make your way over to his nightstand to look at the books he has there. Then, without thinking much of it, you open the drawer. It’s mostly random items, and you tell yourself you’re not snooping, even though you know you are. He has a spare charger, a box of condoms, aspirin, and other random little things. Just before you close it, your eye catches a photograph at the bottom. All you can see from the exposed piece is Rafe; smiling widely. You grin and pull it out without hesitance, fully not expecting what you find. 

It’s Rafe in high school, holding up a bottle of Patron in his right hand. His left arm is tucked around Ava, who you instantly recognize, and who is smiling widely. She stands in between Rafe and Kelce, who you also recognize, but her body language shows how she leans in just a little bit closer to Rafe. 

He looks happy, young, and carefree. So does Kelce, and so does Ava. You search the picture for a date but can’t find one, deciding eventually that it doesn’t matter. 

The image you paint of Rafe sitting in bed staring at this picture and wallowing in guilt makes your heart ache. You wonder how long it’s been since he’s done that, if he does it often or if he’s forgotten the photo is even in his nightstand. It looks well kept, like he’d taken good care of it over the years. No creases or bends, no fingerprints, either. 

You tuck it back away just as you found it, then leave his bedroom quietly. More than anything, you wish you could take his pain away. To help him recognize that it wasn’t his fault, that he can’t continue beating himself up over this. 

Instead, you decide to do what you did for him when you first met him. You bake. 

     You’re knee deep in snickerdoodle dough when Rafe comes strolling through the front door, grinning widely when he sees what you’re doing. 

“Wow,” he breathes. 

You laugh but continue your work, letting him set down his things before he steps over to you. His arms tuck themselves around your waist and his lips come in contact with your cheek, making you smile. 

“How was your day?” you ask him.

“Don’t even remember it,” he confesses, “This, right here, is all I was thinking about.”

You smile and turn in his arms, forgetting momentarily about the dough. He grips your waist firmly, holding you in place. 

“I missed you,” you tell him, your emotions still present, making your heart heavy. 

He smiles, “I missed you, too, honey. Is that why you’re baking for me?”

You shake your head, wanting more than anything to reach out for him but your hands are covered in flour and dough mixture, so you opt not to. 

“I’m taking care of you tonight, remember?”

He bites down on his bottom lip to hide a smile, which is enough for you to swoon silently. 

“I didn’t know that meant food, too,” he teases. 

“Well, it only kind of does. I was hoping we could do takeout for dinner.”

He laughs, “Of course.”

He leans in, and when you’re sure he’s going to kiss you, he presses his lips to your nose instead. 

He laughs lightly when you pout, chasing his mouth with your own. 

“You had flour on your nose, beautiful,” he tells you. 

“Thank you,” you whisper, body heating up under his proximity. 

“Want me to order now?” he asks. 


He laughs lightly, “Finish up your cookies. I’ll get you a menu.”

     Your cookies come out of the oven just as the takeout arrives at the front door. Rafe unpacks the food and plates it for both of you, then guides you into the living room to eat. He turns on Seinfeld, his new favorite even though he won’t admit it, laughing through the entire thing. Rafe looks at you expectantly once you both finish dinner, and when you laugh and nod, he hops up and carries both of your plates to the kitchen. 

He returns a few minutes later with a small plate full of snickerdoodles, a smile teasing his lips. 

“These are just for me,” he jokes as he collapses on the couch beside you. 

“Ha ha,” you sneer, stealing one of the cookies from the plate. 

Rafe lets another episode play through while he raves about the cookies, holding you close once the plate is empty. You cuddle into him, ready more than ever to feel him close again. It’s only been less than twenty-four hours, but all you want, all you can focus on, is him. 

“What’s on your mind, honey?”

You chew on your bottom lip, your head resting on his shoulder. The show seems quieter somehow, even though you missed Rafe turning it down. 

“Just thinking about what I want,” you reply weakly. 

You know you don’t sound confident, and you’re sure that’s not sexy to him at all, but his voice remains steady nonetheless. 

“What’s that?” he asks. 

You turn and look up at him, your eyes wide and innocent, “I want to go in your room.”

He swallows, “Yeah?”

You nod and move to stand, taking his hand and pulling him up with you. His eyes never leave yours as you start to tug him toward his bedroom. He leaves the TV on and the plate on his coffee table, forgetting about everything that isn’t you. 

Once you reach his room, you guide Rafe to the bed and let him sit, then crawl into his lap. Without wasting another second, you lean down and kiss him, deepening it immediately. His hands fall under your shirt, pulling it off of you without hesitation. His eyes widen when he sees that you have no bra on, and you watch his lips purse to hide his smirk. 

“Rafe,” you mumble, watching his eyes move from your chest to you, “I want you to tell me if I do something wrong–”

“Stop doubting yourself,” he says, “You’re perfect. And you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

You nod, but stand from his lap and sit on your knees on the floor anyway. His eyes widen as you do this, jaw falling slightly when your hands meet his belt. 

“I want to,” you tell him. 

He nods slowly, “Okay. I’m all yours.”

He helps you by lifting his hips so you can remove his work pants completely, ridding him of his underwear as well. He’s already hard, and that fact skyrockets your confidence. 

He shakes his head at your expression, scoffing slightly but saying nothing. Instead, he groans when you wrap your hand around him, which is another boost to your confidence. 

Without hesitation, every thought leaving your mind, you lap up the small beads resting on his tip, which has Rafe hissing.

“Shit,” he grunts, “You’re worried about doing something wrong?

You give him an innocent smile, “I mean, yeah.”

“Fuck,” he mutters to himself, “This isn’t going to take long if you keep looking at me like that.”
You giggle and stroke him up and down a few times in your hand, your eyes meeting his just before your mouth wraps around him. 

His hips buck toward you immediately, but you draw back before he can push further into your mouth. 

“Fucking–” Rafe groans, “Sorry, honey. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay,” you tell him, pressing a gentle kiss to his inner thigh, “Just relax.”

He lets out a shaky exhale, “Hard to do that with your mouth on me.”

You chuckle, your body heating up slightly. You take another look at him, then focus on what you’re doing once more, and take him back in your mouth.

You go slow, having heard horror stories from Emma about gagging and not wanting to embarrass yourself like that now, and stop when you feel him near the back of your mouth. He’s staring up at the ceiling, inhaling and exhaling slowly, and you take that as a good sign.

When you pull back and then forward again, your mouth never leaving him, he groans loudly. Your hand works what your mouth can’t reach, but after a few more pumps, you stop and drop your hand lower. You hollow your cheeks around him at the same moment your hand brushes just underneath him, causing him to swear. 

Fuck, fuck, f–”

He yanks himself from you, ignoring your pout that he didn’t finish. His eyes squeeze shut as he takes a minute to gather control of himself, and when he opens them again, seeing you shirtless and on your knees, he groans. 

“Rafe, you–”

“Honey, you did amazing,” he promises, “But I’d like to last long enough to fuck you.”

You swallow and nod, holding out your hands for him to help you up. He picks you up once you’re standing and places you on the bed, pulling off your shorts and panties before climbing on top of you. 

“I’m supposed to be taking care of you,” you remind him breathlessly, gasping when he nips at the skin on your neck. 

He smiles against your skin and then rolls over, pulling you on top of him. Your legs fall on either side of his body and he grins when he sees you perched perfectly on top of him. 

“Take care of me, then,” he smirks. 

You just nod, leaning down to kiss him. His hand flies to hsi nightstand, opening the drawer and fishing around for a condom blindly as he moves to deepen the kiss. 

“You’ll help me?” you ask him when he pulls back, tearing the condom wrapper with his teeth. 

“Of course I will.”

You watch him as he reaches around you to roll the condom on, then grabs ahold of your hips and places you right where he wants you. Without him having to direct you, you sit up on your knees and let him reach between your legs to position himself just right. He smirks when you do so, but you sink down on him before he can tease you any more. 

You gasp, stopping when you need to, given that being on top feels different to you than when Rafe is. He inhales sharply, still grasping your hips as if his life depends on it.

“That’s my girl,” he grunts, “Take your time.”

“Feels good,” you tell him. 

He sits up, leaning his back against the wall, so he has easier access to kiss you. Your nails dig into his shoulders as he moves, even though he tries his best to be gentle. 

“So fucking beautiful,” he whispers, “So good for me. Give me a kiss.”

You oblige, letting his lips distract you while you sink down further, taking even more of him. He groans into your mouth, which only urges you to continue. 

You start to move after a minute, hiding your face in his neck as he guides your hips up and down. The new angle of him being under you only increases your pleasure, as if you can feel every single bit of him inside you. 

“Rafe, I–” you stop, whimpering when his hips buck up into yours, “I love you.”

He kisses you quickly, “I love you, too. Always.”

You release around him not long after that, and he follows quickly behind. You collapse on his chest, his hand rubbing your back up and down as you recover. He remains inside you, knowing you like being that close to him even after both of you are through. 

“Did I do okay?” you ask him after a few minutes. 

He laughs incredulously, “Are you fucking kidding? You’re perfect.”

You press a kiss to his chest, remaining on top of him until he quietly reminds you that he needs to take care of the condom. 

When he returns from the bathroom, he moves over to his dresser to grab a fresh pair of boxers. He freezes when he sees your panties in there beside his underwear, and when he spins, your favorite lacy black thong hangs from his pointer finger. 

“So, you’re just going to act like this isn’t going to drive me fucking crazy every morning?” He raises an eyebrow. 

You giggle, “Oops.”

He groans, muttering fuck under his breath before returning them to the drawer and pulling out boxers. When he returns to bed, he pulls you right into him, kissing you slowly.

“Glad you unpacked, though,” he whispers, “Feels like it’s your home now, too.”

You grin and press another kiss to his lips, not rushing anything. 

“You’re my home, Rafe Cameron.”

“And you’re mine, honey.”


Lost Privilege- Rafe Cameron

Request: if ur requests are still open can u do prompts 11 and 23 with Rafe? Ty!!

Summary: you confront Rafe after hearing a certain story.

Word count- 1,014

Warnings: cheating, cursing, ANGST


11. “I can’t imagine this world without you.”

23. “I wish I could hate you.”

You sat there, a blank look on your face as you took in your best friend’s words. ‘I saw Rafe kissing Lindsey, and then… then they went upstairs into a room. Elise and Christina saw it too.’ You thought it was a joke, you prayed it was. But once you saw the pity and sorrow in her eyes, you knew it was nothing but the truth.

“Oh,” was all you could say. Nothing could have prepared you for this moment because you did not think you would have to go through it. 5 years of friendship and 2 years in a relationship, that’s all it took for Rafe Cameron to earn your love and trust, and now it’s all gone. “Do-do you want me to stay over?” “No. No it’s okay you said you had plans with Aaron. Go.” You softly smiled through your heart breaking.


“Just go hun. I wanna be alone right now anyway.” “Just call me and I’ll be over in a heartbeat.” She gave you a tight hug before leaving the room. You slowly slid down from your position against the bed headboard. Blankly, you stared at the ceiling above you. There were a least a thousand questions running through your head, and you wanted all of them answered.

So you did the only rational thing you could think to do; call him. Your hand shook softly as you reached out to your phone, picking it off the dial. It rang for a few seconds before Rose picked up. “Hello?” Your heart felt like it seized as you heard the voice that you’ve known for god knows how many years. 

“Hi Mrs. Cameron, is Rafe home?” Your voice wavered at your lips saying his name. “He is out with some friends right now sweetie, would you like me to take a message?" 

"Yes please, could you tell him to come over whenever he gets back?” “Of course I’ll tell him!” “Thank you so much, have a good night.”

You quickly hung up the phone and sat back against the headboard. You zoned out for what seemed like hours, only for it to be twenty minutes. You hadn’t even noticed the wet trails on your cheeks from tears that escaped your eyes. 

Confused. Insecure. Lied to. Cheated. Scared. Hurt. Broken. A joke. Used. You felt so many things, however you couldn’t name them all. But the main emotion that stood out was this strong, numb feeling. You felt as if he just slapped you across the face - emotionally. 

Time painfully passed by as you waited for him to walk into your room. Sooner than you could process he walked right into your room. “Evening princess, Rose said you wanted me to come over?" 

You hid the cringe your body produced hearing the nickname 'princess.’ He jumped onto your bed as he sat next to you, taking in your puffy eyes and red nose. You couldn’t look him in the eyes, if you did it was game over for you right then and there. 

Your voice was just above a whisper when you asked, "did you fuck Lindsey?” He remained quiet, that’s when you looked up. His eyebrows were furrowed, not from confusion; but from guilt and you could tell that was what he was feeling after knowing him for so long.

“Baby she kissed me and I should’ve pushed her off-” He began but you cut him off. “But you didn’t pull back, did you?” He closed his mouth, his silence was your answer. “God when I was told I wished it was a fucking joke, Cameron. What made you think you should’ve fucked her? Hmm? Please tell me your thought process through that.” His heart broke at your shaky voice, how you referred to him by his last name. 

He reached his hand out to hold your shoulder, “don’t fucking touch me!” You exclaimed, moving off of your bed and pacing the room.

“You’re not even drunk. You just fucked her. Am I not good enough? Am I bad in bed? Are you tired of me?” You asked him as you bite your thumb nail. “No baby, it’s not that.” “Stop calling me nicknames!” You cried out. “You lost that privilege as soon as you didn’t push her away. You lost the privilege to call me your girlfriend. You lost the privilege to even let my name come out of your mouth. You lost me." 

You felt extremely lightheaded, like you could see in your own perspective, but your soul was floating out of you. "God and the worst part about this is I wish I could hate you. I really fucking wish I could, but I still love you. Of course I do, but you fucked up Cameron. You fucked up badly." 

"Y/n I’m so sorry, if I could take it back I would.” He tried to offer, only making you more mad. “Sorry doesn’t mean shit now. You wouldn’t be saying sorry if you didn’t stick your dick in her.”

Rafe rubbed his face with his hands, shaking his head. “I can’t imagine this world without you.” He whispered. “Then you’re gonna have to start learning what it feels like because I can’t do this anymore.” You cried, walking to your dresser and scavenging through your clothes. You pulled out any of Rafe’s sweatshirts and sweatpants, throwing them onto the floor.

Rafe slowly stood from your bed and began to approach you, as if he made the wrong move you would run. His arm reached toward you but you quickly dodged it. “I think you need to leave Rafe.”


"Just go!”

He let out a raspy breathe and wiped the tears from his eyes. After picking up his stray clothes, he walked to the door before stopping in the doorway to look back at you. You were holding yourself up, your legs feeling like they just ran a 10k mile race. He softly whispered, “I’ll always love you.” Before walking out of your room, out of your house, and out of your life.

A Playdate in the Rain- Sarah Cameron

Request: Hi!! I was wondering if u could do prompts 12, 14, 22, 25, 28, and 53 with Sarah? Thank u

Summary: You and Sarah decide to run in the rain in her backyard like you did in the past, opening up about how you really feel. 

Word count: 1,048


12. “Dance with me.”

14. “Who cares about what they think?”

22. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?”

25. “The power went out. It’s not the end of the world.”

28. “Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.”

53. “I mean friends can just make out with each other, right?“

Laying on your best friend’s bed, you had your head in Sarah Cameron’s lap, looking out the window as the dark grey clouds rolled in. Her hand was intertwined in your hair, gently fixing any tangles you had. Music played in the background, deafening the sound of the raindrops falling on the roof.

She jumped underneath you as a loud clap of thunder echoed in the sky. You giggled as she clamped her hand over her heart. Jokingly, she shoved you off of her and off of the bed. She covered her mouth with her hands, peering over the edge of the bed to see you on the ground. 

You were too busy laughing on the floor, giggling at the thumping sound you made when your body hit the floor. "Y/N I am so fucking sorry!” She said through her laughter. You rolled your eyes, sticking your hand up for her to grab, you easily pulled her down to the ground you.

She groaned in pain, slapping your arm hard. She let out a shriek of horror as the power went out. You sat up with her, watching the rain pour outside of the window. “The power went out, it’s not the end of the world.” You chuckled, getting up and fixing your shorts. “Leave me alone, we’re home alone. When the power goes out and I’m home alone I automatically think it’s a serial killer.”

You leaned against the windowsill, noticing just how hard the rain was hitting. An idea popped in your head. “Let’s go run around in the rain.” You said, looking back at Sarah. She furrowed her eyebrows at you, standing up off the ground.

We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” Sarah asked, joining your side. You faced her, “what? I mean why not? And since Rafe didn’t get the generators you guys needed it’ll be a bit before the power comes back on. Let’s do it, like we did when we were kids.” You grinned, grabbing her hands in yours. She looked up from your hands to your face, a light pink color on her cheeks.

“Fine.” She agreed. You both had changed into large t-shirts and shorts, towels in your hands and ready to use. The two of you stood in front of the backyard doors, watching the rain droplets fall and hit the ground. Making the first move, you opened the door and laid your towel on the patio undercover. Sarah stood inside, watching as you jumped in puddles and splashed in the cool water.

Dance with me!” You yelled towards her, twirling around with your arms out. She walked outside, throwing the towel aside before joining you. Her smile never left her face as she pranced around in the backyard with you. You laid on your back letting the water hit your exposed skin. Sarah couldn’t help but watch you with a small smile on her face.

For the last few months, you and Sarah had been closer than normal. Sometimes being more touchy with each other, more compliments, things that people in a relationship would do. You couldn’t lie, you did start to develop feelings for your best friend of 7 years. 

Sarah joined your side, smiling at the feeling of you intertwining your hands together. She bit on her bottom lip, deciding if she should bring up a certain topic. She came to a conclusion after you turned to look at her, watching as the droplets of rain trail down her facial features. 

Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.” Sarah broke the silence, watching your expression to try to figure out what you were thinking. A grin broke out on your face, blush immediately covering your cheeks. 

"I- uh I didn’t- know that you- you liked girls.” You stuttered sitting up in the grass, hoping that she didn’t see the obvious pink tinted to your cheeks. She sat up with you, shrugging her shoulders. “I mean, I haven’t really told anybody that I’m bi, only Wheezie.” She admitted, her fingers picking the grass to pieces. You shook your head as an understanding, remembering the time you came out to your parents.

“How did you do it? If you don’t mind me asking.” She quietly asked. You tucked your legs underneath you as you spoke, “it wasn’t easy. I told my sister first of course, and I ended up waiting like 3 months after that to tell my parents. Before I could even start talking I started to cry. I just told them that I was bi and it got really quiet afterwards. But then they told me that it was a new change that it would take some getting used to, but they were okay with it.” You mumbled, reaching over and grabbing onto her hand

“Love is love, Sarah. Love whoever the fuck you want. Who cares what they think? If your parents don’t like that, then you can easily move in with me. My parents love you, they’ll accept you. You shouldn’t be afraid to be yourself.” You lightly squeezed her hand, a sign of reassurance. Sarah scooted towards you, wrapping her arms around your neck.

You held her tight to you, your arms comfortably around her waist. “Thank you for understanding me Y/N.” She mumbled into the crook of your neck before placing a delicate to your skin. Your body shivered as you pulled back from her.

“ I’m sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to-” you silenced her by connecting your lips together. She grinned into the kiss, her heartbeat accelerating. She leaned into your touch, her thumb skimming over your cheek bone. Her whole body immediately felt hot as your breath fanned over her skin. She gave you that beautiful smile before giving you another kiss, your hand cupping the side of her face.

She pulled away from you, allowing you both to catch your breath. “We can’t let our friends know that this happened, they can’t win a bet.” She laughed, brushing the water droplets away from your face. Nodding your head you grinned. “I mean friends can just make out with each other, right?” You asked, cocking your head to the side.

“Oh absolutely." 

Bruises- JJ Maybank

Request: hi❤ I was wondering if u could do the scene where the pogues see JJ’s bruises?

Word count: 2,455

Warnings: mentions of physical and verbal abuse.

“We gotta be done before my scholarship interview in the morning.” Pope explained to you and Kie as he pulled up to the back of the Chateau. “Okay, well, we gotta focus.”

“It’s gonna be fine. We got John B and JJ inside the well, and me up top. You, Y/N, and Sarah will be outside transporting.” Pope recalled the plan, exiting the truck.

They headed to the back of his vehicle, opening the back to grab their supplies. “That tin can hold up to like, 200-300 pounds.”

“Thanks.” Kie praised him as she unlatched the hinge. 

“Uh, what for?”

“For stranding us. You know, making us make up.” Kie softly grinned as you stood next to her. 

“Seriously Pope, you’re like the super glue for this group.” You complimented. “What makes you think that was me?”

Before Kie could respond, lines full of lights turned on, confusing the trio. A loud buzzing sound leading them towards the backyard.

“What the hell?” 

You guys walked into the area, colored and festive lights hung everywhere. Inflatable palm trees chilled in the corner. JJ sat in a shiny new hot tub, popping a bottle of champagne open.

“JJ?” you asked as you walked up to the front of the hot tub. “What did you do, JJ” Pope asked in disbelief. 

“I got a jet going straight in my butt right now. Y’all should get in immediately, you hear me? Salud!” JJ cheered to no one as he poured out a glass, only to drink straight from the bottle.

“How much did this cost?” Pope asked, already knowing the answer.

“Uh… well, with the generator, the petrol, and oh, hey, express delivery… pretty much all of it, yeah.” JJ’s words were slurred, clearly intoxicated.

Pope’s jaw fell open, “all of it?”

“Yeah, all of it.” JJ confirmed, pushing his sunglasses up. “You spent all the money in one day?”

“Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket. But I mean like, come one guys, like, look at this! Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that’s what they told me.” JJ grinned at his actions. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, watching him take another drink from the bottle.

JJ noticed the look on your face, “Y/N, what? Can’t a man have a little luxury in his life? Come on,” he flung his sunglasses off, “all this scrimpin’ and scrapin’. I mean like… guys, we- you only live once, right? Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat’s Ass. Come on.” 

“In the what?” Kie asked softly.

“In the Cat’s Ass. That’s what I named her.” JJ giggled to himself as he let the jets hit the back of his muscles. 

“Oh, hey, yo, I almost forgot.” He leaned over and pressed a button, a disco ball lighting up and spinning around.

“Yeah, that’s right, I know. Disco mode. That’s right baby!” He cheered in excitement.

“Are you kidding me? You could have paid for restitution!” Pope raised his voice. “Or literally given it to any charity!” Kie snapped. “Guys…” You started, seeing the pain in JJ’s eyes. 

“Or better yet you could’ve helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!” Pope continued as JJ rubbed his eyes.

“Okay well you know what? I didn’t do that.” JJ yelled back as he stood up from his spot, revealing the new red and purple marks that littered his chest. You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands.

“I got a hot tub! For my friends. I got a hot tub for my friends. You know what? No, screw friends. I got a hot tub for my family!” JJ cried out, his voice wavering. “I got this for you.” He pointed to the champagne bottle that was already half empty.

Your eyes welled up with tears, noticing just how broken JJ Maybank was. “Guys, look what I did for you! Alright? Look at this!”

“JJ…” your voice cracked, “no, you, you both stop being emotional. It’s fine, okay?”

You marched up the steps of the hot tub, stopping at the first step, “come on Y/N, just get in.” You pulled the boy into your arms as you both cried against each other. His head rested on your stomach as you leaned your head down to rest on top of his.

“I just couldn’t do it.” JJ sobbed, his body shaking from the pain. He tightened his grip around your waist as you held him in your arms. One hand rubbed his shoulder while the other softly held onto the back of his head. 

“I can’t take him anymore!” He screamed into your chest, “I was gonna kill him.” 

“It’s okay baby, I got you. You’re safe with us.” you whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Kie and Pope joined you on the steps, wrapping the boy in a group hug. “I just wanna do the right thing.” He admitted, letting out a heartbreaking sob.

“We know.” Kie reassured him, “we know.”

One by one the friends let go of him, "you guys can finish up whatever you were doing, I’ll take care of him.” JJ refused to let go of your waist as your fingers softly rubbed his scalp.

‘I got this.’ You mouthed, your friends nodding their heads in acknowledgment. The two walked away to continue their plans, you slowly lifted JJ’s head up to look at you.

“Hey JJ, let’s get you out of here, is that okay?” You spoke softly. He nodded his head, slowly releasing you. You held his hand as you eased him out of the hot tub and down the steps.

“Stay right here, I’m gonna grab a towel.” JJ muttered a gentle 'okay’. Sniffing to clear his sinuses. Running inside the house, you yanked a towel off the bathroom rack and headed back outside.

You wrapped it around his waist before leading him inside by his hand. Entering the bedroom, you picked out a pair of boxers and shorts for him to change into. “Do you think you can change into this without my help?” You asked him, holding out the clothes.

JJ nodded his head as he stumbled across the hall into the bathroom. You stood on the outside of the door, harshly biting down on your tongue. You’ve never seen JJ so broken, so hurt, and you wished you had known he was dealing with this.

You felt guilt and anger for not knowing about this sooner. Whenever JJ appeared with a new bruise or cut, he always told her that he got into a brawl with a Kook. He lied to you for 7 years, you never caught on which killed you on the inside.

After a few minutes, JJ opened the door with the towel in his hands, and changed into dry clothes. “Can we go lay down?” He questioned, his words still slurred. “Yeah, of course hunny.”

He walked into the bedroom and sighed. Without thinking he plopped himself onto the bed, letting out a cry of pain as the bed hit his bruises.

Biting your bottom lip you asked, “do you want me to get you an ice pack?” He nodded his head, resting his hands on his eyes. Heading into the kitchen, you grabbed an ice tray, dumping some ice cubes out into a ziplock bag.

You walked back into the room, shutting the door quietly. JJ praised you as you handed him the bag of ice. He placed it on the biggest bruise he had. “Can you- can you stay with me? And play with my hair because honestly it makes me feel safe.” He admitted, not even processing what he was saying.

You sat down next to him, allowing him to rest his head in your lap. Your fingers found your way to his hair, letting them run through and massage his scalp. You sat in silence before he spoke up. “I really, really like you Y/N. Like Really.” He emphasized the final 'really’.

“I really, really like you too JJ.” You spoke the truth. “You know, these last few days have been crazy as fuck. You know you’ve been there. But the amount of times I almost lost you scared the shit out of me.” He confessed, his hand reaching up to place itself on your leg.

“And-and when we almost got shot at Crains, my soul nearly left my body. I want to keep you safe.” Your eyebrows furrowed together as you listened to his words.

“But I’m a fuck up and I don’t wanna ruin your life. I mean my own dad doesn’t want me, why would you?” His voice cracked. You reached your hand down towards his face to make him look at you.

“Hey, don’t say that JJ. You have made my life so much better in every single way possible. You show you care about me. You let me smoke with you so we both forget about our problems together. You taught me more shit about fishing than I knew. You can call me the worst names possible, but it doesn’t bother me because I do the same to you. It scares me how much I like you because in a snap you could be gone. Hell, when you got arrested I couldn’t sleep the night of.” You rambled on, realizing that maybe you had more than a silly crush on him. 

“You’re cute when you ramble.” He muttered, grinning at the sound of your laugh, yawning loudly afterwards. “You ready to sleep hun?” You asked, a nod answering the question. You shifted a bit, laying down as he rested his head on your chest. You kissed the side of his head, feeling his arm around your waist slowly tighten its grip.


You woke up, and checked the clock reading the time, '9:36’. Turning your head, you saw JJ still passed out, his snoring filling the room. Carefully getting out of the bed, you walked outside into the backyard and headed straight to the hammock. 

You sat alone peacefully, the smell of the waters filled the air, the sounds of birds chirping softly echoed, and the feeling of a cool breeze skimmed your tan skin, sunglasses covering your eyes from the sun. Footsteps came up from behind you, a figure plopped itself down next to you.

A groan emitted from JJ’s mouth, shutting his eyes from the blinding sunlight. “How’s the hangover?” You asked, handing over the sun glasses. “Feels like I have forks jammed in my head. Thanks.” He grabbed the sunglasses, quickly putting them on.

“Do you remember anything from last night?” You asked, fiddling with your thumbs. “Uhhh, I remember almost falling into the bathtub when I was changing. And then- oh…” he trailed off remembering parts of the conversation you had.

The two sat in silence again as JJ rested his hand on your thigh. “I wish I could’ve stopped that from happening.” You broke the silence, your voice wavering at the image in your head of his bruises.

JJ shook his head, “No, no you-you do enough for me. I feel like I don’t deserve you.” He whispered the last part. Your heart clenched at his confession. “JJ, you are the best part of my life.” Your hand cupped his, looking at the boy who lifted up the sunglasses.

“I want to be able to take you on dates and treat you like a princess and buy you everything you could ever want. But I’m a Pogue, that could never happen.” He clenched his jaw, knowing deep down you deserve someone who could give you anything you wanted.

“JJ, I’m literally a Pogue too. I don’t care if you don’t have money because guess what? I don’t either. That doesn’t change the fact that I love you. Just being with you makes me feel safe.”

JJ’s mouth slightly fell open, allowing those three words to sink in. You realized what you had said before it was too late. Your facial expressions matched his as you quickly looked down at your hands. They sat there, trying to process the words you just said.

Stress flooded through your body as you waited for his response, only to continue to sit in silence. “I know that was just kinda thrown at you but please just be my best friend right now and not the guy I just confessed my love to.” You spoke up, killing the silence.

“I don’t want to be your best friend.” He started, instantly making your heart drop into your stomach. “What?” You whispered, continuing to crack your knuckles.

“I don’t want to be your best friend. I want to be your boyfriend. I want to take you out on dates. I want to do those weird face masks with you. I want to do any cliché shit you want to do. I want to do anything and everything with you. I want you to be my girlfriend so whenever we go to parties I can be like, 'this is my girlfriend’ and show you off. I want more than just being best friends.” He said, reaching over with his hand to hold the bottom of your chin.

JJ looked down at your lips before glancing back up to your eyes. Your heart rate picked up, “kiss me.” You assured him, turning to face him. Your eyes fluttered shut as you both leaned in, connecting your lips gently. JJ grinned into the passionate kiss, not being able to handle the butterflies in his stomach. 

You pulled back to catch your breaths, resting your foreheads against each other before you returned to your original position. He slung his arm around your shoulder, leaving you space to rest your head on his chest. You beamed as he used his index finger to rub up and down on your arm.

“Remember back in freshman year during homecoming, I asked you to dance with me to 'The Night We Met’?” JJ tilted his head down towards you, locking eyes. You nodded your head in response. “John B and Pope hyped me up for at least an hour to encourage me to ask you. And when you had your head on my chest and I just held you, it felt like we were the only two people alive. And I loved that feeling, I don’t want it to ever go away." 

Your smile got wider, remembering the moment as if it were yesterday. "It won’t.” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before falling back into a comfortable silence.

“Just making sure… we are dating right?” JJ spoke up earning a chuckle from you. “Yes. Yes we are.”
