#newsies incorrect quotes


Crutchie: Don’t break someone’s heart, they only have one.

Jack: Yeah, break their bones instead, they have 206 of those!

Les: Davey? Is Santa Claus gonna come?

Davey: Les, it’s April. And we’re Jewish

Les: Oh. So who’s coming?

Davey: I don’t know. Jerry Seinfeld?

Katherine: So we got good news and we got bad news. Which do you want to hear first?

Sarah: It’s my birthday, so good.

Davey: Well, the pigeons on the sidewalk loved your cake.


Katherine: After Jack dropped it.

Sarah: So how was the honeymoon?

Davey: Well, Jack got super drunk one night and tried to set our marriage certificate on fire saying “good luck trying to return me without a receipt.”

Jack: Everything’s totally fine! There’s nothing to worry about.

Davey: Is that a challenge?

Davey: That’s it! You’re all grounded. Jack, no more drawing. Race, no more racetrack betting.

Davey: And Spot-

Davey: Is there anything you love?


Davey: No more vengeance, then.

Spot: I was going to say “I’ll get you for this,” but I guess that’s off the table.


Sarah: Jack, right hand red.

Jack: *ends up on top of Davey*

Davey: Okay, you’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?

Sarah: I stopped spinning like 15 turns ago. Honestly surprised you didn’t notice sooner.

Mush: I had a dream where I got arrested for tax evasion which is weird because I don’t even pay taxes!


Jack: This soup is way too bland. If I had to rate this, I’d give it three-

Crutchie: I made it for you.

Jack: -out of three! Nice job!

Mush: So, Elmer did some math and-

Davey: Wait. Elmer?

Mush: Don’t worry, he had a calculator.

Katherine: Well, aren’t you a beautiful boy?

Romeo: Thanks! I’ve been trying out a new kind of hairspray and-

Katherine: *picks up puppy*

Romeo:*teary eyed* Oh.

Jack: My first rule as president of the Newsboys union is that no one can veto my rules.

Davey: Well, that’s called ‘tyranny’ and generally frowned upon.

Sarah: You just have to spread the positive vibes! Watch.

Sarah: *to Crutchie* Hey, Crutchie. Hope you have a beautiful day!

Crutchie: Aww, thank you!

Sarah: Now you try.

Spot: Enjoy your next 24 hours.


Jack:I apologize for saying ‘fuck’ earlier.

Davey: You just said it again!

Jack: I am not a good role mode.

Davey: Race, we need to talk.

Race: The kitchen was already on fire when I got there.



Elmer: Can I have a piece of the cake in the fridge?

Jack: What’s the rule?

Elmer: *disappointed* No cake after dinner.

Jack: No that’s Davey’s rule. My rule is you have to bring me a slice too.

Finch: On a scale of 1 to 10, how confused are you.


Finch: On a scale of 1 to 10.


Finch: The scale.

Elmer: What scale?

Finch: How confused are you?

Elmer: uhhh… 16

Davey: You’re driving down the road and suddenly you see Race and Jack standing in the middle of the road. What do you hit?

Spot: Jack, obviously. I could never hurt Race.


When Jack goes to meet Katherine’s parents for the first time

Jack: Mr. Pulitzer, why are you looking at me through a fork?

Pulitzer: I’m pretending your in jail. It’s spiritually healing.
