#sasha braus x reader


HC - when the kids get sick!



Armin Arlert

- Cries a lot.

- Is always clinging to someone. Very often it would be you, if you were not there, he would try to find Levi.

- Armin did not mind staying with Erwin.

- Lots of reading to calm him down.

- He would cry if people talked too loudly.

- If he felt well enough, he would always be running to you.

- Lots of hugs.

- Amongst the other kids, Eren would always stay with him and protect him.

- Once, Jean wanted to cheer him up by reading with him his favourite book, but he ended up spilling water on it which ruined it.

- Eren came in at the same time and tried to start a fight with Jean but thankfully Levi was there too to stop it.

- Jean kept apologising but Eren was still mad. Armin though calmed down when Levi picked him up.

- You had to come to calm Eren down and reassure Jean who would not stop crying.

- Armin immediately run to you when you came in, leaving Levi for you.


Eren Yeager

- Tries to act tough – saying he is not sick.

- Throws up a lot which means a lot of crying.

- Just wants to stay with you – not anyone else.

- He does not like staying with the other kids when he is sick.

- He stays with you and Levi at night.

- Eren sleeps a lot while he is sick.

- Mostly spends his days sleeping in bed or in your arms. When you work, he just sleeps on your lap.

- Mikasa likes to help you getting food or hot drinks for Eren.

- While eating, Eren makes a lot of mess which Levi found annoying, but still helps to take care of him.

- Levi being the only one who can calm Eren down beside you.


Jean Kirstein

- He loves staying with you and Levi.

- Levi takes care of him a lot because Jean is his favourite. Which is something Jean likes too – spending time with Levi.

- Jean does not cry when he is sick – but he is clingy.

- If you or Levi leave him, he would whine a lot.

- Very likely to scream until one of you two pick him up or pay attention to him.

- Does not fall asleep easily and need you to read him a story.

- Armin trying to cheer Jean up because he knows Jean tried to help him when he was sick.

- Jean being irritated more than usual because Armin still copies and follows him.

- You tried to explain to Armin that Jean needed to rest at night but Armin cried and you let stay with Jean.


Mikasa Ackerman

- Is very calm, does not cry a lot nor whine.

- Is extremely clingy.

- She is glued to you, never letting go of you hand etc.

- Loves to be held by you and sleep in your arms where she feels safe.

- If she has to, she would not mind staying with Levi, but given the choice she would choose you.

- Would get annoyed at the others if they tried to talk to her or play with her.

- Would walk away to be alone.

- Can sleep alone, but likes to know you are close to her in case she had to go to the bathroom, or if she got thirsty.

- Eren wants to stay with Mikasa desperately but she does not.

- She knows he could get sick too.

- Gets better the next day.


Connie Springer

- Is very clingy.

- Loves everyone and likes to stay with anyone – if they give him attention he will love them.

- Is sick at the same time as Sasha since they stay together a lot.

- Does not sleep at night because he slept too much during the day.

- They would most likely to get a simple cold from running and playing outside without their coat.

- Sometimes, he would read to Sasha at night knowing it helps (only when you were unavailable).

- Levi would be the one staying up at night to look after him when he stayed with you two.

- The one who is sick the longest because he does not get enough rest.


Sasha Braun

- Lost her appetite which worried everyone.

- Connie trying to give her his food, but she refused.

- Very clingy.

- You have to feed her otherwise she would not touch food.

- She does like eating cakes though.

- Falls asleep easily at night.

- Needs you to read her a story in order to fall asleep.

- Hange likes to help you taking care of Sasha because they know you are busy with Connie.

- Once sneezed on Levi’s face. It made Levi drop her on the bed and he rushed to the bathroom to wash himself.

- It happened again with Hange and their glasses were covered with snot.

Here is PART 2 of this!



— You were mad at them.

Since the cadets turned into kids you were more stressed than usual – between taking care of them all, doing your paperwork in time and helping Hange with theirs, it was a lot. Adding to this, your sleeping hours were cut in half as well due to kids never sleeping. You were overwhelmed and on edge, ready to snap at any moment.

“Levi,” you called him after lunch, “can you watch over the kids for a few hours? I–.” you took a deep breath, “I just have to take a bath and rest a little bit… it won’t be long!”

“Of course, take your time.” Levi kissed your forehead before leaving your room.

Levi went to the children’s room while you went to relax a bit.

“Where’s mommy?” Eren asked when Levi came in alone.

“She’ll come later.”

“I want mommy now!” Jean shouted frowning.

“Stop whining or she won’t come here at all.” Levi told them which made them all shut up.

They continued to play together when Jean came to Levi. He struggled to climb on the couch but succeeded and sat on Levi’s lap. He turned around so he could face Levi and asked.

“When is mommy coming here?”

“I don’t know.” Levi answered calmly.

“Play with us then!” Jean pouted. “Come with us.” Jean stood on Levi’s lap when Levi ignored him.

“No. Sit down or leave.” Levi told him in a harsh tone. “No, don’t cry.” Levi’s voice softened when he saw Jean’s tears. “I’ll come and play ok? Just… don’t cry.” Levi stood up with Jean in his arms.

For a few hours, Levi had to play dolls with the kids who were really into it – imagining complex stories, doing voices etc. It was dinner time when they all started to get tired of playing.

“Where’s mommy?” Armin asked shyly.

“Aren’t you all hungry?” Levi quickly changed the subject.

“Yay!” they all shouted.

“I’ll go grab something to eat then, don’t move.” Levi ordered before leaving the room.

When Levi left the room, Eren stood up and told the others that he was going to look for you. Sasha, Connie, Mikasa and Armin were against the idea knowing that Levi would not be happy about it, then there was Jean who agreed with Eren.

“Fine, we’ll leave without you!” Eren opened the door with difficulty.

Mikasa quickly followed Eren and Jean as well as Armin because lately, Armin got the habit of following or imitating Jean. Wherever Jean went, Armin would follow – whatever Jean was doing, Armin would do the same. Jean felt irritated when Armin follow or copied him, but he never said anything. He did once – the first time – and Armin cried which made Jean felt bad and he swore never to make Armin cry again.

“Where is mommy?” Armin asked.

“I don’t know.” Eren said.

“Just go to her room.” Mikasa commented.

They all run to your room and it was not locked. You were trying to sleep in your bed after a few hours of work when you suddenly heard the kids yelling.

“Mommy!” Jean yelled, jumping in your bed.

Meanwhile, Levi immediately regretted his decision when he came back to only two kids out of six. He asked them where the rest of them went and Sasha told him that they were looking for you. Levi took them with him and directly went to your room. Armin and Mikasa were clinging onto you while Jean and Eren were shouting and jumping on the bed.

“Stop jumping on the bed or you’ll break it!” you desperately tried to stop them.

“Eren! Jean! Stop.” Levi ordered in a harsh tone which made them immediately stop. “Y/N,” Levi said more softly, “are you ok?”

“Is mommy sick?” Sasha asked.

“No.” you said.

“Then come play us!” Eren shouted.

“Stop screaming.” you warned him. “And let go of me.” you told Armin and Mikasa but none of them listened to you.

“Kids, come here and let’s go.” Levi tried.

“NO!” Eren shouted loudly, “MOMMY! Come play with us!”

“Mommy!” Jean joined Eren.

“Stop calling me that!” you shouted back which made everyone shut up, “I am not your mother so all of you… just –.” you felt tears falling down, “stop.”

“Mommy?” Mikasa whispered worried.

“I heard shouting outside.” Erwin came in. “What’s happening?” he asked worried.

“Take the kids with you.” Levi said. “And close the door please.”

Erwin did not questioned Levi’s request and took the kids with him in his office. None of the kids wanted to leave you, but Erwin easily took them in his arms. Levi walked to you and wrapped his arms around you.

“Hey, it’s ok.” Levi murmured. “Let’s sit down.”

Levi brought you to bed and sat next you and let you cry on his shoulder. He would just hold you close to him until you stopped crying.

“I feel like shit.” you sobbed. “The kids probably hate me by now too.”

“They don’t.”

“Did you hear what I said? Th-they’re kids! And I- I just yelled at them.” you lamented, “I am the worst mother ever, and they’re not even my real kids!”

“I’m sure everything will work out.”

Erwin on his way to his office with the children saw Hange and brought them with him. Erwin, with Hange’s help, tried to cheer the kids up but they would not stop crying – they wanted to be with you and Levi.

“Is mommy going to leave us?” Armin sobbed.

“No!” Erwin said quickly.

“Y/N, she loves you all very much.” Hange said. “But you have to understand that she was… mh… very tired and she had a lot of work to do.”

“And sometimes,” Erwin continued, “you just have to let that person alone.”

“We have to leave mommy?” Connie asked.

“Yes,” Hange said, “but not forever. It would just be for a day so she can rest.”

“Is mommy not going to be our mommy because we made her upset?” Jean asked shyly.

“No, of course not.” Erwin reassured them. “I’m sure she’ll come back soon.”

Erwin and Hange stayed with the kids until night before Levi came in to put them to bed. Once they cleaned up and changed, they all went to bed without protest.

“Ok, I’ll turn off the lights.” Levi walked out.

“Daddy.” Armin called him before he closed the door, “Is mommy not going to say goodnight to us?”

“She’s n –.” Levi thought about it, “I’ll go and ask her.”

Levi came back to your room and you were already laying in bed, comfortably installed under the blanket. Levi sat next to you and rested his head on your stomach.

“The kids want to see you.”

“Aren’t they upset?” you worried, putting your hand through his hair.

“No, they’re just… they want to see you.”

“I should go then.” you stood up. “I’ll be right back.” you kissed him before leaving.

You walked very quickly toward the kids room and when you opened the door, you noticed they were all still up even though the lights were off. Sasha was the first one to see you and she jumped out of the bed to hug you.

“Hey.” you smiled, kneeling down. “Aren’t you sleepy?”

“No.” Sasha smiled.

“Let’s go back to bed alright?”

You sat down on the bed next to all the kids – they were all staring at you, waiting for you to talk first.

“I’m sorry about what happened earlier.” you apologised. “I should never have yelled at you kids.”

“Don’t stop being my mommy please.” Eren frowned.

“We’re sorry mommy.” Jean said with teary eyes.

“No don’t be.” you comforted them, “I love you all very much.” you smiled.

You opened your arms and they all came to hug you, smiling and happy.

— They sleep between you two — captain dad and squad leader mum.


Armin had a nightmare about you leaving for an expedition and not coming back to him. He had Levi coming back devastated and not talking to him or anyone. A stranger – someone from your squad – had to tell him the news that you were never coming back. He woke up panicked and ran to your room. You and Levi agreed that the doors to your room would always be opened if there were any problems.

“Mommy! Daddy!” Armin came in crying.

“Armin?” Levi woke up. “Hey what’s wrong?” he put Armin between you too.

“What’s wrong?” you asked still half asleep.

“Mommy!” Armin cried next to you which woke you up instantly.

“What happened?” you panicked. “Armin, it’s ok.” you patted his head, “I’m here.”

“You didn’t come back.” Armin sobbed.

“What?” you whispered looking at Levi.

“I don’t know.” Levi mouthed.

“Armin,” you wiped his tears away, “what happened?”

“Bad dream.” Armin sobbed harder. “You were n-not here and daddy was s-sad! An-and he wasn’t w-with me!”

“Armin, it’s ok.” you reassured him, “I’m here and daddy’s here too.”

Levi laid on the bed and put Armin next to him. You took the blanket and put it on the three of you and soon enough, Armin calmed down and fell back asleep. In the morning, Armin was found to be sleeping on top of Levi, with his hand resting on Armin’s back so he would not fall.

“This is too much for my heart.” you whispered to yourself.


Jean had been feeling slightly sick for the past couple of days but did not tell anyone. He stayed in bed when it was time to eat dinner and you were worried at first which made you bring him dinner but he was asleep already. You brought back the tray and gave it to the kids who were not against the idea of eating more.

Jean woke up in the middle of the night, still slightly sick and extremely hungry. He discreetly go out of bed and went to your room. When Jean came in, he noticed lights were still on – Levi was still awake, probably working.

“Daddy?” Jean asked timidly. Which startled Levi.

“What are you still doing up at this hour?” Levi whispered, scared to wake you up.

“I’m hungry.” Jean admitted.

“Come here.” Levi put away his papers.

Levi took him in his arms and put him on the bed between you two which woke you up.

“Mh. What’s wrong?” you mumbled.

Jean turned his head toward Levi so he could answer for him.

“Jean’s hungry.” Levi said.

“Mh – I’m up.” you dragged yourself out of bed slowly. “I’m going to bring you some food alright?” you patted Jean’s head and noticed his forehead was a little hot. “Are you sick Jean?” you asked worried.

“No.” Jean answered.

“Jean, don’t lie. Are you sick?” Levi asked again.

“I don’t know.” Jean said looking at his hands playing with the blanket.

“Jean,” you said softly, “it’s ok. I’ll go and bring some hot tea too alright?”

You went to the kitchen and prepared some food and started to boil some water as well. You took two cups – one for Jean and another for Levi - and poured some water in it with the tea leafs. You put the smashed potatoes and the vegetables on a plate and put everything on a tray before going back to your room. Levi started to feed Jean while you prepared a cold towel for Jean.

“Jean, what did you forget earlier?” Levi said when you came back.

“Thank you mommy!” Jean smiled.

“You’re welcome baby.” you smiled back.

When Jean finished eating, Levi offered to cleaned it up while you put Jean to sleep. You thanked him and went back to bed. You put the cold towel on Jean’s forehead and laid next to him.

“You can sleep now.” you rest your hand on Jean stomach.

“Good night mommy.”

“Good night.”

“Good night daddy!” Jean said when Levi came back to bed.


Just like Armin, Eren had a nightmare that night. When he first woke up, he tried to go back to sleep because he did not want to bother you nor Levi. But after thirty minutes of trying, he went to your bedroom. This time, both of you were asleep.

Eren hesitated a second about whether he should wake you up or not. He quickly decided not to and laid on the floor. Levi woke up not too long after Eren came in because he was thirsty. He only noticed Eren’s presence when he came back from the kitchen.

“Y/N.” Levi whispered


“Eren’s on the ground.”

“Mh.” you mumbled, “What?” you asked again a minutes later – your eyes wide open.

“Look.” Levi pointed at Eren.

“What is he doing on the ground?”

“I don’t know.”

“Bring him here.” you told Levi.

“You do it.” Levi argued.

“I’ll wake him up.”

“And I won’t?”

“You never did when I used to fell asleep in your office.” you reminded him.


Levi miraculously brought Eren on the bed without waking him up and put him between you two. During the night, Eren ended up on Levi’s left side meaning Levi was in the middle. While he had his arms around Eren – so he would not fall – you had yours around Levi.

— Sasha and Connie would often sneak out and sleep with you and Levi.

— Mikasa never did. When she had nightmares she would only hug her teddy bear closer. She was scared to bother you. Once she did wake Sasha up and slept closer to her.


Shorter Stories

— Mikasa was known to be always quiet – she was afraid to bother people especially you or Levi. Even when she was hurt, she would stay quiet. Once during a meeting, she accidentality cut herself with a piece of paper. It was Eren, ten minutes later who had to tell you.

“Next time, you tell me immediately ok?” you told Mikasa as you cleaned the cut.

“I’m sorry.”

“What for?”

“You had to leave for me.” Mikasa explained.

“You are more important than the meeting, so next time just tell me alright?”

Mikasa only nodded and followed you back to the meeting.

— Jean is known to be a momma’s boy – he would always stay with you and play with you rather than Levi. He often cried when you had to leave without them. He loved to be held by you, he knew how to walk perfectly, but he would rather stay with you.

“Stop spoiling him.” Levi would often say to you.

“I can’t help it. Jean is adorable!”

When others were watching over the kids, you were the one Jean would be asking for, not Levi which surprised you when Hange came because Jean hurt himself while playing.

“Jean’s at the infirmary – nothing serious though!” Hange quickly added.

“I’ll go.” you stood up.

“Mh…” Hange stopped you, “he asked for Levi.”

“Are you sure?” you asked them.


“Oh,” you gasped dramatically, “did you hear that?”

“What?” Levi asked ready to leave.

“My heart being broken by that kid.” you threw yourself back to bed.

When Jean got better, he immediately came back to you. You tried to be mad at Jean – in a playful way – but when you saw him nearly crying, you apologised and let him stay with you.

— The kids were staying with you in the morning, and it was decided that Levi would watch them after lunch because you had work to do with your squad. You were holding Eren in your arms and he refused to let go of you when Levi arrived.

“I want to stay with mommy please!” Eren cried holding onto you.

“Eren,” you calmed him down, “I will be back really quick, I promise.”

“Noo!” Eren cried as Levi took him.

Eren was desperately trying to hold your arms, but Levi was swift. Eren leaned over and grabbed your hair and pulled it which made you scream and lose your balance.

“Eren!” Levi yelled putting him down. “Y/N, are you ok?” he knelt down.

“I’m fine.” you reassured him, “it’s ok.”

“Mommy?” Eren hesitated.

“Eren,” Levi started, “go to your room with the others.” but Eren did not move, “right now!” Levi ordered.

“Levi.” you put your hands on his face, “I’m ok.” you turned to Eren who was now crying silently. “Eren, it’s ok, I’m fine.”

“’M sorry mommy!”

“It’s ok, now go with daddy and listen to him ok?”

Eren nodded and took Levi’s hand and left.

“Sorry daddy.” Eren sobbed.

“Mh.” Levi answered. “Don’t ever do that again am I clear?”



Short HCs:

— Sasha’s birthday happened that year when they were still kids. You all baked a cake together.

— Connie would often draw pictures of you all as a family during meetings.

— Erwin loved staying with the kids. He would often put them to bed.

— Hange loved the kids too – they would always play with them outside with Moblit, Mike and Nanaba.

PART 3 (coming soon)

Three Words ✩

Chapter 12 ✩ I wish I loved you ✩

✩ Ex! Sasha Braus ✩ Pieck Finger x Reader ✩

Summary ✩ You wake the morning after and you both have mixed feelings. You try to salvage the life you’ve built and go home. Throughout the day that sense of guilt follows you as you drag other people into the mess you’ve created. ✩

Warnings ✩Nsfw mentions (past), Lying, Crying, Unrequited Love, Cursing, Guilt ✩

3.6k Words ✩M.ListPlaylist

You rolled over, throwing your arm over the body next to you. You tightened your arm around them, hugging them closer to you. Opening your eyes you saw Sasha. You smiled softly at her sleeping face, so relaxed like this. Looking away from her you looked around the room. 

Fuck Fuck Fuck. 

This wasn’t your room. This wasn’t Sasha and your apartment, it was Annie’s. Shit.You and Sasha aren’t together. This isn’ta normal day. You were supposedto be at Pieck’s. You usedPieck to sleep with Sasha. Who youbroke up with. 

You slowly scooted to the end of the bed, peeling the blanket off your body. You did notwant to wake Sasha up too soon. You got up from the bed, letting out a sigh of relief that the change in weight didn’t wake her. You went around the room to collect the clothes you had stripped off last night. You slipped your pants back on, and shoved your old shirt and bra in your bag. You would rather not make your way home in the same exactclothes as last night. 

You took a moment ensuring you got everything. Then, you panicked. You sat on the end of the bed once again, trying to steady your breathing. You put your head in your hands, looking at the floor, tears collecting in your eyes. 

What do you do now? You and Sasha are over. You have been over. Last night you used and lied to your best friend so you could sleep with your ex who never loved you. Do you tell Pieck? Do you lie? There doesn’t seem to be a win for you. Perhaps that’s what you deserved, for all the mistakes you have made since the breakup. 

You sat, dwelling on your thoughts and panic, until you heard the bed sheets moving behind you. You shot your head from your hands looking at her slow realization.

She went through the same steps you had. Relaxation, to looking around the room, to a sense of panic. She sat up abruptly, staring at you with wide eyes. 

In the sudden movement she dropped the blanket that was covering her chest. She turned a bright red, picking it up, as you gave her a soft smile. The smile didn’t quite reach your eyes. They were swirling with stress. 

The first word that stumbled from her lips was an eloquent, “Fuck,” 

You laughed. It was a bright noise, one that filled the room. It wasn’t an appropriate reaction, but it was all you could do in the moment. 

You calmed yourself, laughter dying. Your eyes lit up a little at Sasha’s smile at your reaction, “Fuck is right,” you sighed, sinking into Sasha’s bed, collapsing into the piles of blankets. 

“So, what now?” She asked, getting up with sheet wrapped around her, searching for a shirt. 

“Good question,” you huffed, looking up as she pulled a shirt over her chest. 

She sat, then flopped back next to you, joining you in staring at the ceiling. You both sat there for a moment, the only thing you were able to hear was both of your breathing. 

You two looked odd now, not like a couple, maybe two friends. Maybe that’s what you are now, friends.You sat in tshirts and underwear, side by side but not touching. Like two people that had a sleepover the night before, but not two people who had just had breakup sex. 

“We move on,” you spoke out of the blue. 

She turned to you eyes wide, staring at your side profile, waiting for an explanation. She didn’t get one. You didn’t have anything to say. 

“I don’t know if I’m ready for that,” she whispered softly, still looking at you. 

You took a minute, trying not to choke on your words, your  throat tight, “Me either,” pausing once more before speaking again, “But we have to be, we have to,” 

She took your hand, returning her gaze back to the ceiling, “Yeah, I know,” her voice was breathy, you could hear the tears in her eyes. You could feel the pain in the squeeze of your fingers on yours.

You sat there for a while, hands clasped together, breathing unsteady. You knew that this was actuallythe last time you’d be together as anything more than friends, anything more than exes. You had said that before. You’d had your last kiss the night you broke, the last time you’d touch her, but it hadn’t been true. It hadn’t even felt true then. 

Now though, now you could feel it. It was over. You both knew that this was a mistake. There wasn’t the same urge to rekindle things like there was the night of your breakup. Now, there was only pain and regret. There was no working it out for you two. There was no marriage and happy ending. This relationship was over. 

You took yet another deep breath, facing her for the first time since she laid down, “Sash, I need to go to home,” 

She turned to you, the tears in her eyes so easy to see with the sun shining on her face, “Home? It’s weird to hear that and know it’s not our apartment,” 

You took your hand to her face, wiping her tears, “It’ll get easier. It has to,” 

She nodded her head. She fell into your shoulder, tears landing on your shirt as sobs wracked her body. You held her close to you, whispering that it would be ok. You hoped that was true. You couldn’t help the tears that slipped past your eyes as well. 

Eventually her sobs turned into sniffles and she pulled away from you, sitting up, “You need to go home yeah?” Her face and eyes were red. You couldn’t leave this second. It felt so unresolved

“Sasha, we are still friends. This doesn’t mean I’ll never see you again. You know that right?” You reminded at the look of grief on her face. 

She nodded, tears still streaming down her face, “I know, but it’s not the same,” 

“I know. It will be eventually though. We both deserve to be loved, and give love to someone,” you added. This relationship wasn’t fair to either of you. You couldn’t play pretend forever. 

“I have so much to say, to apologize for,” she whispered to you.

You laid your head in her lap, “We have time for that. Not now though. Another time, I promise,” 

She laughed, her hand on your face, bringing it up to look at her, “I’m so sorry,” 

“I know. Like I said we have time for that later. We have the rest of our lives to rehash our relationship. Right now we need to let go,” you promised. 

She just made a noise of agreement as you stood up, her hand still in yours. You paused, looking at her. You cupped her face in your hands, looking at her. She nodded her head and you captured her lips. There was none of the fire from last night. The kiss was filled with love and regret. It was soft, mixed with tears and snot not unlike your last last kiss. You didn’t want to be done, but eventually you pulled your lips from hers, tears streaming down both your faces. 

Without any hesitation you said the words that ended your relationship, “I love you,” 

At that, Sasha pulled away from you, her hand covering her mouth as she sobbed, “I wish I loved you, I really do,” the words were separated by gasps for air.

“I know,” you said softly, walking out the door of her bedroom. Leaving her crying, just like last time. You shut the door, laying your back on the wood surface and taking a deep breath. It took everything in you not to sink to the floor right then and there. 

You didn’t though, you put one foot in front of the other and started to walk to the front door where your shoes laid. 

Unfortunately for you, you ran into someone on the way. Annie was sitting in the kitchen, stirring her coffee. At the intrusion she looked up, expecting to see Sasha. When she didn’t she had to do a double take. She looked you up and down, her usual calculating gaze terrifying. Took a gulp of her coffee, setting it down, and gripping the counter. You were nervous, she wasn’t one to keep her opinions to herself. 

“What the actual fuck were you thinking?” She asked in a tone less angry than the words sounded. It was a genuine question. 

“We weren’t,” you sighed, it was the best explanation you could offer. 

“You’re such an idiot,” she sighed, “Are you two getting back together?” The question was stiff, her voice right and eyes filled with dread. 

You shook your head softly, “No. We both know it was a mistake. We are moving on. We’re going to try and move on,” 

“That’s gone great so far,” she snarked. 

You sighed. This is exactly what you didn’t want. You didn’t want your friend’s judgement. The stares of disappointment mixed with pity, “I’m tryingAnnie. It’s hard to just let go of years,” 

She huffed, “I know. I’m sorry. Just don’t want either of you to get hurt,” she said, softer than before. 

You cooed, “You do have a heart,” she looked up smiling, rolling her eyes in the process. 

You wanted to leave at that. Walk out the door having resolved the issue with Annie. You couldn’t though. Not if you wanted what you have built since breaking up with Sasha. 

“So,” she looked back at you, eyes already sharp at your shaky tone, “I don’t want Pieck to know,” 

“Oh fuck you,” she said without any hesitation. 

You smiled sheepishly, as she just stared at you, “Fuck. Ok, fine. My lips are sealed,” you let out a sigh of relief, but she added onto the statement, “but you haveto tell her eventually. I don’t do the whole secret thing,” she added, her conditions clear. 

“Yeah, ok. Just give me some time?” You asked, practically pleading. 

She nodded her head, “Don’t take too long to figure your shit out,” 

You laughed softly, her words stinging a little. You were trying to get it together. It was just so hard. 

“See you later,” you said bye, slipping your shoes on and walking out the door. 

Once you were out the door you yet again took a second to breathe. You checked your phone seeing messages from Pieck. She had texted you all night, worried about where you had disappeared to. That pit of guilt in your stomach returned. You had left her hanging, lied to her. She asked if you were with Armin. 

You walked to the bus quickly, looking quite rough. Your makeup was smeared down your face, your clothes disheveled. If anyone looked too closely it was clear you were doing the famous walk of shame. Walking the street, in the same clothes and makeup as last night, hickeys all over your body. 

The bus ride was long, the guilt staying in place rather than the ebbing and flowing it had been doing the last 12 hours. Walking into your apartment you could only hope Pieck was still asleep. Shutting the door and slipping off your shoes, you realized she wasn’t. 

The lights were on. You could hear the almost whistle of the tea kettle. You set your bag down and made your way into the kitchen, preparing for this conversation. 

At your entrance her face shot up, a look of relief crossing it. There was that stab of guilt again. You sat on the stool by the counter, smiling at her, and trying not to grimace. 

Then the questions started, “Where were you?” She asked voice filled with concern, “Why are you wearing a different shirt?” 

You hesitated, weighing your options before speaking, “I was with Armin. The party was a lot for both of us so we left,” you weighed your options and ended up lying, “My phone died,” explaining your absence of texts, “As for the clothes it was at Amrin’s. I left it awhile back,” 

She looked at you, she trusted your words, and nodded her head without a second thought.


She believed you so easily. 

“I’m glad you were with Armin,” she sighed, “but you should’ve charged your phone or told me, or something. I was worried,” 

Fuck Fuck Fuck. 

“No need to worry. What time did you go home?” You asked, trying so desperately to change the conversation. 

“Probably not long after you did,” you had no idea what time you left, “Parties aren’t really my thing,” 

“Mine either,” you laughed. 

She smiled up at you, it was bright, soft. She was beautiful, “That’s why I thought you’d go home with Armin. Glad I was right,” 

Shit Shit Shit. 

Lying. You lied. Over and over. And you’d have to keep lying if you were going to keep this up. Everyone would. 

“Yeah. Armin asked me to call him when I got home. You know to make sure I got home safe,” grabbing your stuff you hustled up the stairs, ignoring Pieck’s reply of what was surely just an ok. 

You shut the door to your room, and sat on the edge of your bed. While finding Armin’s contact, your leg was bouncing up and down. You were asking someone else to lie for you now. You stood, knowing once you got on the phone you’d be pacing around the room. 

The phone rang and rang. You sort of hoped he wouldn’t answer. That you would have a few more minutes to think

“Hello?” Armin’s calming voice came over the phone. It was like waves crashing back and forth. It was relaxing, smooth, the same pattern, crashing softly. 

You took a breath, “Hey Armin,” 

“What’s up? Where’d you go last night? Are you ok?” Ah, the calming pattern was gone. The waves were a little faster, a little louder, his voice was slightly higher than normal, questions falling through the phone at a fast pace. 

“I’mfine.I needed to ask you for a favor. It’s actually about where I went last night,” you asked. 

“You asking me for something is never good,” he laughed, “What happened last night?” 

You had no reason to lie to Armin, so you just bit the bullet, “I went home with Sasha,” unnecessarily you explained further, “I slept with Sasha,” 

You heard an intake and output of a deep breath, “Yeah I got that,” his voice was stable. The calm before the storm. 

“What exactly does that have to do with me?” He questioned, you could hear the dread in his voice. 

You continued pacing the room, your hands shaking slightly, “I lied to Pieck. I said I was with you,” 

Fuck,”the storm, “Why exactly would you do that. Why would you drag me into this,” he wasn’t mad, he was whining. Which was practically worse than anger. You’d actually never seen Armin mad. The storm was always a mope and a whine. You could see his shoulders dropping and a pout in his face from over the phone.

“Hey,”shit, you shouldn’t have dragged him into this, “I can go back downstairs right now and tell her the truth. I would never make you lie for me. I know you hate lying. There’s no hard feelings if you say no,” you need to make it exceptionally clear that you did not expectArmin to lie for you, you just hoped that he would

You waited with baited breath, waiting for his response. 

“Yeah. Whatever, if Pieck asks I’ll say you were with me. She probably won’t anyway,” he said. He wasn’t angry, a little peeved at the idea of lying to one of his friends, but not angry. His voice was still in a whine, the waves not yet settled. 

“Thank you Armin. I won’t lie forever, I promise,” 

You could hear a sigh of relief on the other end, “Good. I’m not too great at lying. Take care of yourself, ok?” 

“Yeah. I’ll try,” you responded, hoping your friends wouldn’t hate you for this. 

Armin was looking out for you. You, on the other hand, were on an accidental path of destruction. 

You hung up the phone, taking a sigh of relief that it was wrapped up. Your story was pretty much airtight now that Armin agreed. Eventuallyyou’d have to come clean, but for now you were ok. For now you can pretend everything is normal. That you didn’t sleep with Sasha last night. 

You walked down the stairs, running your hands over your face as you did so. Preparing yourself to see Pieck again. Really, all you wanted to do was act fine. 

So, that’s what you did. You went downstairs, piled under blankets with Pieck and watched movies.

 You sat all day laughing at stupid lines with her. She looked at you, studying your face when you weren’t looking, and you did the same to her. Following the curve of her nose to her lips, eyes focusing there. Her lips looked soft. You wanted to kiss her. 

Oh fuck. You wanted to kiss her. 

You shoved the feelings down opting to turn forward again focusing on the tv. Your heart was hammering in your chest. You refused to make another bad decision. Once was enough for today. You ran your hand over your face trying to refocus, putting your attention back on the TV. 

That’s genuinely all you two did all day. Snacking on popcorn and other food that wouldn’t constitute as an actual meal, watching corny rom coms, many of them gay ones. They held the same coming out story in each. 

“These are bad,” you laughed. The latest movie being socheesy. The couple had just kissed at graduation, one of the most cheesy places to get together. That and in the rain. Even worse if it’s both. 

She giggled, “But they’re so good,” she leaned into you, laying her head onto your shoulder. 

“Mmm. Yeah, but still pretty bad,” you agreed, laying your head on top of hers. 

The movies were painful to watch. Each one held the same or similar storylines. Each ended the same, happy. The couple resolved their conflict and lived happily ever after. No matter how bad they were, they were absolutely addicting.It was the perfect balm to your guilt and regret. 

You watched a few more movies.  Slowly the living room got darker, the sun setting and night taking over the sky. The only light in the room was the tv and the moonlight that was pouring in through the windows. Now that it was later, Pieck was practically asleep on your shoulder. 

You set the bowl of popcorn on the table softly, trying not to move too much. You then reached over to her, pushing her hair out of her face. Her eyes fluttered fully open from their half shut state. She looked so beautiful like this, completely relaxed, so close to you you could feel her stray hairs on your face. You smiled kindly at her calm face. 

“Come on, let’s go to sleep baby,” the pet name slipping from your mouth with ease. 

She smashed her face into your neck, breath hot and tickling, “So much work,” she groaned. You tried not to gasp at the feeling of her voice shaking your skin. She was in direct contact with your healing hickeys. You prayed she hadn’t seen them. 

“Yeah, yeah. Let’s go to bed,” you pulled her up by her hands and she stood dramatically, ignoring her complaints. 

She trailed behind you at a leisurely pace, her feet shuffling across the floor. You let go of her hand near her room. You kept walking past her room, going to yours. That’s when you felt a hand grab at your wrist and you stopped. Pieck was looking at you with tired eyes and a pout. 

“What’s wrong?” You asked, voice soft and small in the quiet of the dark hallway. 

She pulled you closer to her, “Come sleep with me,” she must not have realized the affects her words had as your body lit up, feeling like someone had just dumped boiling water on you. 

“Yeah, of course,” you responded, following her into her room. 

She settled into bed quickly, pulling the blankets up and laying her head down. She was asleep before you knew it, curled up into you. Her knees were curled into her chest. Her head was laying below your clavicle. She was perfectly wormed into you. Like puzzle pieces completing each other. 

All you could feel was the anxiety bubbling in your stomach, but your eyes were getting heavy. With the feeling and smell of Pieck surrounding you it was easier to calm your increased breathing and heart rate. 

You put your arms around her waist and buried your face in her hair. She let out a sigh of contentment, and you tried not to cry. 

This is what you should have been doing last night. Now was notthe time to live in the past though. Right now, Pieck was sitting clung to you in her sleep. Right now she still trusts you. You needed to stop and enjoy that before unpacking the rest of your life out of the boxes you’d sealed haphazardly. 

Soon enough your eyes were closed and the only thoughts you were having were ones about Pieck. 

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✩Three Words ✩

✩Chapter 11 ✩ Didn’t Feel Any Love ✩

✩ Ex! Sasha Braus ✩ Pieck Finger x Reader ✩

✩ Summary ✩ You and Sasha leave the party, making some interesting decisions as you do. You decide to throw caution to the wind and save your regrets for later. Maybe that wasn’t the best decision ✩

✩ Warnings ✩ NSFW, Smut, F x F, oral, fingering, hickeys, use of princess baby and good girl, Switch! Reader and Switch! Sasha, cursing, angst ✩

5.4 k words ✩ M.ListPlaylist

Kissing Sasha one more time, you pulled away. Your lips felt cold without hers on them.  The hands she had on your thighs felt sohot, they were burning every inch of skin they touched. The contrasting temperatures had you panting into her now that you were coming up for air. 

Sasha was trying to go in to kiss you again when you stopped her, hands pressing against her chest, “I thought we were going home?” You asked, breath heaving, all while you were trying to resist the urge to crash your lips into hers again. 

“Yeah, we should,” she agreed, but she leaned in biting into your shoulder, hands inching up your thighs closer to where your core was. She didn’t seem like she had any intention of actually stopping. 

Fuck,”you groaned at the pressure on your shoulder and the wetness between your legs, “We need to go before someone sees,” you added, finally outwardly acknowledging the wrongness of this interaction. 

At that she halted the movement of her hands and pulled them off your neck, she brought her lips to your ears, lips touching it, “Ashamed of me baby? Aren’t we just two people making out?” 

You scooted away from her slightly, her face now farther away, but her hands were still climbing closer to your pant buttons. “You know it’s more than that. You knowour friends will rip us to shreds. You know we’re more than just two people making out,” 

“I know. Fuck, I know,” she pulled away making eye contact with you, “I just want to be withyou again. I’m sorry, I’m sosorry,” 

“Stop apologizing. Save it for another time. Just take me home and fuck me already,” you ignored her apology, not letting the reminder of your breakup sting too much. Not when you were so close to being with Sasha again. Not when you were soclose to feeling whole again. 

“Yes ma’am,” she laughed, now pulling away from you completely. 

She helped you off the counter, grabbing your hand as you hopped from the counter. You made your way out of the kitchen, giggling into each other. The interaction felt so light. It reminded you of when your relationship had just started. When the two of you were just freshmen with no clue where your lives, or your relationships were going. Now you were two PhD students who were broken up. You had no future together, there was no hope. You two knew exactly how this was going to end. Horribly

You two got closer to the door. Her arm was around your waist, her other hand was intertwined with yours. You were almost out of the party, almost home free. Free to spend the night with her, have anight of freedom. It was going sowell. 

Itwas going so well. That is until you bumped into Eren. StupidFuckingEren Yeager. 

You really had no problem with Eren. He was, is, your friend. However, to get him to keep this from Mikasa, keep this from Pieck, was going to be a lot of work. 

He looked at you two. His hair was pulled into a ponytail, he was wearing a stupid green shirt and jeans. As stupid looking as ever. He looked you both up and down. He smirked at your intertwined hands and laughed slightly. 

“You two are a mess,” those were the only words he muttered. 

You rolled your eyes, “So help me Yeager you go telling everyone and their mom about this…” you were cut off. 

“Hey. If you two want to have breakup sex that is not mine or anyoneelse’s buissness,” he added. 

He stopped for second before speaking again, “It’s good to see you though. It’s been awhile,” then he did something he usually didn’t, pulled you in for a hug, “Figure your shit out dumbass,” he whispered before pulling away. 

You nodded your head dumbly, as he smiled sort of sadly at you. It seemed easier than expected to get him to agree to that. You couldn’t tell if that was good or not. 

Once again you were reminded of how badofadecision this was. Eren didn’t care what you did, he really didn’t. He did however care about who you hurt, yourself included. You and Sasha were going to end up hurting because of this, and he didn’t want that. 

Right now though, with the idea of feeling loved again running through your head, you didn’t care about being hurt later. You wanted relief now. 

“Good to see you Eren,” you said, before once again grabbing Sasha’s hand and booking it out of the party. 

Once you were finally outside it wasn’t hard to find Sasha’s car. Lucky for you two you were of clear mind and body. Both of you were stone cold sober, except the second hand smoke you surely had inhaled. 

The ride was quiet. The car was filled with the buzz of anticipation and both of your racing thoughts. You weren’t idiots, you knew this was a bad idea. You both recognized it. During the car ride you were busy playing out the different outcomes in your head. You could only pray that your lack of restraint wouldn’t bite you in the ass too hard. Besides the feeling of excitement and dread, the car radio hummed a song, one you didn’t know but could catch onto quickly, trying to distract from the reality of the situation. 

The reality being you just left a party that you attended with a girl you were madly in love with in high school and maybe now, to fuck your ex.  An ex who has made it very clear your relationship has no future. The reality was all your friends would disapprove of your choices. That they would yet again be disappointed in your poor coping skills. 

The facts only made you want it more. It made you want someone to want you, to like you, to love you. It felt like all you could do was make bad decisions, ones that hurt you, and everyone around you. Tonight though, at least for a few hours, you would feel sogood. 

You were so sick of feeling like this. Feeling like you didn’t belong. Feeling like everyone hates you. Feeling like all you are to your friends is someone to be worried about. You felt this intense sense of pressure with your every move. 

Tonight. Just for tonight you wanted to let go of all of that. Let go of the fear of disappointing everyone and feel loved.Even if that decision fucked things up. 

Your depreciating, probably much too dramatic, thoughts were halted when her car pulled into a parking lot. You got out of the car finally realizing this wasn’t the apartment you two had shared. She had moved. 

Oh, she had moved. She didn’t want to stay in the remnants of your guys’ dead relationship either. Maybe her guilt was too much to bear. You hoped not, or maybe you hoped so.You couldn’t tell if you wanted her to be happy or to hurt,the way that you did. 

You got out and walked to the front of the car meeting her there. She reached out a hand and you hesitantly took it. You two walked into the building. She hit the button on the elevator to what you assumed to be her floor. 

Taking a look around the complex your stomach seemed to flip. Shit.You knew exactly where you were, “Are you staying with Annie?” 

She looked over to you surprised you recognized it all, let alone so fast, “Yeah? Mikasa just moved out so she needed a roommate, and obviously I needed a place,” she explained. 

For some reason that hurt a little. You had said no sides, but your emotions seemed to betray you. It felt a little like Annie had decided Sasha was the better friend here, that she was picking heroveryou. Maybe she was. You tried to push those thoughts away, reminding yourself that you didn’t want this breakup to affect your friends’ relationships. 

The other thought that rushed into your head was that someone elsewould know. Annie andEren would know what you and Sasha were doing. 

Stepping onto the elevator you let the thoughts fester again. You weighed the pros and the cons, again. When the elevator opened with a ping, signaling your arrival, the list floated out of your head in an instant. You decided to throw caution to the wind and the list of cons that were surely out weighing the pros out the window. 

You two stepped into her apartment kicking your shoes off. In only seconds all the doubt either of you had fled from your bodies. The night had finallybegun. 

She had pushed you up against the wall near the door. You moaned at the sudden presence of her lips on yours. You two were on fire. Your bodies were on fire.All you could feel, all you could think about was Sasha and her touch. 

You were panting as her hands finally made their way under your shirt onto your tits. There was no couth in the movement, it was purely her wanting her hands on you, now. The pressure of her pawing you over your bra wasn’t enough, you needed more. 

“Sash,”fuck, she felt so good, her knee was practically fucking you. It was sitting between your thighs, the friction of your pants and her leg killing you. All you could feel was the growing heat in between your thighs, her hands on your chest. You needed more. 

More More More. “Bedroom,now,”you demanded. You hoped she could understand you. Your plea was mostly a moan. 

“Anything you want, baby. Anything for you,” so she did hear you, thank god. 

She squeezed your breasts one more time, groaning at the feeling, before she pulled away. She led you down the hallway by your hands. You stumbled behind her still high on pleasure. It took way too long, it was way too hot. You needed these clothes off now. 

You managed to wait until you got to her room and locked the door before your shirt flew over your head. Sasha was standing in front of you, staring at the process. She looked like a starved animal. She was practically drooling at the sight of your skin. 

You thanked Godthat you had decided to wear matching lingerie. The way that she was looking at your chest had your heart fluttering. She wanted you. Under her stare you felt nervous taking off the next layer but it was nothing she hadn’t seen before. You claimed yourself and your pants fell to the floor. 

You walked over to her looping your hands around her neck. She finally looked up from staring at your body into your eyes. 

She looked at you with a puzzled expression,” What’s wrong baby,” 

You laughed at her look of confusion and concern. You leaned in giving her a light kiss on the lips and leaning your head into her neck, “You’re wearing too many clothes,” 

At that she groaned, pushing you off lightly, moving you closer to the end of her bed, “So fucking cheesy. Got we all worried,” 

She stripped her dress off. Her bra and underwear alsomatched. You were fucking drooling at her thighs. God, they got even better under the dress. They could crush you. Her underwear was a dark red, it matched her dress. It looked like it was sewn by gods and placed on her body. The lacy material fit her so well. It was beautiful, but you wanted nothing more than to tear it off of her. 

You realized Sasha was smirking at you, probably because your jaw was on the floor and you were staring at the abs that were coming through because of basketball season. You couldn’t have that now, she was toococky. 

“Matching underwear,” you walked closer, pulling at the bra strap, “Did you think someone besides me would fuck you tonight?” 

“No baby, no. Was thinking about you when I put them on,” she was whining. Fuckyou missed that sound. Acts so tough but one touch and she’s a puddle. 

“Did you think of me?” Her head was in your neck, her voice tinged with hope as she asked the question. 

You let go of the bra strap, it slapped her skin, not hard just enough to hurt, just sting a little. She moaned, god always such a freak. 

“No princess. I’m sorry, I wasn’tthinking of you,” you responded. 

At that her head shot up. It seemed the submissiveness left. She didn’t look hurt. She looked like she wanted to fuck sense into you. 

She pushed you onto the bed. You fell back easily, laughing that your attempt at getting her fired up had worked. She was so easy to get riled up. 

She was at the edge of the bed too, her arms and legs trapping you there. 

She made a move for your neck, again. Shit, you were going to be all kinds of marked up. That was a problem for later. Right now all you could do is roll your eyes back at the kisses that we’re currently running down your body. 

She was making her way down your stomach, leaving a trail of blossoming hickeys. She stopped at your bra, looking up at you for permission. You nodded quickly and lifted your back off the bed. She reached a hand back and unclasped the bra. She threw it off your body and immediately her mouth was on your chest. 

You arched into her, your back coming off the bed, your eyes rolling back. Her lips were locked around your nipple, her tongue swirling in a way that had your panties soaked. Her hand came up to the other side pinching it softly. When she did, you groaned, the pain and pleasure too much to handle.  You could feel her smile at the sound. She switched, her hand coming to the nipple her mouth had been on and vice versa. Just when it was getting sogood, she pulled away. 

You whined at the loss of pleasure, and she laughed breathily, “Don’t worry, I’m not done yet,” 

She continued kissing and nipping down your stomach until she got to the lace of your underwear. For what felt like the hundredth time tonight she looked up for permission. Your response was a buck of your hips, practically begging for her to touch you. 

She smiled, pulling your underwear down your legs and flinging them across the room without a care in the world.

“So wet all for me?” She teased, bringing her fingers to your folds. She laughed, “So pretty baby,” 

“Sash, more,” shit you were whining, “please,” 

“Of course,” she smirked, plunging two of her fingers into you. 

You couldn’t help but let out what was probably a scream, a quiet (ish) one, but still a scream at the pleasure that came from her fingers finallybeing back in you. 

She moaned at the feeling as well, loving the feeling of her fingers being back in you. Her movements stayed consistent, she was bringing her fingers in and out. Two fingers sliding into your wet walls, over and over again. The pressure was building in your stomach, your orgasm probably not far, but something was missing. 

You whined again, “More, I need more,” you pleaded. 

Sasha looked up at you from her place staring at your wet sex. God, she had missed that look. You were glowing, with sweat and sex drenching your skin and the room surrounding you. Your face was relaxed, but your brows were furrowed with the frustration of not quitecumming, but being soclose. Your eyes were tired but had so much fire behind them. 

She pulled her fingers out of you. You cried out at the loss, whining pathetically. 

She hushed you, attaching her mouth to you. You squealed at the feeling, bucking straight into her mouth. She groaned at the taste of you on her lips. She had missed this. Missed you pulling at her hair, suctioning her mouth to you even further, the pain of the tugs making her even wetter than she was. 

Her tongue was lapping at every inch she could reach. She breached inside and you writhed under her, beads of sweat running down your face, wanting so badly to cum. She could feel it in the way you tensed, your vagina walls squeezing down. She flicked her tongue a few more times, before moving mouth to a higher location. Your oh so needyclit. 

She brought her lips to it as your mouth opened, a soundless scream on your face. You gripped her hair even harder. You were so close. She knew you needed just a little push, she knew you so well. She took her middle, pointer, and ring finger, pushing them into your soaked, tight, pussy, moaning at the stretch.

If you thought you were feeling good then, you were on fucking cloud nine now. She was still attacking your clit, tongue flicking it. She was pulling her fingers in and out, in and out. Then, she curled her fingers, hitting that spot that felt so good. Your whole body was on fire again. You felt fireworks behind your eyes. She kept going, curling her fingers and hitting your g-spot over and over again

You pulled her hair so hard she brought her mouth off of you to groan, but continued fucking you through your orgasm with her fingers. Her hand could hardly move. You were squeezing so hard. You looked gorgeous.You were shaking as you moaned, your mouth completely open, eyes rolled back into your head, and your hips arched so far they weren’t even touching the bed. The room smelt of sweat and sex, a smell both of you had missed so much. 

You came down from your high, hips falling back into the bed, instead of bucking up into the air. You were gasping for air. You hadn’t felt that good in a longtime. Towards the end of your relationship the sex got lazy.Of course you were attracted to each other, but you got into a routine. That interaction, however, was nota part of the routine. 

You were taking a minute to catch your breath when you heard Sasha speak, “Can I clean you up,” 

“Yes. God yes” you knew exactly what that meant. 

Once again her face was smashed between your thighs. This time she was lapping up the wetness she had caused. She was eating you out like a rabid dog. 

“So good baby,” she told you gripping your thighs close to her face as you moaned. 

Her tongue was searching every centimeter of your pussy, soaking up every bit of this, enjoying every second. 

You were completely fucked out, you had already came once, after being cut off so many times, all you felt was an overwhelmed sense of pleasure. You were a moaning mess, completely overstimulated. Tears were streaming down your face at the feelings.

The final straw was her bringing her fingers to your clit, rubbing soft circles. You came almost immediately at the touch. It was all just too much. 

Your orgasm was faster this time around, she didn’t fuck you through, knowing it would be too much after the intense pleasure. Instead she crawled up near your face, kissing your lips softly, helping you relax. 

“You did so good baby, so good,” she whispered running her hand up and down your waist and hips. 

You nodded your head into your neck, finally recovering from the two orgasms. In between your legs was sticky, even after Sasha’s “clean up” attempt. Actually it was definitely messier now, a mix of cum and spit. 

“I’ll go get some water,” Sasha said, getting off you and the bed.

She leaned down and kissed your forehead, walking out of the room. 

You sat up, gathering your thoughts. She came back in, still in her bra and underwear. She handed you the water, and you chugged. You would need it. 

You set the glass down, and grabbed her by the hips, “Your turn princess,” you smirked. 

“No, it’s ok. You’re tired. Just wanted to make you feel good” she responded.

“We don’t have to, but I want to. I’m wide awake now. If this is it for us. If we’re pretending tonight and tonight only I want to make the most of it,” you reminded. 

She looked panicked at the reminder, like she had forgotten that’s all this was, just a night. She relaxed leaning down you to, lips almost on top of yours, “The point of pretending is not bringing it up,” she leaned in fully kissing your lips. 

You locked your hands around her neck, pulling her down to you, attaching your legs around her waist to help. Once she was back in the bed with you, you flipped her on her back. Now, you were on top of her

She gasped at the turn of events, but didn’t have much time to recover as you attached your lips to her neck. You groaned at the feeling. You had missed this, the taste of her skin, the smell of her mid-sex, it was a magical feeling, a magical smell. She seemed to have a similar reaction, her mouth falling open at the feeling of your teeth grazing her skin. 

You ran your hands down her waist, feeling the muscles tense with every touch, “Relax baby. Gonna make you feel sogood,” she whined, leaning into your touch.

Your hands met on her back, her body arching up towards you. You unclasped her bra strap with ease, pulling the red item off her wet skin. Her nipples were already hard, obviously from lust, the room was hot and you were both layered in sweat. Your hands immediately found their way to her tits, pinching her nipples as she moaned, the high pitch whines, making you laugh. You kissed down her chest, making your way to her left breast, wrapping your tongue around her nipple. Your other hand was occupied on her other breast, while she continued to moan softly. You eventually switched, making sure each appendage got the same amount of attention. 

You removed yourself, her whining at the loss, you laughed, “Patience Sash,” she nodded, so agreeable when she’s like this. 

You continued down her stomach, leaving a trail of bite marks and kisses. You made it to her hip bones, where her underwear sat just below. You could feel how anxious she was to have you touch her by the way she was wiggling her hips. You smirked, going to suck on her hip bones, leaving something to remember you by, rather than satisfying her more animalisticurges. 

“Stop teasing,” she begged, voice breathy. She was bucking her hips into you. 

“Sash, patience baby,” you reminded, leaving her hips to go kiss her lips. 

“Just want you,” she whined, she sounded so pitiful like this. She looked pitiful too, her stomach and hips covered in half formed hickeys, shaking with anticipation, and her face in a pout. 

You laughed softly, holding her face in your hands, “I know baby, you’ve been such a good girl for me, such a good girl,” you murmured into her neck. 

She moaned at the compliment, always so responsive to the simplest of words. 

You reached your hands down into her underwear, fingers running through her slit. 

“Oh, so wet, all for me?” It was such a cheesy line but you had to, the girl was absolutely fucking soaked. 

“For you. Only you,” she just whined, she barely made any sense, the words tumbling out of her mouth without a second thought. 

You smirked, pushing your two fingers in achingly slow. You could feel her tense, then relax at the intrusion. Her hand now laid wrapped around your wrist. You continued, pushing in and out so slowly, you weren’t even dipping your fingers all the way in, just far enough for her to want more. She was practically fucking herself on your fingers, her hips rocking up with every touch you made. 

“Princess I thought you were being good?” You pushed her hips down as she whined, grabbing at your wrist again trying to push your fingers into her needy cunt. 

“So good, I’m so good,” she responded, still trying to grab your wrist. 

“Baby good girls aren’t so needy. You need some patience,” she interrupted you, “Just want you, please,” 

You plucked her hand off of your wrist, “I’ll fuck you when Idecide to,” you made your way back down to between her thighs. 

You pulled her underwear down. She expelled a sigh of relief as you smiled. You took a moment to just stare at her, her perfect pussy. God she really was soaked, she was dripping onto the sheets. She needed you sobad. 

You decided to play with her a little more. You bit her inner thighs, probably hard enough to leave a mark. Her thighs tensed and her hands found your scalp. She was dying without your touch. You were impressed she had lasted this long without being a complete brat

You finally gave in bringing your tongue to the plethora of wetness Sasha had produced because of you. Both of you moaned together, well you groaned at the taste and smell of her, while she was feeling the relief of finally being touched where she needed you so bad.

You ran your tongue up her slit once before completely diving in. Your tongue was wrapped around her clit, spinning circles around the bud as she cried out. You didn’t hold back, at this point she had waited long enough. You took your fingers, and plunged them in the slowness of before now gone. She practically screamed, writhing under you as she bucked her hips, begging for release. 

You kept going in and out with a slight scissoring of your fingers, and then curling them slightly, the mixed motions having her on the edge. 

She was chanting at this point, the noises were so lewd, her juices flooding out at a rapid pace, “So close, so close, gonna cum,” 

At that you pulled out your fingers and removed your mouth from her cunt. It was painful for you, letting go of her warmth for a second. For her though, it was unbearable. She cried out, legs kicking in frustration and arms falling on the bed dramatically, as she huffed. 

She looked at you anger in her eyes, “Did you ask?” You said as a look of relazation dawned on her face. 

“No, I’m sorry, so sorry. I’ll be good,” she begged, grabbing your hands, if she was more coherent she would probably be begging on her hands and knees, “Can I cum, can I please cum,” she finally asked.

You smiled, kissing her softly, your lips coated in the taste of her. She moaned at the action, turned on by the idea of your mouth coming straight from her pussy to her lips. 

You pulled away from her mouth, a string of spit and Sasha’s cum connecting your lips, “Since you asked so nicely princess,” you pulled away, making your way back down to her core. 

Your thumb circled her clit. She was so soaked it was hard to keep your fingers in place, so you quickly replaced the finger with your tongue. You slid your fingers back into her, curling them into the spongy part of her cunt, causing her to completely let go, she was so close. You continued to press into her, going as far as to add a third finger, and she wrapped her legs around you tightly, ankles hooking on your back. 

She was a moaning mess, yelling out what you assumed to be the words, cumming, fuck, and your name, over and over. At the rapid movements, she tensed around you, her cunt clenching so tightly you could only keep your fingers in place as her cum seeped out of her. You continued your attack on her clit, but slowed, bringing her down from her orgasm slowly. 

Eventually, she came down and you were able to pull your fingers from her with a squelch. You brought them up to her lips. Her mouth was open and she was panting, catching her breath from the strenuous activity. Noticing your action though, she stuck her tongue out, waiting eagerly. You plopped your fingers on her tongue and she wrapped her lips around them, sucking them clean. You moaned at the feeling of the suction on your fingers, and the pornagraphic image of her sucking her own cum off your fingers. 

You pulled your fingers back out, smiling at her fucked out face. She was covered in a layer of sweat and looked seconds from falling asleep. 

You leaned in kissing her forehead, “You were so good princess,” you muttered into her skin. 

She smiled softly nodding. You had missed that look so much. The soft look of peace and delight that graced her face after sex and praise. You suddenly remembered what this was. It was one night. She didn’t love you. She didn’t feel the same warmth in her chest that you did right now. She didn’t feel any love

The memory had you getting out of the bed. You pulled on a shirt that she had in her drawer, one of yours that you slept in. She must have kept it. The thought made you want to cry as you looked back at the sleeping girl on the bed. She was holding onto pieces of you just as you were her. 

You walked into her bathroom, pulling out a towel and warming it with water. You cleaned yourself off, not wanting to sleep with sticky thighs. You pulled on your underwear that had been discarded earlier. You warmed the towel once more, bringing it into the room, and cleaning up Sasha. The act had your throat tensing. It felt sodomestic. You wanted this for the rest of your life, but it wasn’t yours to have. You finished cleaning her up watching the bruises blossom on her stomach and hips, nowhere they would be seen. 

You went and got a pair of underwear for her, slipping them up her legs. She was conscious enough to lift her hips and muttered a thank you. You whispered back assuring her it was fine. 

You pulled the comforter over her mostly nude body, not wanting her to get cold. You slipped under the blanket, next to her. You faced the wall rather than her. You couldn’t handle sleeping in the same bed as her, touching her, knowing none of it was real. 

You covered your mouth as tears and sobs slipped out at a rapid pace. One minute you were on top of the world, the next regretting your decision. You had convinced yourself all night you didn’t care about the blowback of this, but now that it was over you felt like you were dying. You should have listened to your more rational thoughts rather than throwing caution to the wind. 

This wasn’t right. You two broke up. You two were over. There was no future, yet you had just fucked each other with more heat than you had in months. You had just gone back on everything you had promised your friends. Instead of reaching out you slept with her. You used Pieck to make Sasha jealous even though all she had done was be there for you. You couldn’t deny there was more going with Pieck than you had admitted, and you had usedher to have sex with Sasha. 

You looked up at the ceiling sleep finally taking over, your mind racing but your body exhausted. Tears were running down your face and the only thought you had was, this was a mistake. 



