#save for later


Just bought this from a local metaphysical store! Never heard of the Author but it looked good. Updates to come (maybe lmao)


Tarot Cards Meaning

Major Arcana





Look who came today! Lord Apollo showed up from the mystical world of Etsy! I had to give him an immediate space on my working alter right away!


How to Get Unstuck

Source:https://www.writingclasses.com/toolbox/articles/12-techniques-for-getting-un-stuck [Article by Susan Breen]

Post by @writingwithacutlass on instagram

~please ask before reposting~

POV: you started your wip a month ago, fingers flying over the keyboard with excitement, writing 20 pages in a single night. You’re overflowing with brilliant ideas, you see every scene playing out in your head. You’re sure that this manuscript will be finished within a month. Then, one quiet morning, you sat down at your desk, pulled up your document, and didn’t know what to do. How are you supposed to continue from here? You read over the last few chapters, cringing as you skim over the pages. You don’t know how to move forward, and you can’t bear to go back. You’re stuck. It’s a terrible feeling. I’m sure you know what it’s like, as well as how hard it is to get out of that sinkhole. Here are 10 techniques to help you get unstuck!

1: Go back to the beginning

Often, a story stalls because you haven’t given your protagonist enough to do. Give them tasks, goals, motivations, anything to keep them on their feet. Jump to the action. Create a quest, even if it seems small. What does your character want? Is there a deadline? What happens if they fail?

2: Look at your protagonist’s backstory

A character’s backstory always provides for extra building material. The more you know about your character, the more you have to write. A character’s history can tell you a lot about why they are who they are now.

3: Throw obstacles in your characters’ path

Ask yourself, what is the worst thing that could happen to your character right now? And then have it happen. Make sure your character has to fight for what they want. The more you raise the stakes and the more obstacles you throw at your character, the quicker your story will move forward. Not only are obstacles interesting, but they also make characters change and grow.

4: Introduce someone new

This is a great way to shake up the story when you get stuck. Have a new character walk into your main character’s life, making things interesting. Are they an obstacle? Will they help your character achieve their goal? Make sure they spice up the plot enough; you don’t want an unnecessary character just wandering around in your story.

5: Unsettle your character

Every character has a particular way of seeing themselves. They believe things about themselves and that’s who they think they are. But what if something happens that challenges those beliefs? Will they start doubting themselves? Time for an existential crisis? Make the character rediscover who they really are.

6: Jump ahead

Say you’re stuck on page 140. Ever since you started the story, you’ve been really excited to write this one particular scene, but you’d expected it to take place on page 240. How are you going to fill in those 100 pages in between where you are now and where that scene will take place? I advise you to go ahead and write that one scene now. Who knows, you might discover an idea buried in that out-of-order scene that should have happened earlier. Boom, there you have an idea. Finding threads in future scenes might give you background to write earlier in the story.

7: Give yourself a deadline

This method is probably one of the most effective (perhaps most stressful) ways of getting your book written. Ever wonder how published authors get their novels cranked out so fast? Yeah, it’s because there are likely 20 people waiting for their manuscript on September 20, for example. You might not have publishers waiting for your manuscript, but you can set your own deadline. And then stick to that schedule. Setting deadlines really works, that’s why you always write more during nanowrimo than you would without a deadline.

8: Look inward

Many authors write about topics that are personal for them. Something painful, something they could never quite get rid of. A death of a loved one, an addiction, you name it. Writing our own experiences into our book can be extremely painful, but it might be for the better. One reason you may be stuck in your story is because you’re delaying a scene. You don’t want to write it, because you know it’ll hurt. But you’ve got to push through it sometime. Get it over with now and finish that novel. Now I know not all of us are delaying scenes because of some traumatic experience. Even if it’s only because you don’t like writing a certain character, the same counts for you.

9: Take a break

Step away from the desk. Change your surroundings. This always works for me. Whenever I go on vacation, sometimes even when I leave my room, ideas come to me like I wished they would when I’m sitting at my desk. Write down all those ideas, but don’t act on them right away. Give yourself a break when you need it, and that’s more often than you think. Go for a walk and write down all the ideas you think of.

10: Remember why you started

Whenever you feel like giving up on this story, just remember why you started in the first place. You wanted to write this book to portray a theme that’s important to you? To bring something special to the world? There are people out there who need your story. Your favorite book probably went through the same thing, but aren’t you glad the author persevered through it to publish this masterpiece?!


Signs you need to rewrite your WIP

#1. You hate working on it

You’re constantly forcing yourself to write it, and you excessively check your wordcount tracker to make sure you’ve hit your daily goal. Its a chore for you to work on it, and you feel guilty thinking about it abandoning it after working on it for so long.

#2. Something feels…off

Whether it’s the characters, the setting, or the plot, there’s something that doesn’t seem quite right, and it keeps bothering you. You want to change it, but changing it means you have to start from scratch, and you don’t want to.

#3. You keep making plot holes

Some amount of plot holes are normal—but the narrative in your story makes no sense. You keep coming up with half-developed ideas and writing them in without knowing the entire context, just to make your wip more interesting.

#4. You feel disappointed in your writing

Your writing quality seems to have degraded, even though you know you can write much better. Its upsetting and demotivating because you don’t put in as much effort or care as much about writing your wip, and you question whether or not you’re actually good at writing at all.

#5. You have many ideas, but you’re afraid to implement them

You have ideas to change your wip completely, but once again you feel too afraid to do it. You don’t know if you’ll be able to stick with the wip for long enough, so you keep procrastinating on it.


In a recent post https://mauesartetc.tumblr.com/post/650139669708800000/what-the-hazbin-umim-supposed-to-feel-bad-for I criticized fans of Stolas from Helluva Boss for being so enamored with his design that they’ve ignored the awful ways he treats those closest to him. It got me thinkin’: If I removed appearances from the equation, could I still convey my own characters’ personalities with text and generic stick figures?

I referenced MIT’s 638 Primary Personality Traits http://ideonomy.mit.edu/essays/traits.html to gather some specific facets of personality for my ocs. Obviously, the list isn’t perfect; some traits are a bit redundant for having too-similar meanings, and a couple aren’t really personality-based (such as “attractive” and “sexy”). I might revise it at some point for a version that’s more useful for character development. But if you have a cast you want to flesh out with unique traits for each character, this is a great resource to start with.


I ended up picking 140 traits from the list, enough to assign ten characters five positive, five negative, and four neutral traits each. (If you try this, you can pick any amount you want, as long as everyone has the same number of positives and negatives so their personalities are balanced.) From there it was just a matter of matching the descriptors with the characters (color-coded, natch) they’d fit best.


I then drew stick figures in poses the characters would make, because, importantly: Character design isn’t just about unique appearances. It’s also about unique poses. It’s all well and good if you’ve avoided sameface/samebody syndrome, but if all your characters pose in too-similar ways, it means they think in too-similar ways. You don’t want your main cast to be a boring hive mind. I also avoided drawing faces, as I wanted these to be as bare-bones as possible, with no form of expression but the body language.


Posture’s an important factor, as is the position of hands and feet. A useful tool to help with character posing is the power center, described in detail here: http://www.animatorisland.com/perfect-posing-1-listen-to-the-character-and-to-physics/

You can also take a trait from one character and ascribe it to another to create a potential bonding experience for them, or pair a trait someone has with someone else’s opposite/near-opposite trait to create conflict.

So yeah, just one method to flesh out characters. Hopefully I was successful in expressing my ocs’ personalities, as well as making them interesting and sympathetic despite the lack of unique appearances. It’s crucial for every character creator to remember that if your lovelies aren’t well-rounded and balanced aspeople, your audience will soon find them grating, regardless of how they look.

(Or at least that will be the case if said audience possesses critical thinking skills and actual standards for their entertainment.)

Thanks for reading!




Every time we have the pesto egg honey grilled cheese for dinner I think “eh this isn’t going to be as good as I remember it being” but it is

drop that recipe ma’am

its too good for its own good




  1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
  2. is your room messy or clean?
  3. what color are your eyes?
  4. do you like your name? why?
  5. what is your relationship status? 
  6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
  7. what color hair do you have?
  8. what kind of car do you drive? color?
  9. where do you shop?
  10. how would you describe your style?
  11. favorite social media account
  12. what size bed do you have? 
  13. any siblings?
  14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
  15. favorite snapchat filter? 
  16. favorite makeup brand(s)
  17. how many times a week do you shower?
  18. favorite tv show?
  19. shoe size?
  20. how tall are you?
  21. sandals or sneakers? 
  22. do you go to the gym? 
  23. describe your dream date
  24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
  25. what color socks are you wearing? 
  26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
  27. do you have a job? what do you do? 
  28. how many friends do you have? 
  29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? 
  30. whats your favorite candle scent? 
  31. 3 favorite boy names
  32. 3 favorite girl names
  33. favorite actor? 
  34. favorite actress? 
  35. who is your celebrity crush?
  36. favorite movie? 
  37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? 
  38. money or brains? 
  39. do you have a nickname? what is it? 
  40. how many times have you been to the hospital?
  41. top 10 favorite songs
  42. do you take any medications daily? 
  43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
  44. what is your biggest fear? 
  45. how many kids do you want? 
  46. whats your go to hair style?
  47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) 
  48. who is your role model? 
  49. what was the last compliment you received?
  50. what was the last text you sent?
  51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?
  52. what is your dream car? 
  53. opinion on smoking?
  54. do you go to college? 
  55. what is your dream job? 
  56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
  57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
  58. do you have freckles? 
  59. do you smile for pictures?
  60. how many pictures do you have on your phone? 
  61. have you ever peed in the woods? 
  62. do you still watch cartoons? 
  63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
  64. Favorite dipping sauce? 
  65. what do you wear to bed? 
  66. have you ever won a spelling bee?
  67.  what are your hobbies?
  68. can you draw? 
  69. do you play an instrument?
  70. what was the last concert you saw? 
  71. tea or coffee?
  72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
  73. do you want to get married?
  74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?
  75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? 
  76. what color looks best on you? 
  77. do you miss anyone right now? 
  78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?
  79. do you believe in ghosts?
  80. what is your biggest pet peeve? 
  81. last person you called`
  82. favorite ice cream flavor? 
  83. regular oreos or golden oreos? 
  84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
  85. what shirt are you wearing? 
  86. what is your phone background?
  87. are you outgoing or shy?
  88. do you like it when people play with your hair?
  89. do you like your neighbors? 
  90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?
  91. have you ever been high? 
  92. have you ever been drunk? 
  93. last thing you ate? 
  94. favorite lyrics right now
  95. summer or winter? 
  96. day or night? 
  97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
  98. favorite month? 
  99. what is your zodiac sign
  100.  who was the last person you cried in front of? 

Shall we?

ask me all the tings <3


It’s not that Marvel Netflix isn’t good, but how are they supposed to compete against this apex of comic book tv

darrencalvert: I made a typo while Googling “Iron Fist” which led to drawings of Iron Fish and the Ddarrencalvert: I made a typo while Googling “Iron Fist” which led to drawings of Iron Fish and the Ddarrencalvert: I made a typo while Googling “Iron Fist” which led to drawings of Iron Fish and the Ddarrencalvert: I made a typo while Googling “Iron Fist” which led to drawings of Iron Fish and the D


I made a typo while Googling “Iron Fist” which led to drawings of Iron Fish and the Definders.

Post link







Let’s face it, if Marvel owned Wonder Woman she’d have two movies by now.

Yeah, just like Black Widow and Captain Marvel right ? :)

Let’s face it, if Marvel owned Wonder Woman everyone would be white and Diana would have a changing scene while Steve Trevor ‘tried’ not to look

what a callout post

If Marvel owned Wonder Woman, her movie wouldn’t be the first good movie from the company in about a decade

No, it would have gotten the rave reviews that greet other MCU films like “a good way to spend two hours, I guess” and “there were jokes!”.






If you answered yes to any of these questions, you’re in luck! I’m a fellow pirating fan with the solution to the capitalist streaming problems. 

In my search for movies & tv shows that are just difficult to find or on a streaming service I’m not subscribed to, I found a site called Go Movies 

https://gomovies.sx/ (this is the link to the home page)

It is free to use, easy to navigate, has all genres, and has movies dating all the way back to 1900 and as recent as late 2021/very early 2022 from almost every country in the world. There are also no pop-ups or redirecting to virus-riddled tabs whenever you click something! There is an ad to go ad-free whenever you hit the pause button, but it’s very small (honestly it doesn’t bother me bc it’s that minuscule). It actually is just an ad to go ad-free for free. However, I haven’t tried it though, because again, it doesn’t bother me. 

Go Movies actually prides itself on how it functions safely and for free, so they recommend that you share its website with others. Now, I know my folks on tumblr would like this, which is why I’m sharing. I promise this isn’t a scam and I hope some people get some use out of it. Happy streaming!




I have to admit I legitimately have no idea if the flavors are good or not but it’s insane to me that no one talks about this


A Quick Guide to Varying Sentence Starters

One of the things that really winds me up about my own writing is looking back and seeing a multitude of sentences beginning with “I” or “And” or “But”. I’m a messy first-drafter as it is and I do a lot of line edits, but it’s still takes up a significant portion of my time going back to change things. 

So, I’m here today to share with you the ways I try to vary my sentence starters and some tips and tricks for drafting and edits” 


We all know why it’s important to vary your sentence structure, and by extent, your sentence starters. Besides obvious intentional things such as creating tension, or specific mood/tone/atmosphere, we should be aiming to varyhow we start sentences to keep the reader engagedand not it being repetitive.

This is especially important if you, like me, write in first person and begin a lot of sentences with things like “I was” or “I am” etc. Or if you have a habit of beginning sentences with characters’ names. But what other options do we have? Here are five general categories that I like to use:

Coughing, she pushed her way through the blaze. 
Smiling, he leaned in for a kiss. 

SIMILIES (and other techniques)
Like the chattering of a typewriter, their eyes flittered over the group in front. 
Sweeping in like a dove, she cut through the awkward conversation.

(beside, near, with, across, around, out, at, in, etc.) 
On the starter’s whistle, I pushed forward. 
Under the heavy fog, the streetlamp glowed valiantly 

Because, but, and, despite, after, before, etc.)
After he left, I slipped the dagger back into its brace. 
But I wasn’t about to give in now. 

Distracted, she let the ice cream fall from her hands. 
Stunned by his words, they stopped in their tracks. 


Obviously you can make these examples much more complex and attuned to your own styles! There are lots of other ways you can vary your sentence openers, these are just what I personally use - so hopefully you can get some use of them! 


Hints and Tips!

  • Use the highlightingtreatment! Go through your WIP and focus on your sentence openers. Select a different colour for each category (Blue for She/He/They/I starters, red for ED Words, yellow for ING words, as an example) and use it to help you see where you may need to add some more variation! 
  • This also is a great exercise to do with a published book you really enjoy or by an author you admire - it’s a great learning experience!
  • Use a good mix of short, long, and medium sentences! If you find that your writing feels a bit samey or dry, even with varied openers, try changing the structure of the whole sentence itself! 
  • Experimentand play around with word order and structure - free write for a few minutes every day and try something new! It’s all practice and even if it never sees the light of day in your WIP, it’s still a worthwhile thing to do! 


I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide and/or found it useful!

If you’d like to request a particular guide, please pop into my inbox and leave a request!


Prompts for writing human connection, intimacy, belonging.


The purest form of human connection.

  1. tiny hands in big hands
  2. calloused hands in soft hands
  3. cold hands in warm hands
  4. hands with the perfect ratio to each other for hand-holding
  5. platonic hand-holding
  6. running their thumb over the other’s hand
  7. dancing with their hands holding onto each other
  8. squeezing hand for comfort and encouragement
  9. holding hands across the table
  10. happily doing everything with just one hand, if it means they don’t have to let go
  11. not wanting to lose each other in a big crowd
  12. possessive hand-holding
  13. linking hands together during sex
  14. grabbing hand to show them something
  15. loosely holding onto each other’s hands, laying in one’s lap
  16. only linking the pinkies together, not ready to let go completely
  17. holding hands while skating
  18. excitedly grabbing each other’s hands during a concert, jumping up and down together
  19. playing with each other’s fingers
  20. pressing the other’s hand against their cheek
  21. holding hands while one is balancing on a small wall
  22. grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back from something
  23. holding hands under the table
  24. only realizing it when they have to let go
  25. standing in front of each other, holding both their hands
  26. holding their hands above their head, fingers linked together
  27. passionate hand-holding
  28. grabbing the other’s hand so they don’t fall
  29. holding hands while running through the rain
  30. brushing against each other, linking fingers together for a second
  31. grabbing their hand to grab their attention
  32. not really paying attention, both doing something else, but still holding hands
  33. bandaging the other’s hand and not quite letting go
  34. holding hands while driving
  35. grabbing the other’s hand to pull them back to them
  36. unconsciously searching out each other’s hand while sleeping
  37. not realizing they’re holding hands till someone points it out
  38. swinging hands back and forth, skipping like children
  39. holding hands in a museum to pull them to the next exhibition
  40. letting go when there is an obstacle in their way and immediately grabbing each other’s hand again when they pass it
  41. loosely holding onto each other’s hand
  42. dragging the other with them, holding their hand
  43. raising the other’s hand to their lips to kiss it softly
  44. holding hands while jumping down from somewhere together
  45. comparing hand sizes, then linking fingers together


A warm embrace.

  1. friendly hugs
  2. hug around the waist
  3. hugging while twirling around
  4. comforting hugs
  5. side hugs
  6. hugging and gently holding the other’s head
  7. pulling someone into a hug
  8. hugging while walking
  9. eye-to-eye hugs
  10. hiding their face in the other’s neck
  11. clinging to each other
  12. hugging while lying down together
  13. group hugs
  14. hugging with head on shoulder
  15. tender embrace
  16. ‘not wanting to let go’ hugs
  17. hugging from behind
  18. bear hugs
  19. hugging with hands in each other’s pockets
  20. cuddling
  21. hugs and kisses
  22. hugging and jumping up and down together
  23. familiar hugs
  24. hugging with height-difference
  25. gentle hugs
  26. hugging with patting on back
  27. piggy back hugs
  28. quick hugs
  29. hugging while slow dancing
  30. one-sided hugs
  31. hugging while straddling the partner
  32. long-lasting hugs
  33. ‘picking them up’ hugs
  34. hugging while grabbing butt
  35. cuddle pile


Showing affections.

  1. goodnight kisses
  2. hand kisses
  3. smiling while kissing
  4. lips barely touching
  5. morning kisses
  6. slow kisses
  7. passionate kisses
  8. kisses on the cheek
  9. first kisses
  10. goodbye kisses
  11. welcome home kisses
  12. kisses on the corner of their mouth
  13. frustrated kisses
  14. kissing each other breathless
  15. soothing kisses
  16. nose kisses
  17. kisses as a promise
  18. short pecks
  19. forehead kisses
  20. kisses on head
  21. “we’ll face this together” kisses
  22. kisses in the rain
  23. life-or-death kisses
  24. kisses for a cover
  25. hard kisses
  26. giggling while kissing
  27. desperate kisses
  28. neck kisses
  29. hushed conversation in-between kisses
  30. eyelid kisses
  31. gentle stroking of cheeks
  32. small kisses
  33. kissing it better
  34. jaw kisses
  35. wake-up kisses
  36. kissing away tears
  37. public kisses
  38. relieved kisses
  39. kisses for comfort
  40. tummy kisses
  41. kisses to shut them up
  42. slowly kissing down the body
  43. “we’ll see each other again” kisses
  44. kissing each finger
  45. sleepy kisses
  46. angry kisses
  47. feather-light kisses
  48. kisses with trembling lips
  49. secret kisses
  50. kisses with their last dying breath


Feeling another human’s touch.

  1. touching foreheads
  2. running fingers through hair
  3. hiding face in neck
  4. caressing the other’s hand
  5. feeling their pulse
  6. patting the other’s head
  7. holding hands
  8. shielding the other one with their body
  9. listening to the other’s heartbeat
  10. spooning at night
  11. laying their hand on the other’s neck
  12. pushing a strand of hair behind their ear
  13. nudging the other one
  14. putting an arm around the other’s waist
  15. hugging each other
  16. massaging them
  17. holding the other’s chin up
  18. squishing the other’s cheek
  19. high fiving
  20. bandaging/stitching up an injury
  21. kissing the other’s brow
  22. falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
  23. carrying the other one in their arms
  24. whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
  25. stroking the other’s arm soothingly
  26. kissing the top of their head
  27. pulling the other one towards them
  28. feeling for each other in the dark
  29. tickling the other one
  30. grabbing onto their arm
  31. doing a pinky swear
  32. caressing the other’s back
  33. tasting their smile
  34. washing the other’s body
  35. kissing their bruises and scars
  36. lifting the other one up
  37. putting their head on the other’s chest
  38. stroking their leg
  39. leaning into the other’s side
  40. patting them on the back
  41. sitting close and knees touching
  42. braiding the other’s hair
  43. giving them a piggy-back ride
  44. sitting on the other’s lap
  45. feeling their temperature
  46. linking arms with each other
  47. touching their elbow to get their attention
  48. dancing with each other
  49. holding onto the other’s shoulders for support
  50. putting a hand over the other’s mouth to shut them up


If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffeeorbecome a member! And check out my Instagram!





I reblogged this last month, tagged it, and said “might as well see if it works.” I used this video as a reference to find all the forms that i needed (which is A LOT, especially if you’re a dependent) and sent them through the mail, not really allowing myself to hope.


$2,714 of medical debt from my top surgery - gone. im shaking this was such a weight on me for 2 years and it fucking worked. what the fuck.


thx bestie
