#saya bicara



does anyone know a spell to bring someone into your life? (story time under cut)

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i am a big fan of spells of this nature! there are few ways to go about this, some will be easier if you possess a name, but if not then no problem.

these are spells i’ve personally used, so i have omitted some details, such as the consecration processes, daily workings, and specific blends—you can replace the generic blends with anything of your choice!

edit:ijust realized in your tags you may not know this person’s name. you can replace any mention of name here with their physical features, an energetic replacement, or a symbol of some sort to represent the person. this will obviously affect the spells, but they’re still workable.

1.tie them together. the base of this is very basic and straightforward, but you can add and subtract as you feel. create two ‘pouches’, one for yourself and one for your person of desire and stitch them together. i like to revisit these pouches every 3 days and rework them—i often bury them somewhere between my location and the location of my desired target, though in your own backyard works fine too.

what you fill the pouches with is your choice, for my target i like a generic mix of high john root, beeswax, apple skin, and some form of iron (coins, discs, whatever you can get your hands on). on that iron, i inscribe the name of my target, but this can be replaced with a small slip of paper.

your own pouch should be similar, but throw in that closest to you—for me, this comes in the form of dirt from my own home, a spritz of my favourite perfume, or black tea leaves.

2.write their name. this one does require a name, but i find it works well for short term use—i use this to contact friends who i have not seen in a few days, or rather, have them contact me within the day. on a slip of paper in green orred ink, write around the edges some variation of “hear me”, “love me”, “see me”. this will depend on what your goal is—a short but simple statement works best. as you write along the edges, your pen should not lift, making a closed border.

in the middle, write your target’s name 3 or 5 times. then write your own name across theirs 3 or 5 times perpendicular to their name. fold this slip of paper towards you and keep it inside your pillow case or under your mattress (if you move a lot in your sleep like i do).

you can flower this up and make a little bundle bouquet garni style, with a sprig of pennyroyal, apple stem, rose petals, or anything of your choosing. if you don’t want to bust out the herbs and fruits, you can kiss the slip of paper or whisper to it before tucking it away.

3.poppets or doll. this is closer to the pouches and another one i use often. make a little poppetorstraw doll. if we’re doing the poppet, you can stuff it with your target’s taglock (name on paper), if it’s the doll, tie it around the waist with some red thread.

if you want this to be a long-term working, these dolls should be worked frequently, either weekly, daily, or other. i like to work them every 3 days inside certain planetary hours, but that isn’t necessary! dress the doll with your oils or herbs of choice—i typically use frankincense powder, apple skins, ash of cherrywood, and an opening oil. 

alternatively, you can dress a candle instead and burn it over the ‘chest’ of the doll for as long as you need. i enjoy calling down my familiar spirits for this process, but i’d encourage finding your own method of working the doll.

4.eat them. this one sounds funny, but it only requires three things—a fruit skin of choice or a slice of fruit hollowed out (something easy to eat, you can also omit this entirely), cinnamon, and honey. dip the tip of your tongue into the cinnamon, it will sting slightly and you will want to swallow the cinnamon immediately if you’re not used to it, but try not to.

if we’re using the fruit, fill the slice/skin with honey. if you’re not using fruit, you can just drop the honey straight onto your tongue. consume the honey and cinnamon mix while focusing on the energy of your target, or while repeating their name.

if you want to be fancy, you can also set up a small ritual using a few candles and a plate, making the act of ‘eating’ a dedication to a spirit of your choice. i often do this as an exchange, a show of dedication while requesting the spirit to assist in ‘pulling’ the target towards me.


Okay I have an actual question for Witchblr.

So recently quite of a few of the other witches I know say that in their practice they involve their emotions. According to them it makes it easier? Now I have never tried this before really, but I am curious if it does actually help. (Mostly because I have been struggling with my energy lately)

this may depend on how you see emotion in your workings—are they additive, or do they pull away from your focus? for example, many people opt to perform magic once they’ve left their emotions behind in a bid to be more ‘true’ to their intent. others do the opposite for the exact same reason.

for me, emotions are additive and help link together my actions and goal. i tend to struggle with emotional empathy, and over the years i’ve learned to replace emotional bids with conscious decisions. even if i don’t necessarily ‘feel’ anything towards a particular situation, i still try to navigate it while being mindful of other’s emotions.

the same here goes for practice. having my emotions and mindful actions be linked to worship and spellworking helps build a bond between myself and my practice as a whole. it makes my actions feel more meaningful, it creates a relationship between myself and my gods.

i say give it a go and see if it works for you! even if it turns out to not be so helpful, you’ll have some insight into your practice.

maybe if you sat down and let god guide your broken hands you’d feel better.

making this its own post. context being op has maladaptive daydreaming and experiences paracosms and wanted discernment tips—though i have used these in the past for unreality and dissociation :)

outside of these examples, i will always advocate for recognizing where your paracosm begins and where it ends, as it will help you significantly in the long run. who are your recurring figures, what features have you experienced and can confidently attribute to the paracosm only—this is something that can be done alongside professional help, if you feel you cannot trust your own judgement.

these are exercises to be done in your own time to begin to trust yourself and your discerning abilities. these do not have to begin with spirits, but the end result can surely include them :)

1.tell yourself truths—i have x colour hair, i have x colour eyes—try to recognize how that feels to you. what is your train of thought, how do you receive that truth, does your mind falter and suggest otherwise, does it feel stable and sit within you as it is? as time goes on, you can expand on these truths—i am using social media, my shoes are white, the time is 9.30pm, and so on. the goal is to understand your body’s responses and the communication between your thoughts and any repeated sensations, as these would be your anchors for recognizing ‘truth’ from lie.

2.tell yourself lies—inverse to the above, tell yourself lies. if you have short hair, state it is long. wearing socks? absolutely not! play around with the length and complexity of the lie, feel how the body reacts. this is now your baseline for a ‘lie’ from a truth.

3.practice a level of controlled guessing—it sounds strange, but in your day-to-day life you can take a guess at any random occurrence with very little drawback. for example, what colour car will you see on the next street? will i see a dog during my walk today—simple things that are not so unlikely they’re impossible, but not so common that you’re guessing the sky has clouds while it’s overcast.

at any point, you can pair this with the first example. do you feel anything that would suggest truth, and is it something you can confirm? you feel you’ll see a red car on the next road over, and your body treats it like a truth—does that red car ever appear?

4.record these truths and events—find your rate of success, how each event feels and if there are any common reactions within the pool of successful predictions and guesses.

5.rely on other senses—in the case of paracosms, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to immediately discern spirit from thought without also understanding the boundaries of the paracosm itself, and that often takes time. for me, the mind is not the only way to hear and speak to a spirit. luckily, we have other systems of discernment that lie outside the realm of the mind, should it be untrustworthy in the moment.

one test i enjoy is feeling the movements within my face, namely the jaw—for many people, they’ll notice small movements that pair along their train of thought, almost as if the body is preparing itself to speak. over time, i’ve noticed that when i speak to myself in my own thoughts or am within my own paracosm, my mouth and tongue follow along in preparation. when speaking to a spirit and having it respond, my mouth does not move.

another way to look at this, if it applies, are there certain things you feel, taste, smell, or see during a paracosm that are wholly unique to it? say, the scent of a certain flower, the feeling of pins in your fingers? if yes, using these as indicators of your paracosm.

6.use physical tools alongside intuitive communication—i noticed [op] mentioned that tools are not a problem, so this is an excellent baseline to work with if you feel you cannot get a handle on the other forms described (assuming you have not tried already). if you already are in good relations with a deity, you’re free to reach out to them, or instead reach out to a local spirit. the goal is to communicate with something you recognize, or something simple.

however you would communicate intuitively—through normal conversation, question and answer setting, or other—check through that conversation with your tools. ask the deities or the spirit later on how true this conversation was as you experienced it, and compare. this works better if you record both aspects, the initial conversation and divination in part.

7. and while this was not included in the original post, which events matter, and why do they matter, if at all? purely in the context of signs and symbolism, much too often do we see something uncommon and immediately jump to the conclusion of “it’s a sign from the gods! the spirits are talking!” this is formed under the assumption that your gods or spirits want to speak to you first, rather than the other way around.

how often do you actually pay attention to your surroundings? have you recently discovered your spirituality and now look for it in every action—and in saying that, are you be prone to attributing the spirits to your symptoms?

migration season is upon us, you watch the birds fly overhead in steady formation, this is normal in this time of year. do those birds in particular feel strange, do you feel drawn into their pattern now for no reason? i am avid believer that your signs are attributed to already occurring events—that the spirits and gods do not bother to give you new situations, but rather whisper in-between the ones that already bleed into your life.

this last point is something that comes with time. eventually—innately—you will begin to understand how it feels to have their words flash before your eyes in the form of an animal, a strange cloud, a stranger.

if you don’t have it yet, don’t worry. we have plenty of time.


With how much emphasis I see on my dash about doing spells by moon phase, day of the week, month, season, year numerology stuff, weather, and so forth, it makes me wonder something.

How much does this stuff actually impact your craft?

If you were locked in a large room with your tools but no way to tell the time or moon phases, would your craft change at all?

Mine wouldn’t, my craft doesn’t rely on timing or the Moon.

timing is important to me and the spirits i work with, but it does not make up the entirety of my practice nor does it dictate every method of magic. this is coming from someone who works within a tribe that cares a lot about the days you do your rituals in, and the time you do them in (down to the minutes).

i find timing is important for larger workings that call for the influence of spirits under planetary domain, or if the magical working in question needs more structure to support it. this may come by request of the spirit itself or by planning ahead of time. if the working is something that must be repeated weekly/monthly/etc. having that additional structure helps reinforce it. plus, it’s just less effort on my part if the working already falls inside a favourable hour.

but for small things, such as swaying the outcomes of a decision, something that relies more on natural materials, or even myself, rather than a spirit? time does not matter, and it’s much more malleable in nature. if i need something simple done quickly, i can finish it by the end of the day with no worries.

you can bend the meaning around traditional planetary hours, but after doing this for so long, you notice that even your workings accidentally fall into favourable hours.



I feel like there are a lot of witches who make the community less inclusive by telling other witches, especially beginner witches, that their craft isn’t legit because they’re not using the right oils to boost their spells or they’re not cleansing their spaces with the right cleansers.

The problem with this is…well, a lot of people don’t have the means to obtain these things, and many experienced and kinder witches will tell you that the best you can do is use what you have and focus your intentions. The other stuff gives your spells a boost, but they’re not necessarily needed.

I put off diving into my practice for a long time and almost gave up because I was convinced I needed x, y, and z. If you want this community to grow and gain some respect, you need to stop telling beginner witches they can’t legit practice until they spend a shit ton of moneu.

There’s a real problem with materialism within the witchcraft community.

Some of your most important tools are ingenuity and intuition. Consumerism isn’t a shortcut to a better craft.

and that issue comes and goes in waves. of course it’s fun to have nice things, to have crystals or incense or a really unique scented candle. who doesn’t love a banging candle?

but i think this also falls into a realm of, why do these ‘tools’ or items need to be involved at all for a newcomer, and why are people trying to sell that to them so badly? who decided the essential starter kit were these top 5 herbs to grow in your kitchen, a fistful of crystals, and a white candle?

show me the beginner guide that talks about not only intuition and discernment, but picking up rocks from your local park, learning to forage and recognize the local flora, honouring the wildlife and letting it lead you to where you need to go. you can have physical items for free!

it feels like the basics online are, and always have been, go to your local supermarket and buy basil (or steal it from your pantry). buy these 10 crystals which will heal you emotionally with no effort on your part (just a lot of cash)!
