

Aries: Loads their bb gun with rock salt and pretends to be a Hunter; shoots spirits like a badass and thinks that they are everyone’s hero; after Sagittarius actually gets rid of all the spirits and really saves everyone; they decide to go help Virgo since they’ll believe that Aries was the real hero

Taurus: Took a nap in one of the hospital beds when they first arrived; they don’t believe in haunted hospitals and they just wanted the dare to be over with already; ends up sleeping through the entire haunting and doesn’t believe the others when they recap what happened; not sure whether to call the police about Gemini’s murder since they don’t know which of their friends did it

Gemini: Making fun of the possibility of ghosts and pranking everyone in the group so that they all get scared; collapses on the floor and everyone thinks that they are faking it; Virgo touches them and finds real blood gushing out of their back; the haunting has begun and everyone panics

Cancer: Has intensified connections with the spirits and actually feels their anger and confusion; some of them not even realizing that they are dead; torn between running away from it all and trying to help them get to the other side; becomes a psychic medium after the experience

Leo: Not ready to die; running around the hospital with syringes and scalpels in their hands and screaming at the top of their lungs, thinking that it would help them against the spirits; ends up getting tossed against a wall by a spiteful spirit and losing their useless weapons

Virgo: White as a sheet (except for their hands which are covered in Gemini’s blood); is too anxious to think of anything, ends up holing themselves up inside one of the bathrooms and fainting on the floor; when they come to again, Aries is helping them walk outside and the haunting is over

Libra: Completely freaked out the moment they see Gemini on the floor; they don’t believe in irrational things like ghosts, so there must be a logical explanation like a killer on the loose; as soon as the first apparition appears, they take off screaming at the top of their lungs

Scorpio: Powerful enough to get the ghosts to stop throwing things around the room and listen to them; uses a spell that they heard Bobby use one time on Supernatural (they of course looked it up after the episode and found that it was a real spell); binds one of the ghosts in place and makes him answer the burning questions that they have been dying to know

Sagittarius: Has watched Supernatural enough times to know what they need to do to get everyone out safe; finds salt in the kitchen and already had lighter fluid on them (don’t ask); follows Aquarius and Pisces and salts and burns all of the bones; Aquarius and Pisces are close to tears when they see the ghosts catch on fire and disappear

Capricorn: Got crept up on by a little girl’s ghost that walked right through them; acquired a migraine that won’t go away; walking around with an iron stethoscope they found in one of the doctor’s offices so that they can whoosh away any ghosts that come near them; after all, it usually works for Sam and Dean

Aquarius: Tries to connect with the angry spirits to ask them why they are haunting the hospital; finds out that the hospital used to be an asylum where patients were unspeakably tortured and experimented on until they died; the humanitarian inside of them hurts for the spirits and promises to make what happened to them known if they let everyone go

Pisces: Helping Aquarius calm the spirits down; asks the spirits to show them the hidden areas where the torture used to take place so that they can find records and take pictures for proof; cries when they end up finding the remains of these people (some of them children) crammed into little crawlspaces 


Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

They are all having a ball. At first there is some frustration as to being stuck in a room, but they are all able to make each other laugh with their antics. It’s a pretty big room, so Aries and Leo find space enough to race each other (Aries wins, of course, while Leo is dramatically upset). Sagittarius sits back and makes Aries and Leo laugh with true, blunt humor. They basically just have one, big fun day.

Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

They are all extremely stressed out and worried, which only amplifies the feeling in everyone else. Virgo and Capricorn are worried about all of the work that they need to get done, while Taurus just wants to be in their own room. It doesn’t take long for Virgo to have a full-on panic attack. They spend the whole time seeing who can complain more.

Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

They are all pretty carefree and not really so worried about their predicament. Aquarius is daydreaming the entire time and drawing pictures on paper that they found in the corner of the room. Gemini and Libra are having debates about important issues in the world. Aquarius occasionally catches a comment and speaks on it, then retreats back to their own world. They all just make the most of the time they have together.

Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

They are not happy in the slightest. They don’t understand what is going on and they want to get back to their lives. Cancer spends some time complaining; Pisces spends some time crying; and Scorpio spends some time seething. In the end, however, they are able to comfort each other and just bond together. They share secrets and give advice for what is currently going on in their lives, and they become forever friends. They basically have their own Dr. Phil episode in the room.


Cardinals (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)

Capricorn grows increasingly stressed out as they have important things to do and cannot afford to be trapped in a room. Capricorn’s wrath triggers Cancer’s anxiety, and Cancer soon begins to hyperventilate. Aries begins to get pissed off, because Cancer and Capricorn won’t calm tf down; this leads to yelling at them so that they’ll relax. This only causes Cancer to get offended and Capricorn to start yelling back at Aries. Just as they are about to start punching each other, Libra steps in. Libra hates any kind of conflict, so they silence everyone with their soothing voice. Libra mentions that they are all very good at leading, in different ways, and so they should work together to figure out how to escape. Within minutes of trying this out, they are miraculously outside again.

Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)

Each passing minute only brings more tension among the group. They all have their own thoughts and ideas, but none of them want to listen to the others. Leo is being very showy and dramatic and keeps mentioning that they are all going to die in the room. Leo’s behavior is seen as obnoxious by Taurus and Scorpio. Taurus wants to smother Leo with their strong embrace, while Scorpio keeps fantasizing about shooting Leo. Aquarius is in a world of their own and not really paying attention to the conflict around them. As Aquarius begins to pray, an alien spaceship beams them outside.

Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)

Virgo is having pretty bad anxiety, but Pisces is able to soothe them after awhile. No one really understands why they are here, but they assume that they are part of some new experiment. Pisces and Sagittarius are still high from their morning smoke, so they sit back and relax. Gemini and Sagittarius take turns joking around and lightening up the mood, until even Virgo can’t stop smiling. They never really think about how to get out or care that they are trapped. They all just go with the flow. Eventually, the experimenters feel bad for them and let them out.


What if that episode where fanboy became a vampire never had him actually turn and the whole time he was running around like

She was genuinely the worst character like and subscribe if you agree

Imagine: you go on ur first date with oz to the frosty mart but he gets into a heated rant

Pov you wake up late as fuck o'cock at night and see this at the end of your bed wyd

Forum : http://noahsark.1fr1.net/

Il y a de nombreuses années, ma mère me racontait chaque soir la même histoire, celle-là même que lui racontait sa mère qui la tenait elle aussi de la sienne : l'histoire d'une jeune fille qui avait connu la fin du monde.
A cette époque, je n'arrivais pas à concevoir que le monde puisse avoir une fin, mais lorsque ma mère évoquait des masses de terre entrant en collision, des animaux devenus fous, des virus foudroyants, des tornades déchaînées, des raz de marée dévastateurs et d'autres catastrophes naturelles, je ne pouvais m'empêcher d'envier cette fille qui avait connue autre chose que l'Ere des Grandes Eaux. Car bien que la fin du monde eut quelque chose d'effroyable, j'aurais tout donné pour ressentir le souffle puissant des ouragans m'emporter dans un tourbillon plutôt que de subir jour après jour l'air artificiel de l'Archebulle n°5. 

-Annn feat Hayley Williams - 26 ans - coiffeuse - PV
-Arrya feat Lily Collins - 21 ans - esthéticienne ou coiffeuse - soeur jouée
-Clotia feat Saoirse Ronan - 21 ans - curae - PV
-Dafnea feat Elizabeth Olsen - entre 25 et 27 ans - méier libre - petite soeur jouée
-Disie feat Rihanna - 24 ans - esthéticienne - PV
-Febee feat Angelina Jolie - 37 ans - gardienne des prisonniers - PV
-Hadaa feat Katy Perry - 27 ans - propriétaire de l'Arcade- PV
-Lauriel feat Scarlett Johansson - 31 ans - servante chez les Novi - petite soeur jouée
-Lodita feat Maggie Q - 34 ans - enquêtrice - PV
-Onorine feat Astrid Berges-Frisbey - 27 ans - servante chez les Novi - PV
-Prea feat Shailene Woodley - 24 ans - éleveuse - PV
-Rheane feat Zoe Saldana - 33 ans - veilleuse de nuit - PV
-Shadii feat Cara Delevingne - 23 ans - vendeuse de lingerie- PV
-Theline feat Kristen Stewart - 24 ans - agent de surveillance - PV

-Altazar feat Benedict Cumberbatch - 39 ans - climatologue - PV
-Alyxander feat Leonardo Dicaprio - 41 ans - menuisier - PV
-Anko feat Vin Diesel - 48 ans - cerbère et chef des Ordo - PV
-Antt feat Bob Morley - 30 ans - palefreneir chez les Novi - PV
-Braerdan feat Hayden Christensen - âge libre - métier libre - future fiancée jouée
-Cahlem feat Eddie Redmayne - 31 ans - chercheur en pollution marine- PV
-Deerÿo feat Brett Dalton - 33 ans - patrouilleur - connaissance (ou plus) jouée
-Drewan feat Hugh Jackman - 45 ans - forgeron - PV
-Eldras feat Andrw Garfield - 28 ans - serriculteur - PV
-Elthan feat Robert Downey Jr - 51 ans- juge de l'Arche - PV
-Elyas feat Matt Bomer - 33 ans - enseignant - PV
-Iliud feat Tom Hiddleston - 32 ans - gynécologue obstétricien - PV
-Ivadan feat David Tennant - 44 ans - médecin herboriste - PV
-Käleel feat Dylan O'Brien - 22 ans - menuisier - frère jumeau joué
-Lentt feat Jared Leto - 41 ans - tatoueur et sigillent - PV
-Leodalen feat Liam Hemsworth - 25 ans - patrouilleur - PV
-Modrias feat Joseph Gordon-Levitt - 28 ans - ingénieur statisticien - PV
-Nalllan feat Josh Hutcherson - 25 ans - pêcheur - amour présent
-Nolas feat Mads Mikkelsen - 48 ans - incinérateur - PV
-Odaell feat Grant Gustin - 24 ans - dresseur de chevaux - PV
-Raev feat Max Irons - entre 25 et 30 ans - métier au choix - petit-ami joué
-Rhigan feat Jack Falahee - 26 ans- précepteur - PV
-Sarus feat Tyler Hoechlin - 27 ans - bourreau - PV
-Yor feat Michael Fassbender - 38 ans - électronicien - PV
-X feat Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (ou Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise, George Clooney,…) - 50 ans - notaire - fille jouée

A partir de maintenant, je vais essayer de poster, de temps à autre, des posts de scénarios recherchés, de manière très simple (nom, avatar, groupe et url, liens résumés peut-être) ;)
