#sebastian stan fanfiction




Summary:After taking an accidental detour on your way to a remote getaway, you and boyfriend Zach end up in the middle of nowhere with no other option than to spend the night at a seemingly desolate motel.

Still covered in the blood of their latest victim, killer duo Steve and Bucky head to the nearest motel to freshen up before hitting up the closest bar in search of a couple of one night stands to top their night off.

But when your paths cross, and the friends bear witness to the disrespectful way you’re treated, they decide to take out their pent up energy on you and Zach instead.

Characters:Dark!Steve x F!Reader x Dark!Bucky.


Warnings:non-con/dub-con, explicit sexual content, dom!Steve (ish), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), threesome, double penetration, anal play, anal sex, spit roasting, deep throating, oral sex (male and female receiving), multiple orgasms, mentions of cheating, (sort of) cuckolding, voyeurism, pistol whipping, creampie, murder, violence, Stockholm Syndrome (if you squint), 18+.

A/N:Formerly a Patreon exclusive. Beta:@princessmisery666​ but all the general bullshit is entirely mine.


“Do you want me to drive?” you ask, eyes spanning the dark highway ahead while chastising yourself as the question falls from your lips. 

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i have no words, only incoherent sounds


pairing: Chase Collins x Reader

Ghost Adventures, a tv show host by Zak Bagans. he’s also the neighbour of Y/N. What would happen if one day he needs an extra crew member for his team and the next location : Ipswich.

A/N:this is my entry for @thewritingdoll freaky500 writing challenge


warnings:angst, fluff

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Amore (Bucky Barnes x Female Reader)

This song inspiration request was sent in by @caritobbg for the song “You Are My Everything (Grande Amore)” by Il Volo. After listening to the song, I looked up a little bit about the group as my idea for the story came together. I do not speak Italian, so I hope I got the phrasing right. Enjoy! :)

warnings: nothing really. Just some mutual pining and sicky sweet fluff!!!

Bucky laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom for what felt like the millionth night in a row. Ever since you had joined the Avengers a few months ago, he found himself lying awake most nights just thinking about you. It was like you had him under some spell and he could think of nothing else except you.

Even during training or missions, when he had usually been so laser focused, he was now finding himself keeping an eye on you instead of the target in front of him. While it was usually frowned upon to let your mind drift during such a time, it had saved your life today. Had he not been watching you instead, he would have missed the trap you had unknowingly walked into at the Hydra base they were inspecting. Instead of falling to a certain death, you had only ended up with cuts and bruises, along with a cracked rib. He had seen those fighting beside him get injured before, but none of those times felt like they did when it was you.

Now sure what time he had finally dozed off last night, he awoke a few hours later to find the morning light beginning to creep into his room. After grabbing a quick shower, he threw on his work out gear and made his way downstairs. Just as he had entered the kitchen to grab a quick bite before heading to the gym, he saw you standing on the balls of your feet as you desperately tried to reach your coffee mug that someone had put on one of the higher shelves. Seeing you struggling due to your injury the previous day, Bucky jumped into action without a second thought.

“Here, doll. Let me get that for you.”

Not hearing him come into the room, you jumped slightly before realizing who was standing behind you. At the sight of Bucky, you immediately relaxed and stepped out of the way to give him better access to the cabinet. When he handed the mug to you, you gave him a polite smile before turning to head towards the coffee pot.

“Grazie amore mio…”

As he turned to grab a bottle of water and an apple, he saw Natasha standing in the doorway giving the two of you a strange look. After waiting until you left the room, she smirked at Bucky as she moved to make her own cup of coffee to wake herself up.

“So… when did thathappen?”

Buck was confused with the question as he turned to look back at her before leaving the room.

“What do you mean?”

“I wasn’t aware that the two of you were a thing now.”

Her statement did nothing to help clear his confusion. With the lack of sleep, he was already short tempered and not in the mood to play twenty questions with the Russian spy this morning.

“We aren’t a thing, Romanoff. What gave you that impression?”

Hiding her smirk behind her cup as she stared at him to get a better read on him, Natasha didn’t see any signs of a lie.

“That’s not what it sounded like to me, Barnes. Since when do the two of you exchange sweet nothings in Italian?”

“Sweet nothings? I thought she told me that meant thank you. All I did was get her cup down for her.”

As she walked by him to head into the living room, she patted him on the shoulder and gave him a grin he didn’t understand.

“Yes, Buck, grazie does mean thank you. However, our girl said grazie amore mio.”

“I’m not following you.”

“It translates to thank you my love. When you travel around Europe as a secret spy, you tend to pick up on ways to seduce a man in many different languages…”

Too stunned to speak, Bucky stood frozen in place as Natasha left the room with a huge smile on her face. After going down to attempt his work out, he couldn’t get the woman’s words out of his head. Is that really what you had been saying to him all along? Were you really calling him your love? Surely it was just a term of endearment, and you couldn’t possibly have meant it in the same way Natasha had implied.

Nearly thirty minutes later, he hadn’t even broken a sweat yet due to his complete distraction. In that moment, he made a choice. He was going to confront you about the true meaning of your wording. Either you felt the same as he did and the two of you could see where those feelings led, or he was just a friend to you, and he would finally know where he stood and could get back to focusing on other things again.

Just before he knocked on the door to your room, he finally realized what he was actually doing, and his nerves nearly got the best of him. Bucky had just put his hand back down and fought the urge to walk away when the door in front of him opened and you appeared. The sight of him in the doorway slightly startled you as you nearly walked right into him as you stepped through the door.

“Oh! Hey Buck.”

He offered a quiet greeting back and couldn’t help but just stare at you. You were no longer wearing your pajamas from earlier and appeared to have just stepped out of the shower. When he didn’t respond with anything else, your face shifted into a mixture of confusion and nervousness.

“Did… did you need something, Bucky?”

The question was enough to snap him out of his daze.

“Yeah, I uh… I just wanted to talk to you about something, but it appears that I picked a bad time. I didn’t realize you had somewhere to be. I’ll just catch you later.”

Just before he started to walk away, you smiled at him and shook your head.

“It’s alright. I was just going down to Nat’s room. She said she would rewrap my bandage around my ribs for me once I got dressed. It can wait. Did you… did you want to come inside?”

With a polite smile and nod of his head, he watched as you stepped aside and allowed him to enter the space. It was the first time he had stepped foot inside your room, but he immediately noticed how all the small accents you had added to the space were completely you somehow. All of the rooms were identical in design, but yours just seemed more… welcoming. Seeing the bandage in your hand, he licked his lips and tried to keep his voice steady.

“I can do it. If you want me too… I’ve done it before. If you’re comfortable with that. If not, it’s fine if you would rather have Natasha do it.”

Bucky was pleasantly surprised when you handed the roll of bandages over to him along with the clip to secure them.

“I don’t mind.”

He welcomed the distraction, but quickly realized that the task was more personal than he originally thought. Even though the fabric was being applied over the tank top you were wearing, it still required him to get quite close to you. Giving you the start of the band to hold against you, he wrapped his arms around your torso as he passed the bandages between his hands, making sure to keep it tight and secure to help support your ribcage as it healed. Just as he was finishing up, he looked down just in time to see you look up at him for a brief moment. That one look was enough to cause the atmosphere around the two of you to become slightly charged. You watched him as he stood perfectly still in front of you, mere inches away, without breaking the intense eye contact that had developed you.

“The clip?”

Bucky jumped into action at the mention of the item still in his hand.

“Oh, right. Yeah. Sorry.”

After quickly fastening the metal clip to secure the end of the bandage against the previous wraps around your body, he stepped back to put distance between you and him once again. Running his fingers through his hair, he tried to get his thoughts and emotions back under control.

“What was it you needed to talk to me about, Buck?”

Turning to face you, he found it difficult to breech the subject. His hand went up to the back of his neck as he glanced down at the floor to avoid your gaze.

“I…uh… need to ask you something… It’s about the bits of Italian that we’ve talked about. Apparently, this morning, Natasha overheard you in the kitchen telling me thank you and she… she told me what the full phrase means…”

You had been unaware that Nat was even in the room at the time, let alone the fact that she apparently spoke Italian as well. There was no denying the heat that crept upon your cheeks and you didn’t need a mirror to know that a flush was spreading across them.

“Oh… and umm… what exactly did she say? That it means?”

Not finding any other way around it, he just came right out and said it. Bucky knew that he had already opened the door to this discussion and there was no way to get out of it now. He was at a crossroads right now and he had no idea which direction he would be heading after this. After letting out a long sigh, he just came right out and said it.

“She said it doesn’t just mean ‘thank you’, it means ‘thank you my love’… Did you mean it the way it came across? Is that how you see me, doll? As your love?”

He watched as you studied his expression for a moment. In his heart, he knew what you were doing in your head right now. There was an internal struggle taking place that he could see behind your eyes. You were trying to read his body language to decide how you would answer his question. If he seemed upset with the notion, you would absolutely deny it and make certain to never say it again. However, if he seemed please with it, you would either be confirming that you meant it the way Natasha saw it, or you would let him down gently and let him know that you didn’t return his feelings. Just before you opened your mouth to speak, he stepped in and took the pressure off of you.

“Before you answer that, let me just say one thing first.”

The relief flooded your face as you looked down to where he had reached out and lightly grasped your arm to capture your attention. When you didn’t pull away, he seemed content to leave it resting there for now as he spoke.

“I just want you to know that no matter which way you meant it, I am okay with it. I need you to know that for me, I truly hope you meant it as something more. I should have said something much earlier to you, but I am absolutely enchanted by you, sweetheart. I have been since the day I met you. When you’re not around, I find myself obsessing over your smile, your laugh, the way your expression and your body language gives away any emotion that you are feeling! I love the way you always find a way to make every person in the room feel included and the way that even just the sight of you is enough to brighten my day. The thought of you makes it impossible to sleep, or to think, or to even focus on anything else but you. It was my feelings for you that prevented us from losing you yesterday without a second to spare. I hate that you got hurt when I prevented you from falling, but I would do it a million times again if that meant that I got to wake up to see your beautiful face this morning.

I wanted to say all of this to you for so long, but just haven’t had the courage to do so until this very moment. Even if you tell me that you didn’t mean it that way and that I am just a friend to you, at least I will know that I took a chance and told you how I felt about you. That being said, I really do wish you meant it, because you are myamore…my love…”

Bucky didn’t have to wait for very long to receive your answer. The longer he spoke, the wider your smile became until it spread across your face. With a slight bite of your lip as you pushed down the butterflies in your stomach, you carefully lifted up on to your toes while resting your hand on his chest to steady yourself. He barely had a moment to register what was happening before you softly pressed your lips to his. The kiss was sweet and delicate, but it was enough to let him know all he needed to know. With a dazed expression, he stared back into your eyes as you pulled away to look at him once again.

“The first time I let the term of endearment slip, I was relieved to know that you didn’t understand Italian so I could play it off as something casual at the time. After that, it just kind of… stuck. I had no idea that Nat spoke Italian, although it shouldn’t surprise me given her background. I’ve had feelings for you for quite some time now, Buck, but I couldn’t tell how you felt about me. You’ve always been polite and kind, and you usually seem so interested in anything I have to say, but I didn’t know if those mannerisms were out of friendship or something else. So, to answer your question… yes, Bucky Barnes, I meant it in the way you were hoping. I do consider you my love… amore mio.”

He was speechless. All he could do was smile back at you as the entire world disappeared, leaving only you and him standing there staring at each other. Placing his hand against your cheek, he slowly leaned down and kissed you this time, letting his lips linger slightly longer than you had a moment ago. Bucky had a feeling that his thoughts of you were far from fading anytime soon, but at least now he could express them to you.

He also knew he planned to learn more Italian going forward, and he knew the perfect person to teach him.


— Lee pushes you past your limit.

pairing:lee bodecker x reader
this is an explicit fic. 18+ only.
part of my (closed) lake house getaway.
warnings:omorashi (piss kink/holding kink), ddlg undertones, daddy kink, degredation
a/n:based off the prompt ‘lee bodecker + patience’. thank you to a dear friend (who will remain unnamed) for brainstorming with me and providing some of the lines. you know who you are, you’re awesome. please be kind to me, this is my first time exploring my omorashi kink in writing. not beta read.


It had been a nice day.

Lee had taken you to the next town over for lunch, where a new diner had opened up and then a picnic in the nearby park.

Going out with Daddy was your favourite.

You’d have little adventures with him, and one way or another, you always ended up with a full tummy and pussy full of Daddy’s cream at the end of the day.

Although Daddy had been a little mean. He’d pumped you full of multiple water bottles, opening a new one as soon as you finished the last one.

It was nice to stay hydrated in the sweltering heat, but your bladder quickly started to fill with the never-ending succession of water entering your system.

By the time you returned to his cruiser, the sun beginning to set in the skyline, your thighs were clenching together.

You really needed to pee.

“Daddy.. Can we stop at a bathroom, please?” You begged, watching the way Lee’s eyes raked over you, a smirk forming on his lips at the sight of your tensed legs.

“No. You have to hold it, princess. We can use the bathroom at the station. I need to drop in on my way home.” There was something about the sultry drop in Lee’s tone that had your core tight for another reason. Daddy always affected you like this, your body responding to the slightest changes in his voice.

You waddled into the car, letting out a little whine as you got into the passenger seat, the pressure worsening. “Daddy… m’really need to go..”

“I said no,” Lee snapped, gripping your chin with his thick fingers. They still smelt like your wetness from when he fingered you in the park earlier. “I know you’re a dumb fuckin’ baby, so maybe you didn’t understand Daddy the first time. You will fuckin’ hold it.”

Tears welled in your eyes, your hips squirming into the plush seat.

Ithurt. Your fingers dug into your thighs as you whimpered.

“Tell Daddy what you’re gonna do, princess.”

“M’gonna hold it.”

Lee tapped your cheek with his fingers, giving a toothy grin. “That’s right, darlin’. You’re gonna hold it and not ruin Daddy’s seats. Otherwise, you’re in for a hard spakin’.”

You sat back in your seat, whining when you buckled your seatbelt, and Lee started the cruiser. The vibrations mixed with the pressure from the fabric made your need to go so much worse, and you looked longingly at the public bathroom as Lee pulled away from the park.

“Have some more water, princess,” Lee demanded, holding out the bottle to you. This had to be your sixth bottle by now, and it had your stomach churning as tears of frustration and need threatened to spill over.

“But.. But I’m so full, Daddy.” You took the bottle with shaky hands, watching the liquid swish against the plastic, the sight only making you want to piss more.

“You’re full when I say you’re full. We’ve got thirty minutes before we get back, and I don’t want you getting dehydrated in the sun,” Lee eyed your tears that began to trickle down your cheeks, letting out a low chuckle. “Fuckin’ crybaby. You need to piss so fuckin’ bad you’re crying about it? You’re just makin’ Daddy wanna pull over and fuck you ‘til you piss everywhere like a brainless puppy without housetrainin’.”

You sniffled with a hiccup, rubbing your eyes. “Bein’ mean, Daddy.”

“Oh c’mon, princess. I know how wet you get when Daddy treats you like a fuckin’ dog.”

He was right. Oh, he was so fucking right.

From his words alone there was a wetness pooling in your panties, a wetness that was going to get a lot worse if you didn’t get a bathroom soon.

“Now make Daddy proud and drink up. Don’t make me ask again.”

You knew that tone. The ‘do what I saw and don’t fuck with me’ attitude that Lee fell into when he’d had enough of playing around.

You wanted to make Daddy proud so fucking badly.

So, you took the cap off the bottle, ignoring the screaming pulses from your bladder as you swallowed the clear liquid.

Oh,fuck, this was so much worse.

A cold sweat began to form on your clammy skin, sweat beading on your forehead as you threw your head back against the seat and squeezed your eyes shut.

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

The chanting didn’t make the twinging pain lessen. Your free hand gripped your thigh, nails digging in hard enough to leave crescent marks in your flesh.

Not even the low drawl of the music on the radio could distract your mind enough from how much you needed to pee.

Maybe you could just let out a little? But Daddy would know. Daddy always knew. And you didn’t want to ruin the seats of Lee’s cruiser. He’d be so disappointed.

God knows how, but you kept drinking until the bottle crinkled empty. Time was an illusion as all you focused on was clenching as hard as you could the entire drive.

Lee may have been speaking to you, but nothing registered as your breathing turned laboured.

Everything hurt. Your entire being felt as if you could combust with how badly you needed to piss.

You couldn’t piss yourself. It was shameful – humiliating. Daddy told you to hold it so you would. But God, you really needed to go.

You let out a whimper as Lee parked outside the station.


Your toes were curling in your trainers as you wiped your damp hands off on your blue sundress.

This was fine. You could make it.

But as Lee opened your car door and helped you out, you realised you wouldn’t make it if you didn’t find a bathroom right now.

“Daddy,please, need da’bathroom,” your weak voice sounded, taking little steps as you clutched at your stomach.

“Patience, princess. Daddy just needs to say hi first.”

A sorrowful no left your lips as Lee pulled you into the main room, where there were several desks, and multiple deputies milling about on the evening shift.

“Sheriff,” one of them tipped their hat in greeting, and you watched in horror as Lee just stood there chatting with them.

You tried to sneak off, but Lee kept a firm grip on your arm that kept you unable to flee.

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

The sound of the bubbling water cooler invaded your ears like nails on a chalkboard as one of Lee’s deputies filled a cup of water, bringing it to you with a small smile. “You look thirsty, ma’am. It’s awful hot out there.”

Lee’s gaze turned to you. “Well, look at that fine hospitality. Drink up, darlin’, don’t wanna be rude now, do ya?”

You didn’t want to be rude. But you couldn’t.

“I—” You couldn’t even speak. Everything hurt. Your bladder pulsed painfully with each passing moment. “Thank you,” you squeaked, taking the cup with trembling hands.

It was like everyone in the station was staring at you, waiting for you to drink.

Okay, it’s just a little water. It’s fine.

You took a gulp, offering a weak smile to the deputy as he seemed content.

A wobbly gasp passed your lips as your bladder spasmed, and it felt like your heart was in your throat.

Lee was still caught up in idle conversation, and you knew how mad he got when you interrupted.

“Da—” You started, but your words got cut off by a mewl as a sharp pain shot right through you.

No no no no no no no.

You keeled over, abdomen convulsing as the first trickle of piss ran down your leg.

Oh no.

As soon as it started, you couldn’t tense anymore, your muscles weakened.

You started crying as you pissed on the linoleum floor, everyone in the room stopping to watch you.

It was everywhere. All over your dress, panties, socks and shoes, and the floor below.

Thank God none seemed to splash onto Lee.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, m’so sorry,” you sobbed, but the relief felt so good. It was as if you were euphoric as the pressure released, the pain subsiding so that all you were left with was a deep embarrassment.

You started crying harder when you looked around the room and saw Lee and his deputies laughing at you.

Lee’s hand moved to the back of your neck, grip firm as he forced you onto your knees, lowering your face so it was inches away from your mess. “What do you have to say for yourself, hm?”

“M’sorry, Daddy. Made me drink so much today, can’t hold it,” your skin felt hot with humiliation as your tears dropped into the piss below, and to your horror, more dribbled out of your bladder with a whine.

Lee’s still laughing at you as he pulls your panties tight against your cunt, watching as your piss dripped from the baby pink fabric. Your clit throbbed under the pressure.  “Dumb baby can’t even hold her piss. You enjoy dirtying daddy’s work? Making a mess that needs cleanin’?”

You shake your head, your mind a mess of lust, shame and relief. You don’t think you could even talk if you tried. All you could process was how the fabric stuck uncomfortably to your skin, and everything was drenched.

“C’mon, stupid baby, stick that little tongue out and get to work lickin’ it up nice and good. If you’re a good girl, Daddy will let you hump his leg like a needy whore.”


To be updated on when I post please follow @sgt-seabass-library and turn on post notifications.


new chapter | sebastian stan | ongoing

sebastian stan x original female reader [series]

summary: actress neve dobrev, older identical twin sister of actress nina dobrev was shocked, stunned, and hurt to find out that her fiancé rapper drake had cheated on her and was allegedly the father of a baby with the woman he had cheated with. breaking up with her now ex-fiancé, neve has to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new chapter in her life. what happens when months later, neve decides to start a new chapter with an old friend and that old friend is none other than mr. sebastian stan?

new chapter: [05.06.2022 - tba]


nina dobrevasnevena “neve” dobrev / herself
sebastian stanashimrself
aubrey “drake” grahamashimself
marvel actors and actressesasthemselves

new chapter | sebastian stan |

sebastian stan x original female character [series]

summary: actress neve dobrev, older identical twin sister of actress nina dobrev was shocked, stunned, and hurt to find out that her fiancé rapper drake had cheated on her and was allegedly the father of a baby with the woman he had cheated with. breaking up with her now ex-fiancé, neve has to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new chapter in her life. what happens when months later, neve decides to start a new chapter with an old friend and that old friend is none other than mr. sebastian stan?

warnings: talks of cheating

word count: 371

a/n: none



May 7, 2017

Nev Dobrev has broken off her engagement and has ended her relationship with ex-fiancé Drake, Us Weekly has confirmed. The actress, 28, shared the news on Instagram on Sunday, May 7, posting a statement from the actress.


TMZ reported that the rapper had cheated on the actress with retired porn star Sophie Brussaux in January 2017. Brussaux claims that she is pregnant with the rapper’s child, which he denies.

“This past Wednesday has been the most humiliating, embarrassing, horrible, sickening, heartbreaking day of my life. I had found out via TMZ that the man I was in what I believed was a committed, loving romantic relationship with for eleven years and engaged for six months had cheated on me. I had found out that he had cheated on me multiple times throughout our relationship. I also found out that the woman he had recently cheated with is currently pregnant and is claiming him as the father,” the statement read.

“After talking, confronting, and finding out the truth, I have decided to end my engagement and relationship with Aubrey. I do not condone any form of cheating. I will not continue to be in a relationship with someone who has hurt me in ways that I did not think were possible from someone who promised to love me and always be faithful to me and our relationship. I am asking the public to please let me deal with this situation privately as I now have to close this chapter of my life and somehow find the strength to start the next chapter. I will be taking time off from work and social media for the time being. I like to thank my family, friends, and fans for the undying love and support that has been shown and given to me in the past few days. I love you all from the bottom of my heart. - Neve.”

The pair met while filming the Canadian tv series Degrassi: The Next Generation back in 2006. They began dating shortly after and became engaged in November 2016.

Drake has not released a statement.

published: 05/06/2022

new chapter | sebastian stan |

sebastian stan x original female character [series]

summary: actress neve dobrev, older identical twin sister of actress nina dobrev was shocked, stunned, and hurt to find out that her fiancé rapper drake had cheated on her and was allegedly the father of a baby with the woman he had cheated with. breaking up with her now ex-fiancé, neve has to pick up the pieces of her broken heart and start a new chapter in her life. what happens when months later, neve decides to start a new chapter with an old friend and that old friend is none other than mr. sebastian stan?

warnings: real tmz article, talks of cheating and abortion

word count: 425

a/n: this story is for entertainment purposes only. i did copy this article from tmz but have edited and added a few things. you can find the real article on tmz.


She Claims, But He Calls BS

EXCLUSIVE 5/3/2017 11:28 AM PT


Drakecheated on his fiancée, actress Neve Dobrev withSophie Brussaux back in January 2017.

Sophie, who was hanging out with Drake back in January, claims she is pregnant with his baby, and she says she has text messages to prove it. Drake however, is calling BS.

Sophie has already hired a big NYC lawyer, Raoul Felder, to get the paternity/child support ball rolling. She claims she is 3 ½ months pregnant and pins down conception to either January 20 or 21. The pic was taken January 24 at a Japanese restaurant in Amsterdam.

The woman, a retired porn star, has what she says are text messages between her and Drake, which purport to say the following:

Drake: I want you to have an abortion.

Brussaux: I can’t kill my baby simply to indulge you sorry.

Drake: Indulge me? F*** you.

Brussaux: What?

Drake: You do know what you’re doing you think you’re going to get money.

She says she’s having a girl.

Drake has been engaged to longtime girlfriend Neve for six months but has been dating the actress for almost eleven years. The two had met on the set of the Canadian tv series Degrassi: The Next Generation back in 2006.

We reached out to Neve’s people but have not received a response.

We also reached out to Drake’s people, who say, “This woman has a very questionable background. She has admitted to having multiple relationships. We understand she may have problems getting into the United States. She’s one of many women claiming he got them pregnant.”

The rep goes on, “If it is in fact Drake’s child, which he does not believe, he would do the right thing by the child.”

The rep says he has no idea whether the purported text message is even real or out of context because they haven’t seen the actual text.

The rep says Brussaux had sex with another big rapper at the same time as Drake, adding the other rapper has all but acknowledged it’s his kid.

The rep ended with, “Drake is accepting full responsibility for his infidelity to his fiancée Neve. He knows the hurt and pain he has caused her and is currently working on getting in contact with her.”

Drake is currently in Los Angeles, and Neve is in Toronto, staying in their manor house.

Sophie Brussaux’s attorney Raoul Felder, of Felder and Nottes, declined to comment.

published: 05/06/2022
