#self care tips




reasons people might be looking at you in public (that aren’t negative)

  • they like what you’re wearing.
  • you look like someone they know.
  • they recognize a piece of clothing or accessory you’re wearing.
  • they think you’re beautiful or attractive.
  • they’re zoned out or bored and people-watching.
  • they recognize you from somewhere.
  • they’re hesitating to ask you something or give you a compliment.
  • they’ve seen you in that same place before.
  • you caught their eye.
  • you look like how they imagined a fictional character to look.
  • you remind them of something.
  • they’re admiring one of your visual qualities (smile, stance, hairstyle).

all you people who reblogged with tags saying that you dyed your hair a bright color or started wearing an unusual accessory so you’d be more comfortable with people looking at you (because you’d know what they were looking at): you’re actual heroes!! i’m genuinely impressed by you guys doing that regardless of social anxiety (and even coming up with it?). actually genius and if you’re reading this: i’m proud of you


How you are perceived by people who don’t know you (and have made no effort to change that) is none of your business. You’ll save yourself so much trouble and heartache and disappointment when you can decide for yourself whose opinion matters and helps you grow. Learn to care about the ones that are trying to lift you up instead of the ones that are criticizing you just for the sake of it.
