
“Every Queen needs her King”BETCH THIS IS THE ONLY KING I NEED.

“Every Queen needs her King”


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I want a relationship like mark and chica

I want a relationship like mark and chica

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Drawings spam

So I’m trying to upload all the Drawings I have done though the period of time. I’m on my 5th upload today and I think I might have broke it cause its not uploading XP poor me

Why I haven’t uploaded

Hey Guys its Kortaney and I am sorry I’ve been on hiatus from Any drawings. I have drawn Jack and Mark and Ethan ext and stuff it’s just I’ve took a mental break from Social media (including YouTube ) because my wifi got shut off at home. Please forgive me. I may return sometime but I am just losing reasons to keep living. I have to keep trying. Thanks for understanding

Kortaney Hollman

{People i draw }




( ๑>ω•́ )ﻭ✧- Youtubers animal AU


If you remember them. U r old.

Irrelevant Person: “Why do you ship those two? It’s not canon and they’re not gay!”

Me: WhY Do YoU ShIp ThOsE TwO? It’S NoT CaNoN AnD ThEy’Re NoT GaY

Is this meme old? Yes. Do I care? No

Just let people enjoy their ships in peace.

Person A & B Texting

Person A: love yoy

Person B: I love Yoy too!

Person A: Oh, no.

Person B: What? Do yoy have a problem?

Person A:Stop

Person B: yoy want me to stop?!

Person A:yes!

Person B: what do yoy want me to stop?..

Person B: you do this every time!! It was a mistake!

Person A: ☺️ yoy can’t stop this!
