#seungmin fic



⇨ ongoing | ✔ completed

Definitely Twice (sns AU) {23} ✔

Seungmin has had a crush on you ever since the sorting hat took forever to place you.@lvanter

Truth Untold (sns AU) {20} ✔

Y/n was continuously bullied and ran a blog dedicated to her thoughts. Little did she know a boy in her class was a daily reader. @serenhyunjinity

1-800-CUPID(sns AU) {15} ⇨

What are you supposed to do when your friend is secretly in love with someone, but too shy to act on it by themself? Play cupid, of course! Y/n is sure that getting involved in her best friend’s one sided love is the best route of action, even though she’s painfully clueless about love. But with a little help from her friends and some love of her own, maybe playing cupid won’t turn out such a huge disaster after all. @nakyngs


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21

Blurbs - Maknae Line

Description:Fluff blurbs with the maknae line!

Warning: none

Pairing:maknae line x fem!reader

Happy White Day!


Han Jisung

“Sungie! Come here.”

“Wazzup,” he replies, emerging from the couch with his nose still in his phone. You sniffle a laugh as you tuck away your shoes and walk up to him.

“Jisung~” you call again. At last, he looks up. When he sees what you are holding in your hands, he nearly drops his phone.

“W-what are these? Did someone else buy you flowers?” 

You shake your head and thrust the bouquet towards your boyfriend. “I bought them myself. They’re for you.”

“M-me?” he stutters, still confused. “But I’m a man!” Despite his words, a smile sneaks onto his face as he takes the arrangement into his embrace. 

“So?” you shrug, heading for his restroom.

When you come out, you find him still standing in the foyer staring and sniffing at the flowers. A grin splits your face as you skip up to him and snake your arms around his waist. You rest your chin on his shoulder and peer down at the bouquet for yourself. “Do you like them?” 

Your presence seems to pull him out of his trance.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do. They remind me of you.”

Lee Felix

Felix walks into the room, surprised to see his wife already under the covers. However, you seem to be on the wrong side of the bed.

“Switching things up?” he asks, changing into sleepwear. 

You shake your head and roll to your side once he is ready for bed.

“Hmm,” he hums contently. “Nice and toasty.” Then the realization hits him. He looks over to you with a growing smile. “Were you here to warm up the spot for me? Because I had that shoot in the snow today?” 

You nod shyly, and his smile reaches its maximum. He opens his arms and you quickly crawl into them. 

“Here, let me warm you up too.”

Kim Seungmin

He lays down on the couch and pulls on his Eeyore onesie to get a little more comfortable. Why did he agree to chaperone his cousin’s girl scout outing when he isn’t allowed to share a bedroom with anyone?

“Are you asleep?”

He knows why. He sits up on the couch and sees you, the troop’s leader, in your Piglet onesie, rubbing your eyes. You must have been finishing checking up on your girls and didn’t realize that you don’t need to on him.

“Just about to,” he replies. 

“Do you need anything?” Your speech is between a mumble and a slur. It’s been a long day, and he wonders if you are even awake enough to realize who you’re actually talking to.

“A good night kiss?” he jokes.

“Okay.” You stumble over, and before he can even react, you grab his head and leave a peck on his crown. Alright. You definitely don’t realize who he is. Are you even awake, or just sleepwalking?

When you pull back, he stares at you with full-blown eyes. You’re grinning goofily and grabbing the ends of Eeyore’s ears, swinging them to and fro. 

“Cute,” you giggle, and he goes beet red.

Yang Jeongin

It’s a lazy Sunday. You’re in bed, scrolling through your phone with your cat napping on your chest. Your husband walks through the door, and you lift your eyes to greet him

“Hi— Why do you look suspicious?”

Suddenly, his lips split into a wide grin. Before you even realize what’s happening, he’s grabbed the cat and bolted out of the room. A loud “meow” can be heard from the kitchen followed by rapid approaching footsteps. Your husband reappears and olympic dives into bed, burying his head where the cat had been. Of course, the feline is not far behind. She jumps up next to you and swats at Jeongin’s face.

“No,” he pouts, pushing her away. “She’s mine.”

You laugh and kiss his hair which makes him hum. “Was that necessary?”

“Of course,” he coos at your touch. 

You give him another kiss. Secretly though, you are rubbing the cat behind the ears and tucking her under your other arm.

~ ad.gold

Description: Y/N is given two months to live. The one thing left on her bucket list? To get married.

Warning: cancer, death

Word Count: 2.1k

Pairing:fem!reader x Kim Seungmin


“We’re looking at two months.”

“Two months?” Seungmin repeats, squeezing your arm just a little tighter. “But it was just a cough!”

“I’m sorry,” the doctor consoles. He looks between the two of you and says, “I’ll give you some privacy” before walking out of the room.

You stare straight ahead, unsure what to do. Cancer. The word sounds so surreal. You never smoked or over-drank. You exercised and lived a healthy lifestyle, so how did this happen?

“Y/N…” Seungmin calls gently.

You turn your head towards him and smile. “Seungmin, I’ll be ok—”

“No, you won’t,” he cuts you off. “I’ve been your best friend for years. You can’t lie to me.”

You look down at your hands, twiddling your fingers. “Well, this certainly does suck, doesn’t it? I’m sorry I’ll be leaving you alone.”

“This isn’t about me,” he reminds you.

You return your gaze onto him. “It’s just easier when it’s not about me. Thinking about all the things I haven’t done and will never do— what’s the good in that?” You hear your voice breaking. “I’ll never own a home or collect my retirement funds. Heck, I’ll never even get married.” You laugh dryly. “You know how I’ve always wanted a family of my own.”

He nods. He knows this well. He remembers how you grew up jumping from foster home to foster home. He remembers how you’d come over to his house on Fridays whenever you ended back in his neighborhood and how you’d smile just a little bit more when his father came home and gave his mother a peck on the cheek. He remembers all the boys he had to scare off for you in college because you were so desperate, you couldn’t tell that they were toxic. You are so willing to love, yet life has been nothing but cold to you. And now it has decided to end it all in two months.

“Tomorrow…” he begins slowly, “after your discharge, let’s go to the mall and pick out some rings and a dress. There’s a little chapel on the boulevard. I think it’ll work.”

You blink at him. “But whom would I marry?”

He blinks back at you. “Me, of course.”

“Seungmin, I can’t ask for something as serious as this.”

“Let me do this for you. Please.” He takes your hands and looks you in the eyes. “Y/N, will you marry me?”


It was simple; there’s not much to be expected of a wedding planned in one afternoon after all. Still, it was sweet and more than you could have asked for. Seungmin bought you an elegant bouquet and picked you up in a Cadillac, all which you thought was a bit much to be spending on memories that will be buried in the ground in a few weeks. Nonetheless, it was beautiful and filled your chest with a warmth not unfamiliar to you whenever you are with Seungmin.

“I pronounce you man and wife,” announces the priest.

The few friends who managed to come on such short notice cheer and applaud as Seungmin leans over to kiss your cheek. When he straightens up again, there’s a smile on his face as he pulls something out of his pocket.

“Here,” he says, taking your hand and putting the object into it.

“What’s this?” You open your palm and see a set of silver keys on it.

“Access to your own home,” he answers. “We’re married now, so my house is yours too. Not sure what I can do about your retirement funds though.”

You don’t even catch the last part of what he says as you smile widely and engulf him in your arms.

“Thank you. Thank you so much,” you begin to cry.

After overcoming his initial shock, he too brings his arms around your waist. He knows you aren’t thanking him for the keys or even for marrying you; you are thanking him for loving you, for placing your interests before his and for being by your side up to the last moments.

“Thankyou,” he whispers back. “For letting me love you.”


For a month, you and Seungmin tried to keep normalcy as much as you could. You two went to work as usual and came home to watch a movie or bake cookies together. Sure, Seungmin would make flirtatious comments or randomly hug you from behind every once in a while, but otherwise, the only thing that changed is your living arrangement. As such, the two of you were almost surprised to receive a call from the hospital asking you to come back four weeks later. There’s a new treatment, the doctor informs you, and you might have a chance to survive.

“It has an 80% success rate in trials, and the surgeon who developed the technique will be flying in to perform the surgery personally.”

“And if it works?” you ask.

“Then you’ll live. Cancer free.”

Seungmin’s hand tightens around yours as he beams, leaning closer over the phone.

“But,” the doctor continues, “because of the positioning of your mass and the nature of this procedure, we will have to perform a laryngectomy.”

“So I won’t be able to talk again.”

“But you’ll live.”

You look at Seungmin, and he nods at you, his lips now pursed into a line.

“It’s your best option,” the doctor urges again.

You squeeze your eyes closed. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

You feel a thumb stroking the back of your hand and hear the doctor shuffling some paper around, assumably your consent form.

“You’re making the right decision,” the doctor assures you. “The specialist will be in on Friday, so we will need to check you in Thursday afternoon.”

Cancer didn’t change your life, but this certainly did. Suddenly, you and Seungmin both take an extended leave from your jobs and are thrown into a plethora of sign language curriculums. Between that and calling everyone you know one last time, you barely have time to eat, and if you weren’t living with Seungmin, you very well might have died of starvation before your cancer could kill you.

‘Dinner,’ he signs to you. Your last meal before having to fast for the surgery.

‘Thank you,’ you sign back.

He shakes his head and retracts the plate of bibimbap as you reach for it. “You should speak. At least for today. I want to hear your voice for as long as I can.”

“Alright,” you chuckle. “Thank you very much for the fine dinner, Kim Seungmin.”

He laughs along at your exaggerated sentence before replacing your KSL textbook with the plate and taking a seat beside you. ‘How are you feeling?’

“Okay. A little nervous, but at least now there’s hope, right?”


You bite your lip. “Or it could go horribly wrong and I’ll lose the one month I have left.”

“Y/N,” he warns vocally.

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop.” 

A silence falls over the room as you chew on your food.



“Do you want a divorce?”

You can hear his jaw hit the ground. “What the—”

“I mean, you agreed to a two-month marriage, but if I survive this—”

When you survive this.”

“When I come out of the surgery, you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

“I’d want nothing more,” he says firmly. “So don’t ever—unless you want to split?”

“I don’t. You’re my best friend.”

He nods. “Then don’t ever mention it again.”


You remember the moment you woke up. The first thought you had was that you’ve got to tell Seungmin. The second thought that crossed your mind came after your vision returned was ‘there he is.’ Asleep on his arms beside your bed, hand around yours, he almost looks like a real husband.

You remember the doctor walking in at that moment. He stumbled a little, surprised to see you awake. You raised a finger to your lips, bonking your nose with the oximeter in the process, and indicated towards the sleeping figure.

The doctor smiled and nodded. “Are you feeling alright?” he whispered.

You nodded, and he began your general checkup.

“The tumor’s all gone,” he informed you. “We’re going to keep you here for two more days, but otherwise, you’re going to live a nice, long life with your husband.”

That was a month ago. The month following the surgery has been rough to say the least. You and Seungmin are often frustrated, and although you both know deep down it isn’t with each other, you often take it out on each other. Communication is just so hard. Sure, the surgeon gave you prosthetic vocal cords, but even with them, it is so hard and takes so long to talk. Between that and your broken sign language, patience slowly became a scarce commodity. You aren’t feeling like you’re being heard, and Seungmin’s finding his efforts to understand you fruitless.

But communication isn’t the only problem, though it certainly exacerbates another one. You are in a weird position where you are his wife but also just a friend. You aren’t sure where you stand in his eyes nor what you can expect from him. Unmet expectations and chiding yourself for even having any is driving you to your wit’s end. It also doesn’t help that day by day, you grow less and less sure where he stands in your eyes either. You’re confused by the twinge in your stomach every time he brings you coffee in the morning and the pang in your heart when he lays down on his side of the bed at night, never crossing over to yours.

Today is one of those days. You want to return to work, but Seungmin is adamant that you have yet to fully recover. You feel guilty imposing on him financially so much, and he can’t understand why you won’t just rely on him.

“I’m your husband!” he argues.

‘Don’t you think I feel bad binding you to that responsibility?’ you sign back, in tears.

He stares at you after that, bewildered. A moment later, he drops his head so you can’t see his eyes and turns for the bedroom without another word.

You slump onto the kitchen chair furiously rubbing tears from your vision. You feel bad of course, but you are scared. Is he sick of you by now? He has to be. After all, you’ve been nothing but a frustration this past month. At least if you put food on the table, he would have one less reason to want to divorce you. Of course, you know Seungmin would never leave you, but he might silently wish he could, and that makes you feel even worse.

You sniffle, drawing your hand roughly across your eyes. In your split second of visual acuity, you see something glimmer under the light where Seungmin had stood. It catches your attention and upon closer inspection, you realize what it is: a tear. A tear? But why would it be there? Seungmin may feel responsible to support you, but you refusing his help shouldn’t undermine him to the point of tears. Unless, you realize, it isn’t the subject of the argument that made him cry. 

You recall the last thing you expressed before he ran to the bedroom. You recall how he looked at you, hurt and confused. You’ve seen that look once a month ago when you suggested he divorce you. You thought he was offended by your questioning his loyalty as your best friend. In fact, you thought the same thing when he gave you that look again tonight, but Seungmin wouldn’t cry because of that. So then, what would explain the tear on the ground?

And then it hits you.

Suddenly, the things that confuse you become clear. Your frustration melts into understanding and you realize his intentions. At once, your tears dry and your heart feels light.

You immediately stand up. You practically run to the bedroom and find Seungmin already sitting among the sheets.

He looks up when he hears you enter. ‘Come to bed,’ he signs wearily. ‘We can discuss this again tomorrow.’ He goes back to arranging the blankets but looks up once more when he realizes you haven’t climbed in. “Y/N?”

You pull out your phone and walk over to his side of the mattress. He had you record yourself saying random things before you lost your voice, but there is one file he doesn’t know you recorded on your own.

“Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks, perplexed by the sudden determination in your stride.

‘Kim Seungmin,’ you sign. You max the volume on your phone and press play. “I love you.”

~ ad.gold

Synopsis: The Captain Killer of Levanter is on the loose, but small-time fish merchant Captain Kim Seungmin is more interested in turning a profit and in the pretty tavern wench who keeps flirting with him. But as the murders continue and as Seungmin grows more infamous… 

… maybe he should be concerned about the Captain Killer.

Pirate AU with some fantasy elements. Cameos from OT8, Day6, TWICE, and GOT7 if you’re really looking.

Warning: alcohol, death, drowning, guns, knives, light gore, murder, one instance of suicide ideation, violence

Word Count:19.5k

Pairing: fem!reader x captain!Seungmin

Happy Halloween! I finally got around to editing this a year after I wrote it. 


03 March

He didn’t understand why he was afraid of his pursuer, but something deep inside was telling him to run. They had no visible face or weapon, yet there was an unmistakable aura of danger about them.

“Who— who are you?” The man scrambled backwards, splinters from the dilapidated dock digging into his palms as he tumbled onto the ground. “You’ve got the wrong guy, I swear. I— I didn’t do anything wrong!”

The hooded figure leaned down and cupped his face. He flinched at the coldness of the touch and the warmth of the familial gesture. “Captain Yang Jeongin, otherwise known as the Sea Fox, correct?” asked a velvety voice. When he nodded, his whole body trembling in fear, the figure smiled. “Tell me, how does a cabin boy become a captain in seven months?”

All the blood drained from his face as he realized who his pursuer was. “Please, I’m only a few hundred short. Just one more day, and I will have the money for you.”

“The sea does not take kindly to those who do not pay their debts.”

“Please. My mother and brothers need me! I’m so close,” he sobbed. “Have mercy on me!”

They ignored the pleas and stopped back. “Let the water be your judge.”

The figure flicked their hand, and a monstrous wave crashed upon the dock. Captain Yang choked on a mouthful of saltwater and begged for forgiveness, but his cries fell on deaf ears. However, the water did not seem to touch the figure, who watched as the captain thrashed around, trying to fight a foe who could not be hurt, before being dragged down to the depths of the ocean. His screams bubbled to the surface, and the sea went still.

All was well again.


24 March

The bustling port town of Levanter was famous for several things: trade, the finest gunsmiths, and the best rum on the eastern side of the world. Several taverns lined the streets and back alleys, but Captain Kim Seungmin only had eyes for one.

Back Door of the Sea.

Ever since he found out that he would have to land in Levanter for deliveries, he had been thrilled. The gruff old captains from his hometown always spoke of their rich, dark rum and had declared it to be a rite of passage to win a brawl at the rowdiest tavern in the largest port town of the east. As the young captain of a small fish merchant ship, Seungmin had a lot to prove. His family and his crew were depending on him, and no one would ever respect him if his current position was due to nepotism alone. He needed to establish a name for himself. Though he didn’t like it, the quickest way was to be seen as ruthless. Despite dropping anchors only a mere one hour ago, he headed straight for the tavern.

Even two buildings down, he could hear the music, along with the hollers and raunchy sea shanties. Yellow light flooded the windows, and a line of drunk men fell out the door.

With a thumping heart, he deftly weaved around the drunkards and stepped inside. There, the cacophony was greater, the air sweet and sticky with rum and sweat. He had planned to head straight for the bar, but he kept getting distracted by the sights around him: a group with their cutlasses waving about in the air, a drinking competition between a large, muscled man and a lass who couldn’t have been more than fourteen, the amount of free flowing gold at the bar…

“What can I get you?”

You, the young woman behind the bar counter, looked too young and innocent to be serving in such a place, Seungmin thought. Though that was similar to what his elders always told him when he decided to captain a ship. He smiled back at you, and your own expression turned more genuine.

“Rum, please,” he said.

You laughed, and he burned red with embarrassment as he realized his mistake. He was too used to the bar wenches at home knowing what he wanted.

“First time drinking?” you teased. “What kind of rum do you want?”

“Dark. Honey Fever, if you have it.”

“Of course we do.” You expertly poured him a glass and slid it across to him.

He barely caught it before it tipped over the edge. The amber liquid stung his throat when he swallowed it, and he could feel the rum burning as it went down. No wonder why the rum here was so renowned; it was even better than at home.

“Let me guess. You’re from the JY Isles, aren’t you?” At his stunned face, you clapped your hands together. “Knew it! JY Isles lads always like Honey Fever. Not surprising, seeing that that’s where it’s originally from. So, what’s your name?”

“Kim Seungmin.”

“What are you? A surgeon? A mate? You’re too old for a powder monkey. Cabin boy?”

“None of those,” he replied before bringing the glass to his lips again. “I’m captain.”

Your mouth dropped open, but you quickly regained your composure when someone called for another round of drinks. You scurried away to fulfill the order, but you looked back at him with a certain look in your eyes he couldn’t place. Curiosity? Admiration? Attraction? Seungmin heard stories of women throwing themselves at captains — if he was being honest, he had expected it would happen at some point — but despite the power he held, he felt small and scrutinized. It was all too much for someone who had been captain for a week at most.

“Aren’t you too young to be captain?” You were back with a brand new stain on your white top and a slew of empty glasses.

“Everyone certainly seems to think so. Do you need help with that?” he gestured to the tray you were balancing.

“I’m alright. You might not be though.” You paused and glanced around the room before leaning forward. Your voice was a whisper when you said, “Have you heard of the Captain Killer?”

Levanter always had a few criminals around, mostly thieves and bounty hunters, but it seemed that their latest most-wanted had a vendetta against captains only, as evidenced by the killings of the Double J’s, the Stormwrangler, and just recently, the Sea Fox. It was hard not to know about the Captain Killer. Seungmin had overheard some sailors talking about him at the docks, and there were yellowed notices tacked to every bounty board and wall.

“Of course. What about him? Is he here?” Now it was Seungmin’s turn to eye the crowd.

“No! Well, at least I hope not. You just don’t seem very worried about being murdered, considering you’re apparently a captain.”

Seungmin shrugged and finished his drink. It no longer hurt to swallow now that his throat was numb to the pain. “He only goes after the notorious, high ranking ones. I have nothing to worry about. I captain a ship for a small fishery.”

You shook your head. “The Sea Fox was a fish merchant captain too, and he was found drowned two weeks ago. You should have seen the corpse, all bloated and half-eaten by fish. I heard you could count his ribs.”

He counted out two gold pieces and dropped them at the counter. There was a fight breaking out on the other end of the tavern, and he wanted in. “Maybe he just drowned.”

You laughed. “No one ‘just drowns’ in Levanter. I’d be careful if I were you, Captain. It would be a shame to lose such a pretty face around here.”

Seungmin felt his cheeks grow warm, and it was not from the rum. “Good night… I didn’t catch your name.”

“Y/N. And fair winds, Captain. No one’s beaten Mad Dog John yet.”

You were right to wish him luck.

Liquid courage definitely gave him courage but not strength. A clean right hook to his jaw immediately had him wishing he had stuck to the bar, and a swift punch to his stomach had him wishing he had not drank. A skinny twig of a boy jeered at him, but before Seungmin could land a hit on him, some swab dug his heel into Seungmin’s private quarters. He limped back to his boat that night, too ashamed to stay around and afraid to further damage what little reputation he had.

When he woke up the next morning, he had fresh bruises and the desire to stay in bed. None of the crew had seen him return last night, and he wasn’t sure if he could face any of them. His first mate, a veteran sailor named Wonpil, would be the first to laugh at him and tell everyone back home what happened.

However, sales had to be made. Seungmin put on his rarely worn navy blue coat and pulled the collar as high as possible to hide the injury on his jaw. Most of the crew was gone, presumably to find better breakfast than the usual biscuits their cook offered.

“Cap’n,” the cabin boy, Dowoon, saluted. Evidently the lowest member of the crew was forced to stay behind. “The fishmongers are here.”

Seungmin gave him a curt nod. “Are the fish ready to be unloaded?”

“Aye, sir. The crew already brought them up to the deck. Should I drop the plank for the fishmongers now?”


A short while later, a group of middle-aged men flocked by their workers boarded his ship. Seungmin collected his gold and scribbled down the numbers for the daybooks, while the Dowoon directed the workers to the barrels of fish.

“Captain Kim?”

Seungmin looked away from his observations to discover a woman on his ship. He didn’t believe the superstitions, but the oddity was jarring. “You’re the bar wench from Back Door, aren’t you? What are you doing here?”

You smiled. “I thought it was you. I bookkeep for a few merchants during the day.” You pointedly looked at his jaw, and he turned red under your gaze. “I warned you about Mad Dog.”

“He’s, uh, a good fighter,” he lied. He had been taken out by other competitors, but you didn’t need to know that.

“He’ll be back tonight if you want to try again. I’ll have a glass of Honey Fever waiting for you.”

Your invitation echoed in his ears and made him feel like he had drunk a full bottle of rum. “I can’t. We’re leaving tomorrow morning, so I’ll be busy tonight.”

“Oi, what are you talking about, Captain?” a voice called. Wonpil. He and the rest of the crew were back. “We’ll take care of it.”

Seungmin did not want to brawl, and he wasn’t even sure if he would be physically able to. “No, no. I should stay and help,” he insisted.

Wonpil slung an arm over his shoulder. “You deserve a night off with a pretty lass, Captain.”

While Seungmin was vehemently protesting and blushing, you did not seem the least bit perturbed by his statement. You grinned and said, “I’ll be waiting,” before leaving with the fishmongers.

Once you were far away, Seungmin turned to his first mate, who now had the biggest smirk on his face. “What was that? Look, I know you mean well, but I am your cap—”

“Aye, I hear you. Your pops told me to look after you, so I am.” He turned serious. “You need a break, Seungmin. It’s only been a week since we left the Isles, and you’ve already got gray hair over nothing.”

“It’s my family’s livelihood. And we’ve got four more towns to go to.”

Wonpil patted him on the back. “Me and the lads will get it all worked out. ‘Sides, don’t you have a brawl to win?” He flicked Seungmin’s collar aside and poked at the deepening bruise. “Don’t think I don’t see it.”

Seungmin winced and edged away, pressing a delicate hand to his jaw. “Bilge-sucker,” he spat out.

“There you go, bookkeeping boy,” Wonpil grinned. “There’s a captain in the making.”


The moon was out and the tides were crashing against the ship when Seungmin headed back to the tavern. His crew, true to their word, busied themselves with the sails and lines, and bid him good luck. Wonpil made him take a cutlass, and Sungjin, the cook who also doubled as the surgeon, rubbed a herbal-smelling salve on his injuries.

Like you promised, there was a glass of Honey Fever waiting for him at the bar. You were busy chatting with another man when Seungmin sat down, but you quickly excused yourself once you saw him.

“Enjoy the wine,” you called after him before turning to Seungmin. “Hello, Captain Kim. Glad you showed up.”

“Who was that?” he asked, nodding at the man you were previously talking with. “He looks familiar to me.”

You arched an eyebrow. “No need to be jealous. He’s a regular around here. He’s actually a captain himself. Lee Felix, the Silver Serpent.”

“Oh, the treasure hunter. My father bought something from him some time ago for my mother.”

“You aren’t supposed to be working on a ship, are you?” You leaned down on the counter and propped your head up with your hands. “I can hear it in the way you talk and the way you dress; it’s too gentleman-y.”

He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I was studying business at university, but my father got injured, so I took over last week. I got his crew, and they made me captain for some reason.”

“Probably because you’re smart.” He shook his head, and you huffed. “You got into a university, of course you are. And” — your voice went soft here —  “I’m sorry to hear about your da.”

“Thank you.”

The conversation turned silent, and Seungmin sipped on his rum while you poured drinks for a batch of newcomers. The rum tingled going down and spread a familiar confidence throughout him. He could hear the raucous start of a brawl on the other end of the tavern, and the bruises over his body ached. Despite himself, he finished his glass and started walking towards the fight.

You noticed this and called out, “Good luck!”

He weakly grinned back. His cutlass, sheathed at his waist, hit his leg with each step. He had no intention of using it, but it felt reassuring that he would have a backup plan if things went south. Mad Dog was at the center of the chaos, and Seungmin somehow managed to dodge most of the flying fists and land a solid punch to his side. That was his only victory for the night though. Seungmin ended up being tossed onto a nearby table, causing several shattered glasses and spills across the floor.

He laid in the puddle of rum and his own self-pity for a while, contemplating why he decided to join the fight when he was already sufficiently battered from last night.

“Captain Kim!” he heard you say. You knelt down and helped him sit up. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” he said. His back stung, but at least his cutlass had not flown out and stabbed him. “I think I need a drink.”

You laughed. “You’re a sailor at heart.”

Once Seungmin was re-situated at the bar, you refilled his glass. He downed it all, and you tentatively poured him another.

“Numbing the pain?” you asked. He nodded, and you advised, “Make sure you can still walk right, else you’ll get mugged or murdered.”

You then reminded him that he also had to pay, and he drank his rum significantly more slowly after. The bag of gold coins he brought with him were luckily still in his coat pocket, and he dropped six coins onto the counter.

“Leaving so soon?” you said, more teasing than serious. “Mad Dog usually stays ‘til we close.”

“Last drink of the night.” Feeling bold — courtesy of said drink — he added, “I can stay a little longer for you though.”

He immediately regretted it when a sly fox smile appeared on your face.

“And for that, I’ll let you have another round on the house, you sweet talker.”

Was it the rum or the flirtatious compliment that had him running a fever? “Thank you, but it’s alright. I have to be up early tomorrow.”

You tucked the bottle back onto the shelf. “Next time you’re here then. When are you coming back?”

“Next month, or that was what my father did anyway. Monthly trips, I mean.”

“I’ll be looking forward to it. Say, where are—”

Unfortunately, someone — a seadog if Seungmin had to guess based on the scar across his eye — shouted, “Wench! You deaf or something?”

“On my way, bilge-rats!” you shot back. In a kinder tone to Seungmin, you said, “Sorry. You know how they are.”

The old men hardened by salt and wind from the Isles were similar, and Seungmin nodded sympathetically. “It’s alright. I should get going and help the crew anyway. What were you going to ask?”

“Where you’re going after Levanter.” You poured a full tray of drinks and started for the rowdy table near the back. “I’m coming, you filthy sea bass!” you retorted in response to their complaints.

He was amused by how quickly you switched personas. Sweet one second, and venomous the next. “The SM Archipelago.”

“Oh, I’ve heard how pretty it is there. Lucky you. Anyway,” you sighed, “good night and fair winds, Captain. I’ll be waiting.” You winked and turned away.

There was no need to since you weren’t facing him, but Seungmin hid his blush behind his coat collar. “Good night, Y/N.”


25 March

Who knew a broken compass would have been of so much value to him?

He leaned back in his desk chair with the golden compass in hand. Its needle was loose, but such a flaw brought a gift: the ability to control the sea. The waves could go still or grow the size of a mountain at his command. He rotated the needle, and the waters beneath his ship began gently swaying. Let his crew have a good night’s rest after the nightmare it was to retrieve the artifact of the sea god.

The young captain gently placed the compass into its velvet-lined case and snapped the box shut. He was exhausted from the day’s activities, and the expensive bottle of wine he had made him drowsy. Just as he was about to retire to his quarters, there was a loud knock on the door.

He cursed his crew for needing him so late. “What do you want?”

The lock clicked, and the door swung open. A hooded figure stepped inside, and he reached for the flintlock pistols at his desk. He pointed one at the stranger.

“One more step, and I’ll put a bullet through your skull,” he warned. “Who are you, and what do you want?”

They had the audacity to laugh. “Look how red you are. You couldn’t even hit me if I let you.”

The figure strolled purposely towards him, and he fired. The shot went wide and shattered the window of his wine cabinet. He blamed it on the sudden violent movement of the ship. Blasted compass had to go haywire at the worst time possible. When he pulled the trigger again, the bullet tore the painting he had a buyer lined up for. He cursed once more.

“Look at how much money you lost me,” he snarled. The figure was an arm’s length away, but he still couldn’t make out their face underneath their hood. “Spit it out already.”

They ignored him and closed the gap with their hand, running an ice cold finger down his jaw. “Captain Lee Felix, also known as the Silver Serpent, you have stolen from Pontus, and he demands retribution.”

He had not paid attention to the floor or the entrance. Seawater had been slowly streaming inside the room the entire time, and without warning, began rising. Cold water sunk into his boots, and when he finally took note, it was too late.

“Let the water be your judge.”

The ocean grabbed his ankles and pulled him to the ground, hauling him across his mahogany floors. In desperation, he shot wildly at where the figure stood, but each bullet either missed or was diverted by a wave. He gasped for air, but a hand made of water covered his mouth and forced its way down his throat. The figure watched as a limp Captain Lee disappeared past the door frame and listened as his body tumbled overboard.

The figure retrieved the compass from the jeweled case and tossed it out the window into the ocean. It bobbed up and down in the waves before sinking into the waiting palms of Pontus. Then as quickly as it came, the seawater receded and left behind puddles as the only evidence of its appearance. The ship’s movement slowed to a gentle rocking motion.

All was well again.


27 April

To say Seungmin had been relentlessly mocked by the seadogs from home was an understatement; it would have hurt less if they had shot him point-blank in the face. His own father had howled with laughter when Wonpil told him that his son lost two brawls in a row at Back Door. The elders had sent him back onto his ship with barrels of fresh fish for delivery and a ridiculous amount of healing salves and bandages.

The ship arrived in Levanter earlier than expected, and Seungmin let his crew take the day off. While some opted to catch up on sleep, Seungmin donned on his captain’s coat and headed to the marketplace with a plan to find you. He told himself that he wanted to hear the latest news about Levanter from you, but that wasn’t the entire truth.

He wanted his free drink too.

He remembered you said you did bookkeeping for some merchants, and he hoped he would find you behind a fish stall, recording yesterday’s sales. However, the late morning turned to early afternoon, and you were nowhere to be seen. After asking everyone he came into contact with, an old woman reported seeing you by the docks an hour ago.

As such, he returned to where his ship was located. To his excitement, you were sitting at the very end of the pier, atop of an abandoned crate. A leather-bound ledger was balanced precariously on your knees, and the sea breeze made the pages flutter. You pressed the top corner down with a stern finger as you read, but the bottom edges still ruffled. Seungmin almost didn’t want to interrupt such a peaceful moment; even the tides seemed gentler around you.

You were facing away from him, but the creaky planks as he stepped towards you made you notice his presence.

You looked up from your book and quickly shut it when you recognized him. “Captain Kim, you’re back! Has it already been a month? It’s so nice to see your pretty face again.”

He had forgotten how easily flustered he was around you. “Were you waiting for me?”

“Oh, don’t flatter yourself,” you laughed. “I love the ocean more than anything. Being away from it for too long makes me blue.”

“I suppose working by the water is more pleasant than in a stuffy study.” He offered you a hand. “I believe you owe me a drink.”

You held his hand but didn’t let him pull you up. Instead you patted the back of it. “Swing by the tavern tonight. I’ll be working then,” you winked.

“Right! And you’re working now as well,” he said, remembering that you were a bookkeeper by day. “I-I’ll let you get back to that. See you tonight?”

“I’ll be waiting.”


His crew seemed to be under the impression that every time he announced he was going to Back Door, he was looking to redeem himself with a win. Sungjin stuffed his coat pockets with pots of healing salves and rolls of bandages, while Jae, crew member and lover of all things dangerous, exchanged his bag of gold for a pistol. Unfortunately, Seungmin did not notice the extra weight — he had chalked it up to him being tired from a full day’s worth of sailing — until he mindlessly checked his pockets to ensure that he had not been robbed by any of the tavern’s patrons.

“Bilge-suckers,” he cursed when he pulled out the miscellaneous items.

“Captain, did you just—” You uncorked the rum bottle and grinned. “That calls for another round on the house.”

Seungmin sighed. “Sorry. Won’t you get canned if you keep giving me free drinks?”

You shrugged and poured the rum. “Doubt the boss will care. Spilled alcohol” — you gave him a knowing look —  “is nothing new here. So how was the SM Archipelago?”

“It was good. All four towns I went to were having a fish shortage, so I was able to get the fishmongers to pay more than usual. If they’re still having one now, I’ll be able to make a large profit the next time I visit. How’s Levanter been?”

“Same old, same old,” you hummed. “Trade is still good, Mad Dog is still undefeated, and the Captain Killer is still on the loose.”

“He still hasn’t been caught? It’s been a month.”

“You remember Captain Lee, the treasure hunter? He stopped by here the night before you left Levanter, and no one’s seen him since. The Captain Killer definitely got him. You should be careful.”

Seungmin shook his head. “He only goes after the high-ranking ones, and I’m just a small fish in a big ocean. They didn’t find Captain Lee’s body, so how do we even know he’s truly dead? Maybe he’s on vacation,” he joked, trying to get a smile or even an eye roll from you.

You lowered your eyes to his, and Seungmin felt his heart beat faster. Your gaze was intense, and there was not a trace of humor when you said, “Captain, I’m serious. Don’t give him a reason to go after you. He’s a shark. I’ve heard the sea witches in Levanter are getting more orders for protection charms and the like.”

Sea witches liked to reside in port towns and especially Levanter. Their advertisements were through word of mouth, and Seungmin had heard of a few during his time on the docks. Protection charms, paid for with gold, were the most popular items they provided, but there were also whispers of more deadly services. He dared not approach one in fear of payment.

You studied his face. There were no bruises, but he almost felt them reappearing under your appraising stare. “You might wanna consider getting one. I know a witch or two.”

“You’re really worried about me, aren’t you?”

“Five captains from Levanter are gone,” you softly said as you cleaned his now-empty glass. “One day they’re strutting around town, and the next day they’re sleeping with the fishes. I don’t want that to happen to you.”

Seungmin could see concern all over you. Your head hung low and you wiped down the glass, each of your motions slow and melancholy.

“I’ll try to be more careful,” he said. “I swear on my ship and my honor.”

“Thanks, Captain. And if you wanna charm, let me know. I’d miss you if you were gone, you know.” Your demeanor shifted back to normal, and a wicked grin spread across your face. “Who else would I give free drinks to and watch lose brawls?”

He chuckled. “Seungmin. You can call me Seungmin.”


Seungmin returned back to the ship in high spirits. He had spent a good hour chatting with you about everything, from rum to your latest mishap at the general store. After the initial conversation, you were back to your usual bright self, and there was never a moment where he wasn’t laughing or smiling. His steps were not as straight as they normally were when he left, and the walk back to his ship took longer than usual. Seeing his state, his crew descended upon him like a flock of seagulls and pestered him with questions.

“Did you finally win?”

“He’s got no injuries! You won right?”

“Did you use the gun? It’s a pocket pistol, but it stings like a cat o’ nine.”

His mood deflated as he remembered the three people Mad Dog threw onto the street. After two drinks — on the house, courtesy of you — he had almost considered joining the fight until you wisely talked him out of it. Seungmin tossed the weapon back to Jae and the medical supplies to Sungjin. “I didn’t fight. I just went for a drink and to hear the news.”

Jae inspected the pistol and frowned when he discovered it truly had not been used. He pocketed the gun and looked at his captain. “Wait, I took your gold! How did you even buy anything?”

“The pretty tavern wench, eh?” Wonpil nudged Seungmin’s arm and shot him a sly look. “I knew she caught your eye. Wait ‘til your pops hears about this! And your ma too!”

Just like that, Seungmin was pushed away and his potentially-existent love life discussed. He tried to interrupt, but Wonpil shoved him out of the circle of whispers.

“I’m your captain!” he protested. “And as your captain, I demand that—”

“Aye, you are, but you’re still a lad, and this talk is for men,” Wonpil replied. He goodnaturedly patted Seungmin’s back. “Don’t you have deliveries tomorrow morning? Get some shut-eye in case the wench comes again.”

Seungmin grumbled, but he still followed his first mate’s advice. Sure, Seungmin was supposed to have more power, but Wonpil was his father’s first mate and had more experience in just about everything. Besides, he reasoned, he did want to be well rested for all the merchants in the morning.

And for you as well, if you showed up.

He changed into his bedclothes and climbed into his hammock. He didn’t think he would be able to rest after the night he had, but the ocean waves eventually lulled him to sleep.

The sun in his eyes and the sound of footsteps woke him up the next morning. There were distant shouts from Dowoon about barrels, and Seungmin remembered that the fishmongers were going to show up later. He sighed and grabbed his daybook before leaving his cabin, which was something he regretted after Younghyun, the carpenter and sailing master, nearly ran over him with a barrel.

“Morning, Cap’n!” he saluted before rushing to the deck. “Everything’s ready.”

“Good morning?”

Wonpil was the next to greet him. Luckily, he only had a list of the inventory, of which he immediately handed to Seungmin. “Morning, Captain. Me and the lads are gonna get stock up on supplies, while you handle orders for the day. Be back in a few hours.”

“Alright then?” Seungmin replied to an empty doorframe as Wonpil disappeared up the stairs.

Everyone seemed to be in a hurry, and he had no idea why. When he stepped onto the deck, no one, not even Dowoon, was there. At least all the fish were ready though. He peered over the side of the ship to see how many fishmongers were waiting and also discovered the reason why his crew was acting so oddly.


You were back, perched on top of a crate, waiting with one of the merchants. Seungmin, too happy for words, lowered the gangplank and announced that he was open for business. The two of you exchanged smiles as you passed by each other. Unfortunately, Seungmin grew too busy sorting barrels and cataloguing sales to chat with you for even a second.

Curse all of his crew for abandoning him at such an inopportune time.

You, on the other hand, milled around your merchant, dutifully collecting all transaction information. When your merchant was finally satisfied with his purchases, you waved him off and lingered around.

“Captain Kim,” you greeted, mock-saluting him. “Everything good so far?”

“Most of the fish reserved for Levanter have been sold, so yes. Just” — he checked the inventory list — “two more barrels left.”

“Good to hear. You gonna be at Back Door tonight? We got a new shipment of Honey Fever and Blue & Red coming in.”

“Blue & Red?” He racked his brain for what this was, and all he came up with was a possible memory of a limited edition version of Honey Fever.

You gasped and poked at the insignia on his coat. “You’re from JY Isles, its origin! How could you not know? It’s a new brand of rum that came out a few weeks ago.”

“Ah.” Seungmin had stayed away from taverns when he returned home from last month’s trip due to the merciless teasing from every old salt in a ten-meter radius. Not that that had stopped them anyway. “I, uh, must have forgotten.”

“You’ll love it,” you assured him. “It’s like spiced Honey Fever. I’ll have a glass waiting for you.”

Before Seungmin could even nod, the last remaining fishmonger grabbed a hold of your shoulder and snarled, “Wench, you done talking? I’ve got business to do here. What’s a woman like you doing on a ship anyway? Get outta here.”

You grabbed his wrist and reached for something in your skirt pocket. “Listen here, you scummy—”

Fearful of the havoc you were about to cause, Seungmin pulled you away just in time and cut in with, “Sir, I can help you now.” Then he leaned towards you and whispered, “I’ll see you tonight.”

You put the pen knife away and straightened your blouse, glaring at the fishmonger. “Scummy sea bass,” you hissed. To Seungmin, you sweetly said, “Fair winds, Captain.”

“Fair winds.”


The crew had stocked up well on their trip to town, and as such Sungjin cooked a grand meal for dinner. Seungmin couldn’t remember the last time he had vegetables that weren’t brown and wilting. He grew up in a fishing town, and there wasn’t much farmland in the Isles. With their bellies full of food and the finest rum Levanter had to offer, most of the crew drifted to sleep right at the table. Seungmin was ready to do the same until he remembered his promise to you and until he realized that he should inform you that he would be sailing for the Archipelago soon.

He tiptoed off the ship and headed straight — or as straight as he could possibly walk — to the tavern. There really was no establishment like Back Door, with its fine selection of rum and its rowdiness of ten taverns. He would miss coming here. When he came in, deftly dodging a flying bottle, he spotted you with an empty tray tucked under your arm.

“Y/N,” he called after you.

You looked back and flashed him a grin. You pointed at the empty seat at the bar and the full glass of what he assumed was Blue & Red. “Gimme a minute.”

He settled into the barstool and tasted the rum. Spicy and definitely not as good as Honey Fever. He swallowed what he already had in his mouth, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted the rest.

“Classic kinda fellow, are you?” you said, raising your eyebrows at his sour expression. You set down an armful of dirty glasses and started wiping them down. “I thought you’d like it.”

He didn’t mean to make you feel bad. “No, no! It’s— it’s fine!” He hurriedly chugged the remaining liquid and tried to not cough it back up as it burned on the way down.

“Cap— Seungmin,” you corrected. “It’s alright. The usual then?”

He started to nod but shook his head. “I had some at dinner, but thank you anyway. I actually came to tell you I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“Oh! Already? You just got here though.”

Seungmin, unsure of what else to do, shrugged apologetically. “I’m sorry. I wish I could stay longer.”

“Me too,” you sighed. You rested your head on your forearms and looked up at him. “You be back in a month?”

He tried hard to not let his blush show, but he couldn’t hide it behind his collar since he wasn’t wearing a coat. He managed to find some gold in his trouser pockets, and he set them at the counter. “For last night,” he said. “And I should be here again in a month. Save me a drink when I get back?”

“I’m starting to think you only hang around me for free drinks. Not that I mind though. Not many gentlemen around here, so you’re more refreshing than an ocean breeze,” you winked. You laughed at his panicked face. “Good night and fair winds to you, Seungmin. I’ll be waiting.”

“As will I.”


16 May

A crescent moon hung in the sky, and inky black waves crashed against the rocks.. The wind howled in his ears, and if he closed his eyes, he could almost hear her cheering on the gales, encouraging them to blow their sails. It was a near creation of that horrendous night, and he wanted nothing more than to forget. His empty bottles laid shattered on the dock, his bare feet dangling over the water. If he wanted to, he could just inch forward and sleep forever.

The floorboards creaked, and he felt someone sit beside him. It was too dark to see them, but he offered the whiskey in his hands. Maybe they were like him.

“So it’s true,” they whispered. “The captain with the face of a mermaid. The scar does add to the appeal.”

He snorted and took back his whiskey. He hated the gash across his face, a souvenir of the night. “You’re lucky I’m too drunk to kill you,” he slurred. His cutlass was somewhere on him, and he fumbled around his hip for it before brandishing it at the stranger. “You see that? If I stab you right, you’ll be dead.”

The stranger gently turned his face to theirs. Their palm was ice to the touch, and he recoiled when they left their hand on his cheek. She used to wake him up like that — frosty hands placed on his cheek on winter mornings.

He squinted through the darkness to see if he could make out who they were, but unfortunately for him, they wore a hood, and the rest of their attire was covered by the attached cloak.

“Captain Hwang.”

“Get away.” He forcefully leaned back and rubbed the side of his face against his shoulder, trying to warm it back up.

“I had a question for—”

“I ain’t interested in talking to you. ‘Less you got something to drink? I like whiskey most, but I’ll take anything.”

They ignored his remarks. “You have some experience with sirens, don’t you? Let me think… Two months ago, was it, when you and your sister went sailing? How was it?”

The blood in his veins froze, and all the memories he tried so hard to forget came flooding back.

Her, excited by the prospect of exploring the sea. Her, reading the map. Her, steering the wheel for the first time. Her, diving into the water. Her, disappearing into the ocean.

“Shut up,” he gasped out. “Shut up.”

“You slaughtered them all,” they continued, whispering in his ear. “And dismembered them. One. By. One.”

The sirens, their song luring her closer. The sirens, smiling at her thrashing. The sirens, smug at their latest victory. The sirens, bloody and gutted and never to sing again.

He shuddered as he remembered the aftermath. There was so much red on the sand, in the water, on his skin. Everything looked red. “They killed her. I had to.”

“She listened to their song and succumbed to it. The sirens did no wrong, but you did.”

“Shut up. Shut up!” He shoved the figure aside and tried to get up, but the world spun him until he landed on his back. “They deserved to die. They killed her!”

The figure was unbothered and stood over him. “Captain Hwang Hyunjin, the Siren of the Shore—”

“Don’t call me that.” He wished he had never allowed the nickname to spread after the news broke out.

“—you have committed at least three counts of unlawful murder. The ocean—”

“‘Unlawful?’” he managed to choke out. “Nothing ‘unlawful’ about punishing murderers.”

“—sentences you to the death penalty. Let the water be your judge.”

Judge, jury, and most importantly, executioner. He reached for his cutlass, but a heavy boot came down upon the blade and ensured he would not be able to grab it. Realizing it was his end and his desire for life was dwindling by the second, he remained still, taking in the last of the world. Dark and sullen, he would not miss it. He did not flinch, not even when he heard the waves grow more violent, not even when the moon was swallowed by a wall of water, not even when he was snatched from the safety of the dock.

He was going to see her again.

The surface water rippled as he was laid to rest in his grave, and the figure kicked the blade — still splattered with siren blood — into the ocean as another piece of retribution. The sea calmed, and all was well again.


28 May

The trip back home to restock was rough due to the weather, and he hadn’t slept well in days. Seungmin shut and opened his daybook twice to make sure his eyes were working properly. He had never seen so many zeros on a single line before. Or maybe he shouldn’t have let his crew be in charge during the sales in the Archipelago.

“Wonpil, is this…”

Wonpil grinned and nodded. “Aye, Captain.”

“… a joke?”

The grin faded and was replaced by concern. “No! The fishmongers were desperate for fish and offered me coffers of gold. And in N City, they said we had some rare ones, so I took the highest bidder.”

Rare fish? From the Isles? Or was it a hybrid breed or a mutation that made it look different? Seungmin’s mind was full of questions about them, but it didn’t matter. If he could get his hands on more of those fish, he would be rich. His father could have the best medical care possible, his mother could stop running errands for others in her old age, he could buy a new and better ship, his crew could…

“Captain? Oi, Captain.”

Wonpil’s words woke him out of his daydream. Seungmin shook his head and stared at the pages once more. The numbers were still there, and if he waved his hand in front of them, they didn’t disappear.

“What did the fish look like?” he breathed. “Did they say?”

Wonpil hummed, and Seungmin could see him actively trying to recall the description of the fish. “Big,” he finally said. “Big and with an orangey dorsal fin. Should I get your pops?”

His father. If Seungmin did this right, his father could live a life of luxury and never return to his current hazardous job at the shipyard. “Yes, please. We’re going to find this fish and make it ours.”


31 May

Never had he been so paranoid of thievery until he possessed barrels and barrels of valuable goods. When they dropped anchors in Levanter, the sun was setting and burned the sky orange. Dark blue began to creep in, and Seungmin was unusually worried about neighboring ships stealing his cargo in the dead of night. All of his crew assured him that everything would be fine, especially since no one but them even knew of the existence of such a species of fish. However, he was not placated, not even when Dowoon voluntarily stood guard in front of the hold. He vaguely remembered your suggestion to get a protection charm from a sea witch. He wondered if they worked for fish barrels.

Seungmin paced the deck, patrolling, for a solid hour before Wonpil practically threw him onto the dock. “Take a break, Captain,” he shouted, tossing a bag of gold at him. “Get us some rum!”

Jae scrambled to pick up the plank before Seungmin could run back on board. “We got it! Bring back some bottles for us!”

And that was how Seungmin found himself in his favorite tavern in Levanter. He had initially planned to buy some rum and then return to his ship, but you caught sight of him and headed over to him.

“Seungmin! You’re back!”

He couldn’t help but mirror your smile. “Y/N. How have things been?”

“Alright, I suppose. It’s definitely better now that you’re here,” you cheerfully said. You gestured to the shelf of liquor behind you. “Drink?”

“Not tonight. I’m buying bottles. Can I get three of Honey Fever and two of Blue & Red?”

“Sure. Gimme a minute.”

You then headed to the storeroom, leaving Seungmin time to observe the rest of the tavern. There were no brawls yet, but a lass had started a drinking competition with someone. Another person poorly played the fiddle and sang sea shanties, and the screech of their voice was accompanied by a few drunkards discussing the latest crimes in town. A man in a black brocade coat — likely another captain — was locked into a gambling game and appeared to be winning.

Seungmin had missed it, unsavory characters who could possibly steal away his fortune and all.

The noise of glass rattling brought his attention to you. You had an open crate with his orders inside, and you heavily set it on the counter.

“Here you go,” you sighed. “You celebrating something?”

“In a way.”

“Oh! What is it?” You eagerly leaned forward, and your eyes were wide with anticipation. “A birthday? Is it a gift for someone? Wait, is it your birthday, Seungmin?”

He laughed and shook his head. Before he could change his mind, he quickly whispered to you, “I found some rare fish in the Isles.”

You blinked and leaned back a little. “Treat them well, or there will be trouble,” you warned.

“I will. If I sold poor quality fish, my customers would have my head.” It was supposed to be a joke, but now that he said the words out loud, he was sure there was some truth to it. His mind flashed to the cranky fishmonger who swore up and down his latest delivery of mackerel was subpar.

“So you’re gonna turn a profit?” You set an empty glass before him. “How about that drink then? To celebrate?”

“Maybe tomorrow,” he replied, taking the crate in his hands. “I need to get back.”

Your merriness turned into dejection, and he wanted to slap himself for being rude. You hadn’t seen him in a month, and if he was being honest, he wanted to chat with you longer as well. He missed how easygoing you were and how you made him feel. However, the thought of his father reminded him why he was doing it — to keep the business running and to keep his family secure.

“I can stay longer tomorrow night,” he promised. “I’ll stay until sunrise and drink everything you offer me. And you can tell me everything that’s happened to you, even the boring things from bookkeeping.”

You brightened. “You’re my favorite patron, you know that? I’ll be waiting.”

Seungmin shifted the crate to one arm and waved goodbye with his free one. “Good night, Y/N.”

“Good night, Seungmin.”


Another day, another line in the daybook with numbers he had never seen before. Seungmin, in high spirits, arrived at Back Door with gold lining his pockets and a sense of accomplishment. Dozens of eyes stared at him as he entered, and a wave of murmurs rippled through the building as they recognized him as the newest upcomer in the fish market. He tried to not smile too much or come off as too arrogant, but by Pontus if he wasn’t pleased by how much money he made.

He sat down at the bar, and a bar wench that was certainly not you gave him a coy smile.

“Hello, Captain,” she purred. “Fancy a drink? Or would you like something… sweeter?”

“I, uh, I—”

“Back off, Sana,” you said with an armful of rum. “He’s my regular.”

Her coquettishness vanished, and she looked back and forth between you and him in delight. “This is him? You didn’t tell me he was the Fish Dealer. Lady Luck has been smiling upon you, Y/N.”

“The Fish Dealer?” he asked.

“That’s what they’re calling you now,” you replied as you nudged Sana away. “Cute, isn’t it?”

He shrugged. He would have liked something less on the nose, but at least he had a nickname now. His reputation had to be improving.

“Your usual,” you said, setting down a glass in front of him. “So how did you get those fish anyway? It’s all everyone’s talking about.”

Seungmin shrugged like it was no big deal, but on the inside, he was alight with joy. As nonchalantly as he could, he replied, “A couple of fishmongers in N City realized we had a new fish species, and when I returned home, I looked around for fish matching the description. My father and I found some more of them in the Isles.”

You waited for him to say more, but he did not. “So, where exactly did you find them?” you prodded. “And how did you even get them without everyone finding out? It’s mostly fishing and fisheries in the JY Isles, right?”

“I don’t want to say,” he slowly said, gesturing around. “You know, to keep it a secret.”

“Understandable, but boring. Remember what I told you yesterday.”

“Yes, I’ll be careful with the fish.” With how much money he was earning, of course he would. “About those protection charms? What exactly do they protect?”

“You want one? It’ll take me a couple days to get one for you, so you’ll need to stay a while.”

“But what do they protect?”

“Depends on the witch and what you ask for,” you slowly answered. “Most sailors ask for storm or sea protection, but Pontus doesn’t always heed those. People specifically want drowning protection now. Again, Pontus doesn’t always heed those. What is a witch to the ocean after all?”

All the found captain corpses had been drowned. Charm or no charm, they all wound up dead anyway. “What about property? Cargo and the like?”

“Oh, Seungmin,” you sighed. He would have found it a lovely sound if not for the exasperation it held. “Do you care about those blasted fish more than your life? How about you give me the location and I send a sea witch to charm the place?”

“You know I can’t. As for the charm, I have to leave tomorrow morning. It’s alright, I’ll be careful. I will treat the fish well.”

You nodded sagely, accepting his promise. Then your eyes lit up with mischief, and you gave him a sly grin. “I’ll give you free drinks forever if you tell me the location?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “You do that anyway.”

“It’s the only way I know how to flirt with you. Can you blame me?”

Fortunately, someone shouted for a refill, so Seungmin could recollect himself when you attended him. Unfortunately, you called to your fellow bar wench, “Sana, can you cover for me?”

She nodded and headed over to the gambling table, while you stayed at the counter, pouring a glass of Blue & Red for yourself.

“I missed you around here,” you remarked, noticing the way Seungmin’s face turned even pinker. “No one else blushes for me like you do. Now, what are we going to talk about until sunrise? You did promise to stay until then.”

“How has Levanter been?” he questioned, eager to no longer be the main point of the conversation. “Is the Captain Killer still killing captains?”

It was a joke, but your face immediately fell. Your eyes flitted over to the bounty board where the Captain Killer’s weathered paper was. “Aye. The Siren of the Shore was found dead last week. He lost his sister a few months ago, so everyone thinks he drowned himself, but he’s another captain gone. Seungmin,” you sighed and he knew exactly what you were going to say next, “you should really be careful now. You’re starting to become more well-known, so you could be his next target. Don’t give him a reason to go after you.”

“I know, I know, but I’m a fish merchant, remember? There’s nothing intimidating about me.”

“Except that you’re rich now, and maybe he wants some gold from you.” You polished off your drink and refilled his. “Be careful.”

He nodded and raised his right hand. “I swore on my ship and honor, and I still do.” In the world’s worst attempt to change the topic, he asked, “How is the bookkeeping business?”

You looked relieved to discuss something else other than his possible doom, though you were the one who was always bringing it up. “Well, it is doing fine, thank you for asking. Oh! You are not gonna believe what happened yesterday! Do you know who… ”

You started your story about the merchant who tripped over a bundle of rope and landed in a pile of fish guts, and Seungmin laughed all throughout at everything you told him. True to his word, he stayed until the morning. Your shift was supposed to end at two o’clock, but you remained behind the bar, chatting with him and occasionally fulfilling orders with the other wenches. Most of the patrons now were either asleep or passed out drunk. Despite how much rum he had and how little rest he had gotten the past few days, Seungmin still felt sober enough to head back to his ship.

He placed a handful of gold on the counter as payment. “I’ll see you next month?” he whispered, not wanting to be the target of someone’s anger at being woken up so early.

Your head rested on your forearms, and you let out a yawn. You blinked sleepily at him and smiled. “I’ll be waiting. Maybe we can walk on the beach instead of drinking all night. I hear it’s very romantic.”

The weak sunlight filtering through the windows cast a halo on you, and he could almost imagine a crown of moonlight in its place.

“That would be… nice,” he lamely replied, ignoring the growing heat on his cheeks. Still facing you, he walked backwards to the door and almost stumbled over a man on the floor. “G-goodbye, Y/N.”

“Goodbye and fair winds, Seungmin.”

As predicted, he got an earful from his crew when he made it to his ship, but not the kind he expected. They were more curious about how things went instead of annoyed that their captain came back half an hour before they were going to leave. Jae didn’t let him on board and withheld the plank until Seungmin explained in excruciating detail about his night.

“… and then she wished me fair winds,” he finally finished. He massaged his temples and hoped that the gentle throbbing he felt was irritation and not a hangover. “Drop the plank now!”

Jae begrudgingly did so. “She didn’t even kiss you goodbye? You got no charms or something?”

At the word ‘charms,’ he thought back to your concern. Perhaps he should get one, if only to ease you. Seungmin pushed past Jae to his quarters. He didn’t miss the smirk across every single one of his crew member’s faces. “Weigh anchor, lads.”

“Aye, aye, captain.”


03 June

The sound of dripping water on a ship — especially one that was floating in the middle of the ocean — was never a good sign, but no one else seemed to hear it. He growled to himself as he took a lantern down to the cargo hold. Every single one of his blasted crew members reported no leaks, but he barely trusted those lazy swabs anyway after what happened last time.

Dripping water led to rushing water, which led to a sinking ship.

As he went down the stairs, the persistent drip drop grew louder. It echoed in his ears, and he was overcome with the urge to tear through all the barrels and crates. He muttered curses to himself as he checked the walls of the hold nearby and the water supply.

Nothing. Not even a wet spot on the floor.

His suspicions were correct in that his crew was lazy. No one had bothered — or perhaps they were too afraid to — to check on the animals. Blasted cowards.

The lantern light gleamed on the enormous tanks in the back, and he walked up to the closest one. He rapped on the glass with his knuckles and chuckled when the tropical fish inside darted away.

“Where’s my favorite fishy?” he teased, tapping again. He held the lantern closer until he could make out a large iridescent tail curled on the opposite end. “My pretty little fishy. Is all your water still here?”

The owner of the tail quickly spun away, hiding itself behind a passing school of glowing fish.

“Come out, come out,” he said in the same singsong tone. When he knocked louder, it trembled and made small whimpering noises. “C’mon, fishy. If you answer me, I’ll give you a treat.”

It coiled into an even tighter bundle, its scales shimmering in the light as it did so. After a brief pause, it gave a pitiful nod.

This thing had been compliant from the start, and he still expected it now, especially since he had control over its life. He snarled and pounded on the glass, making it flinch. “I don’t like liars,” he spat out. “Where’s the leak, huh? I know it was you.”

“No, Captain,” a new voice interrupted. “It was me.”

He turned to the direction from where the voice was coming from. A hooded figure, no weapon in sight, stood not too far away.

“So I got a stowaway?” he chuckled, drawing his cutlass. “Tryna sink the ship you’re on ain’t a good idea.”

The figure laughed and stepped closer, easily batting his sword aside. It clattered against the floorboards, and he was suddenly stricken with a sense of terror. They were offenseless, he was defenseless, but he couldn’t help but feel that whatever was coming would not result in a draw.

“It’s a perfectly grand idea for what you have done, Captain Lee. More than fair, as a matter of fact. The ocean knows of your crimes, but we can no longer turn a blind eye to them after what you have most recently done.”

They touched the tank, and the water inside started to sway, covering the glass in hundreds of droplets and making it difficult to see inside. The dripping, wherever it was coming from, grew louder and faster. The wooden floorboards darkened in color as the sea began seeping in, and the entire ship began to shake.

“The sea’s fair game,” he hoarsely answered. “Those bilge-rats. We’re sinking.”

He ran for the exit, but a cold hand swiftly grabbed his wrist and snapped him back. He tried to pull away, but their grip was unrelenting. Meanwhile, more and more water flooded in, tipping the ship backwards.

“The captain goes down with the ship.”

“I ain’t captain anymore!” he lied. The tanks were cracking under the impact of sliding crates and barrels, and he wanted out before the creatures could break free. “I’ll get the real one for you if you let me go.”

The sound of running footsteps and his cabin boy shouting, “Captain! Captain Lee! The boat is going down!” entirely disproved his claims. The footsteps retreated after sending the message, and Captain Lee once again cursed his useless crew.

“Don’t listen to him!” he pleaded.

The figure only derisively laughed in reply. Soon the tilt of the ship grew steeper, but the figure’s hold on him prevented him from moving a single bit. He wondered how they were still standing upright.

“Captain Lee Minho, also known as the Black Cat,” they said over the rush of incoming water, unbothered by the calamity around them, “sea creatures are not meant to be kept confined and gawked at for your pleasure. Stealing away a mermaid from her home and locking her away, the ocean cannot forgive you. Let the water be your judge.”

Suddenly the ship lurched downwards, and he fell with it as his wrist was freed from its grasp. The seawater tumbled down onto him, and he knew he was going to drown if he didn’t do anything about it. He opened his eyes, ignoring the stinging of the salt, and found himself face-to-face with his pretty little fishy. Her wide eyes stared back at him, taking in the details of his face. Apparently, her timid nature had washed away, and she patted his cheek in a mock-reassuring manner. Too panicked by his predicament to do anything in return, he watched as she swam to the figure, hood still covering their face, cloak billowing in the currents. They appeared to be unbothered by the water, and he wondered if they were something magical like a mermaid too.

Captain Lee did his best to swim upwards towards the air, but it seemed like the ocean would not allow it. His prized exotic fishes, having finally escaped their glass cage, circled him, restricting his movements. If he was not deterred by that, the water above him would push him down to the ever-sinking floor of the boat.

The figure and the mermaid seemed amused at his efforts, and he could hear the mermaid’s bubbly giggles. Her friend, however, only viewed in silence, almost savoring the moment. He couldn’t decide which reaction was worse.

He was running out of air, and his futile attempts only helped diminish his supply. His heart thumped at an increasing rate, and black slowly obscured his vision.

He wondered how his crew was faring.

The ship, ov


Stray Kids Masterlist

Results for Stray Kids on danihow:


None yet

Bang Chan


Two Part Effort
Angst, open ending
1.8k words

Chan wanted to be selfish for once, is it so wrong from him?

Lee Minho [Lee Know]

Lost on you
Angst, excouple.
0.7k words

Breaking up with you was the better decision to make, right?

Seo Changbin


Hwang Hyunjin


Right here
Fluff, best friends to ??.
3.5k words

A double date with your best friend as a bet to try an prove how dates weren’t easy didn’t seem like a bad idea, and it wasn’t, right?

Han Jisung


Lee Felix


Strangely in love
More like a drabble, fluff.
0.7k words

Felix was always told he was strange, but with you, he would be strange happily.

Kim Seungmin

None yet

Yang Jeongin [I.N]


Real life beauty
Open ending, really random.
1.4k words

When a stranger in London ask to take your pictures for you, what happens next?

Stupid presentation
College AU, crack, fluff, enemies to ?
4.9k words

You did a great job ignoring those who disliked you, you thought you were great at it, specially woth Jeongin, that until college work forces you to work together.


KPOP Masterlist

Main masterlist

Notes: Hi! Just as with the ATEEZ masterlist, this one is pretty empty too but I hope to fill it as time goes by. Hope you enjoy my bit of work!

©danihow. 2022. All rights reserved. Re-uploading, translating or any sort of modifying any work piece is not allowed.

This is a work of fiction, people mentioned or involved are actual human beings and none of this work is based on actual facts over the celebrities mentioned nor is intented to portray them in a realistic way.

Some themes are not factually acurate, any problem detected on the information given may be comunicated to me via DM.
