#seungmin fluff


gesture of love

idol:kim seungmin × reader


warnings: pure sadness lol


the evening started off with plenty of work you had to get done by tomorrow afternoon. life was stressful and the less you got done, the more you got riled up with everything. 

luckily,seungmin was coming home today from a full week of practicing, causing him to stay at the dorms all week long. even though you had to finish really important stuff, you still wanted to greet your boyfriend in a proper way.

you cooked food for him, and cleaned the whole apartment until your limbs started to hurt. it was definitely a tough day, but at least he’s going to be happy about your surprise.

when you heard the doorbell ring, you jumped out of chair, running to open it quickly. the door revealed a tired, but kinda happy seungmin. he looked pretty devastated and he probably planned on going to bed right away. 

but you hoped that it won’t turned out like that and that he will be happy about your present for him.

“hey, baby.”, you grinned and hugged him really tightly. it wondered you why his grip on your waist was so loose, it didn’t feel like he was excited to see you again.

“is everything alright?”, you nibbed onto your lower lip.

“uhm, yeah. what made you think that?”, he knitted his eyebrows.

“oh, it was nothing. you just seem so off.”, you weakly smiled.

“you know i practiced all week. i’m going to sleep.”, he scoffed and stepped inside.

“are you not hungry?”, you then asked.

“i ate earlier that day.”, he replied harshly.

“but i cooked for you.”, your lips curved downwards.

“too bad. i don’t want to eat.”, he closed the bathroom door, leaving you alone in the hallway.

was everything useless? the effort you put in?

the now cold food? 

“okay.”, you mumbled into the air and walked back into the kitchen, where you set a prepared table for the two of you. seems like you were the only one sitting at it tonight.

it was stress. you told yourself. he wasn’t mad at you, right? he was just tired and exhausted. 

you ate your self-made meal on your own. it felt really unromantic since the candle wasn’t even lit up. the food wasn’t even served properly, just smashed onto your plate. and the room was really dark, so no one could see the tears streaming down your cheeks. it was really useless, you had to admit.

you finished half of the food, before packing it up into plastic boxes and containers for tomorrow. actually, you had planned on watching a movie. maybe he wanted to join you, so you decided to ask him.

when you entered the bedroom, with a few dvd’s in your hand, you found your boyfriend sitting on the bed scrolling through social media.

“do you want to watch a movie?”, you nicely asked.

“no.”, he just said.

“why?”, your head hung low.

“just leave, i said i don’t want to watch one.”, he cursed.

“i was just asking.”, you spoke before leaving the room.

you watched one of the selected movies, before you decided on going to bed. you planned on sleeping on the couch since you didn’t want to face seungmin. it was the better option in your opinion.

the night was uncomfortable and cold. you were too frightened to ask him for another blanket. 

the things he did to you.

the next day came in fast. seungmin walked into the living room to see you all asleep and curled up into a ball. 

normally, he would wake you up with a kiss or a hug, but today it was different. he did nothing, instead he took out the food from yesterday and started to eat it.

you then woke up and noticed his presence. 

“good morning.”, you whispered and slide onto the chair next to him.

“morning.”, he said.

“is the food good?”, you smiled.

“it’s okay.”

you frowned.

after he ate up the food. he headed out of the door and quickly you rushed behind him to say goodbye.

you hugged him from behind.

“y/n!”, he cursed again.

“why are you so harsh with me?”, you then asked quietly.

“y/n listen. you’re damn clingy.”, he turned around and spoke, clearly annoyed by you.

“what?”, your eyes went wide.

“what did i do wrong!”, you snapped.

“you never leave me alone! just let me be, god damn!”, he yelled.

“go.”, was the last word of you before pushing him out of your apartment. 

you cried the whole night, it was just a gesture of love.


i want to cry at my own imagine oop

— Different Meaning —

+ pairing: kim seungmin x female reader
+ genre: fluff, enemies to lovers, florist!seungmin, best friend!felix
+ word count: 1.1k
+ requested as part of my Drabble Event #2
+ summary: Your plan was simple: get Kim Seungmin a flower bouquet that screamed how much you despised him. However, your plan fails after you meet the florist and understand that maybe flowers can mean different things to different people.
+ lia’s note: Hello, I hope you’re doing well. When I tell you I love this drabble, it’s because I do. I had so much fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it too! Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it! As always, happy reading!

[stray kids m-list] ● [join my taglist]

“What flower says I hate you the most?” You asked your best friend as the two of you stared at the flower shop window, looking over the different arrangements on display. “Do you think I should google it?”

“Why do you want flowers anyway?” Felix shrugged and messed his hair. “Couldn’t you get him, I don’t know, a box of spicy chocolates?”

“Those don’t say I hate you discreetly, Felix. Those are too straightforward. Besides, he likes spicy food.”

“How do you know that?”

You ignored Felix as you moved away from the window, grabbing your phone and quickly searching which flowers had the meaning of I hate you. You scrolled through a couple of the results and made a mental list of the flowers you’d consider: orange lilies and yellow carnations seemed like the best option. You’d be sure to ask the florist to make you a small bouquet with that.

“Let’s go!”

You grabbed Felix’s hand and pulled him to the inside of the flower shop. A soft melody played and your eyes got lost in the beautiful colours of the different flowers, their scents melting in the air beautifully.

“Welcome to the flower shop! How can I help you?”

Your dream was short-lived when you glanced at who was behind the counter. The disappointment you felt was probably not mutual because his smile didn’t fade. Since when did Kim Seungmin work at a flower shop?

“I’ll wait outside…” Before you could argue with your best friend, Felix was already opening the shop door and stepping outside, offering you a thumbs-up from the outside.

You shook your head and massaged your temples, not surprised Felix left you here on your own to chat with Seungmin. He always did this whenever you were together. Slowly, you made your way to the counter and placed your hands on it, glancing at Seungmin. As usual, he had a smirk on his lips that made your heart jump in your chest at an awfully fast pace. This was why you couldn’t stand Kim Seungmin. You didn’t like feeling this way when you were close to him.

“I’d like a small bouquet with… orange lilies and yellow carnations. You can make it ugly, I don’t care.”

“That bouquet is for me, isn’t it?” He chuckled and leaned on the counter, keeping his eyes on you. You glanced at his lips and back into his eyes, wishing you had the strength in yourself to look away. “Props to you for looking up the meaning of the flowers. Sadly, we don’t have those flowers in stock. Do you still want to offer me an I hate you flower arrangement?”

“Make me a flower arrangement with the flower you hate the most, then.” You leaned closer to him too, somewhat upset. “And I don’t care about how it looks. The more you hate it, the more I’ll like it.”

He shrugged. “I don’t hate any flower, Y/N. And I can’t possibly make it look bad, not even on purpose. I am that talented. However, it will never be as beautiful as you, of course.”

Here he was again, swaying you with his words. You didn’t like this at all, especially when you knew this was the most cliché pick-up line he could’ve used on you. Besides, he didn’t mean it. Seungmin charmed everyone around him with words, half of which he didn’t mean.

His words carried no meaning. He truly didn’t think you were beautiful no matter how much you wished he did.

As he got back to work on the flower arrangement you had requested him, you paced around the flower shop and glanced at the different shades and sizes, smelling a couple of them to get the full experience of their scents. Some were stronger while others were lighter, but you enjoyed all of them.

“Gardenia,” Seungmin said after a while. “Specifically the white ones.”

“Do you hate them?”

He chuckled and shook his head, glancing your way. “I don’t hate them. I just feel powerless by them.”

“Why is that?”

You started to walk towards the counter again, focusing on what Seungmin was doing. He had selected a couple of flowers and was working hard to prepare a flower arrangement. He was methodical in his work, quick too. You found yourself leaning on the counter, fascinated by what he was doing, admiring him from afar.

“I always wanted to give you a bouquet with them.” He stopped what he was doing and messed up his hair, quickly glancing at you. He was flustered, making you flustered in return. “They’re pretty flowers. But I always feared you’d know what they meant so I kept myself from sending them to you.”

“It’s ok if you despise me, you know? What do they mean, anyway?” You said that last part more to yourself than to him.

You got your phone out of your pocket again and searched for the name of the flower he had said. The more you read, the more confused you were. Most websites said positive things, lovely things. Seungmin couldn’t possibly mean that, could he?

“Like any other flower, they can mean different things. But if I ever gave you these flowers it would be to tell you that you’re lovely.”

Your eyes shot from your phone screen to Seungmin on the other side of the counter, extending a bouquet of white flowers to you. It took you a while to understand that the flowers in front of you were the same flowers on the images on your phone.

White gardenias. Seungmin had prepared a bouquet with white gardenias.

Slowly, you reached your hand towards the bouquet, unable to hide your smile. It looked pretty, not ugly as you had requested. And the flowers were lovely, maybe more lovely than you. However, you couldn’t help but wonder what you would do with it. You had asked him for a bouquet with the flowers he despised the most, but now that you knew what they meant, you couldn’t help but wonder if that wasn’t the message you wanted to get across to Seungmin, but couldn’t.

You’re lovely.

“So these are the flowers you loathe the most?” You asked, just be sure.

“I guess…” He shrugged and messed his hair, smiling at you afterwards. “Just let me know which meaning you’re giving to them once you offer me the bouquet later.”

You nodded, feeling your heartbeat increase the more you stared at him. Except, this time, instead of looking away or making a sarcastic remark pretending you didn’t care for him, you allowed yourself to smile and enjoy this small moment.

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Please, like/reblog this if you enjoy reading it and let me know your thoughts through an ask if you feel like it; I am always appreciative of your feedback!
©mxxndreams 2022 All rights reserved.Copying, reposting, translating and/or modifications of my work are strictly prohibited.


⇨ ongoing | ✔ completed

Definitely Twice (sns AU) {23} ✔

Seungmin has had a crush on you ever since the sorting hat took forever to place you.@lvanter

Truth Untold (sns AU) {20} ✔

Y/n was continuously bullied and ran a blog dedicated to her thoughts. Little did she know a boy in her class was a daily reader. @serenhyunjinity

1-800-CUPID(sns AU) {15} ⇨

What are you supposed to do when your friend is secretly in love with someone, but too shy to act on it by themself? Play cupid, of course! Y/n is sure that getting involved in her best friend’s one sided love is the best route of action, even though she’s painfully clueless about love. But with a little help from her friends and some love of her own, maybe playing cupid won’t turn out such a huge disaster after all. @nakyngs


[main masterlist] [stray kids masterlist] updated 7-31-21

Blurbs - Maknae Line

Description:Fluff blurbs with the maknae line!

Warning: none

Pairing:maknae line x fem!reader

Happy White Day!


Han Jisung

“Sungie! Come here.”

“Wazzup,” he replies, emerging from the couch with his nose still in his phone. You sniffle a laugh as you tuck away your shoes and walk up to him.

“Jisung~” you call again. At last, he looks up. When he sees what you are holding in your hands, he nearly drops his phone.

“W-what are these? Did someone else buy you flowers?” 

You shake your head and thrust the bouquet towards your boyfriend. “I bought them myself. They’re for you.”

“M-me?” he stutters, still confused. “But I’m a man!” Despite his words, a smile sneaks onto his face as he takes the arrangement into his embrace. 

“So?” you shrug, heading for his restroom.

When you come out, you find him still standing in the foyer staring and sniffing at the flowers. A grin splits your face as you skip up to him and snake your arms around his waist. You rest your chin on his shoulder and peer down at the bouquet for yourself. “Do you like them?” 

Your presence seems to pull him out of his trance.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do. They remind me of you.”

Lee Felix

Felix walks into the room, surprised to see his wife already under the covers. However, you seem to be on the wrong side of the bed.

“Switching things up?” he asks, changing into sleepwear. 

You shake your head and roll to your side once he is ready for bed.

“Hmm,” he hums contently. “Nice and toasty.” Then the realization hits him. He looks over to you with a growing smile. “Were you here to warm up the spot for me? Because I had that shoot in the snow today?” 

You nod shyly, and his smile reaches its maximum. He opens his arms and you quickly crawl into them. 

“Here, let me warm you up too.”

Kim Seungmin

He lays down on the couch and pulls on his Eeyore onesie to get a little more comfortable. Why did he agree to chaperone his cousin’s girl scout outing when he isn’t allowed to share a bedroom with anyone?

“Are you asleep?”

He knows why. He sits up on the couch and sees you, the troop’s leader, in your Piglet onesie, rubbing your eyes. You must have been finishing checking up on your girls and didn’t realize that you don’t need to on him.

“Just about to,” he replies. 

“Do you need anything?” Your speech is between a mumble and a slur. It’s been a long day, and he wonders if you are even awake enough to realize who you’re actually talking to.

“A good night kiss?” he jokes.

“Okay.” You stumble over, and before he can even react, you grab his head and leave a peck on his crown. Alright. You definitely don’t realize who he is. Are you even awake, or just sleepwalking?

When you pull back, he stares at you with full-blown eyes. You’re grinning goofily and grabbing the ends of Eeyore’s ears, swinging them to and fro. 

“Cute,” you giggle, and he goes beet red.

Yang Jeongin

It’s a lazy Sunday. You’re in bed, scrolling through your phone with your cat napping on your chest. Your husband walks through the door, and you lift your eyes to greet him

“Hi— Why do you look suspicious?”

Suddenly, his lips split into a wide grin. Before you even realize what’s happening, he’s grabbed the cat and bolted out of the room. A loud “meow” can be heard from the kitchen followed by rapid approaching footsteps. Your husband reappears and olympic dives into bed, burying his head where the cat had been. Of course, the feline is not far behind. She jumps up next to you and swats at Jeongin’s face.

“No,” he pouts, pushing her away. “She’s mine.”

You laugh and kiss his hair which makes him hum. “Was that necessary?”

“Of course,” he coos at your touch. 

You give him another kiss. Secretly though, you are rubbing the cat behind the ears and tucking her under your other arm.

~ ad.gold

Description: Y/N is given two months to live. The one thing left on her bucket list? To get married.

Warning: cancer, death

Word Count: 2.1k

Pairing:fem!reader x Kim Seungmin


“We’re looking at two months.”

“Two months?” Seungmin repeats, squeezing your arm just a little tighter. “But it was just a cough!”

“I’m sorry,” the doctor consoles. He looks between the two of you and says, “I’ll give you some privacy” before walking out of the room.

You stare straight ahead, unsure what to do. Cancer. The word sounds so surreal. You never smoked or over-drank. You exercised and lived a healthy lifestyle, so how did this happen?

“Y/N…” Seungmin calls gently.

You turn your head towards him and smile. “Seungmin, I’ll be ok—”

“No, you won’t,” he cuts you off. “I’ve been your best friend for years. You can’t lie to me.”

You look down at your hands, twiddling your fingers. “Well, this certainly does suck, doesn’t it? I’m sorry I’ll be leaving you alone.”

“This isn’t about me,” he reminds you.

You return your gaze onto him. “It’s just easier when it’s not about me. Thinking about all the things I haven’t done and will never do— what’s the good in that?” You hear your voice breaking. “I’ll never own a home or collect my retirement funds. Heck, I’ll never even get married.” You laugh dryly. “You know how I’ve always wanted a family of my own.”

He nods. He knows this well. He remembers how you grew up jumping from foster home to foster home. He remembers how you’d come over to his house on Fridays whenever you ended back in his neighborhood and how you’d smile just a little bit more when his father came home and gave his mother a peck on the cheek. He remembers all the boys he had to scare off for you in college because you were so desperate, you couldn’t tell that they were toxic. You are so willing to love, yet life has been nothing but cold to you. And now it has decided to end it all in two months.

“Tomorrow…” he begins slowly, “after your discharge, let’s go to the mall and pick out some rings and a dress. There’s a little chapel on the boulevard. I think it’ll work.”

You blink at him. “But whom would I marry?”

He blinks back at you. “Me, of course.”

“Seungmin, I can’t ask for something as serious as this.”

“Let me do this for you. Please.” He takes your hands and looks you in the eyes. “Y/N, will you marry me?”


It was simple; there’s not much to be expected of a wedding planned in one afternoon after all. Still, it was sweet and more than you could have asked for. Seungmin bought you an elegant bouquet and picked you up in a Cadillac, all which you thought was a bit much to be spending on memories that will be buried in the ground in a few weeks. Nonetheless, it was beautiful and filled your chest with a warmth not unfamiliar to you whenever you are with Seungmin.

“I pronounce you man and wife,” announces the priest.

The few friends who managed to come on such short notice cheer and applaud as Seungmin leans over to kiss your cheek. When he straightens up again, there’s a smile on his face as he pulls something out of his pocket.

“Here,” he says, taking your hand and putting the object into it.

“What’s this?” You open your palm and see a set of silver keys on it.

“Access to your own home,” he answers. “We’re married now, so my house is yours too. Not sure what I can do about your retirement funds though.”

You don’t even catch the last part of what he says as you smile widely and engulf him in your arms.

“Thank you. Thank you so much,” you begin to cry.

After overcoming his initial shock, he too brings his arms around your waist. He knows you aren’t thanking him for the keys or even for marrying you; you are thanking him for loving you, for placing your interests before his and for being by your side up to the last moments.

“Thankyou,” he whispers back. “For letting me love you.”


For a month, you and Seungmin tried to keep normalcy as much as you could. You two went to work as usual and came home to watch a movie or bake cookies together. Sure, Seungmin would make flirtatious comments or randomly hug you from behind every once in a while, but otherwise, the only thing that changed is your living arrangement. As such, the two of you were almost surprised to receive a call from the hospital asking you to come back four weeks later. There’s a new treatment, the doctor informs you, and you might have a chance to survive.

“It has an 80% success rate in trials, and the surgeon who developed the technique will be flying in to perform the surgery personally.”

“And if it works?” you ask.

“Then you’ll live. Cancer free.”

Seungmin’s hand tightens around yours as he beams, leaning closer over the phone.

“But,” the doctor continues, “because of the positioning of your mass and the nature of this procedure, we will have to perform a laryngectomy.”

“So I won’t be able to talk again.”

“But you’ll live.”

You look at Seungmin, and he nods at you, his lips now pursed into a line.

“It’s your best option,” the doctor urges again.

You squeeze your eyes closed. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

You feel a thumb stroking the back of your hand and hear the doctor shuffling some paper around, assumably your consent form.

“You’re making the right decision,” the doctor assures you. “The specialist will be in on Friday, so we will need to check you in Thursday afternoon.”

Cancer didn’t change your life, but this certainly did. Suddenly, you and Seungmin both take an extended leave from your jobs and are thrown into a plethora of sign language curriculums. Between that and calling everyone you know one last time, you barely have time to eat, and if you weren’t living with Seungmin, you very well might have died of starvation before your cancer could kill you.

‘Dinner,’ he signs to you. Your last meal before having to fast for the surgery.

‘Thank you,’ you sign back.

He shakes his head and retracts the plate of bibimbap as you reach for it. “You should speak. At least for today. I want to hear your voice for as long as I can.”

“Alright,” you chuckle. “Thank you very much for the fine dinner, Kim Seungmin.”

He laughs along at your exaggerated sentence before replacing your KSL textbook with the plate and taking a seat beside you. ‘How are you feeling?’

“Okay. A little nervous, but at least now there’s hope, right?”


You bite your lip. “Or it could go horribly wrong and I’ll lose the one month I have left.”

“Y/N,” he warns vocally.

“Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop.” 

A silence falls over the room as you chew on your food.



“Do you want a divorce?”

You can hear his jaw hit the ground. “What the—”

“I mean, you agreed to a two-month marriage, but if I survive this—”

When you survive this.”

“When I come out of the surgery, you’ll be stuck with me for the rest of your life.”

“I’d want nothing more,” he says firmly. “So don’t ever—unless you want to split?”

“I don’t. You’re my best friend.”

He nods. “Then don’t ever mention it again.”


You remember the moment you woke up. The first thought you had was that you’ve got to tell Seungmin. The second thought that crossed your mind came after your vision returned was ‘there he is.’ Asleep on his arms beside your bed, hand around yours, he almost looks like a real husband.

You remember the doctor walking in at that moment. He stumbled a little, surprised to see you awake. You raised a finger to your lips, bonking your nose with the oximeter in the process, and indicated towards the sleeping figure.

The doctor smiled and nodded. “Are you feeling alright?” he whispered.

You nodded, and he began your general checkup.

“The tumor’s all gone,” he informed you. “We’re going to keep you here for two more days, but otherwise, you’re going to live a nice, long life with your husband.”

That was a month ago. The month following the surgery has been rough to say the least. You and Seungmin are often frustrated, and although you both know deep down it isn’t with each other, you often take it out on each other. Communication is just so hard. Sure, the surgeon gave you prosthetic vocal cords, but even with them, it is so hard and takes so long to talk. Between that and your broken sign language, patience slowly became a scarce commodity. You aren’t feeling like you’re being heard, and Seungmin’s finding his efforts to understand you fruitless.

But communication isn’t the only problem, though it certainly exacerbates another one. You are in a weird position where you are his wife but also just a friend. You aren’t sure where you stand in his eyes nor what you can expect from him. Unmet expectations and chiding yourself for even having any is driving you to your wit’s end. It also doesn’t help that day by day, you grow less and less sure where he stands in your eyes either. You’re confused by the twinge in your stomach every time he brings you coffee in the morning and the pang in your heart when he lays down on his side of the bed at night, never crossing over to yours.

Today is one of those days. You want to return to work, but Seungmin is adamant that you have yet to fully recover. You feel guilty imposing on him financially so much, and he can’t understand why you won’t just rely on him.

“I’m your husband!” he argues.

‘Don’t you think I feel bad binding you to that responsibility?’ you sign back, in tears.

He stares at you after that, bewildered. A moment later, he drops his head so you can’t see his eyes and turns for the bedroom without another word.

You slump onto the kitchen chair furiously rubbing tears from your vision. You feel bad of course, but you are scared. Is he sick of you by now? He has to be. After all, you’ve been nothing but a frustration this past month. At least if you put food on the table, he would have one less reason to want to divorce you. Of course, you know Seungmin would never leave you, but he might silently wish he could, and that makes you feel even worse.

You sniffle, drawing your hand roughly across your eyes. In your split second of visual acuity, you see something glimmer under the light where Seungmin had stood. It catches your attention and upon closer inspection, you realize what it is: a tear. A tear? But why would it be there? Seungmin may feel responsible to support you, but you refusing his help shouldn’t undermine him to the point of tears. Unless, you realize, it isn’t the subject of the argument that made him cry. 

You recall the last thing you expressed before he ran to the bedroom. You recall how he looked at you, hurt and confused. You’ve seen that look once a month ago when you suggested he divorce you. You thought he was offended by your questioning his loyalty as your best friend. In fact, you thought the same thing when he gave you that look again tonight, but Seungmin wouldn’t cry because of that. So then, what would explain the tear on the ground?

And then it hits you.

Suddenly, the things that confuse you become clear. Your frustration melts into understanding and you realize his intentions. At once, your tears dry and your heart feels light.

You immediately stand up. You practically run to the bedroom and find Seungmin already sitting among the sheets.

He looks up when he hears you enter. ‘Come to bed,’ he signs wearily. ‘We can discuss this again tomorrow.’ He goes back to arranging the blankets but looks up once more when he realizes you haven’t climbed in. “Y/N?”

You pull out your phone and walk over to his side of the mattress. He had you record yourself saying random things before you lost your voice, but there is one file he doesn’t know you recorded on your own.

“Y/N? What’s wrong?” he asks, perplexed by the sudden determination in your stride.

‘Kim Seungmin,’ you sign. You max the volume on your phone and press play. “I love you.”

~ ad.gold
