#seventeen drabbles

You & Minghao aren’t soulmates.

Your name isn’t etched onto his body, carved into his skin – atop his breastbone, above his heart.

And his name isn’t on your body, it isn’t etched onto you, carved into you – a tight pressure grows in his chest, he swallows the sea and the saltwater drowns his lungs.

Hearts are about to burst for love.

It’s raining.

You grip onto a very red umbrella.

Warmth then, spreads across his chest – setting ablaze, a searing ache grows in the depth of his chest, beneath his bones. Sinks into his gut, burning. He watches, he lingers, in the backdrop of your life.

You grip onto a very red umbrella, and feel the burning gaze on the back of your head – you know what it feels like to be seen, and it only makes you sink into a throb.

It’s raining, and you don’t like Minghao but you know he likes you.

It rains and you grip a very red umbrella.

“Can you move already?”

You mutter, pushing past him. Brushing against him, warm skin against his – his heart pounds, and yours is heavy in your chest.


He says the moment you’re gone, stares at the space you once took up – he watches, he lingers.

(A tight pressures grows in his chest, the sea swallows his lungs, salt sticks to his insides – you becomes oxygen for Minghao, but you don’t like him very much.)

Your cheeks are red. A discoloration, rubbed raw from the paw of your woollen sweater. Your eyes are dazed, stuck on Jeonghan.

Minghao watching, lingering – there’s burning, there is salt overflowing in his lungs. Tipping over.

Jeonghan’s thumb strokes your brow, his fingertips soft against your skin. Your hand lifts, fingers curl around his wrist; a hard-edged look settles on your face but your eyes tell a different story; the look you give him is tender, pained – a look that says you will never be theirs. Not Jeonghan’s. Not Minghao –

And Minghao is watching until your gaze finds his, he breathes and at the same time he doesn’t – your face shifts, mouth twitches.

It feels like an ache, a bruise brushed. He sees you take a deep breath, chest lifting; it makes his ribs hurt.

You lift your chin, fingers uncurling.

Your gaze stays on Minghao, and for once, Minghao is seen.

(You push Jeonghan away. Jeonghan smiles. A knowing one.)

He hears a conversation he shouldn’t have.

(“Do you have a soulmate?” Low, whispered. Jeonghan has you cornered, hidden on the corner of an emptied street, beneath a street lamp.

“What’s it to you?”

“It’s true then,”

The rumors reach you slow, soft.

“What is?”

Jeonghan is holding you then, arms around your neck. “You don’t have a soulmate.”

You’re quiet. Deafening, a low ring in his ears.

“It doesn’t matter…”

Jeonghan is more than a friend to you, he knows you better than anyone – “Me too. Me too.”)

The rumors started when a man asks for you name. Hopeful, – pitiful. Breathes air like it hurts, looks at you like you have stars in your hair.

“I–, it’s (name)…”

You look pained. And the man isn’t hopeful anymore – instead he smiles, tells you his name. Asks for your time, a coffee. And so more more that remains hidden beneath his voice.

“I’m sorry. I just… I don’t… I don’t like the idea of dating.” But something is missing, there is more.

You don’t like the idea of not having a soulmate.

And then you are gone. Gathered your belongings in your arms, leaving. As if you were never there, like you never existed.

Jeonghan follows.

It’s raining.

But you stay.

Minghao watches, Minghao lingers.

Watches you until he can’t breathe, the air winds out of him. Stutters out, before he speaks. Quietly, “You hate me.”

And there is no longer silence, just static in his ears. It’s unspoken, a wordless secret. Brings heat to his heart, he remembers the name on his skin – remembers you aren’t like most people.

“I… I, I don’t… Hateyou.”

Well-worn hate on your face fades; something sadder breaks to the surface of it.

The words burn his throat.

“I want you.”

Your voice is small, “Wha– what?”

The words pour out. “You heard me…” Bites back, Minghao looks at you silently. He won’t beg, he will let you slip through his fingers. His eyes blur, the first tear slips down his cheek.

Please. You’re all I want.”


You’ve said his name before. Yet this is different. Heavier, without the hate.

You watch each other. Eyes on his. His eyes on yours.

He takes a deep shuddering breath. Breathes in until his lungs ache. Tries to smile. It feels broken, it is.

He doesn’t watch anymore. Doesn’t linger.

“Minghao, I’m sorry. I… Wait.”

Takes a half a heartbeat before he’s gone.

He meets his soulmate.

It doesn’t feel like it should.

The name etched onto his body, carved into his heart, feels like a word more than a name.

Their eyes meet. Minghao knows.

They tell him their name, bright-eyed. Hopeful, happy.

Minghao braces himself. He knows what to say, knew from the moment he laid eyes on you.

The bright-eyed stare turns to anger.

They tell him, but we’re meant for each other, this isn’t supposed to happen, we’re soulmates.

They don’t want to meet again. Minghao thinks it’s for the best.

With an ache in his chest.

Watches you again, tries to catch your eyes. In waiting, he lingers.

Watches you lean close to Jeonghan, watches his hand on your arm, knead through the layers. Your eyes dampen, you pretend Minghao isn’t there.

Minghao learns to watches you both.

Realizes you and Jeonghan are made for each other.

Fitting together like puzzle pieces – watches you both, lingers behind you both.

(Yet, he doesn’t see the way you pull away from Jeonghan, just to stand a little closer to Minghao. Doesn’t see your face heat up when his eyes leave –)

“It’s easy to hate you.”

Minghao half-turns. Finds you.

Fingers curled together, wrapped around the handle of your very red umbrella. Bone-white, beneath the sleeve of your coat.

Your eyes are damp. Jeonghan comes, hand touches your shoulder.

“See you later, and you too, Minghao!”

He watches, he lingers.

Watches Jeonghan leave, gaze hardening at your blank stare, he whispers something. Low, beneath his breath, breathes it into your hair. Then gone, out of the staff room.

(“It’ll be okay.”)

“Is it alright if I walk you home?”

He bites down on his lip.

Eyes on your face. Flickering.

Your face sets aflame, a flash turning your eyes to hesitation. Hooking his, seeing him.

“Or– or not, it’s okay, I–”


He sees you smile for the first time. Soft on your cheeks, dusted with a heat.

Your soul pulls his in.

You walk beneath a very red umbrella.

Pressed close. Closer than ever. Beneath an umbrella, under rainfall. Your fingers curled around the handle, both holding on tight.

Minghao stares at you, through lashes. From the corner of his eye.

Realizes he’s always watching you.

“I don’t know much about you,”

You say, a low whisper, for him to hear only.

“You don’t like me that much.”

Your brows furrow, tight-lipped, you tell him again, “It’s easy to hate you.”

It makes him laugh, hollowed out. From his chest, high-pitched and kind of shy. You look at him, cheeks heating, smiling.

(You press more firmly against him, unknowing. Subconsciously. His heart beside yours, a hundred aches in both of them – choosing, a slow truth beneath a red umbrella).

“Well… Tell me something, something that will make me like you!”

Your soul pulls his.

He tells you everything about himself.

“Minghao?” Soft, a breath.

He hums, looks to you.

“Can we do… Can we do this again?”

His chest spreads fire across. Heart drums, “Yes.”

You walk him home every other day, sometimes with a red umbrella and sometimes not.

You stand close, and your heart is so full – Minghao watches, a lingering stare. His heart is overflowing.

(You stay close, and he wonders if the name on his chest could change to yours).

He walks you home this time.

Maybe once, maybe more times than he can count.

Kisses you, and you melt together. Mouths melting together like hot honey, oozing slow, hot and heavy down your throats. Your hearts pulled together, the same way yours hands knot, fingers tightening. Pressing into your knuckles, bone-white and fitting together like pieces to a puzzle.

When you pull away, Minghao’s breath brushes over your cheeks. Forehead rolling to the side of your head, on your temple. Kisses your cheek, quick. Fleeting.

“I’m scared,” You say through teeth.

He doesn’t realize you’re upset, not until you look at him through glossed eyes.

Minghao presses more into you. Hands leaving yours, ground gently into your cheeks, “I choose you.”

Your breath hitches in your throat, and stutters out. Nodding against his forehead when you place your hands over his, fingertips soft, smoothing over the joints in his.

“I’ll always choose you.”

Your hearts stay together. He hopes forever.

The name etched onto his body, carved into his skin – atop his breastbone, above his heart fades. Seeps into his skin, until it’s gone.

He pretends your name was always there, pretends it is there.

(It is, carved into his heart, searing, a burning that lasts forever).

Husband AU! Mingyu

You were late as usual. In the morning, you told Mingyu to not wait for you for dinner but deep down, you hoped he welcomed you home and joined you for dinner.

It’s been years since you last had a romantic candlelight dinner with your husband. Your second child was already two years old and finally, you can relax at home.

“I’m home,” you said softly to the empty living room and did everything in minimal noise before getting into your shared bedroom.

What you saw on the queen-sized bed was the sleeping trio. Your husband was on the right side of the bed with your daughter on top of him, lying on her tummy. Next to him was your two-year-old son, his arms and legs spread freely so similar to his father.

You tiptoes toward the bed and corrected your little girl’s posture and pulled out her thumb from her mouth. Tugging at the personal blanket of your son, you draped it across his small body and fixed his clothes.

Lastly, your husband.

You were taken by surprise when he caught hold of your wrist and beamed. “I thought you were sleeping!” you scolded quietly at him and chuckled when he pointed at your daughter on him.

You sat on the edge and helped to pick up the girl. You hugged her for a while and showered kissed her face until Mingyu was ready to take turn and put her on the bed again.

“I was waiting for you. Let’s eat dinner,”

“It’s 10 and you haven’t had dinner?”

Mingyu pecked on your cheek and pulled you up. “I had earlier while I was feeding them but now I’m a little hungry,” he said and took you out.

“Can you wait for me to reheat the food?” Mingyu asked, turning his head to look at you. “Can you cook ramyeon for me? I crave that,”

“Sure, I can, ma'am,”

That night, you felt like you were a newlywed once again. Mingyu served you like a queen and you had a heart-to-heart conversation with him for the entire night.

“I love our family now but I missed you a lot,”

“I think two is enough,”

You laughed, finding his heartfelt rather amusing. Giving you a light kiss, Mingyu made a remark, “Let’s spend the night to the fullest,”


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

Cuddling with Jun *with a plot*

warning - mentions of miscarriage

  • jun wasn’t so emotional when you first met him even until you both got married, he barely shows his defenceless side to you
  • however, when you discovered your first pregnancy, he began to weaken his wall and cry with you
  • it’s said that husbands that love their spouses too much will experience the pregnancy symptoms instead of their wives
  • you didn’t know how it happened but one day you woke up in an ambulance, soaked in red liquid
  • Jun was gripping onto your hand like his life was depended on it and you realized that you had a first-trimester miscarriage
  • after that incident, your life turned bleak and nothing could lighten up your mood, even your husband
  • eventually, jun brought you to see a therapist and he sat down the whole session to understand the situation
  • since then, he knew you’d post-miscarriage depression
  • he took off work very frequently to keep you company at home and with your family’s support, you were able to see the rainbow once again
  • it took you and your husband, Jun, three months to recover.
  • you felt like the whole thing couldn’t get better without your husband’s constant and devoted heart in helping you
  • now, you two can sleep with ease every night and on top of that, god has blessed you and Jun with new family members
  • you just recently gave birth to a pair of twins; a boy and a girl
  • “Phew, they finally stopped crying,” jun said, climbing the bed to be next to you
  • There was a thin layer of sweat just now but Jun must’ve taken a bath before joining you in the bed
  • “You’ve worked hard. Thank you,” you hugged him around his waist and clasped your hands together behind him
  • Jun looked at your face and smiled, “I didn’t do much, you did everything,”
  • he didn’t change in the eyes of others but as his wife, you knew he’s grown a lot matured in a span of a year
  • he’s less spending time outside with his friends and made up time he’s at work by helping take care of the twins
  • although it was a novel experience, he was willing to learn and improve
  • “Y/N, i don’t wish for you to forget our first child but don’t be too sad about it and blame yourself for losing him. we were probably new to pregnancy and i was ignorant about it that we couldn’t manage to keep him safe,”
  • rubbing your shoulder to supply comfort, he added
  • “you are strong, even stronger than i am for bearing those tough days. Let’s live happily from now on and don’t let the past waste our time,” you heard him clear and you nodded
  • snuggling closer to his warmth, you didn’t hold back your tears as they wet jun’s pyjama
  • he silently patted your back until you yawned
  • “go to sleep, i’ll check on the twins after that,”
  • he ended your day with a tender forehead kiss and a phrase
  • “i hope to wake up to a smile tomorrow. I love you, Y/N”


If you like this story, you might as well check out the others here!

//bright after rain everyone! don’t let the past hold back the happiness :> //

Proud (k.sy)


genre: fluffy + some angst

pairing: Hoshi (Kwon Soonyoung) x gn!reader

word count: ~980

summary: comfort and confrontation

author’s notes: are posted separately!! take a look if you’re feeling bored LOL


Soonyoung snuggled closer to you, his head laying on your stomach as your fingers softly threaded through his silver locks, his light snores signaling that he had fallen asleep. You looked down at your boyfriend, a smile gracing your features, your heart drumming in your chest. He still managed to make your heart race despite the years you spent together.  

You continued to comb through his hair, thinking how peaceful he looked at this moment. Soonyoung had been busy with promotions for the comeback and his solo that the two of you rarely had time together. You let out a quiet sigh, not wanting to disturb the sleeping boy.

You grew to love Soonyoung. From his hardworking demeanor to accepting his stubbornness when insisting that he had to work harder. As much as you admired him for being able to take on so much and to come successful, you couldn’t help but worry about him from time to time.

Like Jihoon, he would push himself to give his all in everything that he did Soonyoung would continue fighting and struggling to get the best results out of the fear of failure; it’s this similarity that makes them so alike.

You shuddered at the thought of the small arguments the two of you had when he would push himself too hard. 

You would apologize not that long after, nonetheless. It wasn’t in your intention to stress Soonyoung more than he already was, and he knew that you were doing this because you were worried about his state. It brought the two of you to now, him relaxing in your arms. 

You lovingly stared at Soonyoung as you gently traced your fingers down his jaw.

You loved him so much. 

It wasn’t fair that he pushed himself so hard like this. You didn’t want him to burn out or to hurt himself in the process of doing something he loved. Even if it proved difficult to convince him to take a nap or even snuggle, it still scared you that he would continue pushing himself to his limit. 

You understood that he knew what he was doing and loved every second dancing, finding every second as an opportunity to improve. Yet Soonyoung tended to punish himself when things wouldn’t work out. Whether it be overtime in the studio or even in the gym, you would find him pushing himself until he couldn’t go anymore. 

You remembered opening the gym doors to drag Soonyoung home when he suddenly fell from the pull-up bar. You were about to run to him when he slowly pushed himself up, arms trembling from exhaustion, before punching the ground in frustration. You froze, watching his shoulders shake from where you were standing, his quiet sobs hurting you more than you could ever imagine. You remembered how painful it felt to see him in that state, and it didn’t take you that long to rush to his side to wipe away his tears and to take his sweaty body into your arms. 

Soonyoung stirred in his sleep, slowly waking up to the sound of your sniffling. It took him a few moments to process what was happening before pulling himself up to embrace you, your fingers gently clawing at the sweater he was wearing.

“What happened baby?” he whispered while stroking the back of your head, his voice a bit raspy from waking up. 

“I love you so much, you know that right?” you sniffled into his clothes. Even if it was unclear, he was still able to hear you, a smug grin creeping its way onto his face. Soonyoung giggled at you, pulling you from his tear-stained sweater to wipe your eyes. 

“You’re crying because you love me?” he teased, his hands coming up to squish your cheeks together; he found you adorable, his grin widening as he saw you pout in his hands.

“Yes, I am,” you pouted, your eyes sore from the tears. You pounced on Soonyoung, knocking him onto his back, burying your face into the crook of his neck, his arms snaking around your waist to keep you in place. The two of you relaxed against each other, allowing the peaceful silence to take over. 

“Please take care of yourself Soonyoung,” you mumbled into his neck, knowing he could hear you. 

Soonyoung sighed before bringing his hand up to stroke your hair, “I’m sorry Y/n,” he kissed the crown of your head, “I’ll try better for you.” 

You looked up at your boyfriend, pushing yourself up to kiss him. Soonyoung kissed back, his hand holding your cheek in place as your lips gently pressed against each other. When you pulled away, you nudged your forehead with his.

You gazed into his eyes, feeling heart race once more, “You are better, Tiger. You are enough,” Soonyoung’s breath got caught in his throat, “You’re enough for me, Soonyoung, and that’s more than I can ask for.” 

The two of you sat up again, “I love you so much, Soonyoung,” you caressed his cheek, “you’re everything that I could ask. I’m so proud of you baby,” You wiped the tears falling down his face.

“Your work isn’t going unnoticed, baby, and you’re working so hard. I’m in awe whenever I see you. You’re so bright and burning with creativity and passion,” you wiped another tear before cupping his face so his eyes would meet yours, “I just don’t want you to hurt yourself when things don’t go your way.” Soonyoung buried his face in your chest, his short hiccups muffled by your shirt. 

“Everything will work itself out Soonie, you’ve gotten so far and worked too hard for it to not to.” You ran your fingers through his hair, “I’m so proud of you, baby,” you whispered to him, Soonyoung’s arms tightening around your waist, “I’m so proud.”

genre: heart sickening fluff

pairing: DK (lee seokmin) x reader

series:Song Fic Series! - Pretty U

word count: 1.6k

summary: seokmin builds up courage to ask you something 

author’s notes: are posted separately!! take a look if you’re feeling bored LOL



He smiled brighter than the sun and he gave you all that you wanted. Seokmin was the living sun in your life and you couldn’t ask for more. And when he sang- you can feel your heart explode. He made you feel full, your heart swelling in the love that he gave you and the radiating smiles from him were more than enough for you to last a lifetime.

You took my heart and attracted my eyes… I want to show you myself without hiding anything

Running through the rain with him or tackling him into a cuddle, laughter can only be heard from the two of you. Giggles and bright smiles shining from the both of you, breathless kisses being shared until broken by fits of laughter.

Seokmin sometimes felt the need to run down the streets and declare his love for you to let the whole neighborhood know how much love his heart felt for you. His tears no longer had to be hidden from the world, his fears and secrets were now told to you as yours told to him. You trusted each other and came to learn and love each other’s quirks and ticks. You were there for each other and loved each other fully.

I want to pick and gather all the pretty words for you

Breathless kisses, flowery smiles, and heart sickening gazes to each other, the boys hated every second the two of you were together but were overjoyed to their friend to find and receive the sunshine that he always gave to others.

It’s breathtaking to see how much the two of you loved each other. Shared laughter, nose kisses, his sharp nose poking your eye, there was so much to say, too many words to describe your relationship.

I can’t take it no more; I’ve got something to say,

Now Seokmin was aware that the two of you have been dating for years now. The two of you knew each other like the back of your hands, but a question had lingered in his mind since the day you moved in with him.

Seokmin looked over to your beautiful figure who was simply watering the happy house plants the two of you kept inside the apartment together. He smiled brightly; Seokmin was absolutely smitten for you.

You felt his eyes on your back and you smiled gleefully before shooting him a closed eye grin at him before giggling. Serotonin was flowing throughout your body as you waddled over to where Seokmin was sitting after giving the last plant some water for the day. Placing down the mini watering can, you snuggled up to your boyfriend resting your head on his chest a wide smile blooming on both of your faces as you looked up at him. Seokmin leaned down and softly touched noses with you, soft giggles erupting from your chests at the contact.

Seokmin looked at you with heart eyes, admiring how your eyes sparkled at that moment, soaking up the energy and happiness radiating from you. He raised his hand to smoothen out the stray hairs, to which you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes to enjoy the moment the two of you were sharing. Seokmin planted a warm kiss on your forehead, before squeezing you closer to him. His question to you grew louder inside his head.

I can’t take it no more; right now, I’m gonna try

Seokmin’s chest tightened while he was walking down the city streets with you, hand in hand. His eyes lingering on a certain jewelry store as the two of you window shopped. You bathed in the Seoul sunlight, Seokmin watching you lovingly for seeing the happiness and good in everything and everyone.

While trying on hats with him and taking silly photos in the department mirrors, he couldn’t help but to cradle your face in his hands. Seokmin softly squished your cheeks together, a scrunched smile making its way onto your face causing the both of you to giggle. The two of you recreated the scene with both your phones in hand, your matching phone wallpapers came to be.

The two of you still went on dates like this even after years of being in a relationship together. Dates to the arcade or just a walk in the park was enough for the two of you. You made each other happy no matter what, each day bringing a new and precious memory to remember.

Seokmin turned to you who was gazing into the sunset, the two of you seated on a bench in the park. He was enraptured in your beauty, a taut blush forming on his face when he thought to himself that he would live to do this with you forever. His grip on your hand was firm when his question pounded in his head once more.

I can’t take it no more; I was about to write a letter

Seokmin sat silently at your dining table, a piece of paper and an open pen taunting him. The written ink on the paper stared back at him while he read over the words his heart spilled out. He felt his face heat up when reading over the question that he’d been wanting to ask you for a while now. The words teased him, Seokmin felt like a coward. Why couldn’t he just tell you already?

The door to the apartment opened, Seokmin scrambling to hide the paper as quick as possible. You sluggishly walked inside, your work bag in hand and a tired expression morphing into a smile at the sight of Seokmin and a meal waiting for you next to him. You gave Seokmin a greeting peck before hurrying your way to wash up, excited for the meal on the table.

Seokmin exhaled the breath he was holding and slowly took out the now crumpled paper out of his cardigan’s sleeve. A sigh escaped from him once he saw the fresh ink ruin the rest of the words on the page. Seokmin didn’t want to present the messy letter to you, he wanted it to be perfect just as the way he saw you. Seokmin shoved the destroyed letter into his pocket and waited patiently for you to join him at the table.

His question will have to wait for now.

I can’t take it no more; I can’t stand it

Seokmin found himself staring at you one night, the way how even in the night you were still so beautiful to him. He felt his heart swell in the love he held for you as he pulled your sleeping self closer to him. He stroked your hair, a soothing reagent which Seokmin grew to love doing to you. A smile appearing on his face when you snuggled deeper into his chest after the action.

Seokmin couldn’t believe he was able to find someone like you in a life like his. The both of you worked so hard to get where you were and above it all, you still loved each other with the same heart from when you started dating. Seokmin felt loved by you, his light, that he found himself holding back tears. He felt his chest tighten for the nth time that night, his question was at the tip of his tongue, but he bit it, not wanting to disturb the peace of the night.

Beautiful words like the lines in a movie

Seokmin smiled a bright smile at you as the two of you danced barefoot to the ballads of your time that were playing on your Bluetooth radio. He spun you around slowly, your clumsy feet not used to dancing with a partner. But even if you were to stumble, Seokmin was sure to catch you not caring how many times you softly stepped on his toes. The two of you laughed and waltzed all night in your apartment.

The words I’ve prepared overnight for days

Seokmin tucked a single daisy behind your ear before pulling you down to lay with him on the spread blanket. He cracked jokes at the different cloud shapes he spotted, enjoying how your laugh tickled his ears. The daisy flower crown you made for him sat on his head, Seokmin who sat in awe while your nimble fingers created it, wore it proudly with a smile on his face. The two of you continued to cloud watch and bathe in the sunlight of another beautiful day you spent together.

I want to say them to you tomorrow with my clenched fists

Seokmin leaned against your chest while sitting in between your legs with his arms around your torso. He listened to your steady heartbeat and relaxed to your touch as you stroked his hair, trying to help him fall asleep. Seokmin’s breathing leveled and his inner peace was restored, his racing thoughts were no longer running, and his heartrate slowed to match yours. His ears perked up to listen to you hum one of the ballads that the two of you danced to a few nights before, one that quickly became your shared favorite. Seokmin felt at peace with you, the courage needed to ask his question was filled.

You are pretty.

Seokmin stood in front of you in the park the two of you watched the sunset in and handed you your last 13th daisy, the other twelve handed out by his friends who helped him with his plan.

And with one shaky breath and you nearly in tears, he dropped down to his knee and revealed a hidden ring to you, finally asking you the question he’s been thinking about the whole time. 

“Will you marry me?”


genre: flomf + a smudge of angst

pairing: jeon wonwoo x reader

series:Song Fic Series! - Run to You

word count: 3.8k

summary: childhood friends should never be separated

author’s notes: are posted separately!! take a look if you’re feeling bored LOL



Jeon Wonwoo watched the scenery outside of the train window as the machine made its way to Changwon. The sun had set a good hour ago, and he was completely aware that his actions were stupid and insanely spontaneous. Wonwoo unconsciously clenches the box of letters in his cold hands, his thoughts consisted of you, his leg jumping anxiously as he waited for the train to reach its destination.

You and Wonwoo lived in nearby neighborhoods since primary school in Changwon, his hometown. The two of you got along as quiet children; you understood each other. Your worlds were filled with wonder and imagination. Your precious innocence and childhood memories revolved around each other. The two of you didn’t see a problem with spending so much time together; even as the two of you entered high school, you found time for each other despite having different schedules. The two of you always tried your hardest to find time to walk home together. It didn’t matter that the other kids would poke and prod at you to start dating or tease you for spending so much time together; you were a pair and were precious to each other.

As the end of senior year of high school neared, thoughts on colleges and universities to apply were common. Wonwoo wanted to get out of the town and see the city, he craved the excitement that his hometown lacked, but you wanted to stay in Changwon because of its familiarity and the fear of becoming homesick. And when Wonwoo finally broke the news that he had been accepted to Seoul National University, you didn’t know how to react.

Your best friend made it to a great school, and you should be happy for him, but it was your best friend who would be separated from you after 18 years of staying side by side.

The two of you sat in silence after Wonwoo spoke, the slight squeaking of the rusting swing set the two of you sat on being the only audible noise. The swing set resided in a park you and Wonwoo frequented since you were young, it being the halfway point between your neighborhoods. Going here would be your sacred spot for years in your friendship; the most complicated talks would take place here, this being one of them. As your mind filled with clashing thoughts, some of your hidden feelings for the boy were pushing you to beg him to stay. Wonwoo waited for you to process the information he suddenly pushed onto you. He shifted his eyes to you to see how you were coping; he knew it was going to be hard for the both of you to be so far from each other; Seoul being on the other side of South Korea, from Changwon. It scared him to be away from his family, but he wanted to seize the moment, but he wanted to know if you would be alright with his absence.

Wonwoo silently intertwined his cold fingers with yours, a habit that the two of you unconsciously did when in need of comfort; or whenever his hands lacked warmth. Your hands were still so small and warm in his, something that he found comical since you were kids. But now, as growing young adults, the both of you knew that fate was bound to tear the two of you apart sooner or later. With lacklustre enthusiasm, you looked at Wonwoo with glassy eyes and a painful smile, giving a soft squeeze to give him more warmth.

“I’m happy for you.”

Jeon Wonwoo is no idiot. He knew that his departure to Seoul would significantly affect the both of you. The day of his departure finally arrived. He said goodbyes to family, and the two of you found yourself sitting side by side at the train platform, waiting for his train. The wait was silent for the most part, you had cried to yourself the night leading up to this day, and you were not expecting to fight your tears again today as you sat with him for the last time in a while. Without looking at him, you quietly reached for his hand and warmed it in yours. Wonwoo allowed your actions and silently watched you, a growing pit of sadness built inside him as your grip on his hand tightened with the whistle of the approaching train. It was time for him to leave.

The two of you stood up and looked at each other one last time. Your tears were flowing out now, causing Wonwoo to chuckle at you (even as you softly hit his chest) and wiped them away. You pulled him into a tight hug, the two of you pouring out your feelings into it, your tears staining his jacket and your hands clutching the fabric. The two of you gripped onto each other for the last time until the train’s doors opened. His hands slid down to your hand one last time as the two of you gave one last squeeze. And as his fingers slipped away from your warmth, he felt his heart clench at the sight of you standing alone on the platform crying. With a heavy heart and an unfamiliar feeling in his heart, Wonwoo boarded the train to Seoul with his luggage in hand.


It had only been a few days since Wonwoo left his hometown when he received a letter from you. You had mailed it in a decorated envelope that came in a hefty pack that you had bought from the stationary store near your school. Wonwoo recognized the envelope design and chuckled to himself, remembering how excited you got when he bought it for you. However, when he called you about the letter, you refused to speak about it and told him if he wanted to say anything, he would have to write back.

In your letter, you spoke about how life was doing in your hometown and about how it felt different without him there. You talked about his family and how you were preparing for the upcoming year at Changwon National University. You stated your purpose of the letter, explaining that although it is cliché, you claimed a warmth that one could feel when receiving a handwritten letter from someone close to you. Wonwoo let out a chuckle, humored to see your familiar behavior even when written out.

Wonwoo wrote back to you the same day and happily mailed it at the post office near his dorm. And without knowing it, he would excitedly wait for your next letter to arrive and would internally scream whenever a decorated envelope would sit in his mailbox. As the year progressed, the pile of letters from you grew. Wonwoo kept them in a small box on his desk and would read them over whenever he missed you or home. Polaroids from back home that you sent to him in each letter were taped onto his wall; a certain polaroid of you smiling with a lollipop stuck in your hair was hidden in his phone case. He found comfort in having your photo back there; he had a piece of you with him all the time, plus it was his favorite out of all the pictures of you.

His Uni friends were aware of your presence and how important you were to him. Wonwoo’s roommate, Seungcheol, would tease him often about you because the speckled man would close himself from the world until he finished the letter. Seungcheol didn’t mind, though; he found it cute how whipped Wonwoo was for the girl in the letters. Plus, you had sent Wonwoo’s roommate a lollipop in compensation for having to deal with him, so Seungcheol thought nicely of you. The rest of the 11 men Wonwoo befriended would poke and prod him about “his girl back home.” Which he would deny despite his quickening heart rate when speaking to you on the phone or through letters.

As school got increasingly difficult and the work began to pile up for the both of you, the letters stopped for a while after a mutual understanding that your lives were getting busy. Wonwoo had sent the last letter, which meant that he had to wait for you to send a response to continue the chain. Throughout the break, Wonwoo would continue to deny any claim that prompted him to miss the letters from you. He always had his phone to contact you whenever he wanted to. Despite him waving off his friends’ comments, there was a large part of him that longed to see another one of your decorated envelopes sitting inside his mailbox. There was something heartwarming about receiving letters because it took time to make and deliver. Letters took time out of your day, and he could tell that you wrote in detail, fearful of missing a detail that would have to wait for the following letter. 

Now, Jeon Wonwoo is not an idiot. He always took into mind what his friends thought about him and would reflect on his day to find ways to improve himself. One particular day was filled with his friends’ teasing had brought Wonwoo to question if he held secret feelings for you that he was unaware about. His thoughts were brought back to when the two of you were still children, racing each other to school or just simply playing in the park that the two of you would frequently return to even as you grew older. Wonwoo even remembered attending the annual cherry blossom festival with you multiple times, your families attending every so often. However, it was you who would push him to attend. One particular festival, however, he remembered holding your hand while walking under the falling cherry blossoms. As if he were put into a trance, he watched you in awe as you pulled him through the hallway of falling petals. Wonwoo furiously shook his head in embarrassment while laying down in his bed that night.

He only saw you as some childhood friend… right?

Wonwoo shivered and tightly wrapped himself in his blanket; his hands were freezing. He tossed around on his bed to rid his thoughts of you for the rest of the night. Unbeknownst to him, his longing thoughts of you would continue on for the rest of the week. He would space out so often that his friends would call him out for it, noticing an unusual difference in school performance and behavior. One of his friends, Minghao, even noticed that he would be holding his phone to rub the back of his case, to which he texted Wonwoo with concern afterwards. Wonwoo couldn’t understand why he was acting like this either. Everything that he looked at reminded him of you; even his side of the dorm had remnants of you. From the stickers you secretly super-glued onto his laptop to the blanket you gave him that was sitting on his bed. He was sick of it.

“Maybe I’m just homesick,” he would try telling himself. 

It wasn’t until he saw a particular decorated envelope sitting in his mailbox that he felt his heart rate rise at a spectacular rate as he giddily sped into the dorm room. Seungcheol was sleeping on his bed when he entered, his light snores filling up the silence in the room.

Wonwoo dropped the rest of the mail on the coffee table and jumped onto his bed, ripping open the envelope to see what you had to offer this time. To his surprise, there were no polaroids but instead, a small cherry blossom petal encased in tape. Confused, Wonwoo took out the letter to read why you had changed the usual trinket.

Your letter this time described your most precious memories together, from just sitting on the swings of your childhood park near your houses and eating whatever snack you had to chew on, to the fond memories that the two of you had shared from the cherry blossom festivals that you would drag Wonwoo to. In the letter, you told him that the sealed flower petal was from one of the festivals that the two of you had attended. It went on to apologize for the long wait for the letter and that it wouldn’t happen again. There was a small space of hesitation in the letter. The letter abruptly closed after the apology and written in a small font was an instruction to call you before reading the letter. 

There was something important that you wanted to discuss with him, you wrote.

Wonwoo felt nervous; he gently closed the letter and grabbed his phone. He glanced at his snoring roommate before getting up and leaving the dorm room, the taped flower petal in his hand. Wonwoo made his way up to the rooftop, a quieter place to have a phone call with you and he wouldn’t disturb Seungcheol, before clicking on your contact, every ring making his stomach sink deeper. 


Wonwoo unconsciously smiled before greeting you back; he had forgotten how pleasant your voice sounded. The two of you caught up for a while before asking why he had called. Wonwoo hesitated and began to fiddle with the petal in his pocket. He proceeded to tell you that he received your most recent letter and your direction to call him. Wonwoo let out a small laugh while telling you how unique the taped petal was, bringing it out of his pocket to observe it. There was a moment of silence on your end, the feeling of dread returning to Wonwoo’s stomach. You made an unintelligible noise before groaning out that there was something important that you needed to tell him. Wonwoo’s grip on the petal tightened.

“I’ve loved you for a long time now.”


Seungcheol could tell something was wrong. When he got ready to leave the dorm to his job, Wonwoo quietly slinked into their shared unit and laid face flat on his bed. Seungcheol called out to him and asked if he was okay only to receive a muffled groan in response. He didn’t want to leave his roommate like this, but his boss would kill him if he were late again. With a heavy sigh, Seungcheol left the dorm, shouting to Wonwoo to eat something before he gets home.

As soon as the door closed, Wonwoo turned his head to get air and pulled out the petal from his pocket. Your words were still ringing in his ear and the way you abruptly hung up after telling him that the feelings didn’t have to be mutual. His thoughts were in turmoil, did he like you that way?

Wonwoo’s hands felt cold again, he pulled his sleeves over them.

For the next few days Wonwoo was even more out of his normal self and his friends were completely aware of it. They were weary on approaching him about it though, Wonwoo wasn’t the type to speak about his feelings to them. They could tell that he would be thinking about it too, his cheeks would turn the slightest bit of pink whenever he would space out, a mumbled “she likes me” escaping him once. He couldn’t not think about you, you were everywhere to him. It was similar to when he missed your letters but enhanced because of your confession. Wonwoo would space out more often than usual, enough for the boys to actually become annoyed at him. When his studies were being affected by this though, Seungcheol decided to step in and talk to him once and for all.

It had been five days since your call and there was a small yet growing pile of missing assignments from Wonwoo’s classes. Seungcheol opened the door to the dorm and found Wonwoo quickly shoving the box of letters behind him. Seungcheol raised his eyebrows at Wonwoo and shifted his eyes to look at the taped petal on his roommate’s bed, which Wonwoo immediately covered with his hand. Seungcheol let out a tired sigh and took a seat on his own bed across Wonwoo’s, giving him a serious look.

“You and I both know that you like her,” he started, Wonwoo couldn’t look at his older roommate. “I don’t know when you’re going to accept it but we both know that this,” Seungcheol motioned towards the scattered papers on Wonwoo’s desk, “won’t end unless you finally make up your mind.”

Seungcheol stood up from his bed, “Don’t think I don’t see you rereading her letters or that I didn’t see you hide her photo behind your phone,” Wonwoo froze, “you’ve got it bad man, everyone sees it except you.” Seungcheol then left the dorm, mentioning something about joining him and Jeonghan once he gets himself together.

Wonwoo continued to think about his feelings for you through the night, his roommate’s smack of reality helped him concentrate a bit better. It was Sunday, and Wonwoo was trying to complete his missing assignments from before. Wonwoo groaned in frustration and slammed his pencil down onto the unfinished calculus homework. He shifted his eyes to his phone, his heart beating a bit faster when the thought of him calling you crossed his mind. Wonwoo peeled his phone case off and cradled the small polaroid of you in his hand, his thumb rubbing over your face in the photograph and smiling as he saw the stuck lollipop in your hair. Wonwoo then reached for taped petal sitting on his bare phone; he had been hiding it there with your photograph to keep it safe. Wonwoo felt his face warm, your words ringing in his ear once more as his heart raced.

He did love you after all.

Something inside Wonwoo snapped. He got up quickly and took a look at the window, the sun was about to set. Wonwoo hurriedly shoved your photo and the petal into his pocket, grabbed his phone and wallet, and hastily toppled his books standing on top of your box of letters. With that in hand, he ran to the train station, purchased a ticket, and hopped on a train going straight to Changwon station.

Jeon Wonwoo watched the scenery outside of the train window as the machine made its way to Changwon. The sun had set a good hour ago, the lampposts outside illuminating the dark land beyond. Wonwoo unconsciously clenches the box of letters in his cold hands, his thoughts consisted of you, his leg jumping anxiously as he waited for the train to reach its destination. It was a two-hour trip by bullet train, he didn’t care that he spent so much money on a ticket, Wonwoo needed to see you.

He sent a quick text to Seungcheol that he was alive and was going somewhere for the night and turned off his ringer, he knew he was going to receive a horrible scolding for this once he got back but he focused more on the task in hand. Wonwoo clenched his cold fingers to get the warmth that he lacked, and carefully took out your photo and the petal he had carelessly shoved inside his pocket. The laminated petal was doing well, and your photo was crumpled now from his running, his fingers smoothing out the creases on the photograph before rubbing his thumb on your printed face.

The train’s chime woke Wonwoo up, the doors of the train slowly opening. Wonwoo shook himself awake and grabbed his belongings before making his way out. He was immediately hit with nostalgia as soon as he stepped out of the train.

The station looked the same as it always did. Wonwoo’s heart clenching at the sight of the seats the two of you sat on the day of his departure. He looked at his phone to check the time only to be met with a black screen; his phone had died.

As panic started to settle inside Wonwoo, he had a running start out of the station to your house, the street lampposts lighting his way through the familiar streets from your childhood. Memories floated around him, each and every spot in this town had a memory of you in it. From the races to school in the mornings, to buying you those envelopes you loved at the stationary store near your houses, and eating snacks at the park late at night, Wonwoo found himself standing in front of your house holding your box of letters in his arm.

Your room’s light was on and he felt his heart soar. He was here. He continuously knocked on the door, his heartbeat growing faster and faster as he heard your footsteps grow louder.

And there you were. Clad in a stolen shirt of his from high school, shorts, and a pair of fuzzy socks, you were as beautiful as he had left you.

You jumped into his arms, him dropping the box of letters to catch you and latch his arms around you. You disregarded all your feelings and tears you released for the past few days, all the anger and stress were being relieved being in his arms, you buried your face into his shoulder as he lifted you off the ground. Your best friend was home.

“I love you.”

Your eyes widened, tears resurfacing once more. Did you hear that right? Wonwoo held you close to him as he whispered in your ear.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to realize.”

You leaned back to see his reddened face illuminated by the street lampposts and let out a happy laugh as tears ran down your face.

“You came all this way just to tell me that?”

You giggled out as he softly kissed your forehead, a soft blush rising up your neck.

“No matter the distance, I’ll always run to you if it means I can tell you that I love you.”

A bright smile appeared on your face before burying it in his chest and interlocking fingers with his.

And suddenly, Wonwoo’s hands didn’t feel cold anymore.


Turns out, that petal you sent to him was from the festival that you realized that you were in love with your best friend. Wonwoo teased you, laying on your bed that Monday morning. You explained that if he didn’t hold the same feelings as you did then you would rather let go of the petal than to hold onto it.

Wonwoo looked at you with sincere eyes, interlacing his cold hands with yours to get you to look at him. He sat up and pulled you up with him, him placing a soft kiss on your lips as you got up. The two of you smiled at each other, sharing another kiss.

His and your box of letters sitting next to each other on your desk, Wonwoo never felt warmer with you here.


Then I can find you, who cares if it’s a bit far?

I’ll follow the line that connects us two

When you said you engraved my name in your heart

Remember why my eyes grew so big


Right now, you and I, we both need the same thing

But I don’t have it so let’s meet again later

Please be well until I get there

I’m going to run to you


I wanted to be able to create works of fiction that could incorporate the feelings and emotions that the lyrics in Seventeen’s songs convey. This is my interpretation of their lyrics put into scenarios with the members.  

Main Masterlist

S.Coups (c.sc) - Our Dawn Is Hotter Than Day 

S.Coups (c.sc) - If I

Wonwoo (j.ww) - Run to You

Woozi (l.jh) - Hug

DK (l.sm) - Pretty U

genre: fluffity fluff (and a smudge of angst)

pairing: Choi Seungcheol x reader

series:Song Fic Series!-Our Dawn is Hotter Than Day

word count: ~800

summary: a scenic beach walk with a child your man (no but seriously I’m insanely soft please hug him)

author’s notes: are posted separately!! take a look if you’re feeling bored LOL


Seungcheol carefully closed the door of the shared bedroom, making sure none of the boys woke up from the sound of the creaking door.

6:47 AM the digital clock read, as the excited boy shuffled his way out of the beach house to you.

You silently waited for him in a summer dress and cardigan, one hand on the house’s gate to the beach and a flashlight in the other. A bright smile made its way to your face when you saw Seungcheol close the door to the house clad in a bomber jacket and white shorts and a matching bucket hat. A water bottle and second flashlight in his pocket, along with a blanket tucked under his arm. A gummy smile meeting yours as he bounded towards you, clasping hands with yours before heading out to the empty beach.

The night was still evident, some stars still shining in the dark sky. The moon was slowly descending and was getting ready to welcome the brilliant light of the sun.

With your flashlights acting as your only light source, the two of you spread the blanket that Seungcheol had brought with him and settled down on it, your hands in each other’s as the two of you watched the stars slowly move, side by side. You pointed out some of the constellations that you remembered and while he jokingly made jagged shapes out of the stars.

You snuggled into his side taking in the familiar smell of his cologne and the salt from the sea. A sigh escaped from him as he wrapped an arm around you, his other hand holding onto your free hand. He continued to stargaze, looking deeper into the night wondering how in the world he gained someone as precious as you. It almost brings him to tears how lucky he was to have someone like you. Someone who remained by his side no matter what happened, through thick and thin, and someone who comforted him whenever he felt anxious.

You were always there to hold him when he needed you the most.

The sky’s blue became more evident, the night slowly fading into day.

Seungcheol felt your thumb softly rubbing against his, bringing him back to reality. He twisted his head a bit to bury his nose in your hair and left a kiss there. You nuzzled into his side one last time before looking up at him and watched a bright smile appear after cupping your face and leaving a tender kiss on your forehead.

Your eyes rivalled the stars, your smile brighter than the moonlight at midnight, he thought quietly to himself as he gazed down at you with loving eyes. You then sat up and leaned towards him, lightly pressing your foreheads against each other. Seungcheol slowly sat up, an arm secure around your waist so your touching foreheads didn’t part, as the two of you closed your eyes and enjoyed the present, each other’s presence, and the sound of the waves crashing on the surface.

His long eyelashes tickled your cheek and you giggled, the both of you opening your eyes to look each other with starry filled eyes. You pressed a quick peck on his lips. And before he could even pout for more, you shot up from your seat on the blanket and playfully ran away from him. A wide grin stretched Seungcheol’s face, a small chuckle escaping him before playfully yelling while running towards you.

The sun began to peek out of the horizon.

His laughs increased as the distance between the two of you decreased. You ran where the sand and water met, squealing as he closed in on you. The sound of splashing water was louder now, you released a loud squeal as he wrapped his arms around your wiggling body from behind, his burly laugh bringing you to release a string of laughter as well. A faint heart with both of your initials inside engraved in the sand near your feet was being washed away slowly by the sea.

Seungcheol held you tightly against his chest and placed a quick peck on your neck as the two of you swayed in place. Your back against his chest, hearts beating in sync, the feeling the sea’s waves softly tickling your feet.

The two of you watched as the sun rise out of the horizon together.

A new dawn,

A new memory,

A new adventure,

With you.

Our dawn is hotter than day



When everyone’s asleep

It’s so beautiful

Your smile resembles the moonlight

Your wave-like laughter brightens the night

And tickles my ears

The faraway light Becomes our memory

Under the overflowing waves

We leave our letters Engraving our names…


Our dawn is hotter than day

Till morning comes.

genre: fluffy

pairing: dad!vernon x reader

word count: 1k

summary: vernon’s child being daddy’s little girl ;;

author’s notes: posted separately!! take a look if you’re feeling bored LOL



Vernon’s smile never went away whenever he saw his daughter, Haneul. He sat in front of her crib cooing at his baby, wiggling his fingers in front of her face with a bright smile as she delightfully garbled at the moving object. Vernon felt his heart swell as her tiny hand wrapped around his pinky finger, a squeal emitting from Haneul in glee for catching his hand. There were two gummy smiles when you entered the room with a bowl of chopped up strawberries for Haneul.

“Haneul~ Do you want strawberries?” you say in a sing-song voice while taking a seat on the floor next to your husband. Vernon carefully took her out of the crib and placed her down next to him. Haneul took this opportunity to crawl around the living room area, Vernon watching her with a bright smile on his face.

Haneul was growing so quickly in front of your very eyes, she was already 10 months old and could crawl so fast you always had to keep an eye on her. You sometimes swore that she could teleport, finding her on the other side of the house when she was in the same room as you a few seconds before. Nonetheless, she was able to inherit Vernon’s curly hair, gummy smile, and hazel eyes which made her incredibly adorable.

“Haneul, I have strawberries for you,” you cooed at her. Haneul didn’t listen and continued crawling towards a ladybug plush laying on the floor. You and Vernon watched your child grab the ladybug and begin to babble at it, as if she was making conversation with the plushie. You tried calling for her one more time, “Haneul, mommy has strawberries for you~”

Haneul looked up at you this time but then returned back to her conversation with the ladybug. You sighed and started poking at the fruit in the bowl. Vernon grinned at your pouty behavior and put his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He quickly snatched some of the cubed strawberries and popped them into his mouth, a glare being sent his way for taking your daughter’s snacks. Vernon giggled and kissed the top of your head before calling out to your daughter.

“Pancake, mommy has some food for you~” he called out, receiving an immediate response from Haneul. She quickly abandoned the ladybug and began crawling over to the two of you, a gummy smile on her chubby face as she climbed onto her father’s lap, smushing her face into his chest in an attempt of a hug. Vernon’s giddy smile met your deadpan expression as he wrapped his arms around his child making sure she wouldn’t fall, “Pancake look, mommy has strawberries for you!” Vernon gently nudged Haneul to look at the bowl in your hands, an excited squeal eliciting from the baby as she began to grab for the fruit. The two of you watched your baby chew the soft fruit, wiping away the juice that stained her face with a washcloth you had brought with you.

You then turned to look at Vernon who was adoringly watching his daughter’s tiny hands wrap around the strawberry cubes. “You know, you should probably stop calling her ‘Pancake’ before she responds to that more than her real name,” you prodded, to which he snickered to.

“Well, you’re just jealous that you’re not the only Pancake in my life,” he teased you. You flushed and rolled your eyes remembering how “Pancake” was his pet name for you after messing around with him when the two of you were still dating. A harmless joke of you spamming a certain clip of Vernon’s younger self singing Han Bok-nam’s Bindaetteok Gentleman those many years ago soon became your contact name in his phone and the nickname that he would call you if he were in a teasing mood.

You scoffed, “I’m not jealous of my daughter, Hand Soap,” silently giggling at his face contort at the mention of the old nickname, “I just want Haneullie to pay attention to mommy too.”

As if she understood what you were said, Haneul looked up at you with her big hazel eyes before climbing onto your lap. As you held her, you gently wiped her mouth as she grabbed another strawberry cube and brought it up to your mouth. You smiled and allowed her to feed you the strawberry, her juice covered hands colliding with your face making Vernon laugh at your now messy face.

You wiped yourself and her hands afterwards, carrying her to the kitchen to wash her hands. Vernon finished the remaining strawberry cubes and set the bowl in the sink after the two of you put Haneul in her little play area.

“But you know,” you started as Vernon quietly washed the dishes, “I do miss you calling me ‘Pancake’ every now and then.” You looked up at your husband who had a sickening grin on his face screaming ‘I knew it’. You immediately flushed in embarrassment and turned away to continue drying the plate in your hand.

“Awe Pancake!” your child of a husband teasingly exclaimed as he rushed to finish washing the remaining dishes in the sink. It was not even a few minutes later when you felt his arms snake around your torso and his face coming close to yours from behind, “I’ll call you Pancake from now on if it makes you happy~” He blew a small puff of air into your ear before nuzzling into the crook of your neck, you could feel his teasing grin on your skin. You flushed and scoffed while placing the plate in the cabinet above you before turning around and burying your face into his chest.

“You’re so stupid Hand Soap,” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear it, before looking up at him and planted a chaste kiss on his grinning lips.

A small garble from your baby could be heard snapping the two of you out of your loving gaze. Hand in hand, the two of you made your way back into the living room to go watch over your baby.

All was well in the Chwe household today too.

20:23 (i love you so.)

pairings: kim mingyu x g/n reader

genre: angst, some fluff, mutual pining, (un)requited love, reader likes lying to themselves, exes but also !soulmate au?


(a/n: kind of my first serious drabble on this blog, ya’ll i dont even know what this is. i just blacked out and started typing shit at 1 am last night. was originally supposed to be around 20k aka a full length fic but hmm. gyuldaengies i am here to inform all of you with regret that i am one of you now /j. music inspo for this was ‘i love you so’ by the walters, feel free to listen to it as you read this steaming mess! special thanks to @beyoncesdragonand@praninllove for being the sweetest hypepeople ever pls)

Loneliness strikes the hardest when one hopes for company.

You nearly trip on the extension box uselessly lying on the floor with oodles of wire splayed out uselessly. You had forgotten to reel it back in after using it for your laptop last night. Who in their right mind lived in a bedroom with a singular plug point? You briefly reminisce about Seungkwan nearly punching the life out of your landlord before moving out of this apartment the both of you had originally agreed on cohabiting. The tiny smile that makes your lips curl up is involuntary but definitely not unwelcome. Where was he anyway? Wasn’t he supposed to be here with Chan already? You whip out your phone and cradle it between your head and your neck before squatting down to reel all the excess, neglected wire from the extension box back in.

The phone rings, and it doesn’t take long for your best friend of five years to pick up and growl unabashedly.

“We’re still on our way, (name). Stop calling!”

Your neck cracks, and the mobile almost slips as you whip your head to look at the clock on your wall. “On your way from where, Jeju? What in the world is taking you so long?”

There is a windy yell followed by a smack on the other end of the line. You also hear lots of panting, and that’s when it clicks.

“You’re..walking to my place.”

“Our ride broke down.” It’s Chan’s voice in your ear now.

“Well damn.” You get up and dust your pants a little before shoving the cursed wire filled box under your bed with your right foot. You really didn’t care how convenient it was at this point, you were never going to use it again for the foreseeable future. “How far along are you?”

“We’re on the bridge!”

Too late for them to go back then. Maybe they could crash at your place for the night before they got their crap together, it wasn’t like they lived ten minutes apart from you after all. You tell them this, and they agree. You end the call after you hear Seungkwan threatening to hurl Chan off the bridge for walking close enough to him to constantly end up stepping on his toes.

It’s hard not to let their chaos affect you. You feel a little ready to have fun, a little young and reckless despite all of that dreary paperwork sitting on your coffee table. Most of it was due on Monday. Was today Friday already? ‘Course it was, that was why Seungkwan and Chan were coming over. Movie nights were a tradition the three of you had followed since your university days no matter how hard life was going down on you. It was a tradition you followed even when you were at your worst, why would you jam the brakes on it when the only thing holding you back was an ugly stack of papers?

You weren’t inherently an organized person, but you were willing to try every once in a while. You scuttle around the apartment, intently scouring all the rooms for anything out of place. Existing seemed a little easier on days like these, days when you didn’t have to worry about everything at once. Days like these were like a hot balloon slowly drooping down to the ground just for you. You could climb on and feel lighter, you could feel yourself float away from everything that haunted you on all the nights you couldn’t will yourself to go to sleep.

The doorbell rings. Pizza guy or your friends?

It was neither of them. Your hot balloon deflates a little, and then it pops, harshly flinging you back into reality.


Why was hehere?

Mingyu’s eyes widen when they fall upon you. He looks confused, a little frustrated even. He’s dressed to impress, with his hair neatly slicked back and a (riskily positioned) Rolex on his wrist. Heat rushes to your neck, because you’re suddenly growing very aware of your messy bun, your bare face and your unbelievably embarrassing Totoro pajamas. The primal urge to pat yourself down was growing exponentially by the minute.

You resort to staring blankly at the unopened bottle of wine with a pink bow around its neck dangling from his hand for almost a full minute before you look up at his denim jacket and clear your throat. “Can I help you?”

The confusion in your voice seems to stir him out of a stupor you didn’t know he was trapped in. He was fumbling for his phone now. “Sorry uh, I think I got the wrong door. I had no idea you lived here.”

His tone is a little distant, just like yours. You wonder when your friends would swoop in to save you from this mess of an interaction.


Mingyu looks the same. It’s not like a person could drastically morph into a stranger in such a short span of time. Interacting with him was inevitable with that soul bond you both had. You two were always somehow bumping into each other at the worst places and times imaginable. That split he had razored into his eyebrow that you had noticed for the very first time when you had catastrophically rammed your trolley into his very full one at the convenience store nearly a week ago was still there. Maybe it had dulled a little, you couldn’t tell. You make the rookie mistake of unconsciously looking for that ever present mole on his cheek, and you almost bite the tip of your tongue when something familiar, something so delicate and longing threatens to seize your breath.

The opposite poles of a magnet were meant to pull each other with a lot of force, but what if they didn’t want that? Ironic. Mingyu did feel like everything you could ever possibly want, but why did he also feel like something too good to be true, something you could never have?

You’re brought back from your reverie when he coughs a little into his fist before the call connects and he raises the slightly cracked screen of his phone to his lips. “Hi babe, I think I got your door number wrong? Was it not 314?”

He was probably on a date then. Was it okay to assume? You’ve never heard him call any of his friends “babe”, so. It didn’t really matter to you anyways. It was another one of those silly little mistakes, him colliding with your day like this. He was going to leave soon, you could go back to waiting for Seungkwan and Chan, and before long, the three of you would be buried neck deep in the plot of a chunky psychological thriller. Everything was going to be fine, you weren’t going to let this ruin your day anymore.

“314? I’m at 314 though?” He’s still here, and he’s still on the phone. His hands were moving a little too wildly for someone carrying a wine bottle. Why was he even holding the neck of the bottle like it was the hilt of a sword? Wasn’t he supposed to be holding the body?

Foreshadowing was one hell of a bitch. You were right, unbearably so. There were glass shards everywhere, and all you saw was red. You weren’t seeing red because you were mad, there was red wine all over the welcome carpet right at the entrance of your apartment.

“Fuck.” He’s bending down haphazardly, panic lacing his actions. “Fuck, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t-”

“That’s alright.” You’re almost swatting him away from the ground, away from all those glass shards. The last thing you wanted to do with your time tonight was spend it with Kim Mingyu at the E.R. “I’ll clean this up, don’t worry.”

Don’t worry? You mentally curse yourself for sounding so stupid as you walk further into your apartment to get a dish filled with water, a wet rag and some disinfectant to get rid of all the sour wine smell. He’s still standing outside when you return, and you’re positive he’s staring at you when you messily fold your sleeves to start tidying up the floor, to start tidying up the pandemonium threatening to spill from the broken wine bottle inside your heart. “You don’t have to run late to your-” you catch yourself in time-”whatever, the bottle technically crashed inside my apartment, I can fix that myself. Just buy a new one or something.”

Maybe this was all you could do for him. A man you once knew, a man you (once, emphasis on the once) loved. You could let him go. You could clean up the mess you were maybe partially responsible for and wish him the best.

Maybe this was the only way you could care now.

Mingyu’s eyes narrow a little at your words. You try not to groan audibly when he (finally) steps inside and crouches down right beside you. Your shoulders are touching, the proximity is too much for you, and you try not to pop a vein when he pulls out a wet rag from a bucket and starts collecting all the small, dangerous glass pieces with quick, deft movements. This was out of your hands then, the fucker was definitely going to stain his denim-fuelled ensemble now.

Ibroke the bottle inside yourplace, it doesn’t make sense for you to be doing this.”

Cool. How were you going to tell him you were doing it because you wanted him to be gone as quickly as possible and not because you didn’t want him running late for his date? It’s a little too domestic for your taste, the both of you hastily arguing over which corners of the room you were going to cover. It was waytoo domestic, the way he had to stretch his arm over your shoulder and pick up an ugly piece of green glass you had previously missed. You try your best to not grow comfortable, you try not to let the warmth from his demeanor seep into your bones.

You fail miserably.



“It’s not a date. she’s just a friend.”

Your heart cracks a little. A bitter laugh bubbles from your lips as you throw down a fresh rag on a particularly wine-soaked spot a little too aggressively for your taste.

“Right. I never asked, though.”


request: oooh hiiii!! i’m so happy to see you back!!! i would like to request seventeen reacting to their gf wearing tight clothes after only wearing baggy clothes for a long time, can be sfw or nsfw, whichever inspires you! :D

warnings: it’s not that nsfw… but it’s definitely spicy soooo this is me warning you

requests: they’re open but i’m really slow right now so bare with me.

JEONGHAN: his initial thought is to just stare without a care in the world. he would literally stop mid sentence and you could watch his eyes rake up and down your body, you’d probably have to click your fingers to get him back to reality. he would definitely show you how much he appreciated your body though physically touching you and kissing you, making you feel all pretty and such

JOSHUA: he would notice straight away but he wouldn’t want to point it out in case you’d suddenly shy away and never wear clothes like that again because the last thing he wants is to make you feel uncomfortable. soon he would tell you how great you looked with a subtle blush across his cheeks that would go unnoticed if it wasn’t for the way he kept staring at you.

WOOZI: whatever you wear this man will find you incredibly hot anyways, baggy clothes will not stop him from checking you out all the time. tight clothes only means that he’ll definitely have an arm wrapped around your waist more often because now he knows other people will check you out too, he definitely likes what he sees.

SEOKMIN: number one hype man, the second he sees something tight on you hes whistling and asking you to give him a spin with a grin on his face. he knows that you have a gorgeous body and he loves when you feel confident to wear something tight so he’s dedicated to making you feel like the hottest mf on earth.

SEUNGKWAN: person hypeman also, showering you in compliments but it’s nothing new because he always shows you affection no matter what you wear. eyes glued to your figure and growing shy whenever you smirk at him or call him out for it, but says you cant blame him

JUN: constant smirks and hand always brushing your waist when he so calls has to get past even though you both know he didn’t need to touch you to do that, but the shy smile on your lips is encouragement to keep going before soon enough he’s pressing against you telling you how great you look.

MINGHAO: he’s kind of in awe at how much he loves you, will take pretty pictures of you to post while hyping you up from behind the screen. he’s a respectful man so he won’t stare too much, not unless you give him the green light if you know what i mean. then he’s all eyes on your body.

HOSHI: wolf whistles all round, teases you about how you hide your perfect body under all those clothes away from his eyes, but keeps his teasing at bay because he enjoys when you show off your body because he does love it so much. constant kisses and holding you and next thing you know he wants the clothes off

CHAN: he’s seen your body before but no matter how many times he’ll see it he will still stare like he never seen something so hot in his life. compliments roll off easily from his lips but they always end up sounding so dirty, just can’t help himself.

SEUNGCHEOL: he wouldn’t care what you like to wear or what your body is like but the second he’s exposed to the shape of you the man is weak in his knees to the point where he can’t keep it to himself and has to tell you how much you drive him crazy.

WONWOO: he will use the excuse saying he doesn’t want anyone else to look at you as his way to cling onto your body the whole time, he will always have an arm around your waist but can’t help but let his fingertips wander around before you stop him.

MINGYU: just imaging the tongue poking inside his cheek when he first sees you before a full blown smirk appears on his pretty lips because his mind betrayed him from staying innocent and he’s only thinking impure thoughts.

VERNON: doesn’t think much of the tight clothes until you’re right next to him, then he can fully see how nicely the clothes hug your figure and he’s stumbling on his words as his cheeks redden.

did you guys miss me ^^
