#shigaraki tomura x reader



Warm. Everything is warm as you open your eyes, met with a blanket of darkness and struggling to adjust to the lack of light. You could never tell what time of day it was, Tomura always kept his blackout curtains shut, but if you concentrated enough you could hear the pitched song of the morning birds outside.

There is a weight against your back, long limbs thrown across your torso and hip, Tomura’s hand curled tightly into the material of your t-shirt even in sleep. Restlessness simmers throughout your body accompanied by a dull ache in your shoulder, proof that your boyfriend had not let you move from his grasp the entire time you’d slept.

As you wake you finally notice the uncomfortable, familiar pressure in your lower abdomen that has you gently prying Tomura’s fingers from your shirt. There’s a slow inhale of breath behind you, his body shifting back only slightly to stretch his legs across the bed, groaning softly with the movement. You take the opportunity to roll forward to the edge of the mattress, wincing as your bare feet meet the cool air.

Tomura mutters an incoherent complaint at the loss, his hand patting the space where you had slept, pushing himself onto his elbows once he notices you are no longer there. The muted glow of his desktop monitor reflects back at you in his eyes as he blinks.

“Where are you going?” he murmurs, a childish and whining tone to it. You smile, reaching to run your fingers briefly through his hair.

“Just gotta pee, I’ll be quick,” you reply quietly. You make your way across his bedroom, unsteady as you walk and still half in the clutches of sleep. You do not even reach the doorframe before realising that you’re being followed.

“What’re you doing?” You still as he takes your hand into his own, the seams of the leather artists glove pressing into your palm.

“I’m coming too, obviously,” he mumbles, nudging your shoulder with his forehead, “what a stupid question”.

hey shigaraki stans I have a headcanon to present:

disrespecting his queen?? his beloved wife he would literally die for?? his player two for life?? uh, out of the question!!!

disrespecting and dusting literally anyone else that isn’t the League or his beloved?? hell yes!!!!


Part 2: A Chance Encounter | Shigaraki x reader

Read part one here!

word count: 1.1k

author’s note(s): woo I wrote a part 2!! as always I would love feedback!! Any replies and reblogs are appreciated more than you know!

And I’m still working on match up requests I just felt inspired to do this.

summary: Reader runs into Shigaraki after he confronts Deku in the mall and accidentally spills coffee on him. (kinda in shigarakis perspective sometimes idk I’m not good at thisss) 

warnings: None / some swearing

taglist:@sxturn-stars@gloomymangos if you want to be added / removed just reply to this post!

Keep reading

The Perfect Woman

Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader

Warnings: Angst??, mentions of death, slut shaming, small amount of smut, baby trapping in a way?

A/N: i have to go to work after this so it’s a little unedited. It’s a little rushed as well. I’m just trying to find different styles of writing and shit


You loved him, so how could you not? He was always there for you. Not to mention how he was the one to take you in after you had lost everything. Your family to the fire of the number two hero, your friends, decided to stop talking to you after you couldn’t deal with the death of your family. So, for many years, you were all alone.

So now to see him hanging out with some other woman pissed you off. How could he just ignore what you guys have been through and cheat on you like you meant nothing to him?!

She only wanted to get in his pants so she could climb up higher on the rankings. But you knew Shigaraki all too well. There was no way he’d fall for someone like her. He was just hanging out with her to make you jealous. Yeah, that had to be the reason. There is no other reason to explain why he’s spending so much time with her. He was just blinded by her! She must have a seducing quirk because there was no way he’d fall for such a tramp!

He didn’t love her. He loves you. You were the one that always made sure he went to bed peacefully at night. You were always the one to make him dinner and leave him little notes underneath his door during the day. It was all you.

But there were no worries. You could easily find a way to get rid of her. Sure it may be a little unethical, but you’re a villain. There’s not much the law can do to stop you. Plus, Shigaraki won’t miss her. He needs to focus on his admission. That’s why he didn’t spend so much time with you recently. He’s focusing on his mission, and you know that he has something big planned for you.


She was very difficult to get rid of. More difficult than you had originally thought. Turns out that while she was hanging out with Shigaraki, she might have watched him and picked up his skills. But that’s no matter. A homewrecker like her deserves what she got coming to her.

You initially didn’t want to, but you decided to grab the hairpin she was always wearing. A little trophy knowing that she wouldn’t try to ruin your relationship with him anymore! Besides, you remembered him complementing said hairpin when you followed him outside of the base cause you had a feeling he was sneaking around. So if you took it for yourself, he’d surely compliment you on it too!

You went to show him what you’ve acquired, but to your dismay, you saw another woman rubbing his back! You could hear him sobbing as the woman comforted him. What was wrong?! How could he go to another woman for comfort when you were his love!

You could feel your heart aching at the sight of betrayal.

You simply run to your room and shut the door. Tears flowed down from your eyes as you collapsed onto your bed, sobbing. Who on earth did the woman think she was?! It was so evident that you were his love!

Why was he out seeing other women?! Were you not good enough for him?!

No, there had to be something that was making him do this. Was it something that she was wearing?! Was it another seduction quirk?

You just wished he’d come to you for support! Not another woman! What did she have that you didn’t?! She wore such basic clothes there was no way that he’d fall for someone with basic clothes like hers-

She was wearing a jacket that suited her style well. It was the only thing that made her outfit pop. Maybe he was just entranced with how she looked in that jacket? You couldn’t think of any other reason he would do such a thing to you!

You just couldn’t stand to see them there together! You couldn’t stand knowing that she was out there comforting him when you could have been the one to do it!

It is then that you knew that sometimes morals have no room when it comes to love


The atmosphere was so tense in the hideout. It was surprising to see everyone looking at each other with suspicion. They’re acting like someone important had died. You were so confused as no one has gone missing?

They seriously couldn’t be mourning that little whore? How could they mourn a woman who was making moves on an already taken man?!

Were they possibly traumatized from the scene that they had stumbled on? You didn’t have the time to clean up like you did last time, and this time, you let out your emotions a little bit more. The woman was a nobody to the league!

It didn’t help that your poor lover locked himself in his room. You were so worried about him! You couldn’t even get into his room since he locked the door! What kind of lover is he to lock the door on you?!

You just didn’t understand! First, he went after that stupid tramp with the hairpin and now the woman with the jacket! And now he’s upset?! Why was he upset! You just helped him get out of her spell!

Maybe you had to wear the jacket? No, you couldn’t. You just wished you had asked for the jacket before it all went down. You won’t be able to wear it until the stains get out, and you have to stitch some of it together. But you were sure he would be so happy to see you in such beautiful apparel once the jacket was completely fixed!


The jacket was finally completely fixed and you were ready to show Shigaraki everything you have collected during these past months.

It took him a while to stop locking his door, about 3 months maybe. He still barely left his room, but you were able to finally lay next to him once more! Oh, you just loved the way he slept so beautifully! The sound of his breathing always lulled you asleep.

You’d wish you could snuggle him all morning, but what kind of lover would you be if you didn’t make him breakfast? He always ate it up! You were so thankful that he at least enjoyed your cooking!

You were about to go show him what you’ve been doing these past few months before you stopped in your tracks. Rage filled your being as you saw him talking to another woman! After all this time, he still has the audacity to see other women?!

You stared at the girl with hatred as she flirted with your lover. What’s worse is he’s not even trying to stop her! Doesn’t he have any decency left in him?!

You noticed that she’s wearing a dress that suits her body well. She’s practically trying to show the whole world what a slut she is! She’s just like the other two! It’s like no one has any empathy or cares that he’s in a relationship!

You could feel your fists shake as you struggled not to attack her right there. You didn’t want your lover to see such a sight! He’s already seen so much with the corrupt nature of the hero society! He didn’t need to see anymore!

So you just watched. Watched as she flirted with him, and from time to time, he flirted back. What was with him and cheating on you in such a way!

You knew that you would have to have a talking to with your lover but for now, there was someone else you needed to take care of.


Today was the day! The final project was complete! Why, how could he possibly ignore you now? You were wearing everything he loves to see in a woman! From the hairpin to the jacket and to the dress! You were finally the perfect woman!

You sat next to him and noticed that he had a few empty whiskey bottles next to him. Now you knew your lover took a drink every now and then but seeing him drink to such an extreme deeply concerned you!

You looked at him and asked him if he was okay, and he only looked at you with annoyance. That and you swore you could have seen something else in his eyes.

Maybe now that he was drunk, you would be able to have a conversation with him! Considering he was always around those tramps, you never got the chance to talk to him anymore!

You spilled all your feelings into those conversations, and you swore you heard him telling you the same. You so deeply wanted to kiss him! You always kissed his head when he went to sleep, so he should have no problem with it now, right?

Well, one thing lead to another and now you were in his bed with him on top of you.

You just knew all those months of him cheating on you was just his way of finally showing you how he really feels!

You knew from the start that you would love every moment of it! The way he ran his dangerous hands up and down your body. How he kissed your neck in just the right places.

Or how he knew just where to make you see stars.

You just loved the feeling of his cock pounding your insides. He was so big and you loved every second of it! He made you feel so full and with every thrust of his hips got you closer and closer to cumming on his cock.

You were so out of it that you didn’t even notice him dusting the dress off of you. You worked so hard to tailor that dress to your size so you were a little mad when he did such a thing! But you quickly forgave him when you felt his hot mouth surround your nipple.

The feeling of him sucking harshly against it was enough to make your toes curl. So when he used his other hand to pinch your other nipple you arched your back.

It was all too much for you. With one harsh thrust inside you, you wrapped your legs around his waist as you let out a silent scream and came on his cock. Not seconds after did you feel him shooting ropes of his hot cum inside you.

Knowing that you were so full of his seed made you horny all over again. You loved him so so so much! You wanted him to fuck you all throughout the night just so you know that he loved you!

Plus, with all the amount of cum that he’ll spill inside you, there was no way that you wouldn’t get knocked up! If you got knocked up, then there was no way he would dare think about leaving you for another woman!

Finally, after so long everything was as it should be. Now you’ll always be his forever!


It wasn’t the movement of the bed that woke you up, but it was the sound of his voice. Your face contorted into a smile as you turned around to see him, but it quickly dropped when you noticed that his face carried a puzzled expression.

“Who the hell are you?” Your eyes went wide. How could he act like you were just some stranger to him?!

“What do you mean?” You’re hoping he was just pulling some cruel prank on you! You’ve been together for so long! How could he do this to you?!

“I meant what I said and why are you in my bed?!” He raised his voice at you which is something he never did! Why was he treating you in such a way?!

“Don’t you remember last night?” You look at him with a sad expression as you see the gears turning in his head.

“That was an accident. Now get out of my bed and never speak about this again do you understand?” You could feel your heart shatter. Why was he acting so cold to you?!

You could feel tears trickle your eyes as you get up form his bed. He dusted your dress last night so you’d have to run half naked in the hide outs halls.

As you were walking out the door your noticed a few picture frames standing on his desk.

It was a picture of those homewrecking whores. How could he still be thinking about them?! You were so angry that in your fit of rage you ran out the door and slammed the door so hard that it echoed throughout the entire base.

Once you reached your room without anyone seeing you grabbed a pillow from your bed as you screamed your frustration into it. Just as you were about to do it again, you stopped when you realized something.

Even if he was still thinking about them, you were that would be carrying his baby. And you knew for sure that he would never want to be like his own father.

In time he’ll see that what he’s going through is just a phase and he’ll come running back to you.


Tomura Shigaraki x GN!Reader

Warnings: Angst, mentions of death, fluff in a way?

A/N: Unedited af cause my computer was fighting with me, Also contains spoilers


Arguing was a daily occurrence now. Not a day goes by without an argument. It was like second nature at this point. Wake up, argue throughout the entire day, then go back to bed to only repeat the same cycle over and over again. You didn’t know what to do. Even if you tried to avoid him, there was always something that he brought up. You’ll admit, sometimes you wondered if he even liked you with all the vile things he’d say to you. So you just did your best to dream of a time when you guys were talking instead of fighting.


Silence. You never thought you would enjoy it as much as you were now. You were lying down on the rooftop of the base and looking at the stars. The only sound that rang through your ears was the sound of your own heartbeat. It would have been pitch black if it weren’t for the stars in the sky. It was so calming, so different. You finally felt at peace, knowing nothing could ruin such a moment.

While looking at the stars, a feeling raised in your chest, and a thought entered your mind. Sure, you thought about such a thing before, but why now did it cause such a pain in your chest? Maybe cause you finally knew what you had to do and that waiting any longer will only cause the pain to get worse. Plus, there’s no reason to stay when all he does is say how much he doesn’t need you. How he wished he’d never met you.

All the wasted nights crying and going to bed angry were not worth it anymore. The dark circles under your eyes and small white hairs appeared in your hair. You weren’t trying to age any faster, and you were for sure weren’t about to waste the rest of your life with a man who doesn’t love you.

Standing up, you looked at the stars and took a deep breath asking them for luck before leaving. The sounds of your footsteps made your heart beat faster, knowing that what you were about to do could change the course of your life for the better. Sighing, you grab your phone and shoot him a text telling him to meet you at the park where you guys first met. You could feel your eyes water remembering such a time when you were so much happier.

“What are you doing here by yourself?”You asked the man sitting on the swing.

“Why aren’t you running in fear? Calling the cops? I know you saw what I look like and who I am.” His gravelly voice only made you chuckle as you sat next to him on the other swing.

“So you did see me checking you out? Was it that obvious?”

“Checking me out?”

“Of course, silly! If I really wanted to call the cops, wouldn’t they be here by now? Plus, I say me and you have much in common.” You could see his eyes widen at your words. You smile at his reaction.

“What could me and you have in common?”

“Well, I suppose we share the same views. It’s nice to see someone actually voice what’s truly wrong with hero society. So many people are brainwashed into thinking that they can do no wrong. It’s sad as it is sickening.” For once, Shigaraki Tomura had felt something other than hatred in his chest as he listened to your words.

“Not to mention how brave it was to attack USJ. You are the first person to even pull such a stunt. It’s admirable, really.”

He didn’t know what to say. He was so shocked to find someone who shared the same views as him and not Stains. Not to mention how you praised him, telling him how you were impressed. He was never told such things by anyone other than his master. So, for someone as breathtaking as you to say you were impressed and admired him, it gave him newfound confidence to crush the hero society. He would make a world where villains reined supreme and maybe, just maybe, with you by his side.

You sat at the same swing you did so long ago. Hearing his footsteps come up from behind you made you tense, but you quickly collected yourself. He sat at the same swing he did as well before looking at you with a scowl on his face.

“What do you want, and why did you text me to come here?” His voice snapped at you. At the moment, you thought about backing out, but you knew you couldn’t now. It was now or never.

“I think we should break up.” Those words felt like venom coming out of your mouth. Despite how much shit he’s done, you still loved him deep down in your heart. You’ll admit, you weren’t no saint either. When you guys would fight, both of you would say shit that you knew would hurt the other person. You didn’t want to be that person anymore. You didn’t want to be the person who brought up bad things from a person’s past. You wanted change. Even if said change meant leaving who you felt like was the love of your life.


“I said I think we should break up.” It was quiet. Too quiet. You could hear a pin drop even if you were in the bustling city.

“What, did you change your mind on how you view hero society? Typical should have expected it from you. Stupid of me to think anybody would understand.” You felt rage bottle up inside of you. Did he really not see what a shit show your relationship had turned into? Did he really jump into blaming you for something you both had equally participated in?

“You saying shit like that is the reason why Shigaraki. We can’t even have a normal conversation anymore that doesn’t include fighting or-”

“-Or what?”

“That exactly! Interrupting one another. Talking over the other! We can’t even sit in the same room together without one of us picking a fight! I know I’m no saint. I know that I have done shit wrong. Despite me still hating hero society and still agreeing with your views, I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t let myself turn into someone that I don’t recognize.” You stood up from the swing. You clutched your fists as tears started to spill from your eyes.

“You sound so pathetic! If you really agreed with my views, you’d know that there is no room in this society that allows people with such shitty morals to have a fun life. Or hell a life at all!” You could hear him going on and on. Your fists were shaking as you struggled not to turn back and scream at him, but you just wanted to get it over with, and then maybe finally would you be able to sleep well at night.

“Despite what you think of me or say of me, I’m not listening to it. I’m tired of the arguing, the sleepless nights, and the fear I feel when you leave for days on a mission and not text me.” Your voice turned shaky as the sound of your sobs could finally be heard.

“I love you. I love you so fucking much Shigaraki. So much that there’s not enough stars in the sky to explain how deep my love is for you. It’s you who I want to wake up next to every morning. It’s you who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Even after this, I will never stop loving you. I’ll love you till the day I die, but I can’t do this anymore.” You turn around and start walking towards the bright street lights.

“Goodbye Shigaraki. I hope your dream comes true. I believe in you.” You turn around and send him a smile before walking down the street and away from his view.

He watched you leave his view. Watched as the swing you were just sitting on finally come to a halt before it finally hit him. The emotions he was so desperately trying to hide came over him like a wave. He grabbed his chest at where his heart should be before letting out a cry of anguish.

He fell off the swing and to his knees before tears streamed down his face. His whole body was shaking as his sobs rang through his ears. It hurt so fucking much. He’s never felt this type of hurt since the incident so many years ago. Now, once again, he was all alone.

He was angry with himself. Why did he have to say that? Maybe if he would have tried to be understanding you might still be in his life but no. His pride got the best of him and said things he truly didn’t mean. He just said it in the heat of the moment. He didn’t know how to diffuse a situation. He didn’t know how to communicate properly. And now thanks to that, he ruined another good thing in his life.

Even if he didn’t say it much, he loved you too. He loved you so much that would die for you. He wanted to wake up every morning knowing that you were proud to call him yours. You were the one he wanted by his side as he took down hero society. You were his everything, and now, he couldn’t tell you how much you truly meant to him. And knowing that, only made him cry harder.


It was hard the first few months. You thought the sleepless night would stop after you left, but now, you’d cry yourself to sleep. Despite desperately trying to move on with your life, you just couldn’t find a way to get over him. Everything only seemed to remind you of him. From walking by happy couples to looking at videos on the internet. It didn’t help that most of the shows on tv revolved around him. Talking about what his next attack was or would be.

You would be lying if you said you didn’t watch them. It wasn’t healthy in the slightest but you couldn’t help but worry. You still loved him after all, you wanted to know that he was okay.

When video footage of him would come out of him attacking a hero, he didn’t even seem bothered by the fact that you weren’t alongside him. Of course, you knew that he wouldn’t let things like that get him unfocused from his missions. Besides, he seemed more calculated than when you were with him. Like he was focused more. In every fight with a hero that’s come crossed him, he always managed to win, even if that meant the hero losing their life or being wounded to the point that they couldn’t raise an arm.

You were so proud of him. From an impulsive man going into battle without thinking, to someone who plans his next decision carefully. He’s grown so much in the past few months. He’s even managed to take down the Shie Hassakai leader and quite literally took the only way to use his quirk. He’s even grown a sense of style and ditched the ragged black clothes that he use to wear. He was still beautiful in your eyes, no matter what he wore and nothing could change that.


You’ve never left his mind since that day. No matter what, his mind would always race back to you. It didn’t help how you left things in his room when you broke up with him. When he figured out that you left some clothes in his room, he slept with a shirt that you always wore since it was your favorite. It still after all these months, had your scent on it. While he was looking around the shared room, he noticed something peeking out from under the bed. Once he grabbed it, it felt like he’d been punched in the gut.

It was a picture of you and him. He remembered when you took this picture even. You guys decided to go to an arcade for a celebration of a mission that went well. You took this picture after he had just won a game that allowed you to get the giant stuffie on the top shelf. In your excitement, you pulled out your phone and took a picture of you both, and at the last minute, you kissed his cheek.

He didn’t know where you got this printed but he wasn’t complaining. He took out the picture carefully before folding it up and putting it in his pocket. Now, you would be with him everywhere he went. You would always be by his side cheering him on.

He would do it all for you no matter what he did now. Even if you didn’t know it, he would make you proud and maybe be able to forgive himself for not telling you how much you meant to him.


The war was all anyone could think about. Worrying about all the heroes who were sacrificing their lives. Worrying about what could happen if the villains truly won. Cries of fear could be heard when people realized how much the heroes were truly up against.

But all you could do was cheer them on.

You watched as they destroyed everything in their path and showed the hero societies’ true colors. Showing them that secrets are never hidden and will always come out. You cried tears of joy when you saw them standing tall and proud.

All of them gave it their all and showed society how they failed. Showing them that they were more than just villains. Showing that even if hero society failed them, they will always have a found family.

You could even remember jumping off the couch when you saw him.

Even after everything he’s been through, he’s still managing to stand tall. He’s worked hard to get where he is and it all payed off.

Watching as the news revealed that the heroes had fled. That they couldn’t defeat the bad guys. That hero society isn’t as strong as the brainwashed people were lead to believe.

You could feel tears well in your eyes as you saw Shigaraki standing tall. Victorious, knowing that it had all payed off. And in that moment, a smile reached your face as you looked at the TV.

“I always knew you could do it. I love you so much Tomura.” you turn off the tv before heading to your bedroom, not before looking out the window.

“And I’m so proud of you.”

I Want To Hear You Say It

Chapter 11: Takeout

Summary:You order takeout for the League

Word Count: 4.8K

A/N:I gotta rush it because I’m superexcited to write the scenes after the Overhaul arc:P

The day is settling, a warm, orange hue coats the city as the sky changes to softer colors, the clouds darkening and the beds nesting above buildings and on phone wires. Tomura sits on the ledge of a building, high enough that people don’t look up at him and fear a potential suicide attempt, but he’s close enough that he can watch you at work. For the most part, it’s nice. He gets to watch you in complete and utter freeness- for the most part, you are still confined to the building. 

You wear tight clothing, your shirt unbuttoned just enough to tease the patrons who come in. He admits that it makes him upset, knowing that others are so much closer to seeing you than he has. That they get to see you flustered at most, but never scared. But it is your job, and there isn’t much that he can do about it. At least not yet. He’s been planning more, smoothing out the edges in his plan, and he’s made sure that you’ll be taken care of, that you’ll be by his side, never in harm’s way, but close to him. His hand tightens around the cornice, his eyes staring at you, but not entirely looking at you. The past night’s events brought things to his mind, how you view the relationship, how timid you are but bold all at once, or even how you believe that this isn’t anything more for him, a fling at most, but it isn’t. He’d be sure that all his actions would show that he genuinely cares for you in the way that he knows how.

His skin burns, and it creeps in, growing and incinerating him, and it brings him back to reality. His hand scratches against his cheek, softly, a tickle at first, but then grows, letting his nails drag down until it curls around his neck and lowers to his chest. With second nature, he lifts his pinky. He keeps the gloves on for you, and without them now, he can still feel the constraints of it, the pinch of his skin, the faded red outline where it dug into his flesh and just how foreign it was.

You told him that it was easier to love him, to accept whatever he wanted, than to fight back. And yet, you still tremble, you still don’t want anything more with him. You believe that it’s all some fling for him as if he can even allow himself the luxury for that. He allows you because he wants to. Because with you, at least there’s a chance that you see him as a person. You helped him without knowing him, you led him to your apartment and let him shower. You dried his hair and let him overstay his welcome. And he’s the one who is  making you cry. 

It would be much easier to get rid of you. To keep a memento of you  rather than to keep you.

He watches with sad eyes as a patron enters and seats in your section. You go to them immediately, a bounce in your step as you greet them and even from his distance, he can see that you’re smiling wide and that it’s genuine. You must know the patron. Either that, or you really just are a good person. It’s an interesting interaction to watch. They put their hands on you- on your forearm, sliding it down to your wrist, and your smile tightens. You don’t know them that well. Their hands are on you, and you can only move a step back, the hands falling off and the knuckles grazing your uniform. And then you walk away, smiling and holding your notebook close to your chest as you scurry off. 

Maybe he should have asked Toga to go inside. He’s sure that she would have done it. The restaurant is cute and it would’ve given her a reason to interact with you more- something that she has been stating ever since the initial meeting. When you return with a cup of something, you place it on the table and let your hand rest on the patron’s shoulder before you walk away. He’s seen enough.


The blinds are open. You aren’t normally so careless, but it is late, and you are living in an area where most people won’t be able to see you. Tomura walks down the fire escape, slinking under windows with the lights on on the other side, careful to not make a sound and rushing across the street with his hood pulled up; and people don’t pay him any mind. They let the slender man cross the road without worry of who he is.

He slinks to the alleyway beside your apartment, and he has a running start ot a jump to grab at the raised ladder and have it pull down with his weight. It makes a loud noise and he waits with bated breath until his chest is tight and his face is hot to make his way to see you. He’s growing closer to your apartment- to the window of your home. The outside night is warm- humid if he were to think about it a bit too long, if he were to focus on how his hair sticks to the back of his neck and how uncomfortably hot it feels under his hoodie. The outside air smells of oil and dirt, and the sound of cars fills the night air, and there’s laughter coming from an apartment, and crying from another and he wants the former for you- for him and you. 

Inside, your apartment is quiet. Your room is messy- sheets twisted and pillows left with your impression. Your uniform is sprawled over a chair and he’s rushing, eager to find you. He wonders why you aren’t in your room, and why you’ve chosen to be somewhere else. 

You sit on the couch, curled up on a corner, another blanket covering your body, your phone in hand and you’re reading something on it, and you turn the phone off, tilting the screen down before you can see into the black reflection, and you lower your head, letting out sniffles.

“What’s wrong?” A voice asks behind you- too close and too sudden for comfort.

“For fuck’s-” you yelp. Your phone falls onto the floor with a smack and you visibly flinch. You turn around to face him, your shoulders lowering when you realize that it is him. “Oh shit,” you stutter out, bending down to pick up the phone, “uh, hey, Tomura.” You click your phone on and let out a sigh when no cracks show on your phone. “No, I’m good. Don’t worry about it.” You wipe below your eyes with the knuckle of your index. 

He frowns. “But you were-”

“I know,” you quickly add. “But no, I’m good. I was just reading this manga and it really got to me, is all,” you explain, waving your phone in the air with a tight grip to avoid any further accidents and potential damage. You groan, dabbing at the corner of your eye with your knuckle, closing your eyes and he’s walking slowly around the couch, looking away, trying to make sure that he isn’t freaking you out anymore than he already has. “So-” you turn to where he was, quickly searching around until you find him at the opposite end of the couch- “what uh, brings you here?”

Slowly, he sits down, keeping to himself, trying to gauge your reaction. He doesn’t know what to do at this moment. He swallows roughly, and clears his throat. “I wanted to visit.” You nod and say nothing.

It’s silent for a few moments, time dragging on, the clock in your room ticking with every passing second and you stare away from him. Has it always been this tense around you?

“How did you get in?” You’re looking at him and he isn’t sure what your expression is supposed to be. Disgust? Fear? A mixture of that and possibly even more? “I thought that you’d come through the balcony.” You nod your head over to the open blinds. He isn’t sure how you’d react if you knew that he came in through your window. You smile and turn away. “I guess it’s better if I don’t know, huh?”

“How was work?” He asks, desperate to change the conversation.

You shrug. “It was fine. It’s food service, so it’s awful, but today was manageable.” You turn to him, giving him a tightlipped smile. “We do to-go orders sometimes, and usually people place them through the website and sometimes it takes a while for it to show up on our end, but the customer showed up literally seconds after they placed the order.” You let out a sigh and lean back, tilting your head upwards. “It was just annoying, you know?” He nods, as if he knows, and a part of him does. Not the part that watches you, the part that has to deal with the minimal things, the part that understands how difficult people can be.

You’re easier to talk to afterwards. The conversation formed on your end as you ramble and complain, turning your body to face him, moving your phone from hand to hand, and ranting to him. He, of course, hangs onto every word, nodding along, hoping for you to continue more. Logically, he knows that you trust him, or at least trust him to keep you safe, but even so, you still refrain from sharing all of your day. You don’t tell him about the customer who slid their hand from your arm to your wrist. Do you just not care about it? That has to be it. You had come to him, crying that one day when you were mugged. If it were a bigger problem, he’s sure that you would have confided in him. 

“Anyways,” you sigh, tucking your legs under you, “I’ve talked enough for the night. What about you? I didn’t hear anything about the League of Villains on the news today. Did you not go out and-” you look puzzled for a moment- “steal?” You end with confusion. “What do you guys do?”

“The news calls it terroism,” he states without much emotion, and when he catches your eyes, wide and almost scared as if you truly remembered they weren’t just a band of thugs bashing in mailboxes, he shrugs. “But today, we didn’t do much. We-” he frowns and remembers going to the factory with the rest of the League late into the evening. Picking the shades off of the floor, and having to touch Magne one last time. He remembers how Himiko cried, how she tried to be quiet but kept sniffling and hiding her face. How silent Jin was. How he didn’t know whether he should stand so close to Magne, or if he should stay away. How Atsuhiro swayed in his stance and leaned onto Shuichi for support. How Shuichi looked so sad, so close to tears but never letting them spill over. How Dabi stood silent, close to Himiko, and how rigid he held himself as she cried like a child. 

Tomura remembers how cold Magne felt. How it wasn’t fitting that she should have such a sad funeral. To have no funeral at all for her. To reduce her to ash because at least that way she wouldn’t be stuck in dirt.

“Tomura?” He looks at you. “You okay?” You don’t have to know that.

“We didn’t do much. I have to get ready for a meeting soon, so I mainly spent the day in.” You nod and the answer suffices enough for you. He waits for a moment, wondering if you’d add anything else, but you remain silent, turning your attention back to your phone. The screen illuminates you until he interrupts, and your attention is back on him. “There’s this new game coming out. I’m hoping to get it.”

You stare at him, blinking once, then twice. “Oh yeah,” you say below your breath. “You mentioned you liked video games. You uh, played a lot as a kid, right?”

He gives you a small smile. “Yeah,” he says in a tone matching yours. “They were really the only thing I was allowed to actually have. That and figures and some comics.”

“So nerd culture, huh?” You’re smiling at him now. There’s a teasing tone in your voice, and you lean to the back of the couch, your arm bent to rest your head on. “What’s the name of the game? You know, the one that you want to get?”

“It’s a sequel to this other one.” You’re trying, and he has to try to but it is difficult. “Well, it’s not a direct sequel, just another game with the same character. From what I played as the demo, the uh, min character is sucked into another world and has to rescue their friends that are trapped in cages.” 

“Sounds exciting.” You nod, encouraging him to continue and he does. 

“Yeah,” he breathes out. “It is. The game- or well series isn’t particularly too difficult, so it’s more for fun than anything.”

“I like games like those,” you add. 

“Animal Crossing, right?” You lift your head from where your arm was resting. “You mentioned it once a bit ago. Stuff with simple tasks, right?” You smile and nod.

“Yeah, simple tasks,” you repeat with a smile. “I want to get into some platformers but the joystick on my Switch is busted and I keep putting it off on getting it repaired.”

“The drift?” He questions.

“Yeah,” you say exasperatedly. “It isn’t super bad but I would like to be able to play without worrying that it’ll slow me down or anything. And then these spare controllers that I got for the holidays, had the buttons stop working like a month or two later.” You give him a tired grin. “Do you play by yourself?

“Sometimes. If I play co-op, I play with Spinner.” The back of his neck is starting to feel hot.

“He’s the green one, right?” You ask quickly.

“Yeah.” He clears his throat and brings a hand to the side of his neck, pulling down on his sensitive skin, his nails dragging and burning lines into him. “He’s the one who likes gaming the most in the League. The others aren’t nearly as into it.”

“How are the others?” You ask and he gives you a confused look- or at least one with narrowed eyes. “It’s been a day or two since Magne’s-” you let the sentence trail off, not quite finishing it, but he can put two and two together. “It’s just that Toga seemed close to her and she’s still young. That-” you chose to skirt around the word death, and he lets his nails pull against his skin once more, before they still- “must have been difficult for her.” You look at him, and there’s pity in your eyes. “For all of you, really.”

“She’ll be okay,” he adds and he turns his attention away from you and stares at his reflection on the television. “She’s still processing it.” His words hold a particular tightness to them. The words are short, making it clear that whatever conversation you’re trying to have is now shut down. In the corner of his eye, he sees you deflate and he tilts his head away. He should leave- before he makes you upset. He reaches into his hoodie pocket, pulling out Father. Your eyes are on him, and you watch as his face is concealed. He stands and when he turns to you, he isn’t sure how to say goodbye. His mouth opens behind the cold palm, and it’s warmed by his breath as he exhales.

“I told y’all that he’d be here,” a voice booms across the room. You visibly startle, your shoulders raising and for a moment he’s reminded of a scared cat that arches their body and the hair that stands on its end. 

You both turn and the League- what remains of it- stands in a group, Atsuhiro leaning against the wall, and his mask is on, making it hard to discern what type of look  he’s giving the two of you. He’s sure it’s a mix between pain and suspicion. Shuichi and Jin stand beside one another, Spinner looking towards you and Twice holds an arm around Spinner, and he can tell that there’s a grin behind his mask. Himiko stands with her arms crossed, hands curved over her biceps and her eyes are rimmed red, and she refuses to look at him. Dabi stands at the back, eyes fixed on Tomura with a smoldering look.

He’s still standing, and you stand beside him, giving them a nervous smile. Your head moves slightly as you stare at each member, until you finally come to Atushiro. “Oh my goodness,” you gasp, looking at Mr. Compress, the sleeve of his arm pinned to his shoulder. Even his mask looks sad, downturned, black lines that form sad eyes and a frown. 

“Ah, yes. I suppose Shigaraki has told you all about it?” Your lips pull into a thin line. You aren’t sure if you’re supposed to answer with the truth, and his eyes glance towards you. “It’s fine if he did.” There’s a pause. “I’m sure you also heard about Magne.” Toga looks down, her hands tightening around her biceps.

Silence fills the gaps, making the question uncomfortable, and air tense in a way that Tomura isn’t sure he appreciates. This place was supposed to be his and yours. “I did.” At the sound of your voice, he turns his head towards you. “I’m terribly sorry about your loss. I- I’m sure you were all close.” His jaw tenses. “Does it- Do you want- or need painkillers?” You ask, taking steps around the couch and towards the League.

Atsuhiro perks, prying himself off of where he leans. “Ah, if you would be so kind.” You let out a soft hum, and give a curt nod.

“Of course, Mister.” You rush to him, grabbing at his hand and pulling him with you. “You should sit. Are you okay to be moving around so much?” You help him to the couch and Tomura scowls behind Father. 

“Oh, it hurts incredibly so, but I’m the one who can really transport all of us at once to here.” There’s a change to his tone, and he leans back onto the couch, a hand coming to cup around his upper bicep gingerly, and his head tilts. The sad looking mask adds to the pity that he’s trying to gain.

You frown and move your hand to the side of your face. “Oh,” you sigh. “Is there anything you’d like? Some coffee or tea? Are you hungry? Is there anything that I could get for you?” Your tone is much softer, speaking to him as if raising your voice would harm him in some type of way.

“If you could,” he says softly, “I would like some sushi.”

You frown. “I’m not sure-”

He hisses in pain, his hand moving upwards to clutch at his shoulder. “Ah, no, then it’s okay. I wouldn’t want to trouble you.” His head lowers the others just stare at him, watching as you lower yourself to a bend, a hand on his knee placed so innocently, and Atsuhiro looks up at you. “It’s been a minute since any of us had a proper meal.”

“I can always have it delivered.” You lift yourself, and Atsuhiro follows you. “Would you all like anything to eat? I don’t mind getting it delivered. I think I have a code for free delivery.”

Tomura scoffs under his breath, rolling his eyes. You hadn’t offered him dinner. His arms cross over his chest and he turns his attention to the wall. 


It takes a minute to find a restaurant open so late and to have someone willing to deliver at such a late hour. You make sure that your guests are hidden, stuffed in the kitchen where you can hear your cabinets shut and glass clink. You smile and make sure to give the delivery driver a pretty tio that hurts your wallet, but is necessary. You would hate to be in their shoes- picking up food from different restaurants, and driving late and climbing up the stairs. A tip is necessary. With a smile, you thank the driver, and wish them a good night, closing the door and clicking the locks into place. You grab the bags and carry it just a bit further away from the door until you rest it on the ground once more, fearing that the weight from the food will tear the handles and ruin everyone’s dinner. The food sits on the floor and not wanting to call for help, you sigh, lowering, to pick it all up when a pale hand reaches for a bag at the same time as you. With a gasp, you apologize and look up, meeting the glossy eyes of Toga.

“Oh, you don’t have to help me, Toga,” you say softly, grabbing the plastic bag from her hand. She lets it go without much of a fight. You bite the inside of your cheeks and take in a deep breath. “I’m sorry.” She looks up at you. “I know Magne must have meant a lot to you. You had called her your big sister and I’m-”

“I miss her,” she says, and she looks like a child. Scared, and tearful. And small. 

You let the bag go. “Do you want to talk about it?” She shakes her head, going from a bend, to sitting down and turning her body so her back is pressed against the wall, her knees pulled up to her chest, and face partially hidden. “Do you want me to sit beside you?” She nods her head slowly, and with a regretful glance to the food that will slowly grow cold, you move to sit beside her. 

Her head falls onto your shoulder and you lower your head to rest above hers. She’s far from quiet. She’s sniffling and shifting, moving her already close body, closer to you, until her arms are linked to yours, and you’re shifting to hold her as she buries her head into your shoulder. Her hands reach behind your back and bunch up your shirt, her body trembling, small, quivering gasps whispered into your ears and making your heart heavy. Your hand curves around her ears when Spinner comes by to pick up the bags, and you keep her close to you, holding her as she cries and mourns her sister. 

Every now and then, she lets out a whimper, holding you tighter and you know the sound all too well. She wants to sob. The type where she’s wailing and a headache will form after, where she’ll cry and ruin her throat. It can’t be easy for her. Being so young and thrust into homelessness, having to witness her family die and crying into a stranger’s shoulder. 

You aren’t sure how long it’s been, how long it’s been since her cries turned into whines, and hiccups, and finally, soft breathing with her weight leaned onto you. You move slowly, keeping her held, trying your best not to cause her to slide and hit her head against the floor. Carefully, you hold onto her, shifting her around until her head is on your lap, eyes closed and tear streaks wetting her reddened cheeks. Your thumb arches over her, drying the fallen tears to the best of your ability. 

“You didn’t even get to eat,” you murmur under your breath, moving your hand away from her face, resting it over her bicep. Your eyes close and you turn your head, closing your eyes for a moment. 

Your brows furrow and you open your eyes. The others hadn’t made sound while you held Toga, they’ve been particularly quiet, and it makes you wonder if they’re still here. Tapping your feet against the air, you debate on calling on Tomura, fearing that you’d wake up Toga. You tap your pockets to search for your phone, only to hear the faint buzz on the table in the living room. Looking down once more, you bite back a frown, opting to pull your lips in a thin line. 

“Fuck,” you curse under your breath. You don’t mind being a shoulder to cry on, but she’s asleep now, and you’re trapped without so much as having your phone on you for entertainment.

You knock your head against the wall, and shut your eyes tightly. 

“Did she fall asleep?” A voice breaks the silence and you’ve never been so glad to hear another voice in your apartment. Logically, it hasn’t been that long, but it’s the feeling, the nerves pricking at your skin that had started to make you feel uncomfortable from sitting for so long. You turn your head and Twice comes to a bend, his hands hovering over her, before he pulls away and looks towards Mr. Compress.

“Yeah,” you answer even if there is no reason to. “Just a little bit ago.” You don’t need to say anything else in relation to her. You’re sure that they know. You look at Tomura who still has the hand covering his face. “What time is it?”

“Late,” he answers in a curt voice. “We have to get going.” You look down at Toga and when you look up, Mr. Compress is already making his way towards.

“Are you sure you should still be using your quirk?” You ask, your hand covering over Toga’s shoulder when Mr. Compress’s bare hand goes to touch. “It won’t hurt you?”

He shakes his head. Even his mask is still on. “I’ll be okay. It’s better to marble her to make moving easier. We won’t be able to evade if we have to carry her.” He lowers his head and nudges your hand away with the back of his. “She’ll be fine if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ve already marbled her food as well.” 

In an instant, she’s gone. The weight is lifted off from you, legs numb as a small, blue marble vanishes from sight into a clutched hand. That hand places the marble inside a pocket that is securely fastened and you bite the bottom of your lip in worry. Slowly, you rise, trying to fight back a pained smile when pins and needles dance across your legs. You let out a weak cough, going back to the floor, trying to not let the pain show too much. 

“Are you okay?” Tomura asks, and you give him a nod.

“Yeah, legs just fell asleep is all,” you laugh weakly. You sit awkwardly on the floor, staring up at the guests. “How are you guys going to get out? Through the front?” You’re still curious on how they actually enter your apartment without you knowing. 

Dabi is the one who smiles, a teasing one that makes you feel silly for asking something. He turns around and Tomura gives you one last look before he turns and follows the others. You hear a door open and your eyes widen. You stand, ignoring the still present pins and needles, and rush to your room, watching as the window is already open and they’re stepping out of your room with ease. 

Standing at the doorway, you watch as they exit out of your bedroom window, one by one, each going by quickly, save for Mr. Compress who takes his time. Once outside, he pats his pocket, feeling for the marble that holds his teammate. 

You’re horrified. It makes sense- hardly anyone uses the fire escape, there’s no cameras back there, and it’s hidden, no one really opening their windows since there’s no view to be seen. but you’re still horrified. Your room is a mess and they’ve seen it all. It’s a breach of privacy that you don’t like. They wave goodbye, some with  a smile more sinister and others with a gentle wave that falls quickly. Once a minute passes, you rush to the still open window and close it shut, your eyes wide and face feeling immensely warm. You stare at the windowsill, and click the lock into place. Slowly, you lie in your bed, pulling the covers over your body in an attempt to hide yourself. You spend your last conscious moments thinking if you should tell the landlord that you need new locks, but decide against it- the cost being one reason and the other being that you can’t just lock them out like they’re some sort of stray cat. They’re people, people who you care for- some more than others, but still. You can’t do that to them.

Finally, you let sleep consume you with your neck still hot.

12 days of XXXmas

A smut fanfiction Christmas collaboration MASTERPOST:


Each day of Christmas one fanfic will be posted by one of our writers during the 12 days

(Warnings: this is a smut multifandom fic collab, MDNI, each fic will be tagged with their warnings and TW at theirs own posts.)

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a fuck machine in a pear tree.

Lessons of defeatby@humanitysfandomhoe

No one said being Principal Asano’s secretary would be easy. Butt no one ever told you just how bad the consequences could be if you failed him.

❆ Fandom: Assasination Classroom

❆ Asano x reader

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a double penetration in the backseat.

Where one eatsby@lycheesden

And Spinner could put that mean face, and do his 3-hour workouts routines every day and all that brooding attitude; but under all that cosplay gear, he was still a lil’ otaku hikikomori that probably never kissed before. You might as well help him with that.

❆ Fandom: My Hero Academia

❆ Spinner x reader

On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,some slaps on a skirt-clad derriere.

Clean up this messby@punnywritesstuff

Matsuda says you’d look cute in a maid outfit. You bet him that he’d look even better.

Fandom:Death Note

❆ Matsuda x reader

On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,A little training in deepthroating.


Reader has been practicing how to deepthroat with popsicles and finally puts their skills to the test on Hawks.

❆ Fandom: My Hero Academia

❆ Hawks x reader

On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, some domination with a cockring.

Put a finger on itby@punnywritesstuff

Oikawa has been distant lately. Seeing his fangirls getting close to him, on top of his suspicious behavior, you feel the need to claim what’s yours.


❆ Oikawa x reader

On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Some Hatefucking by kage bunshin.

A Hands On Lesson In Bad Decisionsby@dollfacedwithadirtymind

You should save known better then To break Kakashi-senpai’s heart. People who break rules are trash but nasty whores who break Kakashi’s heart are worse than trash.


❆ Kakashi x reader

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love gave to me, seven minutes in a closet at the christmas party.

7 minutes of good vibesby@writingsbymo-mo

It’s the annual Christmas party at the lov’s hideout. The bar is full of drunk/tipsy villains. Shenanigans ensue and now you’re stuck in the closet with Compress for seven minutes where he has a few tricks up his sleeve.

Fandom: My Hero Academia

❆ Compress x reader

On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,A breeder fixation to top the bunny’s heat.

Warm bellyby@lycheesden

Shigaraki was getting desperate. He tried different hours of the day: Right after you woke up and was still warm and soft. Before going to bed and freshly showered. Even in the middle of the night with your body pliant under him, where he could fill you time and time again and keep his seed safe with your hips propped over his own. Why aren’t you bred yet?

Fandom: My Hero Academia

❆ Bunny!shigaraki x reader


On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, some flogging to be naughty.


Tomura gets fed up with how he can’t directly touch his Darling, so he gets a whip to take it out on s/o’s butt and thighs.

Fandom: My Hero Academia

❆ Shigraki tomura x reader

On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, ten eggs for stuffing

Stocking Stufferby@writingsbymo-mo

Tomura has a special gift for you and you’re so excited to find out what it is. You think it’s some delicious jello just for you to enjoy but it’s not in the way you think. Tomura wants to feed your coochie right.

❆ Fandom: My Hero Academia

❆ Shigaraki tomura x reader

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a big fat creampie on the cunny.

Way of the Ace@humanitysfandomhoe

Bokuto finds you in a perilous situation, lucky for you your senpai has all the answers and plan to get you out in no time.

❆ Fandom: Haikyuu!!

❆ Bokuto x reader

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a chase down In Zero Degrees

Underneath The Cold Moonby@dollfacedwithadirtymind

It was a bad idea to try and outrun Itachi Uchiha in general. But much worse to do it on an icy, snowy night and beyond a bad idea to flee into a forest. You should have known he’d be mad that you tried to run, but truthfully he’s angrier at your rejection.


❆ Itachi Uchiha x reader

We know this year has been a rough one for a lot of us, so our little group got together to do this Lil’ collab to try and bring some fun to this time of the year, and also help the ones of us who are experiencing difficulties.

Each fanfic will have the writer’s comission info or tip jar, if you enjoyed their work, feel free to help.

✨✨We all hope you have happy holidays ✨✨✨

Neko yokai shigaraki that invades a big temple and kicks out the old spirits there to be pampered and worshipped by naive miko reader, aka the biggest scam ever ✌️

Mine and @writingsbymo-mo thirst discord chats, maybe more later????

Here I am slaying over work to appease @kazooli thirst me, the fastest headcanon illustrator in the west ✌️✌️✌️

After her dirty nsfw headcannons I HAD TO DO IT, so here we have Mr.Tomura giving apprentice-chan some well deserved treats ☺️☺️☺️ and tomorrow I’m going to post a gif of it full of HD UNCENSORED HEADPATS for all your nasty degenerates out there, stay tunned


ㅤㅤㅤ꧁༒☬ ㅤ .ㅤ ☬༒꧂


ㅤㅤㅤㅤminors,ageless&empty blogs donotinteract.


Trying to keep his head above water has never been something that actually bothered him. After all, he felt like he had drowned years ago. If swimming underwater and holding his breath in dark waters is what he was doing, at this point it had turned so natural that he never stopped to introspect or question himself about it. 

It was as if life had taken a different flow. At first, it had hurt — the life that could have been ripped away from him in the way a merciless, giant wave hits the coast and destroys everything in its way. A feeling in his heart of feeling so lost, so helpless. If only someone had reached out a hand to him that day, he thought, and did never understand why he was just so unworthy; in the end, he concluded that society just tosses aside some people, and he just happened to be one of the left-outs. 

 Afterthat day, he had managed to remember it clearly as water, only that not with the same emotional charge as he once used to. Naturally, once the wave hits you, it stings once. Numbness comes after, his heart forced to grow colder, washed over any feeling that was not hatred or anger, to the point he had forgotten what it felt like (if he had once felt it.) The current had pulled him in close, dragging him to depths that, eventually, he had accustomed himself to swim in.

He has not even seen the water even swelling, that day. At least, when you are used to a dead calm, you do not expect it; it is not something one can see from underneath the surface. But, for sure, something had stirred inside him. It was annoying at first since, of course, what is unknown causes distress. What you cannot predict or control sweeps you upside down. That’s how you felt, to him. But all he knows is that, with time, he couldn’t just be without you. It felt like you brought him afloat like a kind of lifejacket thrown to him. He will not be able to place why he needs you so badly, why when he’s with you he feels like he doesn’t actually despise you as much as he despises pretty much everything; some things remain still for him to get into the swim. 

What is undeniable is that you growing into him felt like a source of air he did not know he needed, as if he had held his breath for so long that he had actually learned to keep himself alive, or to live in a permanent drown — again, some things remain uncertain still. What he does know is that you brought a part of him to the surface, that having you side by side when you came to the League gave him a different taste of the usual saltiness of water he’s used to. Rather than that, you’re agua dulce. Fresh like the air that entered his system after a gasp when he made it past the surface, after a practically uncondensed life at the bottom of the sea. 

With time, Tomura Shigaraki discovered the value of sometimes keeping one’s head above water. And to say that he wasn’t keen on the feeling, he would be lying.


all rights reserved. do not recommend my work outside tumblr. plagiarism will not be tolerated.

“I have something for you.”

Sitting up on the bed, you turned towards that disappointingly familiar voice to see Shigaraki standing in the doorway, looking incredibly pleased with himself. In his hands was a small red gift bag, complete with black tissue paper peeking out from it. Apprehension stirring in your gut, you pulled the blanket up further in what you knew to be an admittedly fruitless attempt to shield yourself from his hungry eyes.

“What is it?”

“It’s a present,” Shigaraki told you, his voice already impatient. “I picked it out special for you, so you better fucking appreciate it.”

Thankfully, you were spared from having to respond to that particular demand, as he wasted absolutely no time in stomping over to bed and shoving the bag into your arms. Slowly and carefully taking out the tissue paper piece by piece, you prayed that there weren’t remains of any ex-boyfriends or family members inside. It wouldn’t be the first time Shigaraki had tried to pass those things off as gifts, after all. So when your fingers brushed what was unmistakably fabric, you nearly sighed in relief, more than ready to force a thank you past your lips. That is, until you saw what was actually inside.

“Well? It’s perfect, right?”

Unable to take your eyes off of the disturbingly small scrap of black lace in your hands, you stayed silent, not even so much as glancing back up at Shigaraki. Frankly, you suspected that if you looked away for even a second, you would forget that the lingerie was even there, so thin and weightless was it. Although, you supposed that Shigaraki wouldn’t do you the favor of allowing you to forget. Even after spending what felt like an eternity in his hold, he had never shown you that kind of mercy, and you highly doubted that he would start now.

“Don’t just sit there,” he demanded raspingly, “try it on.”


“What did you just say to me?”

“I said no,” you answered, hardly able to believe that you said it. “I’m not putting that on for you.”

“And why not?” Shigaraki asked, his voice low and quiet with a danger that could never possibly be matched by yelling.

“Be—because I’m not some doll for you to dress up and play with.”

“You’re wrong. That’s exactly what you are.”

“Even if that was true, I’m still not wearing this.”

           With Shigaraki’s crimson eyes narrowing at you hazardously, you prepared yourself for what you were sure would be an utterly unparalleled tantrum. You were no stranger to those at this point, nor were you a stranger to the bruises that they usually left you with. When no screams met your ears then, you weren’t quite sure what to think. Shigaraki couldn’t be accepting your wishes this time, could he?

           No, he couldn’t, you quickly realized in disappointment. He wasn’t capable of it, wasn’t able to comprehend that you were your own person with your own agency. As far as he was concerned, you existed for him alone. It should have been no surprise then, when his hands clamped down on the sweatshirt you were wearing.

           The soft fabric crumbling beneath his fingertips, you watched as Shigaraki’s face stretched into a lecherous grin. When you scrambled to cover your chest, he simply grabbed both of your wrists in one hand and pinned them against the bedroom wall. With nothing left to block Shigaraki’s view, he looked just about ready to devour you whole. And when he lowered his lips to the crook of your neck, it rather felt like that too.

           “You’ve got two choices here,” he snarled, pausing to nip your neck roughly. “You can put on the gift I gave you, or you can sit there and let me destroy all of your clothing until there’s absolutely nothing left.”

Cringing at the thought, you sat there in Shigaraki’s grip, wondering if your diminishing pride was really worth all of this. As much as you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of giving into his constant demands,  if the way that he was greedily nuzzling your neck was any indication, you had a feeling that he would be pretty damn satisfied no matter what you chose.

           “So what’s it gonna be?”

           “I—I’ll put it on,” you mumbled, your eyes avoiding his gaze. Chuckling triumphantly, Shigaraki let go of your wrists, instead grasping your chin and forcing you to stare up into his lustful crimson eyes.

           “Now that’s what I like to hear.”

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