

As you may have guessed, the relationship between Shikamaru and Hidan was strained. Since Shikamaru did not find support in his protest against the mobilization of the criminal, in peacetime he opposed restricting Hidan’s freedom of movement. The Sixth Hokage accepted this idea, and for one year Hidan received a ban on leaving Konoha, and at the same time a squad of guards.

Due to the cautious attitude towards him, Hidan did not receive tasks as a Konoha’s ninja for a long time. Despite his position as a jounin, he lived on the outskirts in poverty and often received refusals from employees of shops or cafes who did not want to serve the former criminal. Even the houses of the red quarter often didn’t want him as a guest.

Anyway, Hidan treated everything indifferently, didn’t resent and did not file complaints, did his lil work well and soon, when Naruto took office as Hokage, he was able to receive more tasks and prove himself an excellent Shinobi of the old generation.


The lazy boy Shikamaru

Insta ansoen_b















The Halloween Party

Closed rp with @seventh-hokage-naruto-uzumakiand@sarada-shannaroda


Sarada’s encouragement helped Boruto feel better and he triee not to be so down. His parents were outside now and he wasn’t sure he could gollow his curiosity this time.

Hinata on the other hand was faced with an ex-hisband that was worse for wear and she wasn’t sure what kind of comfort to provide for him. In the past it was always easy to take his mind off of things with sex or food. It wasnt something she could do now. Getting closer she put a hand on his shoulder and frowned.

“I know it’s been bad blood between you and Sakura, but you both care about Sasuke. Do you really believe Sasuke would abandon everyone just because of what happened? Even his daughter?”

“I don’t know” Naruto mumbled. “He kind of does that…” He lowered his nose.

“I think, uh. I think he could be happy, and he doesn’t know how to handle it… Does that make sense?” He glanced inside, met Sakura’s glare, then back at Hinata.

“Though I… I don’t think he’d leave Sarada behind. He’d probably send her a text at some point, right?” Naruto scratched his neck. “D'ya think something’s happen? He’s hella strong now, I’m having a hard time picturing it…”

Seeing her mother’s unwavering glare made her want to laugh and cry at the same time. It was amusing but, it reminded her of how much things were changing and coming to a head. Everyone was upset with each other. All over her dad. Who was also missing. Things weren’t good. She wrapped her arms around her knees and sighed.

Sakura tried to keep her eyes away from Naruto and Hinata’s conversation but, every time she caught Naruto’s eye she felt a fresh wave of anger and hurt. It was a shame she couldn’t go out on missions much anymore. She needed to release her anger somehow, it’d been a while since she felt this bad inside.

Noticing Sarada’s put out mood, Boruto sat next to her ans leaned his shoulder against hers. “I think this party is a bust. You wanna go?”

Hinata sighed. Unlike Sasuke, she couldn’t imagine not trying to run toward happiness. Despite her trials in life, Naruto’s influence helped boost her own confidence in herself, and now she wasnt sure she could be any other way. She looked over at Sakura and then to Naruto again.

“It seems I’m going to have to step in. Stay here, Naruto-kun.” Hinata said before making her way over to Sakura. “We need to talk.”

Naruto fidgeted, feeling both miserable and a fool. A miserable fool. Could Sasuke actually be in trouble? Or was he going to cause trouble because of Naruto’s own actions? Ah, why did the bastard leave without a word!…

Naruto had wanted to go after him, but Shikamaru had pointed out that 1/ Sasuke would be pissed and 2/ wasn’t that a way to run away from his present issues? He couldn’t just… abandon his kids to chase after Sasuke!

He went after Hinata, a deflated ramen bowl trotting towards his best pink haired friend, and cleared his throat. “Sak… Sakura-chan…” He had wanted to ask if she would help him find her husband, but blushed in shame instead. He had been such a bad friend to her…

Sarada blinked gratefully at him, nodding. “I’m sure we can find something less depressing to do.” She glanced up to see their parents talking and stood up. “We should avoid that, too.” She mumbled, nodding towards them.

Sakura raised an eyebrow at Hinata and frowned, but nodded. Motioning towards the door, she led the way outside. She didn’t risk sparing a glance at Naruto, just folded her arms and leant back to listen.

“I know Naruto and Sasuke are the last people you want to think about right now, but I believe something is wrong. When is the last time Sasuke has gotten into contact with your daughter?” Hinata knew the same pain as Sakura as far as their husband sleeping together. But if Sasuke really was in trouble she knew Sakura would be upset if he got hurt.

Borutp looked toward where their parents stepped out. He shook his head and grinned at Sarada, gently grabbing her arm to lead her to where the food was. “The best way to vent is eat good food!”

Naruto was looking at the tip of his feet, his ears red in shame. He didn’t dare look at Sakura in the eyes.

“Sasuke tends to just… leave, but…” He fidgeted on site. “Did he tell you where he was going? Or Sarada?”

He hoped Hinata’s presence would save him from getting punched. He reeeally didn’t want his son to remember him flying accross the room in a sad ramen costume.

Sarada smiled and nodded. “I suppose you’re right.” She gingerly plucked a dango from the table. Glancing both ways, she poked a finger into the cake icing and wiped it on Boruto’s cheek. “You look stunning now.” With a grin, she took a bite of her dango.

Scoffing, Sakura shook her head. “He doesn’t really keep us informed of his goings-on. As I’m sure youknow, Naruto.” She glared at him fiercely for a moment before rolling her eyes and sighing. “Sarada is concerned, too, though. It’s been bothering her a lot lately, I think she just feels something is wrong.”

Naruto fidgeted nervously, the fake plastic egg of his costume twitching weirdly atop a metal wire. “D'ya think… I mean, I’ve sent him a LOT a messages, Sak… Sakura-chan. D'ya think we should go after him?”

Sasuke was the only person who didn’t resent him right now. He didn’t look forward making him mad too. “He’s so strong, how could anything actually happen?…” he muttered, trying to figure it out.

Shikamaru, who had handed his greeting talk to an over-enthousiastic Rock Lee, frowned as he approach them. “Oi, don’t tell me you’re talking about the Uchiha jerk again…”

“Probably but, where would we even look ?” Sakura shrugged, unable to make eye contact with her teammate. She nodded to Shikamaru with a small smile, lowering her gaze to her feet. “And would he even want us to come after him ?” She wasn’t looking forward to being lectured if they were wrong.

“But if you hold back and don’t do anything, if he is in danger, you both will never forgive yourselves.” Hinata said, then looked at Shikamaru. “And why are you so concerned about how they feel? You’ve never liked Sasuke much, Shikamaru-kun, do you have some information or are you just trying to be a jerk?”

Usually Hinata would never be so bold but she was angry and tired of this drama between everyone she cared for.

Boruto laughed and shook his head. “Oh you’re gonna get out now princesss!” He grabbed his own Dango and started to chase Sarada.

Shikamaru shook his head. “You know I couldn’t tell you that if I wanted to” he replied, which brought a shocked expression to Naruto’s face.

“Oi, I’m the Hokage! And your friend! If you knew something, you’d have to tell me!”

The bearded man sighed. “This is such a mess…” He looked around. “Look, Naruto, you know I like you a lot, but I swore to protect Konoha and…” He sighed again. “From what I know, he’s fine. But he’s probably not coming back, *and you didn’t hear that from me*.” He gestured Choji on the other side of the room, and nudged Naruto before leaving. “There’s a back door behind the bar.”

He wasn’t done talking that Naruto was already dashing towards it.

“Damn fool.” Sakura sighed, taking off after him and throwing her wig at Ino as she rushed past. “Keep that safe for me, hun!” Flashing a smile at her best friend, she pushed through the door after Naruto.

Sarada giggled, dashing off. “That’s queen to you!” She shouted, barrel rolling under a table and bouncing up the staircase. Standing at the top, she stick her tongue out at him. “Catch me if you can, papa junior!” She teased, running down the hall, chuckling.

((Due to time constraints and personal things happening with all of us involved in the RP, this current roleplay will be summarized by the Boruto Mun. Thanks for your patience everyone! )) 

Boruto was happy that Sarada was there with him. He’d made a stupid mistake, and had made them in the past, but she always stayed by his side. He continued to chase her, having fun with it all. As she ran smiles lit up her face, and it was contagious. Boruto silently answered back with his own grins, and eventually they ended up out of breath on the floor laughing upstairs. He had the feeling if they had each other, they could get through anything.  


Hinata went along with Naruto and Sakura to find out what Shikamaru knew. Sakura was avoiding looking over at Naruto, who kept his head down, but every once in a while would look back over at her. Shikamaru let out an exasperated sigh as he took out a small silver case, pulling a cigarette from it. Every time he pulled one out, he had the feeling he should quit, but it was more of a fleeting thought than anything. 

“You’re always making problems from thin air, aren’t you, Naruto.” Shikamaru lit the paper, taking a long drag. He closed his eyes as he pushed the smoke out, the relief of getting his fix definitely improving his mood. He looked at Sakura and Naruto, then shook his head. 

“Sasuke really has you two messed up. Is his dick made out of gold or something?” 

Naruto visibly flushed and Sakura crossed her arms, glaring at the man. 

“Are you going to tell us what you know or are you going to just sit here and criticize us?” She practically growled. Shikamaru always had a way of getting under her skin about her husband. Ex-husband. She frowned and stole a glimpse at Naruto, who was all around looking like someone had beat him with a sad stick. Despite everything, seeing his exuberance so dim made her almost want to hug him. 

If there was one thing Sakura and Naruto always met eye to eye on, it was Sasuke. 

“There’s a lot of talk about you three, like always. I’ve labeled this unofficially under ‘team 7 drama’.” Shikamaru couldn’t help his snark. He could write a whole dissertation on why he thought they were the worst team in Konoha history, But as he looked at Naruto, he started to feel guitly. His admiration for the man was unshakable, despite what he thought about Sasuke’s influence over Naruto, he had to concede the brooding Uchiha made his dear friend happy.

“Anyway, the elders don’t like it. And keeping Orochimaru in ties with Konoha has lead to them requesting that he help with their Uchiha problem. And for some reason, when your friend is in dire straits, he seems to fall back on his previous habits. Visiting his old team and teacher. Only this time, Orochimaru has the go ahead to play out whatever sick inclination he has against your… friend.” 

Sakura’s eyes widened and she gasped. Naruto shared a similar expression, and soon they were both full of anger. 

“How dare you!” Sakura walked closer to him, snatching the smoke from his hand and crushing it. “I’m not happy with him or Naruto right now, but how could you let this happen after everything he’s been through?” 

Naruto was angry, but his eyes showed the hurt that he felt from Shikamaru’s betrayal in not telling Naruto the truth sooner. Hinata was slightly stunned as well, but with her upbringing, these kinds of things seemed common place in their community. 

“I thought this would help the rumors die down. That overall it’d be good for the village if Sasuke simply ended up missing in action.” Shikamaru really hoped Sakura wasn’t going to punch him. He looked at Naruto. “Everything I do is for this village, and for you. Obviously I made a bad choice. But knowing what you do now, it’s up to you to do something about it. I’ll cover for you as much as I can with the elders and the council until you get back. But you better hurry… who knows what the creep is doing to him.”

Naruto stuffed down his feelings about Shikamaru for the moment. He did believe his friend and adviser had the best intentions, but everyone always seemed to have those kinds of excuses when it came to Sasuke. Naruto looked over at Hinata, giving her a quiet look, and she nodded to him. He didn’t have to say anything for her to know that he wanted her to watch after the children. 

Naruto then looked over at Sakura, pain shown in his features, but a serious air started to surround him. She stared at him, feeling weak against the emotion behind those blue eyes. Her anger at him didn’t subside, but it was that moment she knew that Naruto was her teammate and friend. And Sasuke needed them. 

“We gotta hurry.” Sakura stated, and grabbed Naruto’s hand. “Take me to him.” 

Hinata and Shikamaru were suddenly blinded by yellow light, and just as soon as the light hit, it was gone, taking them back into the darkness of the night. Naruto and Sakura were gone.

Hinata looked at Shikamaru and shook her head. 

“You should’ve known by now that Sasuke-kun means everything to him.” 

Shikamaru was already lighting another cigarette and sighed. 

“Yeah. Maybe it’s time to make some changes around here.” 












The Halloween Party

Closed rp with @seventh-hokage-naruto-uzumakiand@sarada-shannaroda


Sarada’s encouragement helped Boruto feel better and he triee not to be so down. His parents were outside now and he wasn’t sure he could gollow his curiosity this time.

Hinata on the other hand was faced with an ex-hisband that was worse for wear and she wasn’t sure what kind of comfort to provide for him. In the past it was always easy to take his mind off of things with sex or food. It wasnt something she could do now. Getting closer she put a hand on his shoulder and frowned.

“I know it’s been bad blood between you and Sakura, but you both care about Sasuke. Do you really believe Sasuke would abandon everyone just because of what happened? Even his daughter?”

“I don’t know” Naruto mumbled. “He kind of does that…” He lowered his nose.

“I think, uh. I think he could be happy, and he doesn’t know how to handle it… Does that make sense?” He glanced inside, met Sakura’s glare, then back at Hinata.

“Though I… I don’t think he’d leave Sarada behind. He’d probably send her a text at some point, right?” Naruto scratched his neck. “D'ya think something’s happen? He’s hella strong now, I’m having a hard time picturing it…”

Seeing her mother’s unwavering glare made her want to laugh and cry at the same time. It was amusing but, it reminded her of how much things were changing and coming to a head. Everyone was upset with each other. All over her dad. Who was also missing. Things weren’t good. She wrapped her arms around her knees and sighed.

Sakura tried to keep her eyes away from Naruto and Hinata’s conversation but, every time she caught Naruto’s eye she felt a fresh wave of anger and hurt. It was a shame she couldn’t go out on missions much anymore. She needed to release her anger somehow, it’d been a while since she felt this bad inside.

Noticing Sarada’s put out mood, Boruto sat next to her ans leaned his shoulder against hers. “I think this party is a bust. You wanna go?”

Hinata sighed. Unlike Sasuke, she couldn’t imagine not trying to run toward happiness. Despite her trials in life, Naruto’s influence helped boost her own confidence in herself, and now she wasnt sure she could be any other way. She looked over at Sakura and then to Naruto again.

“It seems I’m going to have to step in. Stay here, Naruto-kun.” Hinata said before making her way over to Sakura. “We need to talk.”

Naruto fidgeted, feeling both miserable and a fool. A miserable fool. Could Sasuke actually be in trouble? Or was he going to cause trouble because of Naruto’s own actions? Ah, why did the bastard leave without a word!…

Naruto had wanted to go after him, but Shikamaru had pointed out that 1/ Sasuke would be pissed and 2/ wasn’t that a way to run away from his present issues? He couldn’t just… abandon his kids to chase after Sasuke!

He went after Hinata, a deflated ramen bowl trotting towards his best pink haired friend, and cleared his throat. “Sak… Sakura-chan…” He had wanted to ask if she would help him find her husband, but blushed in shame instead. He had been such a bad friend to her…

Sarada blinked gratefully at him, nodding. “I’m sure we can find something less depressing to do.” She glanced up to see their parents talking and stood up. “We should avoid that, too.” She mumbled, nodding towards them.

Sakura raised an eyebrow at Hinata and frowned, but nodded. Motioning towards the door, she led the way outside. She didn’t risk sparing a glance at Naruto, just folded her arms and leant back to listen.

“I know Naruto and Sasuke are the last people you want to think about right now, but I believe something is wrong. When is the last time Sasuke has gotten into contact with your daughter?” Hinata knew the same pain as Sakura as far as their husband sleeping together. But if Sasuke really was in trouble she knew Sakura would be upset if he got hurt.

Borutp looked toward where their parents stepped out. He shook his head and grinned at Sarada, gently grabbing her arm to lead her to where the food was. “The best way to vent is eat good food!”

Naruto was looking at the tip of his feet, his ears red in shame. He didn’t dare look at Sakura in the eyes.

“Sasuke tends to just… leave, but…” He fidgeted on site. “Did he tell you where he was going? Or Sarada?”

He hoped Hinata’s presence would save him from getting punched. He reeeally didn’t want his son to remember him flying accross the room in a sad ramen costume.

Sarada smiled and nodded. “I suppose you’re right.” She gingerly plucked a dango from the table. Glancing both ways, she poked a finger into the cake icing and wiped it on Boruto’s cheek. “You look stunning now.” With a grin, she took a bite of her dango.

Scoffing, Sakura shook her head. “He doesn’t really keep us informed of his goings-on. As I’m sure youknow, Naruto.” She glared at him fiercely for a moment before rolling her eyes and sighing. “Sarada is concerned, too, though. It’s been bothering her a lot lately, I think she just feels something is wrong.”

Naruto fidgeted nervously, the fake plastic egg of his costume twitching weirdly atop a metal wire. “D'ya think… I mean, I’ve sent him a LOT a messages, Sak… Sakura-chan. D'ya think we should go after him?”

Sasuke was the only person who didn’t resent him right now. He didn’t look forward making him mad too. “He’s so strong, how could anything actually happen?…” he muttered, trying to figure it out.

Shikamaru, who had handed his greeting talk to an over-enthousiastic Rock Lee, frowned as he approach them. “Oi, don’t tell me you’re talking about the Uchiha jerk again…”

“Probably but, where would we even look ?” Sakura shrugged, unable to make eye contact with her teammate. She nodded to Shikamaru with a small smile, lowering her gaze to her feet. “And would he even want us to come after him ?” She wasn’t looking forward to being lectured if they were wrong.

“But if you hold back and don’t do anything, if he is in danger, you both will never forgive yourselves.” Hinata said, then looked at Shikamaru. “And why are you so concerned about how they feel? You’ve never liked Sasuke much, Shikamaru-kun, do you have some information or are you just trying to be a jerk?”

Usually Hinata would never be so bold but she was angry and tired of this drama between everyone she cared for.

Boruto laughed and shook his head. “Oh you’re gonna get out now princesss!” He grabbed his own Dango and started to chase Sarada.

Top Moments from Chapter 69 of Boruto

This chapter was an absolute fever dream and I love it.

So Eida comes in and immediately seduces Amado, Shikamaru, and Delta. Delta tries to attack, but Eida’s power makes her go full lesbian. There are over two pages’ worth of Eida and Delta flirting, and the panty scene alone is going to spawn a thousand fanfics.

Shikamaru thankfully does not go into creepy old man mode. He has no idea why he suddenly has a “mysterious fever,” so he asks Ino to make a telepathic chatroom for him and Amado.

Amado explains Eida’s power. Apparently it affects people differently, with some getting vertigo or headaches, while “simpletons” like Delta fall in love. Shikamaru immediately decides Naruto cannot meet Eida no matter what.

Shikamaru, to his credit, is an absolute boss this chapter. He’s able to not only restrain Eida but also figure out her motive…which is to confess to Kawaki. Shikamaru’s been enchanted, so he can’t hurt her, but he does offer a truce so she can confess her feelings. Poor Code is shocked when Eida actually considers it.

Meanwhile, Kawaki wakes up to Naruto and Sumire by his bedside. He asks Naruto if he’s mad about him killing Boruto, which shocks Sumire. She gets even more confused when Naruto reveals his son pulled a ninja Jesus and resurrected. This girl is constantly in over her head.

Boruto, for his part, is very understanding of Kawaki’s actions since, you know, Momoshiki was possessing him and trying to murder his father. Sasuke simply broods that Konoha has a new edgy, misunderstood anti-hero. He should have been the one to tragically kill Boruto, not Kawaki.

Sarada and Mitsuki are across the street. They can see Sasuke and Boruto talking, but they can’t hear. This is fortunate because Mitsuki is ready to eviscerate anyone who tries to kill his Sun - little does he know Kawaki murdered Boruto already.

Sarada says she wants to get stronger so she can protect her friends. Then Mitsuki asks Sarada if she’s in love with Boruto, to which she rightfully responds, “WTF does that have to do with anything?” She doesn’t deny it though.

Mitsuki suggests she’s unaware of her own feelings, and she points out that his utterly gay self starts glowing whenever Boruto’s in the room. Mitsuki doesn’t deny his feelings either.

Ino then tells Sasuke and Naruto that the enemy is here and they need to give Shikamaru backup. (Shikamaru calls this order off, but the dominos are already falling.) The chapter ends on a bunch of cliffhangers:

  • Will Hinata and Sakura lose their husbands to the Mary Sue?
  • Will Eida betray Code and to find her happy shoujo ending with Kawaki?
  • Will Sarada and Mitsuki start a bisexual love triangle over Boruto?
  • Will Sumire ever get to do anything besides make that shocked Pikachu face over and over again?

I don’t know, but Chapter 70 is going to be a glorious clusterfuck.
