

“Injuries heal quickly” sigil

This was request!!

Again, I’m a complete beginner in sigil making and this is my first sigil!

Thanks and I hope you like it!

Sigil requests

I am at school and I have tons of reading for multiple classes, so for those of you who are waiting on a tarot reading, they will most likely be done very soon!!

Anyways, I have an art sketchbook and I’m bored so give me sigil requests.

I’m a complete beginner at sigils and I have a bit of a hard time making them but I would like to learn!

strangesigils: “I Am Safe In This Hospital” Draw this sigil on paper or pull it up on your electroni


“I Am Safe In This Hospital”

Draw this sigil on paper or pull it up on your electronic device during a hospital stay and keep it on, with, or near you

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strangesigils: “I Am Calm”Requested by @rosdrisgo A simple sigil, but a useful one nonetheless.Keep


“I Am Calm”

Requested by

A simple sigil, but a useful one nonetheless.
Keep this on or with you to keep yourself calm.

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“My home is tension free”


Incorporating the elements


  • Draw the sigil in the air using incense
  • Draw the sigil on your body and go for a walk
  • Energetically trace sigils in the air and let the wind carry and charge them
  • Draw the sigil on paper, rip it up, and let the wind blow it away
  • Draw the sigil onto a flag, let it blow in the wind
  • Trace the sigil in the air with your hand, push it away
  • Draw or attach the sigil to a windchime
  • Leave the sigil outside during a windstorm


  • Draw the sigil on your body and take a shower
  • Draw the sigil on a piece of paper, submerge the paper in water, let the water evaporate
  • Carve the sigil into a bar of soap and wash yourself with it
  • When taking a bath, draw the sigil in the bottom of the tub with soap/bath salts/baking soda
  • Draw the sigil on a stone with water and wait for it to evaporate
  • Draw the sigil on you hand, then wash it away
  • Breathe on your window so that it fogs up, then draw the sigil on it
  • Draw the sigil on any surface using water
  • Sew the sigil into your clothes, wash them
  • Draw the sigil on paper and put it under running water
  • Draw the sigil on a beach, let the ocean wash it away
  • Draw the sigil on a rock and throw it in a river/ocean
  • Flush the sigil down the toilet (make sure it’s on biodegradable paper)
  • Draw the sigil on paper and place in in a jar, add salt and water, then shake it up (Optional: add a drop or two of essential oil matching intent)
  • Leave the sigil outside during a rainstorm
  • Put the sigil in a pot of boiling water
  • Draw the sigil onto a coin and toss it into a fountain


  • Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and surround it with crystals that match the intent
  • Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and bury it in the ground
  • Place the sigil with a plant
  • Draw the sigil on the ground
  • Draw the sigil on a rock and leave it somewhere that makes you happy
  • Draw the sigil on paper and put it in a jar of salt
  • Put a crystal that matches the intent on top of the sigil 
  • Trace the sigil with a crystal matching the intent
  • Tape the sigil onto a window during a full moon
  • Trace the sigil in dust/dirt, then blow it away
  • Use herbs matching the intent of the sigil, draw the sigil on paper and mix everything together, paper included
  • Burn herbs matching the sigils intent, pass the sigil through the smoke


  • Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and burn it 
  • Carve the sigil into a candle and burn with intent
  • Draw the sigil on the bottom of a tea light candle, let it burn out
  • Pass the sigil through smoke (any smoke works, but incense is best)
  • Draw the sigil on paper, leave it in sunlight
  • Carve the sigil into a candle, let it melt away

Sigils In everyday life

Eating and Drinking

  • Carve the sigil into your food before eating it
  • Draw the sigil under your kitchen table
  • When drinking tea, draw the sigil in the bottom of your mug with honey
  • Trace the sigil on the bottom of a pot before cooking with it
  • Draw the sigil on the bottom of your favorite cup
  • If you’re at a bonfire/cooking over a flame, carve the sigil into your food with a toothpick before you roast it (Hotdog, mashmallow, etc.)
  • Draw the sigil on a piece of bread, toast it
  • Draw the sigil in a pan with cooking oil, then cook
  • Draw the sigil out of ketchup on your food
  • Put pancake batter in a squeeze bottle, draw your sigil in the frying pan with the batter

In Art and Music

  • Incorporate the sigil into an art piece that has to do with the intent
  • Paint the sigil over a picture that didn’t turn out the way you wanted
  • Draw the sigil anywhere on your body and draw a pattern around it, don’t wash it off, let it fade on its own
  • Trace the sigil onto a pair of headphones/speaker with your finger, listen to music that matches your intent
  • Draw the sigil on the inside of your sketchbook cover
  • Draw the sigil and scribble it out
  • Draw the sigil on paper and tape it to the bottom of your laptop/tablet/phone if you write, draw, or make music digitally
  • Place the sigil in front of music speakers
  • Draw the sigil onto a CD that you love, and play it
  • Imagine the sigil in your mind while dancing
  • Draw the sigil on a dry erase board and erase it
  • Draw your sigil on the ground with chalk 

To Keep it With You

  • Draw the sigil on a piece of paper and put it in your purse
  • Draw the sigil on the bottom of your shoe
  • Sew the sigil into your clothing
  • Draw the sigil on paper and keep it in your wallet
  • Draw the sigil on your skin with water/oil/marker/etc. depending on intent
  • Tattoo the sigil onto your body (This only applies to certain sigils)
  • Draw the sigil on the back of a necklace you always wear
  • Draw the sigil on your nail, then paint over it with nail polish
  • Draw the sigil on your car steering wheel
  • Draw the sigil on your face with concealer, then blend it in
  • Put the sigil in a locket and wear it


  • Take a photo of your sigil, then delete the picture
  • Draw the sigil on paper and place it under a charging device
  • Draw the sigil inside your phone case
  • Set the sigil as your phone lockscreen, charge the phone
  • Draw the sigil on paper and tape it to the bottom of your laptop/tablet/phone
  • Download a sigil app

Directing Your Own Energy

Body Energy and Visualization

  • Visualize the sigil in your mind, think about the intent of your sigil
  • Draw the sigil on the ground/write it on a piece of paper and sit on it while meditating
  • Exercise while visualizing the sigil and your intent
  • Leave the sigil under your pillow during acts of passion
  • Masturbate while thinking about the sigil
  • Draw the sigil on a vein (wrist works well)
  • Recite a chant that goes with the sigil’s intent
  • Draw the sigil on paper and rub it between your hands
  • Draw the sigil somewhere on your body, tap it when you think about it
  • Draw the sigil on paper and stab it
  • Draw the sigil with blood as ink (controversial, not recommended)
  • Draw the sigil on your palm and clap your hands


  • Draw a sigil on the corner of your homework assignments
  • Gather static electricity and touch the sigil


Made for my anxiety and ptsd. Remember magic is not a replacement for professional help.

strangesigils: “My Heart Heals” Keep this sigil under your mattress.Most healing happens during slee


“My Heart Heals”

Keep this sigil under your mattress.
Most healing happens during sleep. This sigil will help aid in the healing of your heart over time.
You could also carry it around with you if you wanted to.

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strangesigils: “Insecure Thoughts Begone” Have a stone, preferably a small and smooth stone you can


“Insecure Thoughts Begone”

Have a stone, preferably a small and smooth stone you can keep in your pocket or something.
Take this sigil and burn it, have the stone rest in the ashes of the sigil overnight.

Keep the stone with you and rub it to banish your insecure thoughts

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strangesigils: “This Is A Negativity Free Zone” I recommend burning this sigil and scattering the as


“This Is A Negativity Free Zone”

I recommend burning this sigil and scattering the ashes in the desired space or in each of the 4 corners of said space

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Sigil for “I am a powerful witch” as part of the other sigil I uploaded.

strangesigils: “Focus” Requested by Anonymous You can carry this with you during class to help you f



Requested by Anonymous

You can carry this with you during class to help you focus on what the teacher is saying or what you’re working on.
You can use it for whatever you need to do that required your undivided attention.

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strangesigils: “I Banish You From My Life”Draw this sigil on a picture of your target (or just a pie


“I Banish You From My Life”

Draw this sigil on a picture of your target (or just a piece of paper with their name and date of birth on it)
Then burn it or activate it in another way that destroys it.

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rowboat-rowan: Some sigils I’ve made(feel free to use or request sigils)rowboat-rowan: Some sigils I’ve made(feel free to use or request sigils)rowboat-rowan: Some sigils I’ve made(feel free to use or request sigils)rowboat-rowan: Some sigils I’ve made(feel free to use or request sigils)rowboat-rowan: Some sigils I’ve made(feel free to use or request sigils)


Some sigils I’ve made

(feel free to use or request sigils)

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“I am valid to the ones I love” Requested by @starboitheoutersansfan. Sigil request status on my blo

“I am valid to the ones I love”

Requested by @starboitheoutersansfan.

Sigil request status on my blog.

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Sigil - “Through the storms and flames of life, our love continues to grow.”Life is a dangerous, cha

Sigil - “Through the storms and flames of life, our love continues to grow.”

Life is a dangerous, chaotic, and stressful experience. From that first disorienting moment of being pulled from the warmth and safety of the womb, to those final uncertain moments before the spark of consciousness fades, the whole thing is a hurricane of joys and heartbreaks. Thankfully, there’s also lot of downtime. But one of the things that makes it all manageable is the strength that comes from a solid, loving relationship.

Fires, flood, storms, droughts, economic collapse, pandemics, murder hornets … It’s all better with someone you love at your side. With the right person, this adversity and turmoil become bearable. In time, the become line items on a list of obstacles overcome. The bonds forged in those moments, however, remain strong.

That bond of love and partnership — romantic or platonic — is what this sigil represents.

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Sigil - “Optimism comes easily to me” It’s not always easy to look on the bright side. Even the most

Sigil - “Optimism comes easily to me”

It’s not always easy to look on the bright side. Even the most upbeat and positive people still struggle through dark times, after all. Being consistently optimistic often seems like requires something akin to a willing suspension of disbelief, because deep down we all know that tragedy and pain are an inevitable part of existence.

Optimism isn’t about avoiding or ignoring the pain and suffering that comes with life. We all know that the people we love will eventually die. We all know that sickness, anger, loneliness, fear, hunger, defeat, and humiliation are part of the cost for the great joys that they accompany. Being optimistic is a decision to accept all of those things, and to focus on the glowing beauty of stars of the night sky, rather than the inky blackness that surrounds them.

That’s what this sigil speaks to.

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Sigil - “Sort yourself out.”It’s Brush Practice Week here at Sigil Daily, so we’re doing some fun st

Sigil - “Sort yourself out.”

It’s Brush Practice Week here at Sigil Daily, so we’re doing some fun stuff to keep things fresh. Like this one, referencing the infinitely quotable Canadian comedy series “Letterkenny.” If you haven’t seen it, give it a watch.

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“My stress and anxiety over money fades”One of the great constants of the modern world is that money

“My stress and anxiety over money fades”

One of the great constants of the modern world is that money — specifically the sense of security that money provides — is something almost everyone desires. It’s hardly surprising that the desire for money is a powerful tool for shaping almost every aspect of our global culture. Make someone afraid that they don’t have enough money, or limit their access to essential things that money is exchanged for, and you have them on a leash. This is a feature of our modern economy, not a bug.

It’s not always possible to become wealthy, and even for those who do, the anxiety that comes with money doesn’t go away. Even the very wealthy can obsess over wanting more money, even when they could never spend what they already have. So let’s dig down and pull this weed of fear and stress up by the root.

This sigil aims to reduce the panic and fear that money — and the lack of it — creates.

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