#silly stuff


That was the last time Jevil tried to work extra on a ship…

Yeah sup I draw Roulxs Kaard once in a blue moon and my Jevil is happy to be there to pester him~

Hi hello yes I make silly sh*t with my fave characters sometimes jxkfogjdjs if you look close enough you can see that Seam smirking lol

A new pixel art dump with both sweet and salty demons♥️


the gas station where I get my Polar Pops: here have a Cookie Monster trying to eat the bakery display

(I’ve checked multiple times, he has no price tag/bar code, he is NOT for sale he seriously just there to be funny as hell)

hello all,

it’s been a rough couple of weeks here in the States and i hope everyone is finding ways to make themselves feel a little less distressed 

to that end, if you’d like to distract yourself with silly supergirl thoughts:

rate kara’s four (five?) bosses/supervisors at catco from best to worst, nonsense justifications only

(for reference: cat, snapper, james, lena, andrea)

@leilaofpaper​ replied to your post “why shouldn’t i. why shouldn’t i use my sense of…”

do it!


lmao literally @motorcyclegirlfriends​​ and i are taking an unexpected pod hiatus because we were revisiting s5 and went UM THERE WAS SO MUCH UNTAPPED SHIP POTENTIAL HERE about a thing like three weeks ago and now here we are almost done storyboarding with some bits and pieces drafted

this is the cheesiest thing i have worked on in years and also possibly one of the funniest since nos and i did the otterfic a thousand years ago so let’s just say i am HYPEDDDDD

also now buzzy and i are brain trash pals i guess

why shouldn’t i. why shouldn’t i use my sense of humor and character knowledge for evil as well as good. i’m an adult i deserve this




Girldick this, boydick that, I’m hunting MOBY Dick

Assigned Harpooner At Birth
