#simple magic


Looking for a little pep in your karmic step? This super simple charm made with some household ingredients could you give you that extra energy oomph.


  1. 1 red, yellow, or green small bag 
  2. 1 piece of citrine 
  3. 1 yellow, red, or green candle 
  4. Cinnamon (stick or powder) 
  5. Allspice 
  6. Rice 


  1. Gather materials 
  2. Put a layer of rice at the bottom of your satchel. 
  3. Sprinkle a layer of allspice and cinnamon. Whilst sprinkling, visualize the prosperity, abundance, love, and good energy that you are sprinkling all over your life. 
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you fill the bag halfway. 
  5. Once the bag is filled halfway place the citrine in the center visualizing the golden light emanating on every aspect of your life. 
  6. After the citrine is place repeat steps 2 and 3 until the bag is full (but not stuffed. Give yourself some room to close the bag) 
  7. At the end tie the bag with 3 distinct knots. 

On the first knot chant 
I believe 
On the second knot chant 
I have 
On the third knot chant 
I am


  • If you only have stick cinnamon pair it with the citrine at step #5
  • If you’re making your bag from scratch and sewing it together instead of tying it. After sewing together 95% of the bag give the bag 3 last stitches at step #7 instead of 3 knots. Make sure to run the thread over your lips to infuse your energy with the charm. 

I hope you guys enjoy this! Let me know how it works for you and what luck it brings. If you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message.

