#sm anonymous


Pay Attention

If she’s not giving you a smile,

Ask her what’s wrong.

If she seems withdrawn,

Ask if she’s okay.

If she gets up in the night, and you notice her pillow is wet,

Make sure she’s okay.

If she starts to sniffle,

Don’t just ask if she has a stuffy nose.

Ask her to look at you.

If she’s laying there, and you can hear her sobs,

Go to her.

Cuddle her, ask if she’s okay, or just simply hold her.

Don’t let her sit and think you don’t care,

With signs all over, telling you she isn’t okay.

Pay Attention to her actions, words, and body language.

Just be there for her.


Battling her Demons

God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.

She was free for 8 months.

She let all her scars heal.

Trying the find herself.

Trying to find happiness.

Battling her demons everyday.

Some days, worse than others.

8 months, she was free.

Until the night, she lost the battle with her demons.

All she could do was cry.

She tried to push them away but they ate at her.

When it came time for bed, the demons taunted her.

She laid there crying. Soaking her pillow with her tears.

The person next to her sound asleep.

She thought to herself, she just needed one good cry.

Being asked where she was going, she simply replied “to get a drink”.

No one came to check on her, no one followed her.

She sat in the dark in silence. Curled up in a ball, fighting each demon that came at her.

The thought crossed her mind, but she knew he would be disappointed in her.

Staring at his number for what seemed like hours, she sat her phone down.

2 hours later she remains in a ball, crying tears for all the hurt, pain, betrayal she had felt.

The demons still battling her. Until she felt worthless, unloved, and uncomfortable in her own body.

The battle with the demon was lost.

Just one knick, she needed to feel something other than pain.

She was 8 months free from battling her demons.

Now she starts again.

She’s 2 hours free from her demons.

The next battle, she will be tougher, and she will win.

