


I’m flying… Jack!

Keep reading


Simon and Baz sharing their magic ✧*。

I’ve really lost myself into this drawing; I hope you can feel it too


this will end in flames

rainbowrowell:gibslythe: Dragon Kisses and Other Lovely Gifts woof so cute



Dragon Kisses and Other Lovely Gifts

woof so cute

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rainbowrowell: cosmiq: simon/baz commission from rainbow rowell’s carry on for my dear friend @tonigrainbowrowell: cosmiq: simon/baz commission from rainbow rowell’s carry on for my dear friend @tonig



simon/baz commission from rainbow rowell’s carry on for my dear friend @tonightweklance!! ty so much for your patience <3 


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i feel so empty like it’s over!!!! i’ve been waiting for to read more about these characters for years now and it’s just over

Baz is gonna grow old!!!

noooo cause this whole rat hunting scene is so cute

Hey everyone!! I hope everyone has been doing well or at least are making it through things ok! I haven’t been on here in ages and I’m sorry about that.

However I do have a thing to announce! If you’ve been following me for a long time, you may remember the Carry On Big Bang I was a part of a couple of years ago where I was writing a fic called Fire and Rain that I sadly never quite finished. Good news though! I’m going back to it!

I apparently never posted it to Ao3, so I will be doing that and posting it all there. I have everything written except for the epilogues (there are 5 of them, I can never write anything short >///<) but I’m going to go ahead and start posting chapters soon, so keep an eye out! My ao3 is the same as my Tumblr (Pixiecodesnowbaz) if you’re interested in reading it!

P.s. I love you guys and I send you all hugs/etc

Forgive me, it’s not truly inked with traditional tools, but I wanted to post this for Inkathon today! ><

This moment comes in the beginning of Wayward Son when they’re all staying the night in the hotel after Penny visits Micah, and none of them are sure where to go from here.

Even though their relationship is fragile, it still shows Baz is willing to try, which I loved as a tribute to his character after he proved what a jerk he can be in the first book. The resistance is there,  but they aren’t broken yet! :)

Hey all! I usually don’t time it this well, but I have stuff for WIP Wednesday! lol

Today I’m working on the“Fifth-Year Fantasies” page for my Ko-Fi where Baz remembers this as a very treacherous time in his life. Mainly when he couldn’t decide whether he wanted to kiss Simon or kill him. And which of those would be a worse idea. The angst is real here, imagine a no-win scenario where no matter which poison you pick, it’ll still kill you. I really feel for Baz here, so I want to do the lighting justice.

I’m playing with the colors on this one, because I have a very tricky, but specific mood I want to evoke. I penciled this as a panel where Baz is sitting in their room at Wattford at that time of evening where outside is vibrant and golden, but inside can be quite dark and dreary. Maybe when you’ve just been sitting there so long you forget to turn on the lights because it was sunny when you sat down.

The walls are a more sunset-like orange and brown tones, but Baz pops in the foreground with cooler tones of purple. Dunno if the posters on the wall are working, but I figured they’d be for his sports team or something :/

Also, a BIG thank you to everyone who bought me a coffee this month! You helped me make my book budget so I could get a new read for my birthday!! Thank you so much!!

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Have page 2 of “Golden Destiny” as a birthday gift from me to you :) Pardon my messy speech bubbles,

Have page 2 of “Golden Destiny” as a birthday gift from me to you :) Pardon my messy speech bubbles, I usually clean them up once I go digital. I get the best product still with good old pencil and paper, though!

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Seventh year, Homework time in the Mummers house’s tower…

I’ve been re reading Carry On and Wayward Son lately… the feeeels ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ @rainbowrowell

Bonus Baz

I love the expressions!!! <3

9outofpen: FINISHED THE FIREPLACE SCENE!!Wow, look at a half a year’s difference between the two p9outofpen: FINISHED THE FIREPLACE SCENE!!Wow, look at a half a year’s difference between the two p



Wow, look at a half a year’s difference between the two pages O.O I think I’ll touch up the first page to match the second, but what do you guys think?? :D

Who else here feels a redraw is in order? Just me? Alright then, it’s unanimous.

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i wish we had seen the moment baz falls in love with simon bc thats so funny. hes like half way through bullying him when theyre 14 and its just “OH. OH FUCK. OH PLEASE NO. GODDAMNIT”

still thinking about this like hes in the middle of the chimera fight, simon saves his life from his own monster and baz is like


just bought the paper back so i can annotate a copy. i’ve been dying to mark up all the callbacks.
