

This is a healing journey,

there is always a wound, fear is wrapped even in the most shining smile. Your childhood can be an imprint of the main themes in your healing journey - this is a time when we can see deeper, when we’re wise enough to open for any experience and craving for teaching, no matter how harsh, horrible it can be, our soul is fresh with the memory of why we’re here.

So we’re ready to go - passed unnoticed to the adults, words and actions towards us as children can stay with us for years, mirroring in various difficult experiences.

Inner child

That’s all held in our inner child, the first sparkle of our personality free from conditioning by education, family, social groups etc., widely open for life and its experiences as they are, full of play, creative fire and ability to accept and give love. It’s the most clear imprint of our soul.


Trauma shadows the inner child, making him\her retreat into the deeper parts of the psyche, he\she isn’t a warrior at all, so quietly slides inside, leaving vague memories.

When we approach the trauma - see it, starting to descend into it, slowly healing, the inner child is coming further.

Things that can bring the trauma into the light:

*** meditation and relaxation through any kind of technique that help your body and mind to open up and release stored energy of the wound,

*** setting intention that you’re ready to reveal your wounds and start healing can be a great deal, it’s a kind of signal you’re sending to your conscious mind at first and then letting this intention go, forgetting about it, you allow your unconsciousness connected with cosmos to start working on it,

*** focusing on the things that can point to your wounds:

  • natal chart (look at Pluto, Chiron, Lilith)
  • evaluating repeating negative patterns in your life, your blocks
  • going to see your parents or staying with them for a while (the last thing is advised if you want no less but enlightenment)
  • reflecting on the relationships with people closest to you,

*** trying to reconnect with your inner child - dance, sing, embrace your creativity and try to see how your inner child responds to that, eventually you can even write a letter to yourself as a child.


Healing is a slow process of opening up to the trauma, letting wounds to be revealed, accepted and healed. There is no specific time, pace, process to do that. It’s like letting the flower bloom, not trying to open up the petals, eventually ruining the natural process. That flower is your inner, truest teacher, eventually it makes us grow, teach us love, compassion, understanding, let our souls evolve.

Explore. Reframe. Embrace healthy conflict. Celebrate that value is in your effort, only that matters.
