#source mbmbam



Veronica: Be the change you want to see in the world, but be like, kind of shitty and passive aggressive about it

Cordelia: Well, Alastair and I never actually fought when we were younger.

Alastair: Except sometimes you would get angry when I would throw a baseball bat at you.

Cordelia: You did throw a baseball bat at me but that was pure accident, right?

Alastair: No, that was a game we were playing.

Cordelia: It was Taste My Steel but I feel like it was pure accident.

James: What’s Taste My Steel?

Alastair: It was a game we invented.

Cordelia:Yeah, it was a real collaborative effort. Basically, Alastair had an aluminium baseball bat and he would throw it at me, but I would know it was coming.

Alastair: How would you know?

Cordelia: Because you would shout: “taste my steel!” And throw the bat at me.

Alastair: You dodged it every time, though.

Cordelia: Except the last time that we played it. You hit me right in the eyeball and I got the biggest, nastiest shiner anyone’s ever gotten and then mum was like: “hey, don’t play Taste My Steel anymore.”

Barbie: If you could travel to Mars, who would you travel with, and what snacks?

Ken: Oh that’s tough.

[Some time later]

Barbie, exasperated: The question was “if you could travel to Mars and eat snacks, what would it be?” and Trey’s answer was “I would kill and eat Dolly Parton”.

Barbie: And Tammy’s was “I would have a 20-year-long sexual arrangement with Matthew McConaughey in outer space”.
