

Ich hatte den Tod ohnehin nicht verdient, ich konnte ihn doch gar nicht bezahlen, denn er kostete das Leben, und davon hatte ich noch viel zu wenig.

Benedict Wells -Spinner


I cannot be the only one that thought Shigaraki was cute as fuck in that one scene

if spinner has been a girl, i still think she would be pretty cool should she be kept pretty much the same: gecko appearance, weak quirk, gamer, hikikomori, swords enthusiast, intelligence: D.

But it would be undeniable that she would be the most stereotypical female love interest for Shigaraki ‘real protag of bnha’ Tomura.

Only things on her mind are dudes; is considered weak, rarely ever in a fight, mostly provides the emotional support for the League; becomes a figurehead that inspires people but isn’t actually in control of that influence; falls for Shigaraki and being awe-struck by his eyes and smile and power, loyally attending to him when he’s in pain and can’t do anything but watch as he suffers, holding onto an important item of Shigaraki’s most likely hoping to one day return it to him when he comes back…

And obviously she’s on track to be a housewife. Between the role and loyalty and ‘yamori’ meaning ‘housekeeper’ and voice actor talking about how she wouldn’t need a quirk upgrade because she’s got heart and cares for Shigaraki— it’s all right there.

But he’s not and so Spinner is groundbreaking and this is win for feminism, gaymers, and malewives.



Most likely to recognize and authenticate high fashion brands: Twice

Most likely to know an illegal arms dealer: Toga

Most likely to listen to Britney Spears: Mr. Compress

Most likely to have a masters degree in chemical engineering: Magne

Most likely to have read aburdist French authors: Shigaraki Tomura

Most likely to know how to hunt a bear: Spinner

Taking constructive criticism

“Most likely to know how to hunt a bear: Spinner”

oh my god I was actually onto something there


Japan has two native species of bears! the black bears of Honshu and Shikoku, and the brown bears of Hokkaido. So there are bear sightings and attacks in rural areas even to this day.

Since Spinner’s from the countryside, he probably grew up being taught about bears and how to watch out for them. Here’s a information packet issued by the government for kids with facts and safety guidelines.

And here’s a image of bear behavior throughout the seasons from it.

Wanna note that the in the skit, the League did everything opposite of what you’re supposed to do when encountering a bear ahaha (not remaining calm, yelling and being noisy, running).

My personal silly headcanon is that Spinner is from an area with Matagi hunters, traditional bear hunters in the mountains of northern Japan, and maybe even tried bear hunting himself. Would explain having enough survival skills and familiarity with those blades of his to not immediately get killed when in a fight. Would love a Spinner having some of that knowledge.

Spinner: How far do you burns go?

Dabi: They-

Hawks: Oh, he’s got them everywhere. There’s some on his upper chest, a few on his sides, one on his upper thigh, one on each hip-




I cannot be the only one that thought Shigaraki was cute as fuck in that one scene

Local homosexual spotted with his furry boyfriend

I drew this with fucking trees


I’m starting to think they just have no idea what other pose to use for him

It was beautiful. And the music at the end… It reminds me of something. Recently. In a preview of Heroes. Oops.



I know that Spinner moved on to stanning Shigaraki, and rightly so, but I still want him and the other league members to meet Stain.

Imagine Stain walks in and it’s like:

Spinner, gasps then turns to Shigaraki.

Shigaraki, sighs: “Go ahead.”

Spinner: “Hello! You’re Stain- You’re the Stain. I’m Spinner. Wow. I can’t believe you’re actually here- right here in front of me—“

Shigaraki: “Okay, stop.”

Dabi: “How embarrassing.”

Stain, looks at Dabi.

Dabi: “Oh my god— I mean, Hey. I’m Touya- DABI- you can call me whatever you want—“

Shigaraki: “This is pathetic.”

Toga in the distance ready to stab Stain.


Most likely an unpopular opinion, but this panel was the most stand out in the chapter, and probably one of the saddest in the whole story. Spinner is a character that has had his self-esteem completely destroyed and ripped apart basically his whole life. His internal self worth is nonexistent. To see a character look at themselves and believe they are ‘nothing’ is not a fantastic and dramatic tragedy, it’s real. It’s a view anyone can have of themselves, to believe themselves so small and insignificant, and it hit far too close to home for me.

When people believe they are worth nothing they end up suffering for nothing.

I didn’t realize Spinner has a crush on Dabi


I was at the hospital and a nurse pointed at my shirt and said “I love Naruto.”

my shirt:


I’m starting to think they just have no idea what other pose to use for him
