#spirit realm


So I’ve noticed that during 2020 I became so melancholy and fractured at some points that currently my third eye and general spiritual awareness is borderline nonexistent. This, of course, can only mean one thing…

It’s time to break out my Astral Awakening tea again and get back into my meditation routine.

My tea recipe below is for more advanced practitioners and yes I am stating this for a damn good reason!!  Two of the herbs involved in this tea have specific doses and several contraindications and one of them is psychoactive (although most places consider it legal since the effects are rather minor).

I cannot stress this enough: Always, ALWAYS! research each and every herb thoroughly before using, messing with, or adding them to literally anything! Even generally safe, common herbs such as chamomile can have contraindications (ie: chamomile should not be used by people who take blood thinners).

I have experience in this field. Years of it. I’ve done all of my homework six ways from Sunday. That is the only reason I personally even considered experimenting with more risky herbs and ingesting them.

But yeah now that that’s out of the way, here’s my Astral Awakening tea recipe to be used in conjunction with meditation to open your third eye and connect to the spirit realm!

                                                 - - - - - - -

Blue Lotus → ½ tsp.
Devil’s Claw → 1 tsp.
Cornflower → 1 tsp.
Lavender → 2 tsp.

**This should be steeped for 5 to 10 minutes in a small pot with hot water.

Blue Lotus is the psychoactive flower. It has long been associated with the spirit world and the astral realm. It also opens your third eye chakra and assists with astral travel, lucid dreaming, and general psychic ability boosting/awakening.

Devil’s Claw is something I always throw in because it is an extremely powerful protection herb and very, very much wanted when you are in such a vulnerable state as leaving your own body. When projecting, traveling, or even lucid dreaming it’s always a great idea to have some kind of backup, be it a charm, a ward, or a protective herb of some kind. Since you never know how deep or far you’ll travel with this specific tea, I chose Devil’s Claw as my guardian since it is ultra protective and hella good at its job.

Cornflower is strongly associated with the Indigo Children and Star Children in general. It is also known for its influence with deeper, inner connections, spiritual connections, lucid dreaming, and astral travel. Where as Blue Lotus is more like a ship since it kind of just…detaches you and throws you into the unknown, you could say that Cornflower would be a bit more like the starry night sky. It’s a natural compass to guide you through your journey as long as you’re willing to pay attention.

Finally, Lavender is my round-out herb that, although it is also associated with relaxation, sleep, and dreaming, is also pleasant to taste and should keep your travels on the mellow side and aid in side-stepping danger in that regard.

Happy realm hopping!

Three travelers, from, “an antique land,” pause on their journey through, “lone and level sand … bou

Three travelers, from, “an antique land,” pause on their journey through, “lone and level sand … boundless and bare.” The three are a child, miserably exposed to the elements; an elderly drunk, bringing wine and not water with him into the wastes; and Death, Santa Muerte, the Bony Sister, the only true Spirit Guide that all humans have access to.

TheAce of Wands is a card about making friends with the Unforeseeable. Not luck or fate, but rather being open for the chance of encountering something that is, literally, out of this world; the chance of communication between the Spirit Realm and our own, the chance for finding Inspiration from the queerest of sources.

The two mortal figures represent how most people react when exposed to the Otherworldly; either frightfully naked and vulnerable or so toxic and intoxicated with themselves that the entire experience is wasted. Either way, for a species that can’t even agree on whether the Spirit Realm is real or a figment of our collective imagination, an exceptionally large number of us are resolved that our opinions must be correct and the rest must be fools, infidels and heretics.

Only Death, the inescapable Guide who is with us through every moment of our mortal lives, knows for sure and the brilliant thing about Death is that she never tells. Like the untamable Sea, Santa Muerte has no use for our vanity and pride—you can’t get on her “Good side” and being Saved or Damned, how one prays if you pray at all, or the endless contradictory beliefs that we all cling to—Death is apart from all that. Death has no agenda other than measuring out the time that we have in this waking world and yet so many of us use our brief moments for only conceited self-service and base vainglory.

When the Ace of Wands appears in a reading pay attention to where Death is pointing you towards. You have no choice but to follow but you can decide whether to enter the wilderness sober and properly dressed or naked and ranting.

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I crave deeper connections. I wanna talk about the spiritual realm. I wanna talk about the magic of the Universe. I wanna talk about how we are the creators of our lives. I wanna talk about manifestation and the law of attraction. Where you guys at??

Your own tiny cemetery, forever sealed beneath a natural water clear quartz dome.

Adorned with laurel branches to symbolize victory, eternity, and immortality.
