#spop glimbow


My Catradora multi-chapter fic found on A03


Adora’s a hardcore workaholic defense attorney fighting to keep innocent people out of prison.

Catra’s an angst-ridden private investigator trying to make ends meet.

Both of them are hell-bent on saving three rookies from prison and taking down the corrupt cops that arrested them.

The only problem?

Ten years ago Catra and Adora ended whatever they had and they are a little pissed about having to work together again. And for some reason, the attraction that was there ten years ago hasn’t subsided. It’s a complete mess. They’re a mess.

Chapter 1: i can’t call you a stranger

Darkness usually beckoned people to sleep, but Adora was different. She always had been. She felt comforted by the fact that when she was awake, the rest of the world was asleep. She liked the silence; the way that no one could seem to bother her at such a late time. Yet somehow, she never felt lonely in the depths of night. The stars had kept her company ever since she was young. Even as an adult she relied on the stars, even when they were barely visible with all the city light.

Late into the night or morning (Adora couldn’t tell), her eyes burned as she stared at the screen. She wanted to fight against her bodily functions, hating her eyes for having the audacity to feel tired. She had work to do. She always had work to do.

But Glimmer texted her. Glimmer always texted her right when Adora was getting somewhere in her work.

Glimmer: Adora, it’s 1:00, please come home

Adora did what Adora did best. She ignored the text. Glimmer tended to worry about things that had nothing to do with her, especially when it came to her best friend. Most days, Adora loved that about her. Tonight, she was annoyed. She was so close, she felt it deep in her bones. She was going to find something that would prove the innocence of–

She got another text and groaned.

Bow: Glimmer is killing me, Adora! Don’t make me come pick you up!

Fuck. She would have liked to believe that Bow was just kidding, but knowing him, his threats (since he rarely gave threats) were never empty. Bow was the nicest guy in the world, but he was just as stubborn as Adora. If he believed he was doing the right thing, there was nothing anyone could do to stop him. It was what made him a ruthless (and empathetic) lawyer and good friend (albeit, a little frustrating sometimes).

Murmuring curses to herself, she gathered up all of her shit and texted her friends that she was on her way back to their apartment. She didn’t want to stop working when she was this close, but she also knew she had a habit of passing out when she doesn’t sleep for a few days. It didn’t happen often, but it happened often enough for everyone else besides her to consider it a ‘problem’.

Her eyes were betraying her as she drove home. It was a short five-minute drive, but the number of times she had to smack herself was frightening. Even with her music up all the way, she almost fell asleep. It wasn’t really a problem, though. She was fine.

“You look like–”

“Shit,” Adora answered as she entered the small apartment that she shared with her best friends and colleagues. “I know. I was so close with the Yates case, you know.”

Glimmer had her hands on her hips and her ‘mom’ face on. “I’m sure you were. Go to bed, Adora.”

Adora rolled her eyes and tried to remember how much she loved Glimmer on a good day. Glimmer was her first friend at the firm. Glimmer was the first person who gave her a chance. Glimmer was crafty and wicked and brilliant and Adora loved her. But dammit, Glimmer was the ‘mom’ friend and Adora did not appreciate being treated like a child. She didn’t want anyone to take care of her as if she wasn’t capable of taking care of herself.

“Is Bow sleeping in your–”

“Go to bed, Adora!” Glimmer (though almost a whole foot shorter) grabbed a hold of her and pushed her toward the direction of Adora’s incredibly tiny room. Usually, Adora was much stronger than her friend with pink tips in her hair, but she barely had any fight left in her.

She had enough energy to get into the bathroom, but was terrified to look at herself in the mirror. She didn’t have to see herself to know that she probably looked like a mess. She didn’t have to look at the mirror to know that her blue eyes were probably slightly red with dark circles underneath and that her blonde hair had random strands pulled out of her tight ponytail. She brushed her teeth and washed her face.

Her bed was calling her, practically chanting her name, but when she laid down (with all of her clothes on), she suddenly felt very awake again. She loved the night, but she hated her insomnia. She had always been a bad sleeper, but it had gotten worse over the past few years. She thought that when she got to a point when she was working 24/7 she would be able to fall asleep out of exhaustion, but that hadn’t been the case. She still stared at the ceiling and tried the tricks that Google had suggested. They never worked, but usually, they were enough of a distraction to the other kind of thoughts that usually fragmented her mind at night.

Adora took a deep breath and exhaled. Sometimes she really wished she would take the melatonin like Glimmer kept telling her to.


“Oh my, that’s disgusting.”

Catra almost completely flinched. She had forgotten that she had brought Scorpia along for the stake-out. Since Scorpia was a talker, the numbing silence must have made her feel like she was still alone. She was used to the woman chatting her ear off about things that Catra didn’t care about. Her not talking for a long amount of time was new for her.

“What?” Catra just took pictures of the couple in the car.

“He’s married. He should not be hooking up with someone else. I just don’t understand people. Marriage is a sacred oath.”

Catra snorted as she took more pictures knowing that she was going to get a big check for this case. This was the first stake-out she had taken her new partner with. She normally hated to do ‘cheating’ cases, but she was hurt for cash and, well, it was an easy cash maker. She had to do the shit so that she could do the work she really wanted to do.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, Scorp, the wife is going to get a huge chunk of change in the divorce. She could probably take everything from the dick.”

Scorpia harrumphed. “Still. She’ll hurt from seeing this.”

Catra didn’t mind Scorpia most of the time, but the tall woman had more emotions than anyone Catra had ever met before and it made her incredibly uncomfortable sometimes. She liked doing this job untethered to any emotions at all. It was easier.

“Look.” Catra turned to her new partner and scowled. “The people that pay me already know deep down that their partner’s cheating. I just take the pictures.”

Scorpia shivered. “I would never cheat. That’s just so cruel, you know?”

Catra shrugged. She had never been cheated on or cheated on someone, though she guessed that at one point she was probably the ‘other woman’, not that she really cared. Sex was sex. Sometimes she forgot that there were people out there like Scorpia who really believed in love.

“Good for you. Let’s head back. We have a meeting with the trio.”

Scorpia nodded, obviously still bothered by what she had just seen. Scorpia was a good investigator, Catra knew this (it’s why she hired her), but she still thought that the woman was naive. Scorpia was the kind of person who believed that good was in everyone. Catra knew that if anything, everyone was capable of bad, but some chose not to touch their own darkness.

“The trio. You mean…”


The trio. The three rookie officers who found out about illegal shit going on in the police. Things that Catra had already figured, but needed proof of. They were three idiot kids who were in fear of their life, but they were good at finding things out and snooping. Catra felt like she was so close to bringing down the corrupt cops for good.

“Insane. Really. Cops on the take from criminals. I mean, what is the world turning into?”

Catra frowned at her. “Are you joking or stupid? Cops have always been bad, Scorpia. They’re usually just better at hiding it.”

Her partner looked away out the other window and Catra knew that she had gone a little too far. Scorpia usually thought that Catra was the epitome of good, but sometimes she proved to Scorpia that she was a douche. Scorpia usually tried to not believe it.

“Do you think Entrapta has hacked into the police database yet?”

Catra smirked and answered, “There’s nothing Entrapta can’t hack into. At this point, she’s probably hacked the NSA so many times that it bores her.”

Scorpia nodded and Catra could see that Scorpia was still hurt. Part of Catra cared and thought about apologizing for being so harsh, but she knew by now to ignore that part of herself. She didn’t like that part of her. The vulnerable side of her.

“That’s good.”

“Yeah,” Catra agreed softly, not knowing what else to say. “It is.”


The alarm that woke Adora up was an old Paramore song that she was addicted to years ago. She never changed it (and she didn’t think she ever would). She rubbed her eyes that didn’t feel like got a minute of sleep. She didn’t know why she still woke up more tired than when she went to sleep. She shook the dark thought out of her head. It was a new day. A day to really make the change she wanted to see in the world. The lack of sleep made it feel worth it.

Steaming water from the shower covered her body and she enjoyed the sensation. After long nights, she usually woke up aching. The water always helped.


Glimmer. Adora pulled the curtain back slightly to see her best friend in a cute dress in her bathroom. Glimmer really had no definition of ‘personal space’ and sometimes it really showed.

“What, Glimmer?” She thought that maybe the growl that came out of her mouth would scare her away, but it didn’t. Of course it didn’t. It never did.

“I was just thinking… are you going to go on another date with Huntara?”

Adora was about to hit something, or more specifically, someone. Glimmer had always been invasive about her love life (or lack of love life), but it got worse after Adora admitted that she didn’t do relationships. She regretted revealing that information and really regretted drunkenly admitting that she had sex with someone from the office.

“Glimmer, do we have to talk about this now?”

She shrugged dramatically and said, “I think she’s great, you know? But she flirts with everyone, Adora. And I know she’s hot and all but–”

“Glimmer.” Adora tried to hold herself back and remember that Glimmer wasn’t trying to offend her or anything like that. “Huntara and I aren’t dating. We slept together once after we had a lot to drink. It’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal? Adora, I thought you liked her?!”

Glimmer was a romantic. Adora knew this about her best friend (just like she knew Bow was the same way). She made up her mind a long time ago that she wasn’t made to be with anybody. That her focus was going to be on work, on making the world better, but Glimmer did not accept that. Adora appreciated that her friend thought she deserved more, but she knew better. She knew not to go down that road. Besides, she rarely had any sort of feelings for anybody. She just didn’t work that way.

“I do like Huntara. She’s amazing. Seriously. But I don’t have fee lings for her and I do not want to date her. Or date anyone. You know that.”

Glimmer just grumbled loudly. “Fine. I still think that you should let me try to set you up with somebody. You know, Perfuma thinks you’re great. And she’s single.”

Adora knew why she emphasized the last word. The last person she tried to set Adora up with was Mermista, who already was in a relationship with Sea Hawk, even though she pretended to hate him. Besides, as much as she liked the professional deadpan investigator of the firm, there wasn’t anything between them that resembled a spark. Not that Adora had much experience with that feeling anyway.

“No more set ups, Glim.” She turned the water off and pulled the towel off the hook before getting out. “I don’t want to be in a relationship with anyone.”

Glimmer pouted. “Okay, but what if there’s someone really hot and–”


“Okay, you’re right. I’m done meddling. I’m going to see if Bow’s done with breakfast. And don’t worry, he’s made a pot of coffee. You’re addicted.”

Adora rolled her eyes and smiled at her best friend, who she knew always meant well. “So are you. Now get out of here.”


“Don’t get angry, Catra. I’m sure that there’s a perfect explanation for why–”

“They are little fuckers,” Catra seethed as she slammed her hands on the table, ignoring Scorpia’s looks of concern. “Of course they gave up. I can’t believe I put any faith in literal children.”

Scorpia was staring at her, her short bleached white/grey hair swooping along her forehead, and Catra knew what was coming. The optimistic speech about giving people a chance, yadda yadda yadda, people might surprise you, yadda yadda yadda. Catra didn’t know how the woman was still an optimist; she knew how much shit she had been through.

“Exactly, Wild Cat. They’re children. Give them some space. They’ll come back. They’re good kids.”

Catra knew what it was like. The police were really an indoctrinating boys club founded on morals they only took seriously when it fit their own ideology, but it was well cloaked by the idea of justice. Catra was once fooled, too, many years ago. But she never got to the point of being a rookie cop. She never even graduated from the police academy. She had seen the truth and never looked back.

She turned her attention away from Scorpia and the memories of her past back to Entrapta. With her hacker, she still felt like she could get things done without the idiot kids. Entrapta was in the corner of their cramped office space typing away on her several different screens.

Entrapta was weird. She was brilliant, but weird. Catra still didn’t understand why the woman with long purple hair in pigtails who occasionally wore a bug mask continued to work for her. Entrapta could do anything, but here she was.

“Yo, Entrapta. Please tell me you did not stay here all night.”

She looked up with wide eyes and declared, “I couldn’t say that unless you want me to lie. Do you want me to lie?”

Catra rolled her eyes but felt the tug of a smile on her lips. “You need help, Entrapta. So, did you get in or what?”

Entrapta grinned at her like the cheshire cat. “Oh, I got in all right. I got in after ten minutes. Honestly, if they don’t want us to hack in, why make it so easy? It’s like they want us to hack in. I mean, I could delete every file if I wanted to. Or I could put out a BOLO for the captain, Catra. I could–”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it, brainy. You could do a whole shit load of bad. As much as I appreciate that, do you think we could get the case records?”

Entrapta just blinked at her. “I could have done that in third grade. But to warn you, they just started to use digital records. I’m guessing most of the records are still in paper files somewhere. Imagine the chaos if someone were to burn–”

“You terrify me, Entrapta.” She said it in a joking tone, but there was something about the genius that was a little intense. She knew that if Entrapta wanted to destroy anyone she could. She did not want to get on her bad side.

The hacker just shrugged and continued to type rapidly, off doing her own thing. Catra didn’t even want to ask what she had been up to the entire night if it had taken her ten minutes to hack into the database.


Angella was walking toward the three of them and Adora felt the air knock out of her. Angella was not just the mother of her best friend, she was the managing partner of the Bright Moon law firm and Adora’s boss. She was beyond intimidating and all she wanted to do was prove herself. Adora wanted to become a partner before she turned thirty (just like all the other associates).

“I have a new case for the three of you. Follow me to my office. We have a lot to discuss.” She swiftly turned around and expected Adora, Glimmer, and Bow to follow her.

Adora shared a worried look between her best friends. They already had so much on their plate, they couldn’t imagine handling another case. But it wasn’t like they could tell the woman that. There was no way that she’d let them become partners if they couldn’t handle what they had already.

The three of them sat down in Angella’s large office with floor to ceiling windows that made Adora feel uncomfortable. The elegant woman just looked at them and sighed.

“I wouldn’t normally ask associates to work on a case like the one I’m giving you, but our partners have already too much on their hands. I want all three of you on this one. This case is important to me and I trust all three of you to handle it.”

“Mom–I mean–Angella, what’s going on?” Glimmer asked her, sounding a little bit concerned.

“Our firm has been investigating the PPD for a long time. You all know the corruption that happens there.” The three of them nodded, Adora more slowly than the others. “Three rookie police officers were just arrested for stealing evidence. Drugs.”

Adora was confused. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

Angella shook her head. “I think the rookies are innocent, Adora. I got a call from a friend who’s representing them and they say that they were helping a PI agency get dirt on the corruption going on. She thinks that they’re trying to bury the rookies.”

“A PI agency?” Bow asked, voicing Adora’s exact thoughts.

Angella nodded. “It seems like a legitimate agency. I’ll give them a call after this meeting. I want you three to meet with the rookies right now if you can. The charges have already been filed so they have probably been booked. We need to make sure that they get bail.”

“Angella,” Adora whispered, her voice shaking more than she thought it would. “What PI agency is it?”

The managing partner looked through some papers and said, “Uh, Horde Investigations & Consulting.”

Adora gripped the arms of her chair and felt the sensation of her whole body getting dunked in a pool of ice water. For a second, she forgot how to breathe. She knew who was running the agency, she didn’t even have to ask. The name rose to her throat and stayed there. Lingering.


Adora cleared her throat and smiled hard at Glimmer. She didn’t want anyone to know about the maelstrom in her mind that surrounded the person she tried to not think about.

“I’m fine. Let’s get to work.”

 Glimmer from She-Ra and the Princesses of PowerArrow and  Cynthia - My OC for She-RaFanart by Ble Glimmer from She-Ra and the Princesses of PowerArrow and  Cynthia - My OC for She-RaFanart by Ble Glimmer from She-Ra and the Princesses of PowerArrow and  Cynthia - My OC for She-RaFanart by Ble

Glimmer from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Arrow and  Cynthia - My OC for She-Ra

Fanart by Bletisan

Post link
 Bow and Glimmer from from She-Ra and the Princesses of PowerFanart by BletisanCynthia and Arrow - M

Bow and Glimmer from from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Fanart by Bletisan
Cynthia and Arrow - My OCs for She-Ra

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Bow from from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Fanart by BletisanCynthia - My OC for She-Ra

Bow from from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power Fanart by Bletisan

Cynthia - My OC for She-Ra

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