#spring magic



The thing about hundreds of unmanaged, seed-propagated plants is that there will always be a few oddballs in there somewhere. Pale blue bluebonnets are the most common variant in my experience. This particular population also has a small number of pale pink (recessive?) variants with no blue pigment. Finally, I was able to find one fasciated flower. All of these were located within walking distance of each other, no big expedition required. Keep an eye out in fields of wildflowers and you may find some interesting things!


Celebrating Ostara 

SPRING EQUINOX | March 19-22

Decorations: flowers, butterfly, eggs, baskets, four-leaf clovers

Incense: rose, sage, jasmin, lavender, lemongrass, lilac

Food: honey, banana, eggs, milk, seeds and nuts, green vegetables, quiche, lavender lemonade

The fairies are really busy at the spring equinox, looking after the flowers that are nearly blooming. Ostara is a goddess who represents dawn. Night and day are of equal length but the year is now waxing and light is about to defeat the darkness, and celebrate its own fertility.

Rituals to celebrate:

With people, gather in a circle to set intentions for togetherness, fertility and abundance.

In the kitchen, bake honey cakes and banana bread.

Get crafty, by making a bird feeder for your garden or decorating eggs to put on your altar.

Dress up, with spring colors: whites, bright, and floral patterns.

Write in your journal, about negative thoughts that you are choosing not to bring with you in the coming spring.

Meditate, about what fertility and growth means to you.

Other ideas to celebrate:

  • Plant and gather flowers.
  • Do some research on herbs and their properties.
  • Start a new project (creative, personal or professional).
  • Spend as much time in nature as possible.
  • Reconnect with animals by going to a farm or an ethical zoo.

Blessed Ostara witches! 


spring witchcraft

a list of things to do through the spring months, as a witch

studying flower and herb correspondences for spellwork

going outside and letting the wind and sun hit you to recharge

putting your bare feet in grass or soil and imagining being rooted to the earth to help with grounding

planting wildflowers around your house to save those bees baby

working with fae and other nature spirits and guardians

starting an herb or vegetable garden

spring cleaning to get rid of any old energy and welcome new, clean energy

opening your windows and letting spring breeze into your home to invigorate you

harvesting flowers to use for spells (ask nature spirits for permission first and maybe leave a lil somethin in its place as an offering)

making sunwater/flower teas

making wishes on dandelions

spells involving new ideas, growth, and refreshing your mind and body



❁ Do a ‘spring cleaning’ by cleaning and cleansing your whole house.  

❁ Do a ritual to welcome spring. 

❁ Begin devoting your time to learning, reading, and writing about your craft.  

❁ Use divination to determine your goals and outcomes for the year. 

❁ Start your seeds inside.

❁ Spoil your houseplants by watering them, fertilizing them, and talking to             them. Add crystals to their pots. 

❁ Spend time outside noticing signs of springs return. 

❁ Change your altar to correspond with spring. 

❁ Collect rain water from spring showers.

❁ Collect flower blossoms to dry and press for your spells and grimoire.

❁ Collect spring stream water.

❁ Meditate in the greening grass.

❁ De-clutter your home to bring forth fresh, new energies.

❁ Plant wild flowers for the bees.

I meant to post this sooner but life seems to have gotten in the way. 

May the moon light your path!
Moonlight Academy
