

I pet Sprig. Sprig is a newly sprouted Bellsprout. A few more days of water and sunshine and she’ll be out of her pot and causing trouble.

A shiny rookidee. It looks smug. ALT
A shiny grookey.ALT
A scorbunny that's brown with big, fluffy angel wings. ALT
An eevee with a scar and large tusks.ALT
A feathery snubbull wearing a necklace and a crown with wings on the sides. ALT

Pokemon pokemon pokemon pokemoOOOON!

Eggroll the shiny Rookidee, Sprout the shiny Grookey, Theodore the noir-colored, angelic Scorbunny, Luna the feral Eevee, and Mindy the noir, feathered Snubbull!

Here’s another animated promo for my upcoming graphic novel: Girls Give Me Butterflies!

I CAN’T WAIT for y’all to meet Sprout!!!

ESK i love them


i love them

Post link

Happy Wolfboy day!!!!!

I’m so excited I got to work on this This team was AMAZING to work with!! ✨☁️

Some pretty flowers and bumblebee from my garden

Spring in my garden in italy be like
