

283. At some point James Potter and Sirius Black found all of James’ old glasses from throughout his life and placed every single one of them on James’ face, all 12 of them, and wore them to transfiguration.

Mcgonagall was so done with their antics by then that she didnt even realise and just continued teaching the lesson as if nothing was amiss.

Last october I had the pleasure to do an Illustration for #entertainmentweekly about Harry Potter. I

Last october I had the pleasure to do an Illustration for #entertainmentweekly about Harry Potter. I‘m a huge fan so this was a lot of fun:) #harrypotter #illustration #drawing #hufflepuff #hogwarts #mcgonagall #askaban #malfoy #gringotts #potterhead

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Hogwarts professors 

Hogwarts professors 

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McGonagall: [To the marauders] Did none of you think that this was a bad idea?

Sirius: Oh, no, we all did. We just decided to do it anyway.







it must be really weird for anyone who was taught by dumbledore and mcgonagall and the rest to become teachers and have to, like, treat them as colleagues

like, snape and lupin have one (1) thing in common and it’s a pathological inability to call dumbledore by his first name

Correct me if i’m wrong, but wasn’t McGonagall more or less in the same year as Tom Riddle?

Does that mean that Dumbledore was also her teacher?

Minerva McGonagall has called him Albus since she was eleven because she is a queen who bows to no one

The image of an 11yo Minerva McGonagall looking her new professor dead in the eye and saying “Will there be homework tonight, Albus?” is too powerful for words


I can just see it going down something like this:

Shiny new transfiguration professor Albus Dumbledore: “Now you won’t be able to turn your matchstick into a needle on the first try, of course, but—”

Tiny eleven-year-old BAMF Minerva McGonagall with a Scottish accent thicker than pea soup: “Ayy! Ye cannae know that!”

Albus Dumbledore, whose experience with the results of being patronizing to small badass children is insufficient to warn him not to: “Oh, absolutely, young lady, you might surprise us. Or any of your classmates might, it’s true.”

Tiny smoldering barrel of magical talent with “TNT” painted on the side Minerva McGonagall: “What’ll ye give us if we do surpriseye?”

Brightly-colored balloon of good-natured obliviousness Albus Dumbledore: “Why, my dear Miss McGonagall, if you can give me a needle on the first try, I shall allow you to call me by my first name.”

It’s a very fine needle, and she calls him Albus for the rest of her life.

 It’s called Rule 34 bitches.

It’s called Rule 34 bitches.

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James can’t produce a patronus for ages, he just can’t stay focused.

DADA in the last year, when they’re learning it, Minnie just happens to be walking by and sees him struggle. She stops in on the class, and Lily finally provides a full body patronus of a doe. Minnie goes over to James and says to him quietly “Evans looks happy with hers,” and James looks at his girlfriend. She has a bright smile looking up at the creature from her wand.

James focuses on this, on Lily, on her smile. He holds our his wand once more and speaks the charm, and a large bright stag escapes his wand and joins the doe in the sky.

McGonagall said something then, barely loud enough for James to hear, and he can’t be sure that he did, but he thinks her heard her mutter “good job, Prongs.”


I love even in a situation like this, McGonagall is still very supportive.


*mcgonagall, sprout and snape are sitting on a bench*

flitwick: why do you guys look so sad?

snape: sit down with us so we can tell you.

*flitwick sits down*

mcgonagall: the bench is freshly painted.

Minnie McG is in her prime at EVERY age. I just felt like drawing her in her early years of teaching

Minnie McG is in her prime at EVERY age. I just felt like drawing her in her early years of teaching.

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herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003) herhmione:Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2003)

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What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like he’s going to kill him.What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like he’s going to kill him.What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like he’s going to kill him.

What’s the worst that could happen? It’s not like he’s going to kill him.

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James: Guys, we should really go out to Hogsmeade - it’s been ages! Pads, are you free after we get out of detention with McGonagall on Sunday?




James: Excellent! I’m not!



James: Have fun on your date!

Remus: Wait, did he really just…?

Sirius: *mouthing to James* Thank you.

McGonagall to Hermione snatching the Time-Turner from the hands
