#stand with ukrainians



What happened in Mariupol is a tragedy for all Ukrainians.For all Friends of Ukraine.Nighmare in real life. Defenders of Mariupol are heroes,who have to be saved.Mariupol was a beautiful city.Now it is the city of corps and mass graves.


❤️‍"Before the war, my son loved to play, jump, laugh. And there he stopped smiling at all, stopped talking. His eyes fell, I thought he would not survive. Now he is better, but still sometimes he remembers something, comes up to me, hugs and cries. And I cry with him.“Miranda, mother of five-year-old Artur from Mariupol.


Vitalij Taran and Alla Taran family who served in the "Azov"Battalion they died in Azovstal.Their child lost his parents.


“We are at the epicenter of the confrontation of two ideas: the European democratic idea that the freedom and life of everyone matters and the cruel tyrannical idea that only a person who can subdue other people matters. That’s what we need to stop together. Everyone in Europe”


Rescued from the fire.This dog now in PetArmy

Now this dog is firefighter.His name Bayraktar

“There are particular moments in history when the choices are binary & require a clear, straightforward attitude.

Rhetorical contortions, so-called subtleties, convoluted detours are the sign of a misguided & debased soul.The so-called strong minds are corrupted brains”


Horrifying rain of thermite from russian Grad 9M22S incendiary rockets. Thermite burns at 3,000 C - through metal. Ukraine’s troops are facing some of the most savage, barbarous weapons ever devised. There’s no excuse not to quickly supply them with weapons to fight back with.

Defender of Mariupol.Heroes

Mikhail Dianov.He is 42.Because of some reasons he looks older now.That reasons should not be exists in 2022.Occupation of Mariupol.Mass murders of civilian people.Azovstal…..This man from Azovstal.Almoust 3 months they were in inhumane conditions.This man one of the Heroes.He was injured.Now he in captivity.But heroes have to be Free
