
You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you never be better than Ukrainian Shepard&hell

You can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard, but you never be better than Ukrainian Shepard…

P.S. I’m alive!

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Слава Україні!

My dear kittens and puppies, it might be my last post. But I do hope it’s not and I’ll come back to all of you. The situation right now is difficult. There’s no way now for me or my family to leave the country. My brother Victor was working in UK when the war started, we have no opportunity for now to meet or help each other. Bridges are ruined, Russia is firing by civil evacuating cars, trains, hospitals, houses, people. Yes. Everything’s burning. But we won’t give up! In my city already formed defense among militaries and civils. I’m staying with them. I never wanted war. I never wanted to kill Russians or anybody, I never wanted to make anyone suffer. But I will defense my home.

Thank to all of you! For your support, care, prays, thoughts about us. We had good time here in our safe Sims place. It was the best time. And let’s pray to meet up again.


Россияне! Если вы ещё фоловите мой блог, моя убедительная просьба - НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ Путину, НЕ ВЕРЬТЕ своему СМИ. Они вам лгут! Когда вы боролись за weddingsforeussia вы просили западных симмеров верить вам, тем людям, которые живут в России и лучше знают законы своей страны. Я прошу вас о том же, верьте нам, украинцам. Тем людям, которые прямо сейчас под обстрелом российских оккупантов. Именно так, оккупантов! Нет и никогда не было в Украине никаких фашистов против русского населения! Верьте мне! Я здесь родился и вырос, я - украинец. Я постоянно общался с русскими симмерами, я поддерживал их когда ЕА собиралась не выпускать на территории РФ последний набор. Я никогда не имел ненависти против какой-либо нации, расы, веры И я не один. Я отражаю настроение всей страны. Я повторяю, все, что вы видели, слышали или знали о “фашистах в Украине” это жирный и наглый фейк! Все, что вы видите по своим СМИ про войну России против Украины - ложь! Я не желаю Северной Кореи для России и я надеюсь у вас, русских, будет достаточно смелости и силы победить тоталитаризм!


Українці,@its-adrienpastel, якщо ти живий (Боже, я дуже сподіваюся що ти живий!) це наша земля. Я розумію, ніхто з нас не був готовий до збройного конфлікту. Я ніколи в житті не бачив та не тримав реальної зброї. Але такі часи, ми маємо допомоги тим супер-людям що зараз стримують натиск ворога. Ми не можемо бігти, тож нам залишається лише одне - битися та допомогати бійцям! Чим можна. Якщо дуже страшно - то не заважати нашим захисникам працювати, чекати та молитися у бомбосховищах, домівках. Я залишаюсь у Кривому Розі. Якщо почнуться відкриті бої я зроблю все можливе аби Україна вистояла. Боже, нехай вона вистоїть! Бо іншої нема.

З любов'ю до вас всіх, кошенятки та цуцики,

Ваш полтергейст,



I’m doing this tag just to make you know that I’m alive. Just mentally exhausted. Alas! The war’s still lasting. Here’s 5 Ukrainian music tracks I’ve listened a lot lately. 

Thanks@fuzzygranola for tagging me! I tag: @its-adrienpastel,@aniraklova,@goamazons,@glammoose and everyone else who wants to share their music list. 

My little prayer for the world is being made as I make this tiny doll corset in the colors of Ukrain

My little prayer for the world is being made as I make this tiny doll corset in the colors of Ukraine’s Flag.
It is not much in the scheme of the world but it is my hopes, fears and most of all love that I imbue it as I work. It’s a small thing but it’s something I can give to the world with my heart and my mind.
My sadness, fear, and outrage seeing the brave people of Ukraine have to face their Russian aggressor has been all consuming from the first moment the attack begun a few days ago. I’ve been consumed with watching the videos and news reports. My heart is breaking seeing Ukrainian families literally being torn apart, women and children fleeing for their lives while their husbands, sons and brothers remain behind to face Russian tanks even with nothing but their own bodies. I also recognize the absolute bravery of those Russian citizens facing brutality and prison to protest Putin’s madness inside Russia itself. I worry for all my BJD friends still in Ukraine as well as friends still in Russia who are all being subjected to Putin’s whims and madness.
I grew up in the Cold War, that fear we had about the threat of nuclear annihilation was always there hanging over our heads. And now it is there again, one madman’s ego deciding it all.
#istandwithUkraine #SupportUkraine
#Ukraine #HelpUkraine #StandWithUkraine #UkraineUnderAttack #StopRussianAggression

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Posted @withregram • @cbst_nyc Our hearts are with Ukraine today as the country and its people are u

Posted @withregram • @cbst_nyc Our hearts are with Ukraine today as the country and its people are under attack. Two things you can do right now to help Ukraine and its people:

Call/write to the White House and our elected officials to ask for immediate economic and humanitarian support to Ukraine:

☎️ ✍️ Senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm

☎️ ✍️ Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

☎️ ✍️ White House: https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/; tel: 202-456-1111

Donate to the Ukrainian military, medical and humanitarian assistance:

The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Anyone from any country can donate! The account is multi-currency. It is open for transfers of funds from international partners and donors, any person, and any Ukrainian business and citizens:

For donations in USD:
Account: 400807238
383 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10179
Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708

Or donations to:

US Ukrainian Activists: https://www.facebook.com/US.Ukrainian.Activists/

Hospitallers – https://www.facebook.com/hospitallers/posts/2953630548255167 (works directly on the frontline)

You can get the very latest live updates from The New York Times at this dedicated NYT page: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/02/24/world/russia-attacks-ukraine

CBST is grateful to Yelena Goltsman, CBST member and @RUSAlgbtq founder, for her expertise and suggestions right now, and for directing us to trusted, effective people doing the most important work right now.

#Ukraine #HelpUkraine #HowToHelpUkraine #UkraineToday #UkraineUnderAttack #PrayForUkraine #stoprussianaggression

Post link
 From Blood and Ash  You kow what it`s all aboutAgain redraw from old times About warAgain 

From Blood and Ash 

You kow what it`s all about
Again redraw from old times

About war


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 The sound of war The sound of horror

The sound of war 

The sound of horror

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The russian “soldiers” has destroyed the National Center for Plant Genetic Resources in Kharkiv.

  It was the only plant genetic bank in Ukraine. The bank stored more than 160,000 varieties and hybrids of plants from around the world.

  "I am sad to say that under hitler’s Germany, when the whole of Ukraine was under occupation, the Germans did not destroy this collection, but on the contrary, tried to save something because they knew that their descendants would need it. Since it is a question of food security of each country. Breeders from all over the world, all countries, including russia, ordered and received samples from this gene pool to create their own varieties adapted to the area, “said Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Serhiy Avramenko.


Horrifying rain of thermite from russian Grad 9M22S incendiary rockets. Thermite burns at 3,000 C - through metal. Ukraine’s troops are facing some of the most savage, barbarous weapons ever devised. There’s no excuse not to quickly supply them with weapons to fight back with.


Her name is Julia Paevska .Injured in combat, a champion of the Invictus Games, she was taken while saving children. And has been in #Putin’s hands for 70 days. The world must know and remember her name and demand her release: she is one of the faces of Ukraine under Zelensky
