#star wars humor


“my ideal self? tall. skinny. Talks slowly. Moves slowly. Bald. Lives on Kamino.”


god I love Mark Hamill so much [x]



*sung to the tune of “Cotton-Eye Joe”*

If it hadn’t been for avocado toast

I’d be homeowner long time ago

Where did you come from?

Where did you go?

Where did you come from avocado toast?

There goes Magic Dad again, trying to relate to the youth.




imagine watching Star Wars in theaters in 1977 and pointing at Darth Vader boarding a ship with Stormtroopers and then choking some guy, and exclaiming THAT’S CLEARLY JESUS CHRIST, THAT’S WHY I’M INTO THIS

Love Star Wars. Love the Bible. I love the story about how Jesus *checks notes* cut off his son’s hand.

remember when satan took jesus out into the desert for 40 days to tempt him and satan was like “hey murder these younglings” and then jesus murdered them and then john the baptist cut off his arms and legs
