#straight women

Hand-drawn (primarily) black & white image of two female-presenting, goth-punk rocker types. The

Hand-drawn (primarily) black & white image of two female-presenting, goth-punk rocker types.

The person on the left is is wearing a belt-buckle (in colour) that is the Red, Pink, & White Lesbian Pride Flag, and holding a sign that says, “Happy International Women’s’ Day to All My Sisters!!” The person on the right is wearing a round pin (in colour) in the Blue, Pink, and White of the Trans Pride Flag and holding a sign that says, “Not just my Cis-ters”.
Credit Art by Andi

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Honestly I’m really tired of people complaining about the fact that they are attracted to men. I don’t understand why you should ever have to apologize to people or justify why you are attracted to men ever. Being attracted to men isn’t something that should be shameful or wrong. This post isn’t to say that men don’t have issues, they have plenty. But to treat men as some large monolith and hive mind isn’t the best way to go about things. Men have a wide variety of different personalities and ways of viewing life based on their own experiences. We need to be a safe person for them to open up to and not someone that shuts them down or devalues them or their experiences as men. So to reiterate it is okay to be attracted to men and find them hot.


Fellow straight women in the United States: sex strike NOW. Dump your boyfriend. Refuse to hook up with ANYONE. Do not marry. Do not date. Not until Roe v. Wade is guaranteed in all 50 states. Make no mistake, ladies. Our reproductive rights and bodily autonomy are under attack, and for many of us, this will not end well. Women with ectopic pregnancies will go septic and die as their already-dead fetuses rot inside of them. Rape victims will be forced to give birth to their rapists’ babies. Women are going to die from medically-untrained butchers giving them dangerous back-alley abortions. Thousands of underage girls will become mothers to children that they can’t afford to care for, and don’t know how to do so either, for that matter. Not to mention all of the women (myself included) who absolutely hate idea of becoming mothers. They will be basically forced into it if they have sex with a man and end up pregnant from the encounter. Don’t think that women exist just to be walking baby incubators for men? Well then, it would appear that the government disagrees with you on that.

Let’s be real, here. Do you actually want to risk pregnancy under such conditions, anyway? Men only value women for what we can provide for them, and one of the biggest things we provide that men value the most is sex. The same way that capitalists value workers for their labor. When workers refuse to provide that labor until certain conditions are met, the employing company is left with the choice of either meeting their requests or losing valuable time and money without enough employees to work for them. Women can do the same. No sex or female companionship for men until our demands are met. Drop the men and use your vibrators or whatever instead.

I mean, shit. Most of them can’t find our clits with two hands and a map, anyway, lol. Tbh, I doubt most of us will be missing much of anything at all.
