#ace men



Where are my beautiful, precious, oppressed bois?

I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s like for you guys. Being seen as inherently hyper-sexual beings, just cuz “you’re men and that’s what all men are like/all men do”

That’s some load of BS

Whoever said that can go to the underground sauna

A-spec AMABs but not only: I see you.

You’re valid and appreciated and loved! A “man’s duty” is no longer based on what the ancient doctrines of patriarchy say. Honestly, fxck patriarchy.

Women are supposed to be prudes, men should always seek sexual contact blah-blah-blah

HOW ABOUT!!!! We let diversity spread and let people be who they want to be, do what they want to do with their lives? Eh?


Asexual men are fucking VALID AND I LOVE ALL OF YOU

Honestly I’m really tired of people complaining about the fact that they are attracted to men. I don’t understand why you should ever have to apologize to people or justify why you are attracted to men ever. Being attracted to men isn’t something that should be shameful or wrong. This post isn’t to say that men don’t have issues, they have plenty. But to treat men as some large monolith and hive mind isn’t the best way to go about things. Men have a wide variety of different personalities and ways of viewing life based on their own experiences. We need to be a safe person for them to open up to and not someone that shuts them down or devalues them or their experiences as men. So to reiterate it is okay to be attracted to men and find them hot.


Accepting asexuals means accepting demisexuals & gray aces & all the microlabels. There are many ways to be ace. None of this “but you aren’t really ace if”. If you can’t accept aces who defy your expectations of what it means to be ace, you’re not really accepting aces.

Btw, this also means ANY of your expectations. This means accepting Black aces. This means accepting all POC aces. This means accepting ace men. This means accepting nonbinary aces and trans aces. This means accepting older aces and younger aces.

This means accepting aces who don’t want sex just as much as you accept aces that are sexually active. This means accepting polyamorous aces. This means accepting aroaces and aces who are married. It’s an all or nothing deal. You don’t decide our experience; we do.
