

Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you Congressman @RickAllen!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 42% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

This is tweet number 412 mentioning Congress from @realdonaldtrump – 336 since inauguration.

Word probabilities: 85/14 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 8/91 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 37/62 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Tue Jan 5 13:18:24 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
coming (Trump, 4.2:1), working (Trump, 3.8:1), republican (Trump, 10.4:1), left (Trump, 2.5:1), hopefully (Trump, 2.3:1), thank (Other, 3.9:1), congressman (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 2, 'fear’: 1, 'trust’: 5, 'positive’: 3}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.5
