#study blog

15/03/2020 For at least the next three weeks my country is closed off. I don’t have to go to univers

15/03/2020 For at least the next three weeks my country is closed off. I don’t have to go to university, and schools, restaurants, gyms and bars are closed. There will probably be more measures soon. It definitely is an uncertain time, but I can stay in, do my work, read a lot of books and finally start writing again. I would prefer to see my friends at this moment and be able to actually start my new job at university tomorrow instead of having to work from home, but this is the situation now and I feel like we all just need to accept it. Make the best out of it, stay safe, and know that my inbox is always open if you want to have a chat!

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25/01/2020 After two months of no classes, having time to work on my thesis and being able to go to 25/01/2020 After two months of no classes, having time to work on my thesis and being able to go to

25/01/2020 After two months of no classes, having time to work on my thesis and being able to go to conferences and do other great things, it is time to start college again. The prospect of learning new things and being around my friends again every day makes me feel very happy!

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27/09/2019 I am not the biggest fan of all the traveling that I need to do in order to get to colleg

27/09/2019 I am not the biggest fan of all the traveling that I need to do in order to get to college, but on days like today it really is not that bad, sitting in the sun and reading my book while waiting for my next train to come. 

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27/09/2018Started my masters at another university. This means a new library to study in and being able to meet new wonderful people, so I could not be happier!

19/08/2019Today marks the start of my last week of holidays. Next week I will be starting my masters at a new university. I am really looking forward to it, but also quite nervous to be honest. But now I will enjoy one more week with plenty of time to read books!

08/07/2019 Last weekend I finished my Bachelors, and now I have a bit of time off to travel and read

08/07/2019 Last weekend I finished my Bachelors, and now I have a bit of time off to travel and read books before I start my Masters in Law and Technology. 

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Hello! I’m back after the Christmas break and feeling more motivated and productive. I was a little bit disappointed over the holidays because I didn’t make much time to study but I really got motivated these past few days (perhaps because of the looming deadlines…)

I decided to try a bullet journal this year and track my mental health as I’m trying to make sure that in 2020 I am healthy both physically and mentally.

It’s taken some time to decide that I’m going to really try hard this year to work on my self confidence and work on really loving myself as I am. I hope that 2020 brings you the love and peace you deserve.


Study time!

I’ve got a week off from school and exams starting in three weeks time. Time to start revising and studying everything.


Study discord server announcement!

Hello!! I know a lot of people are going back to school/college/university in the next few weeks. So I decided that I would make a discord server. A study group one!!

Here is why you should join:

  • There will be multiple voice channels and text channels to cater to anything you could need. Such as silent VCs and presentation ones.
  • You will be able to meet new people with similar interests to you!
  • Study in groups and get help on certain topics!
  • Learn new things by watching others practise their presentations. Or gain confidence in your own skills by presenting!
  • Get helpful links and websites that others have found to make your learning journey easier!
  • Help others!!
  • They are roles you can assign yourself to help things like pronouns, age and hobbies be clear to others. That way everyone is safe and kept comfortable.
  • There are chilled channels for when you need a break from studying; nobody should work themselves too hard!

With everyone going back to education after summer break I thought it would be a great idea! My friends and I create study groups a lot but I know a lot of people are unable to do so. But you are now!! There’s no pressure to chat in the discord; if you only wish to join a VC muted that is completely up to you :)

Everyone is welcome to join whether you be going into highschool, in the middle of highschool, going into higher education or in the middle of higher education. You’re all welcome!!

This post is a little different, I thought I’d share my target morning ‘routine’. I’ve been trying to have productive mornings for god knows how long and this is what I want them to look like:

  • Wake up & get ready: 6am
  • Cup of tea & write: 6:30am
  • Go for a walk/run: 7am
  • Clean up: 7:30/7:45am
  • Breakfast: 8am
  • Start work at 8:30am

This would be days where I don’t start college early. If i start college at 9am, it would look like this:

  • Wake up & get ready: 6am
  • Cup of tea and write: 6:45am
  • Clean up: 7:15am
  • Breakfast: 7:45am
  • Leave for the bus: 8:15am

I currently wake up anywhere between 9-11am, so it’s going to be a challenge. But we like challenges!!

First day back to sixth form:

Honestly, the first day back could’ve gone better. It was strange as my whole college is now a one way system and you have to wear masks in communal areas (basically just the corridors). You have to book slots for the library when you used to be able to just walk in freely.

However, my timetable isn’t all too bad as I have Wednesday off each week! I had psychology and photography today, we briefly went over what we did in lockdown and started circadian rhythms in psych. I’m excited for this year, hopefully I can book enough slots for each week in the library :)

Honestly one of my favourite feelings is finally grasping a concept that you’ve been struggling with for so long. There is nothing better

Doing a Ph.D. is a really scary thought. Especially in humanities and social sciences. Especially in today’s job market.

Here I’m going to speak a little about my approach to Ph.D. applications, why I chose to do what I did, and how I put it all together including examples.

1. The Doubt

After coming out of my Master’s degree, I already had a year of research set up, so I didn’t have to think about jobs like all of my friends I had made during that degree. I watched many of them struggle to find a job offer. Some were successful in attaining a job in Cultural Resource Management, a couple got smaller jobs in local museums, but for the most part it induced a lot of stress to have come out of a Master’s degree with no prospects.

How I imagined my future at that time: I knew I didn’t want to work in a museum, I knew I didn’t like Cultural Resource Management, I knew that after all this hard work I didn’t want to end up underpaid somewhere doing data entry.

A Ph.D. has always been something that I wanted. Ever since entering the Anthropology discipline, I imagined myself working towards becoming a Professor.

Here’s what I was told when I started to consider a Ph.D. Program:

  • “Don’t do it” (said by someone who already had her Ph.D.)
  • “I wish I had gone into something with more money, even after my Ph.D. its been difficult to find stable work”
  • “If you’re doing a Ph.D. in social sciences, ONLY go if you are fully funded, otherwise it is not worth the financial debt”
  • “Most people don’t get in their first try, that’s why people apply to 10+ schools”

Coming up with a plan: After hearing this, I came up with a couple different options. Plan A: Apply to Ph.D. programs, if I get into one my first try and it’s fully funded then I’ll do it. Plan B: Find a job in Environmental consulting, I could put my GIS experience to use, make some money, and then try again for a Ph.D. later down the road if I wanted. Plan C: Move to Japan and live out my weeb dreams (I’m part Japanese and have a lot of family there so this wasn’t as crazy as it sounds).

I was genuinely okay with any of these options. They all involve things that I enjoy, none of them are bad options, none of them would feel like “failure” if I ended up not getting into a program. I think this step is very important because it forces you to figure out what you care about, and allows you to be open to change if plan A doesn’t work out.

2. Choosing a Program to Apply to

I knew that I didn’t just want to apply anywhere. Getting a job outside of a PhD is already hard enough, and I wanted the school that I chose to reflect the work that I would put into it. As much as we want to think that name brands don’t matter when it comes to education, it sure as heck does help when it comes to opportunity and being selected amongst 100′s to 1000′s of applicants. Therefore, why not shoot for the stars? What’s the harm in trying. For this reason, I decided to only apply to schools that:

  1. Had a prestigious name
  2. Had a program that supported what I wanted to study and allowed for cross-disciplinary research (Digital Archaeology focused on SE Asia)
  3. Had an advisor that had done research paralleled to mine (whether that included SE Asia or just Digital Archaeology in general).

I started research into programs with the Ivies and went down from there, also cross-comparing programs that had been ranked as best schools for studying Anthropology.

At the time of researching, the programs that stood out the most to me were:

  • Stanford (ideal because it was close-ish to home, fully funds their Phd students for 5 years, has opportunity for additional funding, had professor working with digital archaeology in Asia)
  • Harvard (had professor working in Digital Archaeology though it wasn’t in my preferred region, also has good funding, and its Harvard)
  • U Chicago (traditionally one of the top schools for Anthropology, however I had heard that a lot of this is because of “legacy” professors, and not much has come out of the department in recent years. Did not have someone specifically in my region of focus)
  • ASU (Also considered one of the top Anthropology schools, but funding is often fought for between students)
  • UC Berkeley (Had professors studying Asia, but it is a public school and also has limited guaranteed funding)

I sent e-mails to advisors that I thought I could support my research (this was probably around May, when applications are due Sep-Dec).

  • Hello Professor______,
  • My name is _______ and I am interested in applying to ________’s Doctoral program in Archaeology beginning in the fall of 2020. I would like to inquire whether you are accepting graduate students for this period, as my research interests align well with your research. I received my B.A. in __________ from _________ in 2017 and am currently _______. [Enter what you’re doing now, and any relevant experience that shows what you’re interested in researching]. [Enter something about their research, and why you’re interested in working with them/why you think you would work well with them]. I am eager to continue along this path and I feel as though your experience with _______could provide an interesting opportunity for future research. I would also be interested in working with [enter any other faculty that have similar interests, this shows that you’ve done some research into the program and the school in general] For your convenience, I have attached my CV here. If you have the time, I would appreciate the opportunity to speak with you further about the program and future research.
  • Best,
  • Full name

I also researched the financial aid provided to incoming Ph.D. students. After doing this, the only schools that sounded good to me were Stanford and Harvard.

Yeah, I know, only applying to Stanford and Harvard was a “big risk,” but this is how I thought about it:

  • I don’t want to commit to a Phd program for 5+ years if it’s not fully funded, doesn’t have a big name, and isn’t going to guarantee opportunity after graduating.
  • I wanted an environment where I knew I could be happy under immense amounts of pressure  (California by family, Boston by friends).
  • If I didn’t get in, I had back up options that honestly sounded really fun to me, so I was okay with pursuing those instead.
  • I didn’t want a Ph.D. just to have a Ph.D., I wanted a degree that would set me apart from others so that I could give myself the best chance for success afterward. I wanted one that, if pursued, could lead me to become a professor.

So I applied to 2 Schools.

I got scolded for this by many people… but whatever…I got in, so ha. Why spend money and time on an application for a school that you don’t really want to go to? :P

3. Applying to a Program

What an application looks like:

1. At least 3 recommendation letters:

Mine were:

  • Undergraduate Anthropology Advisor who has been helping me throughout the years with grant applications, etc. She knows me well, can speak well to my accomplishments. She is also a very well decorated anthropologist.
  • Undergraduate Professor of Geography who can speak to my GIS coursework. I’ve been updating him with my whereabouts and successes since graduating, so we have kept in touch regularly since taking his course.
  • My Master’s dissertation advisor (he stressed me out submitting his letter 3 hours before the deadline >:| )

It’s good to have your recommendation letters come from people within the academic world. These people can write on your ability to achieve your research goals, your drive, etc. It’s okay to have maybe one letter from a workplace environment, however, it’s best to get as much street cred as you can from these letters, and this comes from Professors that know what they’re doing.

2. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.): This is important because it shows everything you’ve accomplished up to this point. This is how mine was set up:

  • Full Name, Current Position, Email, Phone Number
  • Education: University Name, City, Degree in ____
  • Publications: In Edited Volumes, Journal Articles, Manuscripts in Preparation
  • Conference and Workshop Participation: Papers, Presentations
  • Grants, Awards, and Fellowships:
  • Research Experience: Project Roles, Fieldwork
  • Teaching Experience
  • Additional Employment History
  • Leadership and Extracurriculars
  • Skills/Languages

A C.V. is a list of EVERYTHING you’ve done in your career, unlike a resume which is tailored to the specific job that you’re applying to. If you’d like a specific example, send me a DM. 

3. Personal Statement: This is where you tell them why you want to be there and what makes you qualified. Why should they consider you?

Personal Statement Example

      1st paragraph, introduce the program and your research interests: I am applying to _____ for admission to the Ph.D. program in Anthropology with a focus in Archaeology. My research interests are to explore [the consequences of ….. on the environment and human responses to environmental change] in [region of the world], and how these actions of the past can be visualized through the use of remote sensing and GIS applications to archaeology.

      2nd paragraph, why you’re interested in what you’re doing: I learned the value of digital applications in archaeology through my undergraduate and master’s degree. [Digital archaeology] is appealing to me because [………]. I first became interested in [example of why you’re interested in the topic/what inspires you].  After witnessing this, I began to seek out opportunities to partake in similar research.

    3rd and 4th paragraph, what makes you qualified to pursue this degree?: I have many research experiences that qualify my pursuit of a Ph.D. dedicated to using digital methods in Anthropological research. [Talk about your undergrad experience, do some name-dropping of professors you’ve worked with], [why did these experiences inspire you to take the next step?], [how are you where you are now because of them?]

   5th paragraph, what are you doing now?

   6th paragraph, why this school in particular?: This is where you name drop the professor you are interested in working with, talk about how their research aligns well with yours by mentioning specific things that they’ve done such as theoretical approaches. What are you interested in doing that would fit well within this program? Are there any facilities on campus that you are particularly eager to work with? Show that you’ve done your research.

   7th paragraph, what do you plan to do after you get your Ph.D. from this institution?: With goals of continuing archaeological research in ________ and expanding off the networks that I have established in _______, ________’s doctoral program in Anthropology is the ideal match to further my career as a Digital/Landscape Archaeologist. The Ph.D. in Anthropology at _______ allows for _________[reasons why you like the program]. Ultimately, my postgraduate goals are to remain in academia by continuing research and gaining a university faculty position. My foundation in archaeology gained in my undergraduate, graduate, and ______experiences have equipped me with a unique set of abilities to offer to ______’s Anthropology graduate program, and I look forward to the opportunity to exchange ideas with faculty and students alike.

Have your resume and statement looked over by as many eyes as you possibly can. It took me a good 6-10 revisions before settling on something that I liked.

4.Let the professors that you’ve been in contact with know

This puts you at the front of their minds when application review comes around. They’ll be like “oh yeah, this person messaged me about this.”

I hadn’t spoken to the professors that I reached out to since those first few exchanges back in May, so sending this message was very valuable to remind them of my existence.

This email can be as simple as: Hi Professor ____, I hope you have been well since we last spoke. I am writing to inform you that I have submitted my application to _______. Since our last chat I’ve been [whatever you’re up to now that’s relevant]. I look forward to hearing from _____ soon. Best, Me.

5. Productive Waiting

Yay, you’ve submitted! That was hard, but you made it through. Time to start diving into those other plans you’ve been thinking about. What will you do if you get into your top school? What will you do if you don’t get into your top, but you do get into your 2nd or 3rd choice? What if you don’t get into any of them?

Remember that none of these options are bad, and in this world, you have to be open to change and welcome it. A Ph.D. is a really long commitment, and it doesn’t have to happen right away.

If you get in, accept only if:

  • It has the research you’re looking for
  • It has an advisor that’s supportive of what you’re doing
  • It’s transparent about what it offers its students
  • The current students are happy with the culture of the program and quality of life
  • The location is something you’re comfortable with (for me having family nearby was a very important factor)
  • The money you are offered is enough to live the lifestyle you need to maintain good mental health
  • There is an opportunity for networking and expansion of your research outside of the university

As always, feel free to reach out with any questions at @aal.archaeology on Instagram or DM here! I’m happy to share my documents with you.

Happy writing!

